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Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip.
#748053 - 07/15/02 11:17 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
What is the diffrence between tripping on acid and on shrooms. Ive ate alot of acid but only ate shrooms once and they didnt do anything but make me sleep.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#748079 - 07/15/02 11:24 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
probably u didnt took many mushies so u could trip:-)
for my opinion mushies are better. i have tripped with mushies 6 times and with lsd more than 1000 times;-P
anyway,with lsd many times you feel angry with the others, or oyu say something and then think "why am i saying bullshit all the time?" and such with the mushies you never have bad and angry feelings
also the visuals are different and the way you listen to the music,too.
i think with the lsd the music is better;-) thats it sorry for my english
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#748192 - 07/15/02 12:07 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
an analogy:
lsd is like having every particle in your body blown across the universe
shrooms is like being stuck in a cave for the rest of your life
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot] 1
#748558 - 07/15/02 03:26 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
LSD is digital Psilocybin is analog


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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: shroom_assassin]
#749513 - 07/15/02 09:16 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
shroom_assassin, that's an excellent analogy, I completely agree. on acid it felt as though everything were boundless and never-ending ... on shrooms I felt like wherever I was was where I was going to be for the rest of my life ...
Zen Peddler

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: HB]
#749571 - 07/15/02 10:35 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Acid is a pure hallucinegenic experience - psilocybin and related alkaloids offer you another world but will not often let your participate
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Zen Peddler]
#749721 - 07/16/02 01:07 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
shrooms_assasin gave the best answer. unfortunately i dont speak english very well so my answer was poor. anyway, shroom_assasin is the boss

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#750941 - 07/16/02 11:43 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
To me, LSD is artificial. So everything during my trip feels sorta mechanical and artificial. To where as shrooms I feel real, alive, at one with the world. Shrooming makes me feel very hippy like in a way. Makes me want to take my shoes off and go dancing in the grass.
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To all the weed I've smoked,
this blunts for you.
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Fuck you too
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I miss my past.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: psillyshroompha]
#751078 - 07/16/02 01:15 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
hehehe ditto man
At my old apt., all the neighbors thought i was a complete nut b/c one day when i was trippin i did just that. Walked right outside in front of all these kids and parent, took off my shoes and shirt, and danced around in the grass until my sober roomate finally came out there and made me stop
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: TwistedRedneck]
#751184 - 07/16/02 02:15 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
lsd is like magnifying the mind with visuals
with mescalin and psylocybin u feel int ouch with some spirituly ancient
dm turner said somthing like that i have to agree

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#751854 - 07/16/02 06:32 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
War's boring,change thechannel!

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ]
#752201 - 07/16/02 09:23 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Nice post newt! I agree with that guy totally!
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: shroom_assassin]
#754008 - 07/17/02 03:08 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
In reply to shroom_assassin's analogy: >>>>> lsd is like having every particle in your body blown across the universe shrooms is like being stuck in a cave for the rest of your life
This is what I have found (take it with a grain of salt). The only time I feel "stuck" like you described it, while on shrooms, is when I have been living in a mode in life where I am not very well centered with my own inner peace...which is spiritual freedom in my book. Like when I am living each day chasing stupid things around, and just in that addictive cycle. Those are the times when I will trip that I will feel STUCK. And in reality, on a spiritual level, I am stuck. I have learned that it all has to do with the level of inner peace I have at the time I trip, and how lined up I am spiritually. When I am in tune and lined up right, I always have the most rewarding and adventurous trips. But when I am living my life just sorta chasing one day or one thing to the next (like chasing a rainbow), then if I trip, I do feel trapped. True freedom is found within. The reason you feel different from LSD, "like having every particle in your body blown across the universe", is because LSD has more potential to change certain paterns that you have inside in your spirit. It is an introspective trip which can alter who you are.....which can give you a temporary release from any spiritual prison you might be caught up in at the time. This is just my own theory and personal observation from my own tripping experiences. So if you dont agree with me, then thats OK. I just thought I would share what I see to be true. Peace

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#766089 - 07/21/02 08:55 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
LSD is not known (as of now) to be a naturally occuring substance. Psilocybin is.
LSD has more of a stimulant effect than mushrooms, lasts about twice as long (8-12 hours), and is generally more of a giddy, colorful, less hallucinatory experience than mushrooms. In my opinion LSD produces body loads and hangovers also.
Mushrooms are a much more deeper, spiritually refreshing trip. Full blown hallucinations occur. There is much less of a body load, although vomiting may occur at one point or another in the trip due to the consumption of the mushrooms. The duration of the trip is also shorter than that of LSD's. Instead of a hangover afer trip ends like what happens on LSD, there is usually an 'afterglow' effect. A temporary enlightenment.
You may have fell asleep on the mushrooms for a few different reasons: You fell asleep naturally before they even began to take effect. You didn't take enough. Your mushrooms were fake, or extremely weak. You had taken other tryptamines within a few days of the consumption of the mushrooms.
This information is half fact/half personal experience. As you may notice, I prefer mushrooms over LSD. Some people are the other way around. Only you will be able to distinguish the differences/similiarities yourself.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Phoshaman]
#771578 - 07/23/02 06:50 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
mushy's aaaalllthe way dude, LSD isnt as fun
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Damn]
#772175 - 07/24/02 02:36 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
LSD isn't as fun? Guess it's a preference thing, cause fuck tripping on acid is GOOD.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Damn]
#772366 - 07/24/02 05:20 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
LSD isnt fun? are you sure you have done LSD? It was the most fun I have ever had in a 12 hour period. I can't say the same for mushrooms.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Phoshaman]
#774760 - 07/24/02 11:03 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
I do not agree with much of what you've said. My first experience with LSD caused me to laugh for eight hours - i was sore from laughing. LSD provides SO MUCH MORE of a VISUAL experience than shrooms will ever. On trips on mushrooms where I have been tripping so hard that i was unable to even work out who, where or what I was their were complex visuals experienced, as well as strong auditory halluncinations. That being said, i found that I have less influence on teh direction of the experience on shrooms, and that i am not fully participating in the experience - like I am being shown something but am not aloud to fully feel what that something is. On LSD there are few auditory experiences, but the visuals are strongly present even at low doses, and at higher doses these experiences are purely breath-taking. LSD can be much more fun and 'light-hearted' than shrooms, LSD also gives a strong spiritual experience unlike any other substance i have tried. Watching the clouds suddenly change direction as the sun rose in the dawn was a profound experience on acid filled with spiritual and mystical significance that i could strangely only grasp at that moment while on acid. Acid does have a nasty comedown and i once turned yellow, then blue while tripping balls on it, and spent the next five hours cleaning my room because 'everything would only be alright if i did that', but it provides are much more profiund experience in my opinion than shrooms could ever. And you'll enjoy the tracers for the nest few days afterwards..
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#867499 - 09/06/02 02:09 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
While the 2 are very similar, they are also vastly different. I took LSD many times before I even tried shrooms. To me, LSD tends to be more of a physical body high, as well as more mental effects. As far as visuals are concerned, I tend to see more ordered, structured open eye visuals with LSD such as patterns on walls, kaleidoscopic patterns in clouds, and bright, flourescent colors. Shroom visuals to me are more cartoony and wierd; for instance, I once saw a whole bunch of eyes on the wall staring at me on shrooms. As far as closed eye visuals, they are both about the same, but the edge goes to the shrooms in that department. Of course, LSD lasts almost twice as long as shrooms. More people complain about bad trips on LSD than shrooms, which may have something to do with the length. Either one is fun though, and you cant go wrong with any choice!!
Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#867591 - 09/06/02 03:01 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
I have never taken LSD in my so far short lived life but am well experienced with the shroomies.  To me shroomies have pluged my brain deeper into the universe, not deeper into the mind itself assuch but a "worldly plug" is my best way to describe the mind morph which occurs. Nature seems to mean the total essecence to me which everything occured and branched from. I do feel hippieish but i feel it is difficult to actually place my finger on the button if ye get what i mean. Acid from what i have heard works with the mental aspects of ones mind and not the naturalness of things. Hope this makes sense, if it don`t, oh well, i know not but know.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#867603 - 09/06/02 03:13 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
LSD or acid that is on the market today is pure crap. Maybe one needs to take 4 or 5 hits to experience anything remotely resembling the LSD that I took in the early to mid 70's. Ive done acid in the 80's and 90's and found it to be crap. Speedy bullshit poser acid. Most, if not all of you have never done REAL LSD. You'd probably shit your pants if you did. 

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Bullfrog1]
#867872 - 09/06/02 07:05 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Yeah, because none of us have ever taken more than one hit of acid.  What else do you want to tell us? That you had to walk to school in ten feet of snow barefoot and that cheeseburgers used to cost nickel? Acid being weaker now just means that you have to take more of it if you want the same effects. Big fucking deal?putting 5 pieces of paper in my mouth instead of 1.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: MechanicalMan]
#867874 - 09/06/02 07:08 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
I agree 100%. I ate 5 hits as a starting point back in the day and it certainly was as strong as a single hit in the 70's. Just chalk up having to buy multiple hits to inflation.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Bullfrog1]
#2228450 - 01/08/04 01:24 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Gee, thanks for sharing.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#2237824 - 01/12/04 08:02 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
ive never done acid but i agree with the person who talked about takin ur shoes off and walkin around in grass when i do shrooms i feel so happy and at peace with the world like i know why i was put on the earth or somethin i rember my friend was mad about something but he found out it was all a joke and he was so relieved and just by looking at him i felt the exact same he was i felt sooo happy i felt pure joy like nothing ive ever felt ive never been so happy and i agree with acid bear the visuals are very cartoony and everything has so much more texture an example of cartoony is i was starin at this girls boob and it grew sooooo big
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: xchompxonxthisx]
#2238107 - 01/12/04 10:40 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I read through this noticing a lot of people mentioning how shrooms arent as mental and more of a visual trip with less focus on mind loads and cyclic thought patterns. I find completely the opposite in my personal experiences. Sometimes I have shrooms trips where nothing looks visually abnormal but my thought patters are so off the wall I follow a train of thought and end up thinking something I would have never normally thought of. Shrooms make me feel like im trying to figure out a question but I cant think of what the question is and its a continual loop where every few minutes on some bad trips ill catch myself thinking "wait! what!?" and looping that
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot] 1
#2238658 - 01/13/04 08:43 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
Shrooms teach you about life on earth and what it is to be human. Acid teaches you about the universe and what it is to be a spirit.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Ginseng]
#2239812 - 01/13/04 04:43 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
There is no way to describe in words the difference between the two... but whatever here's my shot. Of course, this is my experience with these two drugs, and your milage may vary.
Shroom trips are normally accompanied by more unpleasant physical side effects (body load, lethargic feeling, feel "flimsy") than acid. As far as the trip... shrooms have less euphoria, but more of a sense of profound awe/wonder... like you're heavily at peace with everything. The visuals seem to come and go, and to be honest I really have NEVER gotten completely mindblowing visuals from shrooms. The visuals on shrooms are kind of blurry, and hard to make out. I normally have most insights when I am past the peak, and in the midst of the beautiful comedown.
Speaking of which, the comedown on shrooms is far more gentle than acid. With shrooms it fades out nicely, leaving you with a nice mental afterglow, but with acid (LSA too) it leaves me feeling sort of all cracked out... like I just went through something that is definitely *not* good for the body or brain.
It's kind of hard to describe the difference in the way the trip FEELS between the two. I once heard someone say "If shrooms feel like the earth, acid feels like candy" generally I agree with this. There is much more energy with an LSD trip, and it is MUCH more euphoric than shrooms. Acid is recreational trippin' at it's best. This doesn't mean it has less potential though! I enjoy LSD much more than mushrooms but they are both incredible amazing lifechanging experiences. Acid is much less introspective/contemplative for me than shrooms, but that may change when I get more experience. I'm very inexperienced with LSD. (Done it once)
Visuals on acid are THE SHIT. I have only tried a low dose one time and I completely understood the hype around LSD's visuals after that. They are fucking amazing. While shrooms have blurrier, indistinct visuals, on acid, it's razor sharp, crystal clear, and it's RIGHT there. Sort of hard to explain. Like, I took two hits of blotter (weak) probably about 80-100mcg in total, and I was getting some visuals that were better than my high dose shroom trips. Letters on street signs were rotating as if they had a Y-Axis in 3D, for example. That kind of stuff just DOESN'T happen with mushrooms. (for me...)
Anyway, I hope I helped... but to really know the difference, you need to trip on both!
Happy trippin'
Edited by the free thinker (01/13/04 04:50 PM)
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: the free thinker]
#2241106 - 01/14/04 08:33 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I think what we can tell from these posts is that people experience these drugs in different ways! This is probably true for psychadelics more so than for other drugs like alcohol, coke etc.
For me, I've done acid once and it was possibly the worst experience of my life (my own fault; bad setting), yet I still got a lot from it. It put some things into perspective, and I must say helped to change me for the better. The visuals were undeniably in a different league from mushrooms, but mentally I found it too strong. I got caught in this paranoid thought cycle which I just got deeper and deeper into, became really embarressed and irrataional. Also I disliked the un-natural, speedy side of it; the teeth-grinding etc.
But shrooms, I found them to be rooted in nature. I think they are at their best enjoyed in the countryside, not in an urban environment. I just feel so happy. Completely different from acid (although I appreciate my acid trip wasn't exactly a "good trip!").
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: mr_kite]
#2241124 - 01/14/04 08:47 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I have never done acid, but I noticed alot of people saying that they have never had mind-blowing visuals on shrooms and only on acid. I have had some crazy fuckin visuals, crystal clear right infront of my eyes there is no escape from them. There's no doubt in my mind that shrooms give some incredible visuals, it probably just depends on the person, and if not that probably just the potency or species.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: mr_kite]
#2241125 - 01/14/04 08:49 AM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
acid is electricity shrooms are jello
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Help on the Way]
#2242436 - 01/14/04 06:00 PM (21 years, 1 month ago) |
I'm going to have to try acid sometime because i have had pretty good visuals off shrooms, and i thought they gave the best visuals.
i've noticed with shrooms once you get to a certain level, the visuals just apear to stay in the same spot. Like there would be geometric patterns everywhere in my house, every wall and they would be different. And i would come back 15 minutes later from being somewhere else and they are in the exact same spot and look exactly the same. Or an object will be changing colours, changing shape or patterns and i would come back later it would be doing the exact same thing as before.
I hear acid isn't like this, like you have to stare at something. But then again on mushrooms you have to do this too sometimes.
Shrooms also seem to fuck with my ears, balance and sometimes and breathing feels different. This seems to compare a bit to mdma, i have felt similar feelings with the 2.
Is it possible that acid visuals on objects act on a 3D basis and and shroom visuals on objects act on a 2D basis. Like light is perceived differently with the 2.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. *DELETED* *DELETED* [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#4676919 - 09/18/05 07:06 AM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ]
#4677579 - 09/18/05 12:33 PM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
for me, mushrooms are much more a learning experience and "in touch" with all nature. i usually reach ego loss much more easily than with lsd, but with less visuals. much more bright oranges and reds etc. more geometric shapes in the dark, with more CEVs.
lsd is much more visual to me than mushrooms. the body high is about equivilant to mush, except i feel i can control myself much more on lsd. things seem "fluid or liquid" and lasts much longer(about 8 hours+) on lsd as opposed to about 4-5 hours on mush.
hope that helps
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: the_psychonaut]
#4677601 - 09/18/05 12:42 PM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
also, heres a good thing to try, try a few hits of good acid, and an eighth of good mush, u will not regret it, also eat a vitamin c pill and u will up the visuals(for me). u will get the earthy peace of the mush, and the crazy visuals of the lsd.
o yea, sorry i couldnt figure out how to edit
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: SurwinMaxawow]
#4677617 - 09/18/05 12:51 PM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
SurwinMaxawow said: In reply to shroom_assassin's analogy: >>>>> lsd is like having every particle in your body blown across the universe shrooms is like being stuck in a cave for the rest of your life
This is what I have found (take it with a grain of salt). The only time I feel "stuck" like you described it, while on shrooms, is when I have been living in a mode in life where I am not very well centered with my own inner peace...which is spiritual freedom in my book. Like when I am living each day chasing stupid things around, and just in that addictive cycle. Those are the times when I will trip that I will feel STUCK. And in reality, on a spiritual level, I am stuck. I have learned that it all has to do with the level of inner peace I have at the time I trip, and how lined up I am spiritually. When I am in tune and lined up right, I always have the most rewarding and adventurous trips. But when I am living my life just sorta chasing one day or one thing to the next (like chasing a rainbow), then if I trip, I do feel trapped. True freedom is found within. The reason you feel different from LSD, "like having every particle in your body blown across the universe", is because LSD has more potential to change certain paterns that you have inside in your spirit. It is an introspective trip which can alter who you are.....which can give you a temporary release from any spiritual prison you might be caught up in at the time. This is just my own theory and personal observation from my own tripping experiences. So if you dont agree with me, then thats OK. I just thought I would share what I see to be true. Peace
Thankyou for these words... Helped me out alot.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#4681490 - 09/19/05 11:00 AM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
LSD is a recreational drug
Shrooms are an intellectual tool
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Kosher]
#4681582 - 09/19/05 11:26 AM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
My opinion on the matter (hehe, this thread has gotten bumped twice I noticed when I read through it all: 02-04, 04-05).
Anyway, I have yet to try LSD, but here are my thoughts on the use of mushrooms. There is one friend that I have tripped with quite a lot. Throughout our trips together, he always says he rarely got many visuals. I always get crazy as hell visuals while on shrooms though. They are just right there, and all over the place, and outta control. We have tried different psychoactive mushrooms from different genus (panaelous, psilocybe), and this has always been the case. Just with some people they effect you one way, and other people other ways.
Perhaps when I try LSD I'll be suprised with few visuals. Perhaps I'll be suprised with visuals even better than on shrooms, which I can't even comprehend at the moment...the ones I get are just so crazy. I'll look at my friend, and not be able to tell what parts of body he has. His face will be gone, part of his torso will disconnect and form a third arm. I'll look in the mirror, and my reflection will start getting distorted. My ear starts to fly off, and then my reflection starts to turn around and walk away without me (that kinda creeped me out when that happened..I looked behind me to see if I was behind myself walking away). Dunno, I can't even really explain half the stuff I see obviously, its just crazy.
Whatever the case, my point is this: Depends on the person, its different for everyone, just try it out and see for yourself. The only few consistant things I have heard about it is that there is more of an energizing, giddy, almost speedy feeling than while on mushrooms (I also hear the comment about LSD being more recreational than shrooms a nice amount too). I can't wait to give it a shot and see what happens ^^.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: MechanicalMan]
#4682495 - 09/19/05 03:04 PM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
MechanicalMan said: Yeah, because none of us have ever taken more than one hit of acid.  What else do you want to tell us? That you had to walk to school in ten feet of snow barefoot and that cheeseburgers used to cost nickel? Acid being weaker now just means that you have to take more of it if you want the same effects. Big fucking deal?putting 5 pieces of paper in my mouth instead of 1.
Speedy bullshit poser acid. Most, if not all of you have never done REAL LSD.
good job, mechanical. maybe you need some REAL lsd to squeltch that nonsensical ego there buddy. 5 hits of bullshit lsd analogs will never equal 1 hit of real LSD-25.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: extinguishment]
#4682498 - 09/19/05 03:06 PM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
one analog id like to try is ALD-52
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: extinguishment]
#4685410 - 09/20/05 07:01 AM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
I prefer LSD-40 as its more intense and lasts about 3 hours longer. LSD-25 is what Russia is trying to legalize again for research as we speak. LSD-25 only lasts 5-6 hrs. while LSD-40 lasts 8-10 hrs. I've had both and I think 40 is more visual and intense and the 25 I find to be philosophical for me usually. You can always tell what you have by how intense it is at the 4 hour mark.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: popnganja420]
#4720657 - 09/27/05 03:24 PM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
how could you truely tell if what u took was lds-25, or lsd-40, unless u made it yourself or seen it made?
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: the_psychonaut]
#4720735 - 09/27/05 03:37 PM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
surely thats all balls, all the acid we buy is LSD-25..I'm not even sure the 40 analogue is active// and most acid trips ive had have been in the 10-12 hour range.
Answering the question tho, acid is more mobile for me.. I always find patterns are moving directionaly as well as in form, my mushroom visuals tend to be gently sub-imposed..I find acid can quite often give a mind that is not particularly capable of rational thought but on mushrooms I am normaly capable of rational thoughts if not ideas...
Anyone else find this?
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: popnganja420]
#4754052 - 10/04/05 11:54 AM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
There is only one Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. The 25 doesn't mean anything in terms of the chemical structure. It was simply a reference code. If LSD-40 does exist, it just means that a different reference code was used. It does not mean that the structure is any different. If you truely sense a significant difference between LSD-25 and so-called LSD-40, it is because one of them was not really LSD. LSD is a single, discrete chemical. You cannot have multiple types of LSD.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: votelp2008]
#4754147 - 10/04/05 12:36 PM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
lsd = more visuals that make it hard to decifer reality from the realm. mushrooms = your just tripping.
my opinion on that one
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomArtist84]
#4754242 - 10/04/05 12:55 PM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
There is no LSD-40. Sandoz surely had a chemical with reference number 40, but it wasn't lysergic acid diethylamine. Quickly browsing tihkal, we see ald-52, mld-41, bol-148, mbl-61. The lsa found in psychoactive seeds is labeled LA-111. heres a quote to go along with it, supporting that fact.
"1-Hydroxymethyl-LSD, 1-dimethylaminomethyl-LSD and 2-iodo-LSD. These three additional compounds are shown here because they were described in a synthetic flurry that followed the discovery the activity of LSD. But at the moment I know neither their internal Sandoz codes nor if they had ever been explored in man. This is a kind of frustrating catch-all entry, in that the long index will send you here, and once here you realize that nothing is known. Well, at least the compounds are known, and perhaps there is something in the Sandoz vaults that might be interesting. I do not have access to them."
Surely there have been analogs on blotter over the years. Many of them are active even at 100ug. Easily can fit on blotter. However, when labs are busted, (and in microgram, when they GC/MS test for LSD, they get results for LSD) you can be sure they accurately determine the chemical. I don't recall hearing of any court case where the chemist claims that it was an analog, not lsd being produced. Obviously, the famous exception is Owsley's ALD-52.
And finally, if it is a lysergic compound being produced, true, we might not be able to detect it. (And it's insulting to assume the majority can't tell the difference from DOB). But what evidence is there of mass produced LSM-755 for example? Furthermore, these *are* all ergolines. You still need to come across difficult to aquire precursors, like ergotamine. Rather than using diethylamine (in the more simillar reactions) one would use another chemical. Diethylamine may not be the easiest thing to aquire, but you're already getting the damn ergotamine, you might as well finish the job right.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Koala Koolio]
#4754454 - 10/04/05 01:31 PM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
I'll look in the mirror, and my reflection will start getting distorted. My ear starts to fly off, and then my reflection starts to turn around and walk away without me
haha, dead on. I also get the intense feeling on both srhooms and lsd that the top part of someones face (from the eyes up) is disconnected from the rest of their face (nose down).
honestly the difference between the two is hard for me to detect because I haven't done them in equal amounts, myself preferring things i can grow myself as opposed to something that requires an active interest in chemistry. plus, that shit has been hard to come across for a minute...
i feel like srhooms are just more relaxed in general, despite the way it can play with your emotions. acdi is sort of an upper, and allows you to smokeout and/or drink alcohol without much effect, and is generally a little crazier and less predictable. as if either are predictable to a certain extent.. 
one thing I can say that holds true, is that tripping on either shows you things that could never be written down on paper, or even painted. video can come close, but its something about how it reveals the absurdity of everything that lets both of them do their work in their own ways. whether its purely chemical or whatever you choose to subscribe to.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: kotik]
#4754767 - 10/04/05 02:29 PM (19 years, 4 months ago) |
I think the place, time, mental state at the time , people your around , etc have alot to do with the outcome of a trip.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#10330362 - 05/12/09 11:52 PM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
Cid seemed to be a lot less natural, but incredibly visual with the geometric patterns and full blown hallucinations (hell yeah!), where the shrooms seem to be closer to a personalized religious experience and noticing patterns in the local environment that were always there, but just causing a LOT more attention to the detail and beauty of them.
The guy im talking about also has a hard time getting off on shrooms, like nothing happens when he took doses equal to people that tripped their balls off; and only getting to a level 1.5 trip off 2.5 g's of PE, so hes hoping theres more to shrooms then he had found. Hes going to try 5 g's of PE dry or a nice phat fresh one next time he gets the opportunity.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Bullfrog1]
#10330960 - 05/13/09 04:03 AM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
ya the BIG difference that is MOST important is this
Shrooms u can get at 100% potency and 100%purity and correct dose by growing them and 100% preservable for decades
acid u have no clue what you are getting, if it even was lsd-25 at one time it most likely is now ALD-52 or broken down components of lsd 25. lsd-25 is very unstable around oxygen or light and breaks down very fast and if the chemist dont do thing perfect u will have a trippy drug but wont be true LSD-25
imagine questioning ur sanity when u have noo clue whatsoever how many micrograms of LSD u just took, atleast with shrooms u can always say "i only ate 3 grams" or whatever ill be fine
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Xerg]
#10335060 - 05/13/09 10:06 PM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
Well, I'm pretty sure that every compound that LSD breaks down into is not psychoactive, even at large doses. I also doubt that it "degrades" into ALD-52. It would be sweet if it did, though! You're right about guessing how many micrograms is on a tab though, whenever I buy a strip of acid, I always cut the first hit into 4 little triangles and split them with 3 friends for the night, just to see how hard it will hit us. That's all, just be safe, and don't think you have to eat a whole tab at once.
anyways, effects wise, I'd say that mushrooms make visuals that "float around" in your vision, "spirits" that stick with you wherever you looking, that are kind of "behind your eyes" whereas LSD makes visuals that seem more likely to manifest themself into the visual world.
I see vague, painted faces of spirits and stuff on mushrooms, made up of "floaters" that you usually get from staring at lights, whereas any face I see on acid is manifested from an actual physical object in the room, and will usually be detailed faces from my memory, of people I know. The only visuals I ever see on acid that are made up of "floaters" are grids and waves, never faces. Acid feels like I'm all jacked on meth for much of the trip, and I feel so "speedy" sometimes that it even gives me a bearable headache. Mushrooms, on the other had, tend to numb all physical pain, make me feel "dreamy", and do this weird ass thing where I feel like I've "Woken up" from a sleep that I haven't woken up from since the last trip, lol.
Sorry for all the words in parenthesis. It's how I always have to describe effects of these drugs, haha.
Edited by CMACD (05/13/09 10:07 PM)

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: CMACD]
#10335193 - 05/13/09 10:29 PM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
I find that shrooms are more "emotional" than LSD. Also the shrooms visuals seem to make things flow and breath like a river while the LSD visuals create distortions more like standing wave patterns on the surface of water. Just my 2 cents, interesting thread.

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: MSUman6000]
#10335238 - 05/13/09 10:38 PM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
Whats up with all the 3 year old threads coming back to life?
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Country1]
#10335300 - 05/13/09 10:51 PM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
I am actually into the thread resurrections, LoLoLski!
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Country1]
#10335302 - 05/13/09 10:52 PM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
Euphoria. Orgasmic Body High. Intense and deep introspection. Feelings of connection with nature and the planet itself, for me this usually results in being sad/upset by what humans are doing to our mother earth. Visuals are intricate beyond measure (symbols and patterns) but relatively stagnant, they stretch across your vision, OEV's can include things like trees and nature appearing to breathe and seem alive. Trails/tracer vision. Necessary to accept the journey for what it is, your a passenger with little control over his experience. Extremely cleansing for the mind if accepted and valued for what it is. Increase of senses, music sounds amazing (IMO).
Change in thought processes. Extremely intense and colorful visual patterns both OEV and CEV that move and flow easily to music or with meditation. Music sounds infinitely deep and you can pick out and identify every single sound you hear. You're the driver, especially on smaller doses, I've been able to control my visuals completely with practice on LSD. Trails/tracer vision (leave colorful streaks more so than shrooms IMO). Cleaner on the body than mushrooms, feels like its mostly in the mind. Super senses, jedi status.
-------------------- Lysergic exploration.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: TheMerryGangster]
#10335441 - 05/13/09 11:24 PM (15 years, 9 months ago) |
Haven't done shrooms yet but I've tripped on acid 5 times now and for me, even at low doses, it is extremely visual. At 1 hit I'll get coloured dots over peoples faces and on walls, I see people's auras (real or not haha) and yeah..
Up that to 2 or 3 hits and I get crystal clear distortions on everything. I see purple and green a lot and trees will melt and rotate and contort. I see gint colourful slugs crawling everywhere and everything looks like it's made of goo or plastic. Actually it depends... my visuals are influenced a lot by my environment. Everything is accentuated for me. Some rooms in houses will have great vibes and others will feel gloomy.
It's hard to explain and I could write so much and go in depth about my personal experiences. It's been a while since I've tripped now and now that I think about it, I'm remembering it all. It's all coming back to me. I've had some hazy trips which I kinda lost memory of the day after. When I smoked weed when tripping it seems to do that. Makes the trip very hazy. On the comedown though, weed is amazing.
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Bullfrog1]
#10365363 - 05/19/09 05:08 PM (15 years, 8 months ago) |
What i found to be the biggest difference between shrooms and lsd was that mushrooms pretty much removed your depth perception, if you were to spread your hand out like its flat, then move it to the position of holding a ball youd see it as your hand shrinking, and surfaces ripple and you feel like everything is there for a reason, being one with it. lsd it feels like your mind is rushing out of your body, thinking is about as clear as talking and your visual effects are alot more hallucinated, instead of ripply look everything is twisting and spreading apart, and flashing with colorful fractals and other patterns. music on shrooms is very very clear and it feels like its floating in your head, and on lsd its like your mind grabs onto the music and you feel like music is just part of your life. should listen to some infected mushroom on either of them, normally its just funny trance with a good beat, but on lsd or shrooms. the tones and sounds they put in their music takes you places in your mind youll NEVER hear normally, and it easily induces synesthesia which is the greatest feeling ever.

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Phoshaman]
#10371732 - 05/20/09 07:09 PM (15 years, 8 months ago) |
Phoshaman said: LSD is not known (as of now) to be a naturally occuring substance. Psilocybin is.
LSD has more of a stimulant effect than mushrooms, lasts about twice as long (8-12 hours), and is generally more of a giddy, colorful, less hallucinatory experience than mushrooms. In my opinion LSD produces body loads and hangovers also.
Mushrooms are a much more deeper, spiritually refreshing trip. Full blown hallucinations occur. There is much less of a body load, although vomiting may occur at one point or another in the trip due to the consumption of the mushrooms. The duration of the trip is also shorter than that of LSD's. Instead of a hangover afer trip ends like what happens on LSD, there is usually an 'afterglow' effect. A temporary enlightenment.
You may have fell asleep on the mushrooms for a few different reasons: You fell asleep naturally before they even began to take effect. You didn't take enough. Your mushrooms were fake, or extremely weak. You had taken other tryptamines within a few days of the consumption of the mushrooms.
This information is half fact/half personal experience. As you may notice, I prefer mushrooms over LSD. Some people are the other way around. Only you will be able to distinguish the differences/similiarities yourself.
Be safe.
I'm sorry but what? It sounds to me like you're getting your drugs confused. Mushroom afterglow? Acid body load? Shrooms = way more visual/hallucinatory?

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Bullfrog1]
#10494812 - 06/12/09 03:08 PM (15 years, 8 months ago) |
damnit i want some lsd, never been around me! pisses me off lol
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: r3nzhe]
#12374417 - 04/11/10 08:59 PM (14 years, 10 months ago) |
I think there are too many kinds of acid and shrooms to properly compare. You get a shitty watered down hit of acid and try and compare it to some shrooms you came across at a folk festival..
Plus everyone is different.
-------------------- 'Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is just energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.'
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: ShroomyMcPot]
#14029523 - 02/26/11 09:40 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
to me acid is more visual.way more fractal type patterns on the wall and colors are alot more intense.shrooms are more a "spiritual " type thing.you can go on a bad trip in seconds and you think a million thoughts a minute.the visuals are nice too. more "natural".

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Hamurabi]
#23562689 - 08/21/16 11:05 AM (8 years, 5 months ago) |
thanks for the tip

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: bokaj]
#23562715 - 08/21/16 11:15 AM (8 years, 5 months ago) |
So you have this box and when your on a high dose of LSD you can just kick it in this box you have a little more control if you will... not saying he has not had to restrain someone on a dose of 4 liquid drops of sunshine while they where attempting to run around naked lol there was something deeper in that guys mind going on.... but the dude has dosed 10 strips for fun and still is able to compose himself 
With a high dose of the funguyz they take your box and completely smash that motherfucker in pieces to show you how little control you really have!!!
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Sheepish]
#24083303 - 02/11/17 09:37 PM (8 years, 7 days ago) |

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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: Hamurabi]
#24084216 - 02/12/17 10:02 AM (8 years, 6 days ago) |
Hamurabi said: anyway,with lsd many times you feel angry with the others, or oyu say something and then think "why am i saying bullshit all the time?" and such with the mushies you never have bad and angry feelings
Strangely accurate
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: JohnnyZ]
#24571532 - 08/22/17 11:15 AM (7 years, 5 months ago) |
JohnnyZ said: Plus everyone is different.
Exactly. Plus, I haven't seen anyone mention this, but every acid trip is unique. When you think you know how acid trips goes and what they do to you, be prepared to be shown wrong, by a completely different experience (yes, even on the same batch).
My first time was very powerful, almost scary mental effects on one hit. Almost no visuals, other than brighter colors. Music was nice.
After that, I was doing 2-3 hits of the same batch, and the trips were amazing, visuals were beautiful, spanning from patterns, to mild hallucinations. Time distortion. Sound enhancement, or distorted, taking music layers apart, etc. Most importantly, the head space was incredible, I was having revelations about myself and the world, felt like becoming enlightened, in ways that changed me. Some of the best/worst visuals were related to human faces. Unpleasant looking people looked like disgusting demons, and positive looking people, especially friends and lovers looked sometimes a bit scary but usually angelic, even as I could see the facial bones change shape under the skin. I was able to visually see the smallest emotional changes in a person, so deep and acutely. My face has become more free and expressive in everyday life since then, and moreover I've become more able to pick up on people's subtle emotions - positive effects that have remained with me to this day.
After that, tried candy flipping, which is molly and acid. For some people works great. It was not so great for me and I'll explain why (possibly I did it wrong, there are many variables). It was quite pleasant, and I did engage in blissful 4 hours of sex (2+2), where I was able to experience what my girlfriend was experiencing, her orgasms. I had a pretty good experience of what it feels like to have a vagina, I know this might make many men uncomfortable, but it was da shit. All good so far. It was indeed very nice and pleasant. But the headspace of previous trips was not there for the most part. Moreover, the visuals were for the first time blurry and confused, not the clear and beautiful patterns anymore. Like when you wake up in the morning and your sight is blurry, except it was like that the whole time and even the next day.
After that, I wanted to only get back to doing acid, because my primary interest was the head space in which I could learn so much about myself, rather than just do it recreationally as in the case of candy flipping, fun as it may be. Moreover wanted the awesome visuals again. However, since then, my trips have not been as good as they were before, the visuals weaker or absent, the head space not as good, the body load feels a lot heavier.
Bottom line, it might mean nothing, it might mean that trips are different not just from person to person, but for the same person at different times, in part randomly, in part because of previous experiences, in part because changes in your diet maybe, of course set and setting, etc. and the complexity of the things which can change the experience is endless.
So if you had shrooms and acid and decide that one is better than the other, it doesn't mean anything! I was lucky that my initial trips on acid were very positive learning experiences, so now that my trips are not as good, I don't give up on it or judge the acid, it's mostly due to changes in my life and issues I am working on. I have never done mushrooms but I will in a few weeks. I suspect the same is true of mushrooms, from all I read, the experience is very subjective, some have more visuals on one than the other etc. In different conditions, or with different expectations, one might have the opposite experience! Don't jump to conclusions, you may be missing out. Just be safe and set your trips properly to have the best possible experience. Shadilay!
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Re: Diffrence between an LSD trip and Shroom trip. [Re: HarveyInTheSky]
#24572484 - 08/22/17 06:02 PM (7 years, 5 months ago) |
Mushrooms are natural, Lsd is semi-synthetic. They both bind to the 5HT2a (a serotonin) receptor in the brain.
On an experiential note though, Lsd has a faster pace, more awake-ness to it for me personally and mushrooms make me feel like im about to go to bed or fall asleep. I would say its apples to oranges but apples and oranges dont do what psychedelics do.
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