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shrooms in kentucky? * 1
    #359345 - 07/23/01 09:14 AM (23 years, 6 months ago)

guys come on im getting really desperate here......just tell me what times are good (summer fall etc...) and shit and im gone shrooming i just need some help.....if there arent any in kentucky just say so.....please i just need an answer =( -alex

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: alex]
    #359397 - 07/23/01 11:54 AM (23 years, 6 months ago)

Hello, alex. Most of all of us can only rely on our books and limitations to info found on the web. There is a list of mushrooms entitled Mapping the Mycelial Network found under the General Info section on the Shroomery's main page. I'm sorry, Kentucky is not on that list. My suggestion is to list the species found in Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, etc. and give it a go. Good luck! If you pick a possible candidate for a Psilocybian species, post it here, and I'm sure we'll do our best to help you out. Stay cool!-Levi7.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Levi7] * 1
    #359433 - 07/23/01 01:13 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

Hey alex,
I believe there are magic mushrooms to be found in Kentucky.Like Mj and Levi7 pointed out, Psilocybe cyanescens have been found there,so there 's probably a good chance there are other species to be found.Take Levi's advice and check the neighboring states listings. Also get you a couple of good field guides, Audubon's a good one, and so is Stamet's Psilocybe Mushrooms of the World. Mj has several good books available also.His website also contains lots of useful info on id'ing magic species.Arm yourself with as much patience and knowledge as you can,and go hunting.

good luck,

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- Arguing with a woman, is like trying to blow out a light bulb-

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: doo]
    #359447 - 07/23/01 01:48 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)


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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: alex]
    #359516 - 07/23/01 04:16 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

Sounds great! Be sure and post pics. I'll be waiting, Alex.
Stay cool, bro!-Levi7.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: alex]
    #359656 - 07/23/01 08:12 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

Alex, a word of wisdom,

Psilocybe cyanescens is a woodchip, beauty bartk mulch, sawdust and woodchips, twigs and branches and appears inthe late fall before the winter. Temperatures can be in the high forties and a lot of rain. Most likely you would probabaly find them in a man made environment aroound and under bushes in someones garden in a park or in a garden around an office building, something new and something where woodchip mulch is used.

It would be exterely rare in the wild.


Have a shroomy day and may all of your days be shroomy.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: mjshroomer]
    #359682 - 07/23/01 09:02 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

mjshroomer: thats sure a nice boost of confidence =( -alex

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: alex]
    #359959 - 07/24/01 10:09 AM (23 years, 6 months ago)

shit!!!!! my fucking scanner is being a bitch sorry no pics for now =( oh guess what mushies are poping up everywhere in my yard cant wait to post some pics! later thanks f0r all the help levi7 u sucha pimp! -alex

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: alex]
    #360041 - 07/24/01 12:35 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

Alex, I only give what info I know. I've only learned of the Ps. cyanescens found in Kentucky within this month. This is great news, but was brought to us by MJShroomer.
I'm sorry, I'm somewhat of a nerd, but I don't know if being called a pimp is a complement or a put-down.
Regardless, I hope you find magic and I also hope your scanner starts to work correctly.
Maybe you should ask MJ about fixing that scanner.Hehe.
Hey, no offense John, just a bit of moronic humor.
Stay cool and merry mushings!-Levi7.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Levi7]
    #360070 - 07/24/01 01:21 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

haha its a compliment dude.....oh and bad news......i went out today to check on my cyans and they were laying over all smashed looking like maybe a dog stepped on them....im really pissed.....=/ but oh well i found a couple for mushies in the yard no clue what they may be! keep shrooming and come down to ky once man we can go shrooming together! later -alex

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: alex]
    #360072 - 07/24/01 01:24 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

oh shit forgot to say.......hey mj when i dug up a little dirt around the mushies they were growing off of a peice of wood debris....so they probably were cyans damn that really sux fer me! -alex

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: alex]
    #360331 - 07/24/01 09:53 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

I have found some extremely small (WHAT LOOKED LIKED) Liberty caps in east-central Kentucky. They were growing in a yard. They were a decent trip, positivly "magic". (I was very surprised). The yard was well keep and just recently fertilized with manure. Also in the mountains in eastern kentucky I have seen cyrans growing in cow-pies, and the farmer was well aware of this and threating teenagers with a gun when they got near. In sothern/western kentucky I have found some really strange looking fungus, they apear to be mutants, real interesting to look at, (totally white with white gills on logs), however most likely posinious. I have found a lot of "ediable" white mushrooms growing in the yards here. They can grow extremely large, however totaly ediable. They are in this state, just VERY hard to find. In fact my best find was the mess of mature 1/2" high LibertyCaps (size likely due to lack of nutrients in the yard- the were fully mature however, just extremely small) - it was amazeing, one would not think that something so small could do the trick, but they did. Good Luck, if anyone has any luck in this state PLEASE ADVISE US! Thanks.<br><br>


Edited by Jammer (06/04/02 08:59 PM)

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Jammer]
    #360345 - 07/24/01 10:08 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

smoke um lloyd would of go to the smithsonian find out what the hell the green liquid is inside. to bad you can't talk to curtis or john lloyd. Panaeolus subbalteatus grow in Kentucy wild.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Jammer]
    #360388 - 07/24/01 10:58 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

The mushroom Psilocybe semilanceata has been given the name "libery cap" because it's resemblance as a bell. This mushroom is generally only found in temperate climates and mostly across the northern parts of the PNW and New England. I've never heard of it being found in Kentucky.
Also, Ps. cyanescens is the musroom that has only recently been found in Kentucky. It only grows where wood decomposes and it would be a definite freak occurance to ever find it in manure.
Panaeolus(Copelandia) cyanescens is a whole other mushroom alltogether. This mushroom is almost always found in manure. Psilocybe cyanescens and Panaeolus(Copelandia)cyanescens have nothing at all to do with each other. They're not even in the same family, although they are both potent species.
Stay cool!-Levi7.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Levi7] * 1
    #360598 - 07/25/01 08:34 AM (23 years, 6 months ago)

lol jammer i live in northern kentucky well in louisville if u know where that is......hey if you live in kentucky maybe we can go shroom hunting.......pm me if ur interested....this fall ill looks hard for mushies here ill try to confirm that there is mushies in ky! but shit im on vicodin right now and my teeth hurt....so uhm ttyl! -alex

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Levi7]
    #360629 - 07/25/01 09:57 AM (23 years, 6 months ago)

P. semilanceat a was named the Liberty cap after the Phygian bonnets worn by patriots during the French Revolution as a symbol of Freedom, hence the name liberty cap or liberty bell.

In Spanish they were called Witches Threads.


Have a shroomy day and Levi7 is also correct becasue it is bell shaped it is often elated to a stattus as a symbol of liberty as in the liberty bell.

Have a shroomy day and may all of your days be shroomy.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Levi7]
    #362271 - 07/27/01 11:51 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

You made a good point. The shrooms that I seen in the mountains of eastern Kentucky were, most likely, Pans growing in cow-pies. Im not a total novice, I just confuse the names sometimes. The ocansion that I spoke of where I seen magic shrooms in cow-pies happen about 20 years ago. They were growing everywhere and white. This was extremely far into the mountains- very rough terrain "howler" country. The farmer told everyone how he had to chase teenagers, that were getting high off them, off of his property all of the time. So, as far as I'm concern, magic mushrooms have been in Kentucky for a long time, but not found in the major citys.

I have a question. On another very informative shroom site with lots of pics an info, the webmaster advises that Psilocybe cyanescens is a POSINIOUS mushroom to be advoided (complete with the same pic that some other sites show as being as a "magic" shroom). Now I realize that it can be a "fine line" between what is considered posinious, and what is "magic"... However I'm a little confused as too why some magic-shroom sites call Psilocybe cyanescens the most potent, and other sites say that it's posinious. (as most others I allways that that the Arizon's were the most potent)

Also, can anyone advise me, in a general sense, as to what part of kentucky the Psilocybe cyanescens were found growing wild? And what is the perfered climent? I asume that cooler weather is needed than the current mid 90's here is in order.



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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Levi7]
    #362289 - 07/28/01 12:35 AM (23 years, 6 months ago)

After study many digital photos of Psilocybe cyanescens, I have determined that is what I found in east/central Kentucky. They were so small that it was dificult to tell. However, I know that what I found looked excatly like some of the higher resolution pics of young Psilocybe cyanescens found in grass/wooded areas. At that time the closest pic that I found that looked like them were Liberty caps. (I dont have the best eyes ;-) I do know that they had me tripping with no side effects. Take care.


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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Jammer]
    #362340 - 07/28/01 02:08 AM (23 years, 6 months ago)

Hello Jammer.
I can't say this is a fact:
The infamous Liberty Cap(Psilocybe semilanceata) does not grow in Kentucky. It is quite rare(in the U.S.) to find this mushroom species in areas other than the PNW , northern Michigan(Northern states, Montana, Minnesota, etc. possibly) and New England. This mushroom needs a temperate climate. Hot-ass summer and cold-ass winter kinda pisses off the mycelium. This is coming from a hunter and not a mycologist, by the way. I can only tell you what I understand.
Also, I can see that many people refer to Magic Mushrooms as Liberty Caps, in general. As I said, Psilocybe semilanceata is the true Lib.
As for the finding of Psilocybe cyanescens in Kentucky, the is a definite freak occurance. I believe it is the first and only record of its happening. The climate, etc. also applies to this mushroom, as well as many other wood-loving Psilocybes.
Yes, many sites and people in general consider Ps. azurescens as the most potent Psilocybe species. Opinion is the factor in these staments. John Allen a.k.a. Mushroom John a.k.a. MJShroomer disagrees and believes that small, immature Psilocybe cyanescens species is the most potent Psilocybian. I agree, based on his experience, etc. as I have partaken of the small, immature species of Psilocybe cyanescens.
As for info on the whereabouts in Kentucky Ps. cyanescens was found, well..............that's something we are all faithfully waiting on. This is probably the biggest story in years.
Keep looking, bro! Also, Stay cool!-Levi7.

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Re: shrooms in kentucky? [Re: Levi7]
    #372648 - 08/15/01 09:28 PM (23 years, 6 months ago)

Kentucky update-Good News and Bad News: The Good News is that all of the rain here recently has sparked a TON of fungi growth near the lakes of southern Kentucky. The Bad News is that the temps are too hot to produce any "magic" (mid-90's). I recently found allmost every kind of posinious an edable 'shrrom possible. I did find one that I thought was interesting. It grows very large with a brown to grayish cap,brown stems and instead of gills it had what appeared to be purpleish spongy looking spores (like the sweat spores in our skin). I asume that it's posinious, however I found it interesting that it didnt have gills and was purple there. It did not bruise blue at all. Anyone have a clue?

I belive that the edvidence is there that in some isolated places in this state that the good ones do grow. And I'm betting that there going to found near the lakes in the far southern areas.


Edited by Jammer (06/04/02 08:55 PM)

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