A Self Sufficient Community
#558160 - 02/21/02 02:40 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Greetings all!
Well.. I have been quite busy lately with life and all, you know how it is. But myself and several others have been planning to start a community that is 100% self sufficient. When? Probably around January next year.
Where? Nothing is set in stone right now but we have been thinking the Appalachian Mountains in the West Virginia area, or perhaps farther out west, Coloradoish.
All are invited to come live in this community, but there are several rules to follow.
1. You must have a job that contributes to the good of the rest of the community.
2. You must dedicate yourself to the benefit of the others in the community first and foremost.
3. Love and acceptance is the number one priority of all beings.
The concept of this community is a simple one. It is a service-to-other envrionment. Meaning that everyone takes care of everyone else, so that everyone's needs are taken care of.
There will be no money in this society. There will be no need for it. Everyone's basic needs will be completely taken care of (Food, Shelter, Health Care, Schooling, etc.) so long as they contribute to the community. Any material possessions that you want can be obtained through a sophisticated barter system.
There will be many specific jobs in this community, and everyone will find their particular niche in this environment. Some of the jobs include:
- Farmers (Growing and tending for crops)
- Cooks
- Builders
- Healers (Accupunturists, Lightworkers, Holistic Healing, herbal healing, etc)
- Teachers (Spiritual, Science, and so on)
- Mediators (These people will ensure that things remain fair, and will also be used as a neutral stance for arguments and such)
- Counselers (Therapist type people for people to come to just to talk about their problems or whatever they want)
Those are the 7 main jobs, of course there are more jobs but these compose the bulk of the community.
All people are equal. There is no person who ranks higher than another, and no one person has complete power. There will be a council of 7 people who will be chosen by the citizens of the community for their integrity, wisdom, fairness, and such. This council will handle the larger issues of the community. (Such as dealing with other outside communities, they are considered the representatives of the community) They will have no power over the citizens other than the power to kick a person out of the community if they deem them to be deliberately causing trouble or bringing negative vibrations to the group. Everyone will be treated with the utmost respect, acceptance and love, and no one will be kicked out except under the most extreme circumstances.
Power will be free and available to everyone.
Food is free and available to everyone.
Everyone will recieve an apartment according to the size of their group (Free)
Well.. that's the basics. Of course there will be an initial starting cost for supplies/land etc. Everyone is encouraged to bring anything they can that will help. We will be allied with many other communities that are similar to ours, communication and trade between different service-to-other communities is highly encouraged.
Anyone who is only concerned for their own well being and no one elses is not invited. If you fall under this category and show up, expect to be kicked out into the cold, dark woods. With no sympathy. The only requirement to join is that you have chosen to be a service-to-other. Service-To-Other beings take care of other beings that are service-to-other. We take care of each other. We do not help the Service-To-Self beings at all, since they have chosen to be on their own, they will only help themselves and do not care about the rest of the community.
This is a community centered in Love and Light. No fear based beings who use deception or intimidation as their primary tactics will be allowed to enter.
Well, that covers the basics. If you are interested or have any questions feel free. This is a collective effort between many people, so all ideas are considered. We will work out all the details as time goes on.
Love and Light
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ]
#558244 - 02/21/02 07:00 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
How big would these self-sufficient communities be? And what level of technology would they have?
Anywhere from 30-1,000 people. Although more could be accomodated. And the technology level is very high for some things. The power source is very high-tech. (Nikola Tesla style perpetual energy) Details are not allowed to be divulged at this time pertaining to that however.
Basically a lot of technology will be used, but no technology that damages the environment or goes against nature will be used. Only that which cooperates with nature, such as recyclable energy.
Edited by Shroomism (02/21/02 07:33 AM)
Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ]
#558291 - 02/21/02 08:25 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
This is a noble idea. I don't mean to be negative, but it is worthwhile to look at Ananda, the only surviving commune from the 60s. They are based on Paramahansa's spiritual teachings that are very much service to others.
They have spent millions fighting the Self-Realization Fellowship, a group from which they splintered, for the rights to Yogananda's writings. Recently the "celibate monk" Swami Kriyanada was forced to leave the country for using his position of leadership for sexual exploitation.
The vacuum created by his departure has brought up many internal power struggles.
My point is that even people who dedicate their lives to meditation and service still have huge egos and the same types of friction and problems exist among it's members as in society-at-large.
After 34 years as a successful community, their population is a mere 300 people. Obviously this model is not widely accepted as the Utopia it was designed to be.
Good luck in avoiding the mistakes that every other community experiment has made.
The proof is in the pudding.
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Swami]
#558318 - 02/21/02 08:54 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
> My point is that even people who dedicate their lives to meditation and
> service still have huge egos and the same types of friction and problems
> exist among it's members as in society-at-large.
This is true with zen monks as well. I think it comes from the idea that a person is either enlightened or not. If a person is enlightened, then they are somehow better than the rest of us. This simply is not true.
My experience has been that enlightenment is a momentary state of mind. If you are enlightened, then you don't know it... the state of mind wont allow it. If you think you are enlightened, then obviously you are not.
Huge or small, the ego is a tricky beast to tame.
Back to the community, have you considered moving somewhere outside of the US? There are some places left in the world that aren't policed by draconian governments... places that still believe in freedom, places that wont toss you in jail for the rest of your life because you were growing a plant which God provided or eating a cactus for guidance like your ancestors for thousands of years have done...
-------------------- Just another spore in the wind.
p_g monocle

Registered: 04/13/01
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ]
#558344 - 02/21/02 09:19 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
-------------------- my tax dollars going to more hits of acid for charles manson
Edited by Lallafa (03/04/10 12:09 PM)
Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Swami]
#558362 - 02/21/02 09:40 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Sex is encouraged between two lovers. It is healthy.
Good luck in avoiding the mistakes that every other community experiment has made.
Thank you. Whatever problems we may run into will be considered a learning experience, not something to use as guilt or to gain power.
May the force be with us.
Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Lallafa]
#558364 - 02/21/02 09:43 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
them there communes dont seems to work with ole capitalism about
Capitalism will be obsolete and will not last any longer than ten years. You can quote me on that one.
Edited by Shroomism (02/21/02 09:43 AM)
Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Seuss]
#558372 - 02/21/02 09:46 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Back to the community, have you considered moving somewhere outside of the US? There are some places left in the world that aren't policed by draconian governments... places that still believe in freedom, places that wont toss you in jail for the rest of your life because you were growing a plant which God provided or eating a cactus for guidance like your ancestors for thousands of years have done...
We are not concerned with the government at all. They are for the most part service-to-self, greedy power hungry mongers. If it becomes an issue we will go to Canada.
p_g monocle

Registered: 04/13/01
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community *DELETED* [Re: ]
#558379 - 02/21/02 09:53 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Post deleted by LallafaReason for deletion: d
-------------------- my tax dollars going to more hits of acid for charles manson
p_g monocle

Registered: 04/13/01
Posts: 2,598
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ]
#558382 - 02/21/02 09:56 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
-------------------- my tax dollars going to more hits of acid for charles manson
Edited by Lallafa (03/04/10 12:09 PM)
Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Lallafa]
#558391 - 02/21/02 10:04 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
what happened to the service to self peoples?
you arent going to rid the world of capitalism without a fight to the death.
the capitalists have guns, tanks, bombs, and hundreds of thousands of troops ready for war. what do your communes have?
Peace, no guns, no tanks, no bombs, and no troops. They will either blow themselves up first or be killed by the tidal waves and whatnot. If they see it coming they will escape to their little underground city in Mt. Weather and emerge a year later to find they have no tanks, no guns, no bombs, no troops, and no power.
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ]
#558412 - 02/21/02 10:22 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Hate to tell ya but my government with all our guns, tanks, bombs, etc will fuck you hippies up 10 out of 10 times. And i'm just curious how u know about all these tidal waves and whatnot and the rest of us don't seem to know jack. And if your idea is so good how come no one else has thought of something so simple and if they have how come the rest of us seem to be running the show?
-------------------- What the fuck, lets give it a try!
Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ncshroomer]
#558422 - 02/21/02 10:38 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Why don't you wait and see for yourself?
Guns are for pussies.
Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Seuss]
#558427 - 02/21/02 10:44 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
There are some places left in the world that aren't policed by draconian governments... places that still believe in freedom, places that wont toss you in jail for the rest of your life because you were growing a plant...
At this date growing marijuana is illegal in every single country on earth.
Please post these idyllic locations where man can be free.
The proof is in the pudding.
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ncshroomer]
#558431 - 02/21/02 10:48 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
well, atleast it seems you're trustworthy.
-------------------- I'm praying for infinite lapdances in heaven and an infinite supply of cocaine to snort out of Angelina Jolie's ass crack.
Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Swami]
#558434 - 02/21/02 10:50 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
one of my teachers told me it was legal to grow up to ten plants in australia i'm not too sure about that but it could be. shroomism once you get this going could some of us stop by for a weeks stay to see what it's like and decide from there on to move in or what? cos i don't think many of us have experienced life like that and better than having people go into a situation that they have never lived in they can get a small taste of it and go on it from there but i gotta say it sounds like a good idea. another thing is there an age restriction? say teens? but i doubt it since you said there wont be any regard for the law and that's the way it should be good luck on this venture and hope to see you sometime in the near future
Eggshell Walker

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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ]
#558445 - 02/21/02 10:56 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
No fear based beings who use deception or intimidation as their primary tactics will be allowed to enter.
I have never met a person who wasn't fear-based. From George Bush to my next-door neighbor...
So one must be enlightened to enter a community to bring about enlightenment?
What type of filter are you going to use? A person or commity will decide? Then already power has reared it's ugly head. No way around that.
The proof is in the pudding.
Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: ]
#558451 - 02/21/02 11:04 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Sex is encouraged between two lovers.
That statement already scares me. Who is to be the one to encourage or discourage anything? Ah, a leader, means all are not equal. If it is a document, then a legal system will arise as to it's interpretation. Then some sort of police are need to enforce the rules. Sound familiar?
A community is chaos-in-action. The smallest perturbation will send it spinning off in a direction never foreseen.
The proof is in the pudding.
Registered: 09/22/00
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Re: A Self Sufficient Community [Re: Lallafa]
#558454 - 02/21/02 11:06 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I don't believe he meant to take on the capitalist societies and defeat them in some military fashion. He probably meant that capitalism will rot upon itself or come to doom through some indirect means. Something I consider unlikely to happen, especially in less than 2 years. Capitalism has had influence from the times of Babylon and it will be around for a while just yet.
About the commune though, it was said that it would have the highest level of technology but I wonder how are they going to acquire this technology or even them means to utilize it? Will you be producers of this technology(and text books for learning as well) or will you somehow have cash on hand to deal with the outside world or will you try to barter with them? I'm curious to see how a technological advanced society would survive w/o being a producer of it's own supplies.
Another thing I would like to address is that the point that this society will not care or be involved with the American society at large and therefore does not necessarily have to move to another country with less draconian governments. That's fine. What happens however when a nearby community feels threatened by your unorthodox methods and appeals to some go vernment authority who takes it upon themselves to correct this "problem." What happens when the government wants you to do as they say and not as you dream? The government doesn't care if you're seperate. To them you live within the borders of what is defined as the United States of America and are subject to its laws. The American Indians never believed themselves to be subject to our government and they were herded onto useless tracts of land.
Not to be a pessimist though. Actually I hope it does work out despite all the forces working against it. Best of luck
-------------------- Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?