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    #340950 - 06/14/01 08:17 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

I've noticed that a lot of people who have experienced " a presence in the room", or " a being of light " automatically assume that it is an alien from another planet. I wonder why people think that way. There is much more lore suggesting that " inorganic " beings live all around us, sharing this earth with us. Perhaps the alien thinking feels safer for most people. It certainly keeps the relationship more at a distance!


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Love of Life
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Re: Aliens [Re: sidhemuse]
    #341005 - 06/14/01 09:48 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

All the alien from another planet bs is mainly television, movies and the media. Where else would it come from? =)

Try to understand one another.

Evolution of Time.

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Re: Aliens [Re: Droz]
    #341059 - 06/14/01 11:05 PM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Mmm... well, there are other sentient beings here, with us. However, they did not originate from this planet, thus they are alien. My understanding is still very vague, but Shroomism will be able to answer this question better.
I will say this though: when the "entity" tells you through telepathy that it is from Zeta Reticuli, you tend to think that it is an extra-terrestrial.

Thoughts follow my vision and dance in the sun

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Re: Aliens [Re: sidhemuse]
    #341163 - 06/15/01 01:18 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Read some Whitley Striber instead of Carlos Castenada!

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Re: Aliens [Re: sidhemuse]
    #341220 - 06/15/01 03:52 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

I think the posibilitie of aliens on earth is low but wether they are watching us from afar is a different matter and even if it isn't aliens i still think the government is hiding somthing hehe

Were all a little mad.

Were all a little mad.

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Re: Aliens [Re: Droz]
    #341318 - 06/15/01 08:42 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Droz I like to call the media and such "man made weather". It's all bs.

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Re: Aliens [Re: ]
    #341387 - 06/15/01 10:49 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Yeah, I've read all of Striber and Castenadas stuff. Once in a Magical Universe interview Whitley was asked who has the best grasp on the alien issue, and he replied, " The Faery Wiccans." I don't claim to know more than others, I'm to busy wondering. The Faeries often times look like aliens, and they will tell you anything; known for tricks and riddles. The Tuatha De Danann were said to have come from somwhere else, but I'm talking about the elementals.
Oh, and yes, I am mad, but not nearly as mad as those stuck in the mundania box, living like the perfect little automatons they are.


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Re: Aliens [Re: Scarface]
    #341397 - 06/15/01 11:00 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Well the thing i was trying to explain was the little green men that is in peoples minds. That whole image of the alien is all from the media. Those people near area 51 who believe so much in aliens, i think the government has something to do with that.

What i think about things not from this planet? Who really knows. The only thing i see in close to alien is the human race. Our bodies may be similar to other animals, but we head in a totally different direction. Anyone else see this?

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Re: Aliens [Re: Droz]
    #341406 - 06/15/01 11:17 AM (23 years, 8 months ago)

Yeah, I know what you mean. I've often wondered if we aren't from somewhere else originally. This planet got the shortest straw!


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Re: Aliens [Re: Droz]
    #341761 - 06/15/01 07:39 PM (23 years, 7 months ago)

Culture is really all that seperates us from other animals but underlying all that we have created and despite sometimes believing we have alot of control of our destiny as a race we are still biological entities at mercy to the same factors as all other lifeforms e.g disease, death ect

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Re: Aliens [Re: missulena]
    #341786 - 06/15/01 08:31 PM (23 years, 7 months ago)

You don't see any other animals out there cutting down all the forests so they can build just one more residential complex, and just one more gold course. You don't see any other animals out there drilling every last bit of oil so they can run thier cars and making millions while doing it. Technology makes people think that we are so advanced. But we aren't advanced at all, only our machines that we have created.

So what caused us to become these tool users?

Try to understand one another.

Evolution of Time.

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Re: Aliens [Re: Droz]
    #341892 - 06/15/01 11:18 PM (23 years, 7 months ago)

Many mammals use tools, some birds do and it is true that every living organism is out for itself in other words is selfish its called natural selection survival of the fittest and being kind doesnt always help an organisms chances of survival but humans are fairly unique in that a growing number of people probably like yourself have compassion for other living organism even when there is no selective benefits to be compassionate and kind to other creatures. I do believe humans have a massive responsibility though

Edited by missulena on 06/16/01 01:20 AM.

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Registered: 05/12/01
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Re: Aliens [Re: sidhemuse]
    #342122 - 06/16/01 10:59 AM (23 years, 7 months ago)

I had a dream.....
Avery strange dream indeed. Its quite hard to describe cuz more than anything it was conceptual moreso than visual. It fell on the lines of humanity shown by a sort of pie chart, lines from side to the other, diameter, represented extremes:
of sex, male----female.....of race, black----white, not limited to these two but a rather extensive criss cross of variables.Along with this was an ever shrinking series of circles within the main circle,a gradual ratcheting inward of these circles pulling inward to a focal point in the center. After much analyzation of this dream it seemed to give the aire of Mckenna's (others?) of some sort of attracting force at the end of time, our lives being drawn in a paticular direction by some great attracting force, certain substances and practices reveal this to us. Along with some strange time factors i now what I came up with what seemed to be ourselvesat either the end of time or the begining, seemed to be the same?
'The Greys' (aka aliens) semed to be at the center of the circle, the extreme of evoluiton, sexes blending as one....races blending as one, hieghtend telepethy and fading of language, and eventually the loss of need for physical body alltogether. The Greys simply seemed to be us calling to us as what will be giving information and suble hints how to eventually get there, if we listen and don't fuck ourselves we will....the main message is harmony, love, unity, peace ect. ect. any successfull alien chaser will tell you that....even mainsteam....the final X-files....Mulder, Scully, new baby....thats where successful alien hunters will find themselves so dont ever bother to beat your head against the wall too long, just read it, the writting is there......
Peace & Out

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Re: Aliens [Re: sidhemuse]
    #344824 - 06/19/01 11:57 PM (23 years, 7 months ago)

Sure...not all beings of light or whatever are "aliens" per se..
There are many races of intelligent life that live right here on Earth with us.
There are the snakelike creatures, who evolved from dinosaurs, and they are not allowed to interact with humans.
There are dolphins...I'm sure you've heard of them. Dolphins are here to help us, and they are much more higher evolved than we are, not to mention much more intelligent. But we ignore this fact because of our obvious differences..and some would say "well if dolphins are so smart why don't they have any technology?" Well the point is dolphins don't have any technology BECAUSE they are so smart.
And of course there are several races of "beings" that exist here on Earth in various places..such as the bottom of the ocean. But they did not originate here, they came here from another place.
The fact is, even dolphins are aliens. They come from a planet in the Sirius system. (There are two suns in Sirius)
They came to Earth the same time humans were put here in the ocean, in cocoons, to care for humans. You see, Earth was once a unhospitable planet...Humans lived on Venus, Mars, and Maldek (The planet that we destroyed....now known as the asteroid belt) Mars was almost destroyed the same way (Setting off nuclear bombs on top of pyramids to find the ultimate weapon)
Sorry I'm getting off the subject here. Well the fact is, no intelligent being on Earth has always been here. Everyone on this planet is in some way or another descendants of various alien races..specifically the ones that come from Sirius, Lyra, Alpha Centauri, and the Pleiades. They are our siblings and ancestors. Zeta Reticuli beings are very similar to Earth beings, only a few thousand years in the future.
People say alien because that is the most convenient word available, and it is familiar. I find when I say "celestial being" or "otherworldy entity" it either confuses people, or something similar.
There's another catch though...a good 70% of the time, when someone is being visited by a "being" it is not another being from another planet. It is in fact themselves, in the future, who have come to visit their past self to give them advice and such. If you had access to a time machine wouldn't you go visit one of your past lives in the 1700's?
Well, right now, as it is.. the word alien is a good thing. It gets people used to the idea of intelligent life besides humans. Which is what we need...soon, very soon indeed, we will conduct our daily lives with these "aliens" they will become a part of our daily interactions.
Heh, it's so funny to watch this Seti stuff....they are blasting radio waves into space expecting aliens to respond to them by OUR means of communication. HA. Aliens got rid of radio waves millions of years ago, that a primitive form of communication. That's like sending smoke signals to NASA expecting a response.
People need to realize that aliens arent going to make some grand entrance by landing spaceships in the middle of the superbowl and announcing their presence. Aliens are not coming to our reality...we are slowly entering theirs.
It is then we will realize that aliens are not just going to appear.. They have been here all along, we just haven't realized it.

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