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Folding@home Statistics
Registered: 07/12/99
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Loc: On the Brink of Madness
Aliens and shite... you like it.
    #488799 - 12/12/01 02:28 PM (23 years, 2 months ago)

Why are there so many topics on aliens in this fucking forum?
I've noticed in the past six months a dramatic increase in bullshit topics like such.

What's worse, the fact that morons keep talking about aliens and related shite OR that people are actually responding (in mass) to them?

Spirituality and Philosophy PEOPLE!!!
Unless I hear in the news about an alien "Mayflower" beaching itself somewhere in New AliEngland, I don't want to read about it in here. Got it?

Of course, I'm only one voice. I'm sure there will be countless people who will disagree with me. Maybe they'll argue through some sort of alien logic (alielogic?) and prove to me that posts about aliens should belong in a forum titled "SPIRITUALITY & PHILOSOPHY".

Until that day...

Note: In desperate need of a cure...

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Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #488810 - 12/12/01 02:38 PM (23 years, 2 months ago)

Well I can't speak for you... but aliens are a part of my spirituality.

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Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 07/21/00
Posts: 2,365
Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489231 - 12/12/01 09:04 PM (23 years, 2 months ago)

I think some people find the issue as to whether or not intelligent life exists on other planets in this universe (or at least in places other than on earth) has philosophical ramifications for most people.

> What's worse, the fact that morons keep talking about aliens and related shite OR that people are actually responding (in mass) to them?

Let me add one: OR people who don't understand why the question of life nonindigenous to earth criticize these discussions?

> Spirituality and Philosophy PEOPLE!!!

It is. Cosmology has an impact for theologians. Theologians have contemporary debates on the possible spiritual meaning of what life from the stars may mean for humans. Philosophically, anything is relevant. My main question would be: why does life exist elsewhere or why not?

> Unless I hear in the news about an alien "Mayflower" beaching itself somewhere in New AliEngland, I don't want to read about it in here. Got it?

Then don't read it.

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Folding@home Statistics
Registered: 07/12/99
Posts: 4,805
Loc: On the Brink of Madness
Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Kid]
    #489364 - 12/12/01 11:17 PM (23 years, 2 months ago)

I hope you're joking.
Since you've been able to stretch the topic of philosophy so far, let's go a little farther. Since everything COULD be talked about in a philosophy forum... let's talk about the philosophical ramifications of me kicking you in the teeth. Yeah, how would a compatibilist look at this situation? But instead... we get bullshit.

What I'm tired of is "counter-cultural" morons like yourself constantly dropping catch phrases and "non-conformist" ideas (ie astral plane, aliens, blah blah, spirits from beyond, blah blah, purple elves, blah blah et cetera et cetera et cetera...). New age hoolie. Pink boys like yourselves are what start the decline of EVERY line of thought. You read into shit in the wrong way. You interpret something to fit your goals. You fuck it all up. Thanks.

As far as your thinly veiled dissension towards me...
I think there has been enough talk about aliens in the X Files. We don't need to waste our energy on discussion in THIS forum. Go to www.alienforums.com/dipshits/ or whatever for this talk.

>Then don't read it.
I don't, but I have to scroll through page after page of topics looking for something intelligent.
Write about dumb shit in private messages or some other board (see above). I'm merely trying to improve the quality of the posts on this board. I hate having to point fingers, but no one has picked up on the subtle hints I've been dropping for the past 6 months.

Note: In desperate need of a cure...

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Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489387 - 12/12/01 11:35 PM (23 years, 2 months ago)

Do I sense a bit of hostility?

Who watches the X files anyway?

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Power of Lard

Registered: 10/06/01
Posts: 5,060
Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489389 - 12/12/01 11:43 PM (23 years, 2 months ago)

I laugh. People like you are funny sclorch. Tell me this: Why are you posting this nonsense in a Spirituality and Philosophy forum? And why have you been cluttering it up with this stuff for six months?

I'm bored now. I must leave.


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Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 07/21/00
Posts: 2,365
Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489391 - 12/12/01 11:50 PM (23 years, 2 months ago)

> What I'm tired of is "counter-cultural" morons like yourself constantly dropping catch phrases and "non-conformist" ideas

You're obviously a newbie. I'm one of the few people around here that is very skeptical of the idea of enlightenment from psychedelic drugs and am definately very scientifically oriented (empiricist).

And yes, philosophy can relate to ANY subject. I don't see why it's so hard for you to grasp that there are philosophical aspects to anything. This happens to be a drug related website. People who discuss mushrooms in a philosophical manner will also be likely, given the current cultural framework, to discuss extraterrestrial life forms and what they might mean.

> Pink boys like yourselves are what start the decline of EVERY line of thought.

I'm glad that your high modernist way of thinking has not been touched by deconstructionism or poststructuralism. For god's sake, never read anything by Michel Foucalt or Jaques Derrida.

> You read into shit in the wrong way.

How sure you are in your concepts of truth. Part of philosophy is epistemology. You seem to blindly accept the norms concept of what Knowledge is. This is not un-philosophical in itself, but what is un-philosophical is that you won't discuss your ideas of Knowledge and Truth. You simply state: 'This is the way it is. I am Right, and you are Wrong.'

Which is very foolish for someone who's obviously making assumptions about my character (me a New Age Boy, hahhahahaha).

> You interpret something to fit your goals.

Most scientists do this. Read Thomas Kuhn's, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"

> I'm merely trying to improve the quality of the posts on this board.

You should start with yourself. Philosophy is about discussing, debating and CONSIDERING alternative views of existence, knowledge and other things. You already come across as very ridgid.

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Folding@home Statistics
Registered: 07/12/99
Posts: 4,805
Loc: On the Brink of Madness
Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Kid]
    #489434 - 12/13/01 12:47 AM (23 years, 2 months ago)

>You're obviously a newbie. I'm one of the few people around here that is very skeptical of the idea of enlightenment from psychedelic drugs and am definitely very scientifically oriented (empiricist). <

As far as my ?newbie? status goes?
Kid registered on: 07/21/00 11:00 PM
Sclorch registered on: 07/12/99 11:00 PM
Enlightenment? can anyone ever claim that? Really? There isn?t a litmus test for it, so why even bother naming it in the first place? The phenomenon was named by elitists who wished to gain power over those who were ignorant. Power to change the ignorant. Though they sort of knew that the ignorant had to come to this realization alone, these elitists were trying to be practical. ?Let?s give the poor saps a goal? something to strive for. Then they?ll be able to join us.? Now we see that things just don?t come that easy. Drugs can only HELP, they can?t make choices for anybody.

>And yes, philosophy can relate to ANY subject. I don't see why it's so hard for you to grasp that there are philosophical aspects to anything. This happens to be a drug related website. People who discuss mushrooms in a philosophical manner will also be likely, given the current cultural framework, to discuss extraterrestrial life forms and what they might mean. <

That?s the problem? the current cultural framework. The only reason alien crap comes up so much is because of ET and movies like it. I think this forum should go beyond that. We can talk about aliens wherever (school, work, home, parties?) because that kind of talk isn?t taboo. But drugs ARE. So why are there (in the past week or so) more junk posts about aliens in this forum than drugs? One post should be enough for all your crop circles/abductions/whatever.

>For god's sake, never read anything by Michel Foucalt or Jaques Derrida. <

I haven?t read but pieces of those two, nothing terribly interesting.

>How sure you are in your concepts of truth. Part of philosophy is epistemology. You seem to blindly accept the norms concept of what Knowledge is. This is not un-philosophical in itself, but what is un-philosophical is that you won't discuss your ideas of Knowledge and Truth. You simply state: 'This is the way it is. I am Right, and you are Wrong.' <

Discuss what exactly? Look at my posts in the past year? I average less than ten replies. I never once mentioned aliens; I think that is my problem. Shit, people even view the alien posts more. I?m not bitter that I?m not getting attention, I?m bitter because there are so many people here uninterested in purely philosophical matters.
How about ethical relativism vs. ethical absolutism?
How about free will vs. determinism?
How about discussion about the concept of the Self?
How about discussion about how the human brain works and how that relates to human thought?

I?ve discussed these issues AND more, not one receiving a response longer than a paragraph. THESE are some of the unsolved mysteries of the world that need discussion. We can deal with aliens when they show up. For now, is it too much for these discussions to be a little more grounded?

>Which is very foolish for someone who's obviously making assumptions about my character (me a New Age Boy, hahhahahaha). <

That part of the post must not have applied to you (not being a New Ager and all?).
I?ve obviously hit a nerve though? Good. Differences bring forth truths.

>Most scientists do this. Read Thomas Kuhn's, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"<

And I don?t like it. Truth isn?t always functional.
I?m a scientist too, but more along the lines of Ars Scientia (sp?).

>You should start with yourself. Philosophy is about discussing, debating and CONSIDERING alternative views of existence, knowledge and other things. You already come across as very ridgid.<

Look, I have considered these views? It?s not like I don?t constantly question myself either. I just can?t stand the shallow posts that are monopolizing this forum. Rigid? of course I am, every heteroabsolutist should be.

Note: In desperate need of a cure...

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Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489442 - 12/13/01 01:03 AM (23 years, 2 months ago)

If you don't like the material being discussed why don't you create your own interesting topic instead of bitching about the ones that are already present?

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Registered: 03/19/01
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Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489586 - 12/13/01 07:08 AM (23 years, 2 months ago)

I am with you 100% I am tierd of the Aliens BS


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Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 07/21/00
Posts: 2,365
Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489594 - 12/13/01 07:30 AM (23 years, 2 months ago)

You're simply annoying.

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Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489613 - 12/13/01 08:09 AM (23 years, 2 months ago)

So you think aliens are shite, fit only for sci-fi comics? Dont beleive in them eh? well there are 10^100 galaxies out there, thats 1 followed by 100 zeros. each having around 1 trillion stars. Surely instead of asking 'do they exist' we should be saying 'why havent they contacted us yet?' Our earth is quite a 'late developer' as far as the universe goes, implying that most other lifeforms would be far more advanced than we are.

Would discovering we are truly alone not have greater implications for human spirituality and philosophy than if aliens were found? The responsibility of being the only sentient part in the entire universe...

I posted a quote by McKenna a while back.. he reckons the increased fascination with aliens is a fullfilment of the emerging archetype of the 'Other', a sort of evolution of religion from the old heaven/hell/ego/redemption to a new transpersonal spirituality

either way i dont see how you can deem aliens to be unworthy of discussion in this forum... you obviously have some preconceptions that need deconstructing.

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Registered: 04/13/01
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Re: Aliens and shite... you like it. [Re: Sclorch]
    #489639 - 12/13/01 08:57 AM (23 years, 2 months ago)

I've found that discussions about free will and the concept of the Self tend be full of words leading nowhere, and that annoys me sometimes.

i've only been at the shroomery for a few months, and before coming here I had no idea that there were people about really seriously talking about this alien stuff, so for now i still find it quite interesting. well, occasionally. fuck what am i doing here when i could be in bed. wasting my goddam time is what.


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