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#499665 - 12/23/01 09:29 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
by the way, i didn't read that because i don't respect people with socks.
merry christmas.
-------------------- *user out of date*
the only pms pants gets:

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#499691 - 12/23/01 10:23 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I've always thought that spore prices were outrageous. But that goes with the territory when your dealing with "fringe".
The only thing that bothers me is, if anno could succesfully sell prints for such a low price, why can't the other vendors do it? (taking into account anno didn't quit because he wasn't making money, but he didn't have the time to fill all the orders he was receiving)
-------------------- Vote Jonnyshaggs in the next election for GOD...Its the responsible choice
Ryche Hawk
A Messenger

Registered: 03/01/01
Posts: 2,112
#499712 - 12/23/01 10:51 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Hey Psilocyber, Workman,
I noticed you guys weren't at the Spore Vendor Board meeting this week in Honolulu.
Did you guys get the memo my secretary sent over?
Were all going to pretend were out of Ecuador spores for a month.
And were going to post great pictures of them during that period.
When everybodies interest are peaked, were all going to bring them back
at $20 a syringe !
-------------------- -Peace-
High Quality MUSHROOM SPORES and CULTURES for microscopy at www.muShrooms.com
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Anti-Theist OVERLORD

Registered: 08/12/98
Posts: 10,017
Loc: Iceland
Have people ever considered that there is no price fixing, rather that if they go much cheaper it becomes very little profit thus it would be hard to justify running these spore business?
It seems to me we don't argue that most jugs of milk cost the same in the grocery store, its a matter of competition amongst the vendors has the prices at an acceptable level that they all feel happy at, and they all know that going much lower will only hurt themselves...
Take some business classes, this is pretty common sense stuff...
And if you noticed this 1st post by 'whistle blower' comes the day after mcman/nushroom's puppets were both banned, so lets just do the math, this post reaks of nushroom...
Very gutsy to use sock puppets, I think you are all pathetic people who can't even admit to who you are....
Anti-Theist OVERLORD

Registered: 08/12/98
Posts: 10,017
Loc: Iceland
#499720 - 12/23/01 11:00 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Don't forget Ryche, you pay me off, so I'll see you in Honolulu next month as per usual..
By the way I didn't recieve the latest $10,000 check for this month, is it delayed in the mail?

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#499732 - 12/23/01 11:13 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
And also in a business class one would learn the concept of Business ethics. The prices are high, because people will pay that price. The more profit the better. Even if prices were say 50% lower the profit margin would still be very good. How can I assume this? Well because there are vendors that succesfully have done this in the past, and still do in the present.
And your milk anaology.....At one grocery store someone might pay 3.29 (the going rate around here) at a military commissary one would pay about 3.19. And yet at a gas station/convenience store one can expect to pay anywhere from 3.49 to 3.89 a gallon. Its all the same milk, its the vendor that jacks the price for his/her own benefit.
There are a few vendors (not just spore vendors) that care about the community, and thus price to get the product out to the people. Then there are others that care about the bottom line profit. Which is what business is about, I can't argue that point. But I can't say I agree with it either.
Disclaimer: These are the opinions of an individual, not to be taken as a general veiw of public opinion. These are the opinions of an individual, not those of a sock puppet. These are the opinions of someone that seeks to see resolution, not slander and harsh bickering.
-------------------- Vote Jonnyshaggs in the next election for GOD...Its the responsible choice
Edited by jonnyshaggs420 (12/23/01 11:14 PM)
Anti-Theist OVERLORD

Registered: 08/12/98
Posts: 10,017
Loc: Iceland
There is no 'conspiring' amongst vendors to fix prices, simple as that... They don't talk much to each other in fact, I know this from discussions I've had with many of them..
But what I'm saying is in this 'niche' market prices are at a level that I feel is very fair and definately isn't expensive. The business of running a spore vendor is not an easy one and unless you are lucky, your not making loads of money..
Your milk example is my point, there is very little difference in price, convenience stores charge higher because they are usually closer in proximity and open late hours, thus the extra price.... We all know this, but my point with the vendors is that the prices have 'naturally' settled at the prices they are at now, not by any 'intentional' means..
If it wasn't at an acceptable price level to new vendors entering the market we'd see lower prices offered from them. But obviously those who run these business's have a mark up and an cost on each syringe, if they lower the prices more it makes the whole idea of running a spore vending business very unattractive...
You say you can't agree with either, do you believe that the spore vendors are wrong if they care more about money, and that they would be wrong for caring about the community..
Because I'm quite certain that in some of the vendor's cases, they care for the community AND obviously care about $$$ ... Why else be in business?
But I digress, the original point about there being some intentional discussions behind the scenes to set prices is ludicrous, anyone with half a sense will see that.

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#499755 - 12/23/01 11:42 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Like I said, all business is about the money. I don't question that. But I just don't like that is has to be that way. Just a personal pet peeve is all. Now about conspiring to fix pricing, I don't really think so. But I think more of a "going with the flow" type of thing is going on. For example: A new vendor comes along and sees everyone else is charging $15 for a syringe, well he thinks about it and even though he only pays $5 to make the syringe, he decides he'll charge $14 for his syringes because everyone else is, and if people will pay that much, he might as well charge that much so he can make more money. Now those may not be realistic figures, but that can't be that far off. I think pricing should be more honest and less about getting such a huge profit.
I appreciate the fact that your willing to have a civil discussion about it without going all willy nilly.
Owe and I was saying I don't agree with the business for profit part. I agree with vendors caring for the mushrooms they sell and the community they are a part of. Don't get me wrong there.
-------------------- Vote Jonnyshaggs in the next election for GOD...Its the responsible choice
Edited by jonnyshaggs420 (12/23/01 11:50 PM)
#499758 - 12/23/01 11:44 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I just don't see any price fixing going on. The whole idea of price fixing, is to assure that the price of a certain product does not drop below the agreed upon price. If that were going on, wouldn't the "keeper" and his $80.00 syringes be considered an asset by the vendors. The fact that he is shunned, shows how ludicrous the price fixing theory is.
Ryche Hawk
A Messenger

Registered: 03/01/01
Posts: 2,112
#499761 - 12/23/01 11:46 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Sorry Thor, I had to spend some of that money hiring Taliban thugs in case any of these othe vendors dont conform to the
price fixing plan this month. I'll make it up to you at next months meeting in Aruba.
-------------------- -Peace-
High Quality MUSHROOM SPORES and CULTURES for microscopy at www.muShrooms.com
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#499835 - 12/24/01 01:07 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Well, I can honestly say this is a new twist on the same ole' shit!!!
-------------------- Not all that wander are lost.
old hand

Registered: 10/16/01
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Post deleted by users_request [Re: Thor]
#499878 - 12/24/01 02:13 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Post deleted by administrator.
Anti-Theist OVERLORD

Registered: 08/12/98
Posts: 10,017
Loc: Iceland
#499892 - 12/24/01 03:28 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Oh no, did I upset you, hmmm so you enjoy being attacked like you've done to me time and time.... Payback is a bitch.
In reply to:
FUCK YOU puss it does NOT sound like me at ALL I have NO problems speaking my fucking mind YOU FUCKING NAZI !!!
See thats the problem with the Shroomery, too many teenagers acting like this.....ooops wait, your like 50 yrs old.
In reply to:
After all this IS why you DON'T like me. I mean when I sugguested in the Mod forum how thread talking shit about vendors that are not justified be lock and YOU and your little buddy 3D flamed the shit out of me about how it wouldn't work and piss and moaned about FREE SPEECH.
I don't like you cause your an arrogant asshole who thinks he's smarter than everyone and won't ever stop crying like a little baby. That thread in the mod forum was turned into a flame war BY YOU because you couldn't take no for an answer...
In reply to:
Sorry at my girlfriends family exchanging gifts. Now I also speak my mind and don't hide behind any false persona, unlike other users I state who I am when I'm posting under a different name. Ever since I made the switch to MicronMagick I've always had the AKA NuShroomPharmerII under the picture and I've only used PervertedPete when banned and I've always stated it's ME. I wasn't exposed by anyone other then myself.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, ummmm Bullshit... Click on any of these links to see what I mean, you said 'you were a friend of nushroom, that you posted FOR him' .... The lies continue.
Hydra discount for shroomery members
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In reply to:
This place was a pissfest from before the I ever became a vendor and it's not going to EVER change until you lay down some guide lines and make everyone stick to them. NOT just people you dislike for however piddly the reason.
Maybe I should goto the Forest Floor and make a contest out of causing a flame war here, mabye that will solve problems..
I don't dislike you for piddly reasons, I dislike you for the fact your an Asshole.... I just thought I should clear that up..
Have a nice day.