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shroom trip report
#332614 - 06/02/01 07:15 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
As you all have noticed, I have been posting many questions recently as to how much i should do for my trip. Lasnight I went to my friends house around 7 and we were thinking of how much we wanted to do. I insisted on a full-eighth but he talked me down to a half since this was both of our first time shrooming.
So we both eat half an eighth of shrooms (i believe i may have had a little more cuz my shroom had a cap on it and was bigger than his), and my friend pukes up immediately due to the taste. He says he didnt lose any out of his mouth, but i think he did. I manage to have no nausea, luckily. So we walk to the top of his hill (about 15 - 20 minutes of the walk is through a little forest) and when we get to the top its about 8:20. I think i start to feel it, but I'm not sure. My friend says he doesnt feel anything, so we start thinking i got bunk shrooms even though i could see the blueness inside the stem and they look EXACTLY like cubies. So we're sitting at the top of the hill watching the sun go down, and again i still cant tell whether im convincing myself im coming up or whether i really am. Its getting pretty dark, so we start walking back down to his house at around 8:40 or so. At this point the trip starts hitting strong and fast. Visuals are appearing faster than on acid, but my friend still feels nothing. However the visuals are not enticing, they are like my previous acid trips (like tree branches start getting scary as hell faces and like acid the branches remind me of freaky cheshire cats). I start worrying that this is gonna be a bad trip, and thats when the beginning of my trip starts to get really bad. We finally manage our way back to his house and I'm dying to get into his room because the nature was totally freaking me out (oddly enough i wasnt as scared on acid). So we get to his room at around 9:20 and the trip is in full force, though nothing im seeing is happy or fun. I keep getting nasty thoughts and i was intent on falling asleep cuz i hated it so much though as you all know its impossible to sleep while tripping. I tell my friend i wanna throw away the rest of my shrooms im so pissed i never wanna trip again. Luckily he knows how to handle freakouts and he tells me to keep the rest of the shrooms, so i do.
Well my friend who still isnt tripping (at least not visually) goes out on the balcony to have a cigarette and i follow him but i go back in because at that point not only im bad tripping im cold as hell. so i go back in and put on my pants and wait until my friend comes back. meanwhile im still totally trippin just about to hit the peak and im kind of happy it wont get any stronger because instead of wading in like acid shrooms seem to throw you into the pool immediately (i guess i freaked out cuz i didnt know it would hit so fast).
so my friend comes in and finally talks me down a little and puts on Dazed and Confused to calm me down. Suddenly my trip becomes utterly amazing. We both pick up our guitars and play quietly while watching the movie and everything is just absolutely sublime. He still isnt seeing anything!! (he didnt see anything the entire trip, i was totally seeing shit everywhere, i must have a low tolerance) but i can tell hes trippin also by the way hes playin the guitar. amazingly enough i could really tell i was playing better than i usually do. it was totally chill. so were on the beginning of the peak in pure ecstacy, were both so happy just about everything. unlike acid, i had no paranoia and very little mindfuck. when his parents came home around 10:45 or so we actually engaged in full conversations with them easy, tho i was just having so much fun i had no paranoia. we go outside to his balcony and smoke some cigarettes and talk about bullshit (i mean i could actually follow the conversation and it was good conversation) so were out there for most of the peak talking (sounds boring but believe me i was having the time of my life) and we smoked about 2 packs altogether. the view from his house is quite amazing, and the forest below his balcony started to do funny shit (the trees looks like kids with afros and a few trees in this one area turned into this guy toking up a bowl on a pipe lol it was funny) i had open visuals the whole time if i cared to pay attention (everything was so colorful, and i had full 3d open visuals, small tho not hallucinations) and you know the obvious shit was happenin everywhere. i was the happiest id ever been in my life! so after a while we go back in and continue watching the movie (if any of you have seen the movie: the part where mitch kramer and his buddy go into the dance where they have a room with the blacklight and the flourescent flower poster, damn that was fuckin trippy) so we just hung out and chilled and played guitar and it was a ton of fun. by 2 am i was totally back to earth, though if i closed my eyes i saw little shit, but i felt so returned to reality its amazing) nothing i felt on this trip could be explained in words, you all know how it is. i actually enjoyed it as much and at points more than acid, i only hated the beginning cuz of my freakout. next time im doing 3/4 an eighth and my friend is doing a full to see if he can finally get visuals. so much fun, thanks for reading.
i plan to do my next concert on half an eighth, i know i can handle it seeing how well i played while peaking :)
thanks for all your help everyone!
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#332622 - 06/02/01 07:26 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
-------------------- -Alien

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Re: shroom trip report [Re: Alien]
#332629 - 06/02/01 07:35 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
youre right, i did trip somewhat unprepared (i was planning on doing it alone lasnight but then i figured it would be more fun to go with my friend since hes always been my acid trip buddy) im happy that i did it with him, tho, theres nothing worse than having a bad trip alone.
im not sure if i want to do it alone next time, unless its during the day NOT in my room around my parents. actually i plan on going to disneyland next week on a half an eighth with my friends who wont be tripping but theyll know i am...could be fun (so long as i stay in control)
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: HB]
#332643 - 06/02/01 08:07 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Glad you liked your first time shroomin! I took half an 1/8 too my first time and loved it! Totally in control and totally chill. Disney world shroomin would be great! half an 1/8 is probably good if you were in control and still gettin visiuals. I didnt get any visiuals on that level trip except for a little bending and melting and pixiliation. When I shroomed last week I had the coolest colored fractal web type visuals goin on. I would love to be able to shroom at random places like Disney and 6 Flags or just because its a beautiful day outside, but sadly I dont have any shroomies cause no one around here seems to be able to get em! Arg!
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: Alien]
#332742 - 06/02/01 10:39 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
i don't know if its really possible to adequately prepare for your first shroom experience. You can read all the trip reports you want, but they will never come close to your specific trip.

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Re: shroom trip report [Re: narc monkey]
#332785 - 06/03/01 12:41 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
very true i wasnt ready at all for how hard and fast the trip came on...ya i must have a really low tolerance because i got crazy visuals on just half an eighth ... i cant imagine how crazy a full eighth would be :P im not ready to try a full yet, shrooms SEEM so much more powerful than acid to me, at least emotionally. on acid emotion doesnt play much part at all, but the sadness and happiness broke and made my trip good and bad -- at first i was saying how much i dont like how negative it was, and suddenly i was in the happiest mood. love it! what would it be like to do two hits of acid and half an eighth of shrooms at the same time? i havent heard a report on how that is yet but i might wanna try it one day if i feel absolutely prepared, which im sure i wont be ;)
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: HB]
#332792 - 06/03/01 12:48 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
one more question, can anybody think of good ways to stop a bad trip in the beginning like what happened to me? i mean like i kept telling myself Youre fine, youre just tripping hard itll be ok...etc but my mind wouldnt believe me and it started freakin and i thought id be in for 6 hours of hell and torture...the movie eventually helped *thank god* but what do you guys do to stop a bad trip (besides niacin or whatever, i wouldnt want to stop a trip like that) i most likely will only do another half an eighth next time, why risk freakin out again...when i get more comfortable with shrooms ill go up to 3/4 eighth, then a full
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: HB]
#332793 - 06/03/01 12:49 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
I'm pretty disappointed with my first trip. I took about 5, possibly 6, grams and I had low to almost nonexistent visuals. Not to mention it became a mental hell during the last half. Is it common not to experience a lot of visuals?

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im guessing it is but lasnight was my first time so i wouldnt know -- the batch i have my friend told me is unlike anything hes seen before (i guess thats why i got such amazing visuals on so little)
i think its very common to only mind trip without visuals, depends on the strain and flush...am i right?
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: HB]
#332812 - 06/03/01 01:09 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
it sounds like your friend didn't trip very hard because he threw up his shrooms before they had a chance to absorbe enough psylocybin/psylocin. thats my guess anyway. Glad to see you had a good time despite the initial negativity. I've experienced something kind of similiar. It seems that almost everytime I eat mushrooms there is at least a 15 minute period of uncomfortable feelings before I am able to let the experience begin. Its like a part of me is trying to push the abort button before my mind can blast off. But once that phase is over it all becomes wonderful. Most times anyway.
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: Floydian]
#332814 - 06/03/01 01:13 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
agreed -- he told me none came out but i think enough must have come out to stop his trip ... that sux, waste of half an eighth :( and i feel bad i was trippin out and he was barely trippin
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: HB]
#333186 - 06/03/01 02:39 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
About stoping a bad trip I dont really know, because Ive never had a bad trip. Ive gotten scared a few times during my good trips but it always passes. Anyway sometimes when I start gettin scared I just put on some nice happy, upbeat ambient techno and that always works. Music can strongly impact the flow of your trip in seconds.
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: HB]
#333192 - 06/03/01 02:48 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
best way the avoid a bad trip - MINDSET, its all about how you feel and keeping a positive vibe, i too have puked from shrooms a couple of times, but this was a hour after i ingested them so i still absorbed the good stuff and tripped!!

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Re: shroom trip report [Re: OuterSpace]
#333203 - 06/03/01 03:04 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
instead of trying to convince yourself youre going to be allright. just allow yourself to become whatever the shrooms are making you become, if that meant a twisted giggling out-of-control animal freak, then do it, and laugh and enjoy it. thats why tripping with friends can be hard, when youre with others you have a certain image to maintain. in my oppinion anyway
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I think maybe 3 trips ago I had an 1/8 and had absolutely NO visuals, but I had a total mind trip. I was kinda freaking. No visuals at all, and visuals are probably the best part. All that seeing god shit is such crap! How many people take them for fun and how many for spiritual reasons?
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: Brugman]
#333440 - 06/03/01 08:02 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
> How many people take them for fun and how many for spiritual reasons?
There are more reasons then that to take a psychedelic drug! For one, I do not beleive in any form of religion. I think it's all conjoured bs by mankind to make themselves feel good about existance. I think just about everyone will agree that we take these substances for fun, but there is always more to the story then that. I take them for mental enlightenment and a change of perspective every now and again. Though, You ycan bet your ass I have a blast in the process! ;-)
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: HB]
#333446 - 06/03/01 08:12 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
> can anybody think of good ways to stop a bad trip in the beginning
For one thing, don't worry about the trip going bad. It only goes were you take it. Remember that, but also remember your kind of on a ride. When your on a ride, your strapped in and there is no way out until the ride comes to a complete stop at the end of the tracks. What can you do while your on that ride to prevent a bad time? You simply go with it and try to enjoy yourself along the way. Do the same here. Go with it all and have a good time. Unlike the ride though, you are in control of were the train is headed. Good luck to you on your future rides.
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Re: shroom trip report [Re: Mitchnast]
#333452 - 06/03/01 08:22 PM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
> when youre with others you have a certain image to maintain
Doesn't that go against the principals of trippin'? ;-)
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-------------------- Hydro has spoken!
Please! Tell me about the fucking golf shoes!

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Re: shroom trip report [Re: Hydro]
#333776 - 06/04/01 04:29 AM (23 years, 8 months ago) |
Ahhh I remember that first time where you are never really sure if its setting in or you are just imagining things because you want it to kick in.
I have a found a pretty good way to start off my trips is to start a movie (comedy preferably) not to long after I ingest the shroomage. By the time the movie is starting to come to an end you are starting to trip ...and if it is a movie you love then you are in a pretty good mood. For me the begging of the trip is really stoney so I find a good comedy is extra special funny and it starts you off in a good way if you have just been laughing. Just make sure to start the movie not immediately after taking your shrooms or it might be over before your trip has even started at all. Wait I'd say at least 20 min depending on how long the movie is.
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