You know, I see alot of complaints about the world in here. Some are pretty accurate descriptions. Some aren't. But the key here is that they are DESCRIPTIONS. Where's the fix, the HOW, the prescription for the ailment, the cure???? Where is that?
Bitching enough about a situation doesn't fix it. It just makes it worse. How do you expect the multimillionaire who can't wait for that bigger and/or better multimedia system to come out so he can be the first to buy it to just "all-of-a-sudden" become enlightened? There will only be a few Siddhartha Gautamas, the rest are lifers. Throwing a handful of acid into the city's drinking water isn't going to help either. Most of us weren't buying into the game in the first place (hence WHY we took our first hit), so psychedelics might not (in my exp., DO NOT) work for everyone. If one is not open to the new set of neural firings, they will just flip out and do stupid shit like "trying to fly" or "peeling off their citrus skin".
Education hasn't worked completely yet. The university system is a joke. Memorize this for the test. Get good grade on test. Forget material. Memorize this for this test. Get good grade on test. Get Degree. Get Job. Know nothing but your job. What happened to genuine attainment of knowledge? It's not really even rewarded anymore. If I had it my way, we'd each be given a personal master (of whatever you want to know) who would be much like a buddhist monk in that they do not teach the methodologies alone, they help you find it our for yourself....true learning. Of course, this would be economically impossible. So, either leave the system alone or take an elitist point of view and give it my way to a few. I say leave it for now. But pass along the spiritual wealth to everyone you encounter (who is capable of recieving the info).
So, here is my HOW, in brief: make sure what you know is as correct as you can get it, pass it along (in a non-pseudointellectual way), and be open to feedback. If someone has a different view, listen to it, but don't tell them that they are wrong, just tell them yours and be done with it. And, MOST IMPORTANTLY, don't be afraid to be corrected... it's the best way to learn.
no end
-------------------- Note: In desperate need of a cure...
I've been "home schooled" all my life =). the cool thing is that my mom kinda just let me live and learn, there was no set curriculum or anything like that. thats cause she always knew that making someone do something most likely wont work out to well, and that I would learn what I want, when I want, and I thank her from the depths of my heart for that freedom. the point is that all kids learn at different paces and the way our education system makes kids learn at a set speed is fucked up. another thing is that if you lag behind or are bored by all the facts and all the other useless crizap they try and make you learn, you'll get looked down on. like someone who's failing or is just not wanting to learn something they teach in school deserves to be treated inferior or incompetent. it's BS in its fullist.
f man f, too many problems too little time. but I'm tryin.
Here's a couple of good books on this subject:
How children learn~ by John Holt. And, How children fail~ by John Holt.
Peace yallz... keep the faith...
By the way, good post sclorch, I couldint agree more.
Edited by ~`Tursiops truncatus`~ on 06/01/01 04:25 AM.