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lucid dreaming
#977031 - 10/20/02 12:48 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
been trying lucid dreaming for about a month now and no results
i do the mind focus for about 15 to 20 minutes before going to bed and i have a "dream journal" right when i wake up i can write them down. so far nada
anyone who has actually had a lucid dream what did you do?
and tips
-------------------- Rafa (x_X)
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#977052 - 10/20/02 01:01 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
If you have consistently struggled for a lucid dream the last month, you might want to completely stop trying for about two weeks. Reverse psychology is a fun thing.
If you still didn't have a lucid dream after that, you should probably train yourself to do reality checks.
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#977083 - 10/20/02 01:14 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
not to discourage you in any way, but i was just reading a study on a person's psychological boundary type (thick or thin) and its correlation with dream experience. some people are simply unable to experience certain aspects of dreaming (like a lucid dream). that said, ive found it helpful to do reading on lucid dreaming or any dreaming for that matter, just before i fall asleep. having it fresh in my head certainly helps dream recall. also, if you have a good drunken sleep one night (little, maybe no R.E.M.), then take a nap the next day, you will have R.E.M. rebound during the nap. this is the most ideal way to have a lucid dream. goodluck.
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#977516 - 10/20/02 05:00 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
The best advise I have is to make a habit of something. What works for me is making habit of looking at my hands while awake, and then when I fall asleep and look at my hands in dream, I automaticly realize Im dreaming every time. I dont know why it works but it does. That comes from Don Juan. Others have said that wearing a digital watch can help. In Waking Life its said that you can not read a digital clock though I have yet to try. A friend of mine said that by wearing it and remembering to check his watch he has been able to lucid dream. Ive been working on it really hard for a few months and ive gotten really good with the hand trick. Good Luck
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: LittleBen]
#977788 - 10/20/02 07:01 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
For a good while I had lucid dreams everyday, I ran from the cops, created things and simply walked a few feet to be in a totally different town (just by wanting too).
Not sure what brought this on might have something to do with my suppressed homosexuality.
As I said I don't know what brought this on or why it stopped but have tried different things (because lucid dreams are the best kind) without results but that looking at your hands thing really makes sense I'll post another day see if it worked.
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#977945 - 10/20/02 08:06 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
I've been keeping a dream journal for about a year and am now slowly starting to have lucid dreams. I dont do anything but the journal. When I was younger I had a digital watch that I wore all the time, and I did have lucid dreams much more often, so I'd say go with that. Stay patient and keep with the dream journal. If you never have a lucid dream, at least you'll have the dream journal which is real fun to page through and remember the dreams you've forgotten.
Usually I just look around after a long while of dreaming, and I realise that I'm in a dream... but then I run into the problem of what to do. I can do whatever I want cause I'm dreaming, but then what do I want to do?

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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#978011 - 10/20/02 08:29 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
There are lots of things to do to help induce lucid deaming. I have been reading about, and experimenting for about a year with wonderful results. I'd say I have had about 20 so far. Itsamazing!!!! The last one was really weird: I became lucid, then forgot about it through the rest of the dream.When I woke up, I remembered becoming awake in the dream, and I remember just continueing the dream without realizing. It's really weird. About a month ago I had the best lucid dream I have ever had. I'll explain what I did:
I was walking through a feild. All of a sudden, I started to move forward faster. Then I thought,it kind of feels like I am driving, so I pretended to drive. A steering wheel appeared. I still didn't realize I was dreaming. I trailed of, and decided since it seemed I was driving, the right thing to do would be to reach over and turn on the music. So all of a sudden a stereo appeared. that point I realized that shit like steering wheels and stereos dont appear from nowhere, and then I was lucid. The stereo and steering wheel dissapeared at my will, and I just started flying where ever I wanted to go. This went on for about 10 seconds(or so I perceive), then I woke up. A truly amazing expereince.
I always remember my dreams, or most of the time anyway, so I dont really keep a dream journal. I try and make a habbit of asking myself "am I dreaming"?? All the time. Try and pretend you are in a dream for a minute of two a day. It's totally worth it. Imagine what things would be like. A good this is to check a clock, or some writing. Read it. Look away, then llok back. If it changes, you are dreaming. There are no constants in the dream world. I have accually successfully became lucid during a dream because of this method. Definetly worth the effort.
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#978025 - 10/20/02 08:31 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
I have lucid dreams sometimes. They usually seem to happen when I've had way too much sleep. The best one I had was about a year ago. I did the thing where I dreamed I woke up inside a dream except I woke up laying on the floor beside my bed and my body was still in it. The first thing I did was look around the room and there was a bible on the nightstand and I though hmmm - what might a bible say in a lucid dream, so I got it and looked inside. The pages contained nothing but jibberish that I couldn't read. So I thumbed through it somemore and towards the end the pages had pictures of instruments that you play in a rock band like guitars, drums, basses and such. I've been playing guitar for quite a while so I think it must have something to do with that. Anyhow, I put the bible down and walked down the hallway to the room where the tv was. There was also a person I didn't know there. I walked up to him and said " your not a real person, your a phantom" and he looked at me like I wasn't supposed to say that and then faded away. So then I thought, what else can I try, and I remembered reading that you could project into pictures and things like that while dreaming. I looked around and all I could come up with was the tv, which wasn't on. I then dove into the tv and had the sensation of falling. When I stopped I was in a large dark place that was very scarry to me and was terrified, I felt threatened so I did something that I've done in lucid dreams before but don't really understand, I started spinning really fast to protect myself and I also called out for god to help me. When I stopped spinning I ended up in a beautiful field, it was morning and the sun was just breaking over the trees. The light was very golden looking and I felt very safe there. I remember walking beside a stream and looking down at the grass noticing how I could smell moisture in the air and feel the grass between my toes. This dream seemed to have just as much substance as when I was awake. I woke up shortly after, to this day I remember every detail. A few other things I've done in these dreams is going up to people and sticking my arm through them or picking them up and throwing them through the air. I've also thrown cars and made women appear and had sex with them. It seems my favorite thing is to fly, it's a great feeling. But, it can be hard to do sometimes if I try too hard. It seems as if you have to look in the direction you want to go and will yourself there instead of doing it with your body. At least thats the way it works for me. I think lucid dreaming is great fun and I really hate it to end...

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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#978321 - 10/20/02 10:19 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Lucid Dreaming is awesome...you have to work on it though.
check out the lucidity institute: www.lucidity.com
They try to sell you a headset to help induce lucid dreaming but they also have a lot of good articles on how to do it
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#978590 - 10/21/02 01:04 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
I've gotta say that having a lucid dream is a very exciting and freeing feeling! My suggestion is to do frequent reality checks during the day. To see results I find that you need to do them every hour or so. Be patient, it will take time to program your mind. Also, wake up about an hour earlier than you normally would. Take about fifteen minutes to go to the bathroom and think about dreaming. Then, go back to bed. Chance are youll have some vivid if not lucid dreams. All in all it is worth the effort. Stay optomistic and you will succeed.
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Not sure what brought this on might have something to do with my suppressed homosexuality. .
i dont get that.
two concepts: dream recall and realitychecks. here are imo the two best ld sites ive found on the web: bird's lucid webpage
and through the mirror .
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: LittleBen]
#981911 - 10/22/02 04:02 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
You will eventually. I kept wanting to OBE, and it only happened when I didn't try and I became terrified, eventually I stopped thinking about it much, and lately the last few weeks, I have frequently been astral projecting, I get into from my dreams now, happens a lot. I am not scared anymore either, I have had a few very peaceful experiences.
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: Kemist]
#981987 - 10/22/02 05:00 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
i read about lucid dreaming for the first time about 2 years ago... i trained myself to do reality checks... 4 days later i had my first lucid dream... they seem to come and go... im sure if i would lead a dream journal i would lucid-dream every night, but i dont seem to find the time for something like that... funny thing is i told my girlfriend about lucid-dreaming (she had never heard of them before) and she had her first LD the night i told her about them...
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Re: lucid dreaming [Re: In(di)go]
#982906 - 10/22/02 01:12 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
My last new nights have been heavy!!!!!!
someone mentioned about over sleeping,, this helps, I get them in the morning alot, i get soooo involved in them that i wake up and i have to pinch myself to make sure i'm awake, normally leaves me feeling very tired even if i've slept 10 hours.......
I have very sexually oriented dreams, sometimes even better than the real thing!!
Last month i had one that blew my mind, i was enraged and levitated to the ceiling and reached out for a dude walking in the hall, i remember the expression on his face, he was terrified and it left me fealing so powerful and what not.... very strange.
Fun tho... i don't have total control over them, but i remember every bit when i get up!!!!
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i work late till 11 or 12 sometimes and i have a paper route so i have to get up really early ... about 4 in the morn.
i think this is the reason why but thanx guys for all the help. when i give the paper route shit up and change my hours i'm sure i'll have these lucid dreams sure enough. thanx for all the help ...
-------------------- Rafa (x_X)
fuck a sig