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Probably High

Registered: 02/18/02
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Newb wanting to cultivate
#555292 - 02/18/02 11:16 AM (23 years, 1 day ago) |
Hi I've been hangin around the shroomery for the past couple of weeks after I tried my first shroom. My friend lives on a farm with cows so he can get them but his yield never comes through when we need it to its very unreliable and I would like to ask 2 questions.
1)Is there an easy cultivation method for 2 young (im 14 and hes 15) guys with acess to cow manure that we can use without any really complicated pasutreising process?
2) Is there a way to make my friends field give a higher amount of shroomies?
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Fuck the DJ
Registered: 12/18/01
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here is some advice for you since no one has answered you.
(1) everything you read here is for entertainment use only
(2) no one on here is a grower, these are all bs stories for
entertainment only
(3) you and your friend are WAY to young to be experimenting with mind altering substances
(4) finish high school, go to college and then make a decision
on what you what to do with your life
(5) you are to young to even be thinking about getting high
(6) if you were my little brother, id kick both your asses across the cow field
(7) do not take offense to what i just told you
(8) its for your own good, when you get older, maybe you'll understand.
(9) how would you parents feel if they knew what you were doing?
(10) enjoy your youth, when its gone, its gone.

Registered: 09/02/01
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Micky finns just in a bad mood since he found his first gray hair.
1 Cow manure? Thats not the best way to get started.
2 Well, yes. You could go around innoculating cow patties, but that would be very expensive unless you had lots of spores. Does this feild already produce psilocybe mushrooms? if so then you are in business. you can take a print from one of these shrooms, get a syringe, and make honey water with it. Then you could innoculate every single cow pie with as much mycelium as you wanted.

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Re: Newb wanting to cultivate [Re: MickyFinn]
#555491 - 02/18/02 03:47 PM (23 years, 1 day ago) |
don't listen to him dudes, i was 15 when I came here too and I organized caps:) Just to be on the safe side, I reccomend taking safe steps and stuff when your shroomin. Everone was young, and feel free to experiment with shrooms, i'f you have the wisdom, and the brains to do it. If you just wan't to get fucked up, try a different drug. Anyway, isuggest the mmgg. You can find it in the grow/find section.It's the best method out there for newbies. I reccomend staggering your crops as well. Then you will be producing all the time, and won';t have to wait. I think the best part about the shrooms is the anticipation. A good 6-12 months between trips will keep you mentally stable. just make sure to use the magic carfully and wisely.
-------------------- addicted to reason
a hollow understanding trapped me
I cannot see outside but its calling
Fuck the DJ
Registered: 12/18/01
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Last seen: 14 years, 11 months
Re: Newb wanting to cultivate [Re: fresh357]
#555496 - 02/18/02 03:51 PM (23 years, 1 day ago) |
lol, i know life hasnt been the same since that first gray, serious guys thats terrible that you would encourage someone so young...
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 04/23/00
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Re: Newb wanting to cultivate [Re: MickyFinn]
#555560 - 02/18/02 04:59 PM (23 years, 1 day ago) |
I was 13 when I started here. Yes, i've been here a while. MY very first post was about cultivation and nothing bad has come to me. However, I am rather mature and am not in it about getting "fucked up". I hardly cultivate much anymore and if I do most of the shrooms get hucked. You'll need to grow the shrooms inside using the PF or MMGG. You cant rely on your friends feild. Do some reading in the grow/find section and espically the FAQ.
-------------------- "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that's your own self. So you have to begin there, not
outside, not on other people" - Aldous Huxley

Registered: 10/16/00
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Re: Newb wanting to cultivate [Re: phrozendata]
#555585 - 02/18/02 05:46 PM (23 years, 1 day ago) |
Well, encouraged or not, there going to do it anyway so why not give them some usfull advice:)??
-------------------- addicted to reason
a hollow understanding trapped me
I cannot see outside but its calling
Registered: 02/18/02
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Last seen: 23 years, 1 day
If you fed cows shrooms would the spores make it through their digestive system? Anyone know?
Registered: 12/29/01
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Loc: Born on a mountain, Raise...
Dude you better be careful picking wild shrooms! Get the wrong one and you could die a slow and painful death from kidney failure. Go to www.jug-or-not.com and follow the links until you find pics for identifying poisonous mushrooms. If a friend dies, you lose a friend. If you die, you lose all your friends.
-------------------- The rest of those, who have gone before us,
cannot settle the unrest of those who follow.
(Finding Forrester)
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Re: Newb wanting to cultivate [Re: HashBoat]
#555658 - 02/18/02 07:32 PM (23 years, 1 day ago) |
Yes spores make it through the cow's digestive system.
That is why you see some wild mushrooms in cow shit....cow eats grass.....grass has mushroom spores in grass....cow shits.....mushrooms grow.
Also Mushroom drops spores in grass.....mushrooms grow back.
Now as far as you feeding them to the cow.....that depends on what type of spores and what climate you are living in.
There is a post of someone that fed a cow an apple with a spore print on the apple....lolz
-------------------- Laterz, Road
Who the hell you callin crazy?
You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating froot loops on your front porch!
Brainiac said:
PM the names with on there names, that means they have mushrooms for sale.
Probably High

Registered: 02/18/02
Posts: 29
Last seen: 21 years, 9 months
hey guys we waited for another fat batch to roll around and we kept missing em so we are gunna try the inncoculation thing. I dont really think im gunna keep doin shrooms for long its kinda intense for someone my age I just want to get a good sense of a nice level 3 trip then I will probably give it up till im old enough to know myself more thanks for all your help and support u guys are great.
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Registered: 03/30/02
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Hi Im a 15 year old who knows what its like to want to find shrooms. I have been picking P. Cues for about three years now and I know its a bitch trying to catch your fields growing, especially when you're a teenager, you cant just run out to a field at six in the mourning. Let me know how it turns out and I'll let you know how my expieriment turns out.
Remember all you have to do is get high and die the rest is just shit.
Just kidding dont go suicidal.
Registered: 09/24/20
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Re: Newb wanting to cultivate [Re: MickyFinn]
#27047018 - 11/19/20 09:59 AM (4 years, 2 months ago) |
MickyFinn said: here is some advice for you since no one has answered you. <br> <br>(1) everything you read here is for entertainment use only <br>(2) no one on here is a grower, these are all bs stories for <br>entertainment only <br>(3) you and your friend are WAY to young to be experimenting with mind altering substances <br>(4) finish high school, go to college and then make a decision <br>on what you what to do with your life <br>(5) you are to young to even be thinking about getting high <br>(6) if you were my little brother, id kick both your asses across the cow field <br>(7) do not take offense to what i just told you <br>(8) its for your own good, when you get older, maybe you'll understand. <br>(9) how would you parents feel if they knew what you were doing? <br>(10) enjoy your youth, when its gone, its gone.
this is absolute and utter bullshit.
entheogenic indigenous cultures who havent ha their traditions mashed by abrahamic cults introduce entheogenic experience at puberty.
I dropped out of highschool after eating mushrooms, decided to grow weed.
I am now a full time cultivator of cannabis, and my very successful career (sans degree or even GED) is as an organic soil consultant, mostly in the context of cannabis. Also of note, is that most of the people that pay me to fix their idiotic attempts at growing one of the easiest plants to grow, would say the same preachy shit to OP, and are the ones that "oh me oh my" and wring their pseudo-moralistic hands over underage people having access to cannabis.
People said the same dumb shit to me when I was fourteen. Theyre the same people still a debt-slave to a degree they dont use, hate their spouses, drink incessantly, and have no spiritual basis whatsoever.
A majority of the most successful and NORMAL people I know were raised by spiritual parents on cannabis farms with access to cannabis and naturally occurring entheogens from around puberty.
to OP: eat the magic, meet the spirits, follow the path.
Edit: Wanted to point out that there is a paradox at play here:
- modern society raises inept immature non spiritual dolts - modern man then believes that puberty does not = adulthood (despite basic biology), because of their experience in a society of immature dolts. - this causes said society to further baby their immature offspring and actually shield them from the things that mature them and make them grow in to real human adults, which most of their parents are not. - cycle reinforces and repeats itself.
if confused, observe the slowly upward creeping age restrictions in our society over the last hundred years.
these reinforcing cycles are literally causing a senescence of humanity, re: Nietzche's prediction, as well as the prediction in the Word of Set that humanity faces a death of consiousness and intelligence itself, as against-natural-law cults like abrahamism and its political clone, communism, continuously reinforce weakness and low-brow group think, xpanding and encouraging the lowest common denominator.
Edited by BrotherDekatessera (11/19/20 10:20 AM)
Registered: 09/24/20
Posts: 46
Last seen: 4 years, 1 month
Just realized I nekro'd.
I read the 02 as 20. Probably should be wearing my glasses.