Brass or Steel

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Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please
#1107878 - 12/03/02 05:49 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Just wanted to spout here. I'm an alcoholic. Not sure how long. Just know that I have had problems with it since I was 18.... 25 now.... I know this ain't qutie the place to be to bring this up. But, if I know my old friends, and how many of them, (including myself), are alcoholic; Then I hope to spread some hope to those that ARE alcoholic. I've seen some of my friends die or heard of them wrecklessly kill someone else while they are drinking and driving. Fortunately, this has never happened to me. Drugs and alcohol commonly "GO" together. Sure, okay, you can drive fine stoned. But alcohol is a serious matter. One of my friends is only 23. He has jaundice, and his liver is "kaput", or gone. Hospital won't give him a new liver for two years, unless he can prove he MEANS to stay sober.... Better people to give them to... He only drank occaisionally, but for 12 months, he went on a binge that destroyed his liver..... The fucked up thing is that he STILL drinks, even knowing his doctor said he WOULD die, and his prognosis of 6-12 months to live with a dying liver.Sure, he quit for 2 months, breaking the physical addiction.....But that's just it!!!.... Alcoholism IS NOT an addiction, IT IS a Disease, much like cancer or diabetes. Sure, I love psychedelic drugs and an occaisional joint..... But Alcohol!!!!!!!!! God Damn!!!!!!!!! It stole me from my life faster than anything. I lost over 5 years to it.... And I'm lucky, even though I just lost my job.... I'm lucky because I have the support of AA.
Please, anyone out there who thinks they may be alcoholic; PM me and together we can beat it. Otherwise just live your fantasy that you can beat it.......Maybe you need to, 'till you hit rock bottom, and have lost everything......Then you'll know that the fellowship in AA is THE SHIT! period...It really does work.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1107995 - 12/03/02 06:40 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
You're so right. I quit drinking. It was too much to manage for me. I would enjoy it but it would take too much outta me. I couldn't control my consumption. Plus, I see what it does to friends and I had a DUI. Everybody should get a DUI. J/K. I just couldn't handle the stuff. It's too easily available (especially even once you're hammered) , tastes good, feels pretty good for the most part, and it's a lot more dangerous than my drugs are. If I could drink 1 or 2 glasses of wine or beer (or shots) a day I would still drink. I simply can't do that. I just get hammered.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1108128 - 12/03/02 07:58 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Whoa! Yesterday was 4 years since I have drank alchohol other than extracts. I'm not sure if I am an alchoholic, because I have consumed at least 1 oz of ethanol extract without any craving to get drunk. I have only had maybe 3 cravings to get hammered since dec 2 1998, I just all of the sudden didn't want to drink anymore. My mother in law is in AA and she says that AA is for people who still want to drink, but it ruins their life. That's cool if you're into the fellowship, you could forge good friendships there but you hafta see alot of people die and dissapear. How long do you have now? If you like it, take the steps, they will really help you to get in touch with your true nature, and help someone else take the steps too. Oh yeah secretary meeting too and share phone numbers and activities. I think it's a good spiritual practice, but not really for me. If you like to read, must haves are the big book (of course) Came to believe (Red) And the green book (cant remember name) but it mentions leary treating bill or bob with lsd. I guess Tim Leary helped write the twelve steps. I think regular people would benefit from these books as well, as they offer inspiration and sound advice about things other than alchohol...
sir tripsalot

Registered: 07/09/99
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1108927 - 12/04/02 01:05 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I agree with all of what you say. BUT I do not agree you should compare it to diabetes or cancer. I have mega respect for my dad who has turned his eating habits, exercise habits, drinking habits and anything else to keep his kidney disease and diabetes at bay. Alcoholics can put that beer down. He can't get rid of his diabetes through will power.
"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.
Edited by sir tripsalot (12/04/02 01:05 AM)
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: sir tripsalot]
#1109284 - 12/04/02 06:54 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Neither can you arrest your alcoholism through will power. That's why a third party is needed. It's NOT an addiction, it's an illness that you'll always have, and that can only be arrested. More people die slow painful deaths through alcoholism than thru diabetes. So, as I feel for your dad, I still maintain mine, and millions of others' view as it being a severe illness, and very potentially deadly. It is absolutely as dangerous as cancer or diabetes.
-------------------- I want to live in Northern Exposure. Ed Chigliak would be my pal.
sir tripsalot

Registered: 07/09/99
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1110420 - 12/04/02 03:23 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I didn't say it wasn't dangerous as I initially expressed my agreement with you. BUT like I say it may be extremely difficult without a thirdparty help but can be done without it( I know drinking is very tempting) but a cancer victim cannot put down the cancer, in some cases they go through torture to get rid of it,alcoholics choose the easier of the routes and that is keep on doing what your doing. I'd go through withdrawl before I'd do Kemo or go on dialisis if given the choice. As much as I feel bad for people with an alcohol dependancy I know that no one id pointing a gun to their head, marching them to the liquor store, taking out their wallet and buying it and bringing it back home and physically forcing them to drink it drink. Most cancer victims would envy their cure being so simple....
"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111091 - 12/04/02 06:53 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Seeing my dad, who I thought was the strongest man in the world break down and tell me he was an alcholic was quite shocking. He didn't hit bottom and was still a great father, but he drank everynight, I thought it was normal when I was a kid, but now I realize how it can control your life. He went to a halfway house and now regularly goes to AA meetings, hes been sober for a couple years. I'm very proud of him and I think he can make the long haul. He says that AA is a lifesaver and helps him out more than anything. Luckily for me, I won't be touching alcohol for the purpose of getting drunk. I drink socially at parties but I really hate the stuff. Good luck to you and stay strong.
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: sir tripsalot]
#1111756 - 12/04/02 09:51 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I DO see your point. But people that are NOT alcoholic seem to want to stick to their view that "you can just give it up", or that you're weak and can't do it......That all you need is will power. But that ain't the case. I won't argue with you, because, God bless, you do not understand or have alcoholism..... I hope you never do..... Just as I hope you never become ill with diabetes. Plain and simple. i appreciate your input.
-------------------- I want to live in Northern Exposure. Ed Chigliak would be my pal.
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111773 - 12/04/02 09:55 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
....AND You truly can not understand alcoholism unless you are and alcoholic.
-------------------- I want to live in Northern Exposure. Ed Chigliak would be my pal.
PaRTy aNiMaL

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111785 - 12/04/02 10:01 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I believe that I am what people refer to as a "weekend alcoholic" which means I drink to the max on the weekends and rarely drink during the week....and I crave to get drunk big time on the weekends, and I do excess. I drink and don't stop. It runs in my family. My uncle died last year of liver failure, diabetes and a whole bunch of other shit that has to do with alcohol. My step father was an alcoholic but he agreed not to drink or my mother would divorce him, so he stopped drinking.
Do you guys think I'm an alcoholic?
-------------------- ________________________________________
If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please *DELETED* [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111813 - 12/04/02 10:10 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Post deleted by immaculate
PaRTy aNiMaL

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111822 - 12/04/02 10:13 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
-------------------- ________________________________________
If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
Edited by Senor_Doobie (12/05/02 03:03 PM)
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111828 - 12/04/02 10:15 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
This shit is serious, man. Please don't act like an idiot. This ain't OTD!!!
-------------------- I want to live in Northern Exposure. Ed Chigliak would be my pal.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111830 - 12/04/02 10:15 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Oops. I apologize for that, I didnt even realize where I was posting.
Lol, my bad.
PaRTy aNiMaL

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111865 - 12/04/02 10:26 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
It's ok. I'll take that comment in OTD lol, but I'm trying to see what's going on with me in here
-------------------- ________________________________________
If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111894 - 12/04/02 10:32 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I, personally, am ignoring my alcoholism.
I think its time to drink a beer.
PaRTy aNiMaL

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111934 - 12/04/02 10:45 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I craved a nice rye and pepsi tonight because my friend got me into the drinking mood....that's so bad. I don't even drink very often during the week.
And beer is nasty lol
-------------------- ________________________________________
If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111947 - 12/04/02 10:50 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
If you're trying to be a little shit-head, then go do it in OTD!!!
-------------------- I want to live in Northern Exposure. Ed Chigliak would be my pal.
PaRTy aNiMaL

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111984 - 12/04/02 11:00 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
what makes you think I"m trying to be a shit head? I'm being serious with my posts.
-------------------- ________________________________________
If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
sir tripsalot

Registered: 07/09/99
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1112294 - 12/05/02 12:35 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
It's cool We can disagree on this small issue cause I think for the most part we're on the same page. Tripout 7: what you are describing is a binge drinker.
"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.