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Length of a Shroom trip 1
#431325 - 10/20/01 10:41 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Whats is the avg length of a shroom trip? And bwhat do you guys think about sleeping pills for the post trip to fall asleep?
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: tekforce] 1
#431387 - 10/20/01 11:59 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
average legnth for me is about six hours of full out tripping followed by several hours of mild euphoria and there is no problem going to sleep, for me or my friends.
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: Rashiki] 1
#431436 - 10/20/01 01:11 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
for me it lasts all up until the 5th or 6th hour, when my visuals die down, though for a few hours after that there is a definite feeling where you know "something isn't right." you might be really confused, tired, having trouble paying attention, etc. i think a sleep aid like Sonata would work wonders, though I am yet to try this, i have a lot of trouble sleeping after shrooms and acid
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: tekforce] 1
#431586 - 10/20/01 04:16 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
yea my trip lasted from 10:30 p.m. and ended around 4:00 a.m. but my mind was still jumbled with crazy thoughts and visions and i couldnt get to sleep until like 7:00. Its Crazy, sometimes it feels like your never going to come out of the tripand that its never going to end. but never worry because it will , eventually ;)
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: The_Third_Eye] 1
#431613 - 10/20/01 04:51 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
acid is the worst drug for coming down ... you truly believe that you will NEVER go down, because the trip feels like it was your whole life, not just a night. i remember on my last acid trip, at the peak, I said "We'll never be the same again" and absolutely believed it. When coming down, I just felt like I had gone insane ... though it wouldn't have been as bad if my friend didn't want to go to sleep, because then we could have done something for most of the comedown instead of trying to go to sleep the second the peak started coming down ... which wasn't fun at all. next time i'm definitely taking a sleeping aid if I just can't ease out of the trip
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: HB] 1
#431627 - 10/20/01 05:05 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
yup, i definitely agree with you... acid trips always seem to last for hours... on my first trip, i dropped 1/4 hit... blotter, at about 1 o clock in the morning... and i was tottally blown off until about 9 am... then we went to one of our friends house to chill out and have a few bongs, and every bong made the acid comeback... it was like FOREVER, but we laughed our asses off... anyways, i got home at 6 pm, and was still having visuals at 7 pm, when i finally fell asleep... and the next day i was so glad i didnt have visuals anymore... so i would say an LSD trip lasts until you fall asleep, lol...
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: In(di)go] 2
#431724 - 10/20/01 07:06 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
My trips seem to last about 5 hours, dead even, although, it defeinetly seems alot longer than 5 hours, particularly when peak hits. The comedown hits at the perfect time to go to sleep, about 3:45, assuming I ate the shrooms at 10. One thing I'll never do again, once I had to go to work RIGHT after my trip ended. My boss wondered what the hell was wrong with me, looking outside, going "Life, is beauuutiful...." while regaining all of my functions.
Me, I have no problem whatsoever going to sleep right after, if anything, I'm miserably depressed and fall asleep in about 30 seconds. But, thats me and my wack state of mind.
Edited by GringoLoco (10/20/01 07:08 PM)
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: GringoLoco] 2
#431952 - 10/20/01 11:39 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Trouble sleeping after a trip is the number one downside of mushrooms in my opinion. I've come to expect a 10 hour lapse between the time you eat the Magik and when you can easily fall asleep. Trying to sleep before then is an exercise in agony, feeling exhausted yet unable to sleep.
To me, it seems as if my brain is screaming for input. You've been having a rush of thoughts, listening to trippy music and staring at wild visuals for hours on end....and then suddenly you lay there in the dark with your eyes closed trying to sleep.
It's at this point that my brain, cut off from outside stimuli, creates 'something to do' to replace that lost input. For example, the worst is when I imagine a cube and somehow try to see it from all angles at once, which is impossible of course, yet I can't stop from thinking about it....my brain is desperately trying to find something to entertain itself with.
If you have access to any prescrips like Valium or Xanax, they will end your trip on a pillow of artificial comfort. On the other hand, without them you will have to bring yourself down: try smoking a few bowls, reading a magazine, taking a walk or a warm shower.
On the other hand, I'm a member of the 'Natural Comedown" party who believe that some of the best moments of a trip come afterwards when you're re-examining your lifestyle and all you previously held dear. Tripping isn't just about cool visuals and amazing music, but about cracking through the external layers and learning about YOU operate on the lowest level. Call me an old fart in that respect
-------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "What did you dream...it's all right we told you what to dream! Welcome, my son, to The Machine" Roger Waters, Pink Floyd
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: FungusFarmer] 1
#434312 - 10/23/01 02:49 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Uhm... from ingestion to back to normal, i mean out of the trip i'd say 5 to 6 hours...
then i'm out but i'm really amazed at what i just experienced and i can't stop talking about the experience and it's difficult to sleep too ...

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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: justthiz] 1
#434717 - 10/23/01 09:37 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
ya i love talking about the trip after it's done but my friend just wants to go to sleep ... argh ... I especially love watching the visuals fade all the way to nothing during the comedown, it's interesting. if i have a ready supply of more for another time, then I am usually quite happy on the comedown, tho if I can't get any then I might get depressed
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: HB] 1
#435162 - 10/24/01 09:54 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
What's really cool is when the trip is over, when you say Wow man... what an experience... you sometimes are left behind with still a slight feeling that everything has a bit of a different perspective... you know ... distances seem weird... like you go: "Hey man that table is so big, small etc..." but you really aren't tripping anymore...it's like you just have to get to know or experience the normal room for "the first time" again and it just seems totally normal YET a bit strange or something hehe
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: justthiz] 1
#435173 - 10/24/01 10:08 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
.. when you are assuring yourself the trip is over... :) that's so refreshing!
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: tekforce] 1
#436206 - 10/25/01 05:34 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Fucking acids have a mild effect on me. I've tried blotters, micros and drops. My friends trip hard and i just have a fuzz inside my head for about 1 hour, then gone. Have you ever tried a full sunflower blotter with no effects, hi! it's me!
-------------------- Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala

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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: justthiz] 1
#436500 - 10/25/01 12:58 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
"Turns out once you get your mind expanded, it's hard to shrink it back down again."
Lynda Barry, from her book Cruddy
HIGHLY recommend this book to all, I couldn't stop reading until the last page, like 6am.
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: heathadelic] 1
#439825 - 10/28/01 09:08 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
me n my frendz have shroomed about 13 times..each time the same.. took half an eighth and shroomed for 8 to 10 hours with strong viz..
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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: HB] 1
#23507360 - 08/03/16 08:30 PM (8 years, 6 months ago) |
HB said: acid is the worst drug for coming down ... you truly believe that you will NEVER go down, because the trip feels like it was your whole life, not just a night. i remember on my last acid trip, at the peak, I said "We'll never be the same again" and absolutely believed it. When coming down, I just felt like I had gone insane ... though it wouldn't have been as bad if my friend didn't want to go to sleep, because then we could have done something for most of the comedown instead of trying to go to sleep the second the peak started coming down ... which wasn't fun at all. next time i'm definitely taking a sleeping aid if I just can't ease out of the trip
The first time I did acid I kept getting "upset" every time I would start to come down. I kept saying "I want to go back up!" lol. I wasnt getting upset in a bad way though. It was like going home from a good vacation. I enjoyed the comedown. Watched alice and wonderland (the old one and then the new one).

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Re: Length of a Shroom trip [Re: tekforce] 1
#23507545 - 08/03/16 09:25 PM (8 years, 6 months ago) |
tekforce said: Whats is the avg length of a shroom trip? And bwhat do you guys think about sleeping pills for the post trip to fall asleep?
6 hours.

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I would avoid sleeping pills if you can. IMO, you should be able to fall asleep just fine once you're at the T+10 mark. The trip itself shouldn't last longer than about 6h but then you're going to still feel a bit amped up for some hours.
I can trip at 9am and be in bed by 7pm if I want. I have no issues falling asleep at all that way.
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Solid 5 hours @ 5g's , peak for 2 hours after come up then 3 hours of gradual re-entry then an hour of leveling out completely and landing. I take Xanax to fall asleep ( strictly a night tripper) so no problem there. Biggest problem I have is staying awake for the last few hours so I drink coffee or do a bunch of whippets. I wouldn't think of tripping without Xanax. I'm prescribed the stuff for insomnia anyhow so it's beyond me to imagine being without it , I was on it long before I got interested in shrooms.
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I guess I'm a weirdo. I've never had a trip last longer than 4 hours from come up to afterglow. That was from 7 grams. Normal 2g - 3.5g trips last a grand total of 3.5 hours. Good thing I love the afterglow from shrooms. Feels like I'm stoned out of my mind, but all visuals and trippy thoughts are gone.
-------------------- What's the crime if I snort a line, smoke, toke shoot it up all at the same time?
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