Welcome to the Shroomery!

We help spread accurate information about magic mushrooms so people can make informed decisions about what they put in their bodies. You can learn about the effects of shrooms and read trip reports, find out how to grow mushrooms and get mushroom recipes, browse through the gallery and hang out on our message board, or check out the site map for everything the Shroomery has to offer.

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Cannabis farm in Thailand catches fire, sends nearby residents into laughing fit
Recreational cannabis could soon to be legalised in Switzerland
Federal Court Rejects Washington Doctor’s Effort To Legally Access Psilocybin For End-Of-Life Patient Care
FDA Grants Fast-Track Designation To Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome Drug
Russia detains a US citizen at Moscow airport on drug smuggling charges, Mash says
Mississippi House Votes to Restrict Kratom
[NM] Medical Psilocybin bill shown unanimous support
‘I’m just a seeker’: The Sydney mum who spent a year sampling psychedelics

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