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Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please
#1107878 - 12/03/02 05:49 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Just wanted to spout here. I'm an alcoholic. Not sure how long. Just know that I have had problems with it since I was 18.... 25 now.... I know this ain't qutie the place to be to bring this up. But, if I know my old friends, and how many of them, (including myself), are alcoholic; Then I hope to spread some hope to those that ARE alcoholic. I've seen some of my friends die or heard of them wrecklessly kill someone else while they are drinking and driving. Fortunately, this has never happened to me. Drugs and alcohol commonly "GO" together. Sure, okay, you can drive fine stoned. But alcohol is a serious matter. One of my friends is only 23. He has jaundice, and his liver is "kaput", or gone. Hospital won't give him a new liver for two years, unless he can prove he MEANS to stay sober.... Better people to give them to... He only drank occaisionally, but for 12 months, he went on a binge that destroyed his liver..... The fucked up thing is that he STILL drinks, even knowing his doctor said he WOULD die, and his prognosis of 6-12 months to live with a dying liver.Sure, he quit for 2 months, breaking the physical addiction.....But that's just it!!!.... Alcoholism IS NOT an addiction, IT IS a Disease, much like cancer or diabetes. Sure, I love psychedelic drugs and an occaisional joint..... But Alcohol!!!!!!!!! God Damn!!!!!!!!! It stole me from my life faster than anything. I lost over 5 years to it.... And I'm lucky, even though I just lost my job.... I'm lucky because I have the support of AA.
Please, anyone out there who thinks they may be alcoholic; PM me and together we can beat it. Otherwise just live your fantasy that you can beat it.......Maybe you need to, 'till you hit rock bottom, and have lost everything......Then you'll know that the fellowship in AA is THE SHIT! period...It really does work.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1107995 - 12/03/02 06:40 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
You're so right. I quit drinking. It was too much to manage for me. I would enjoy it but it would take too much outta me. I couldn't control my consumption. Plus, I see what it does to friends and I had a DUI. Everybody should get a DUI. J/K. I just couldn't handle the stuff. It's too easily available (especially even once you're hammered) , tastes good, feels pretty good for the most part, and it's a lot more dangerous than my drugs are. If I could drink 1 or 2 glasses of wine or beer (or shots) a day I would still drink. I simply can't do that. I just get hammered.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1108128 - 12/03/02 07:58 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Whoa! Yesterday was 4 years since I have drank alchohol other than extracts. I'm not sure if I am an alchoholic, because I have consumed at least 1 oz of ethanol extract without any craving to get drunk. I have only had maybe 3 cravings to get hammered since dec 2 1998, I just all of the sudden didn't want to drink anymore. My mother in law is in AA and she says that AA is for people who still want to drink, but it ruins their life. That's cool if you're into the fellowship, you could forge good friendships there but you hafta see alot of people die and dissapear. How long do you have now? If you like it, take the steps, they will really help you to get in touch with your true nature, and help someone else take the steps too. Oh yeah secretary meeting too and share phone numbers and activities. I think it's a good spiritual practice, but not really for me. If you like to read, must haves are the big book (of course) Came to believe (Red) And the green book (cant remember name) but it mentions leary treating bill or bob with lsd. I guess Tim Leary helped write the twelve steps. I think regular people would benefit from these books as well, as they offer inspiration and sound advice about things other than alchohol...
sir tripsalot

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1108927 - 12/04/02 01:05 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I agree with all of what you say. BUT I do not agree you should compare it to diabetes or cancer. I have mega respect for my dad who has turned his eating habits, exercise habits, drinking habits and anything else to keep his kidney disease and diabetes at bay. Alcoholics can put that beer down. He can't get rid of his diabetes through will power.
"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.
Edited by sir tripsalot (12/04/02 01:05 AM)
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: sir tripsalot]
#1109284 - 12/04/02 06:54 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Neither can you arrest your alcoholism through will power. That's why a third party is needed. It's NOT an addiction, it's an illness that you'll always have, and that can only be arrested. More people die slow painful deaths through alcoholism than thru diabetes. So, as I feel for your dad, I still maintain mine, and millions of others' view as it being a severe illness, and very potentially deadly. It is absolutely as dangerous as cancer or diabetes.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1110420 - 12/04/02 03:23 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I didn't say it wasn't dangerous as I initially expressed my agreement with you. BUT like I say it may be extremely difficult without a thirdparty help but can be done without it( I know drinking is very tempting) but a cancer victim cannot put down the cancer, in some cases they go through torture to get rid of it,alcoholics choose the easier of the routes and that is keep on doing what your doing. I'd go through withdrawl before I'd do Kemo or go on dialisis if given the choice. As much as I feel bad for people with an alcohol dependancy I know that no one id pointing a gun to their head, marching them to the liquor store, taking out their wallet and buying it and bringing it back home and physically forcing them to drink it drink. Most cancer victims would envy their cure being so simple....
"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111091 - 12/04/02 06:53 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Seeing my dad, who I thought was the strongest man in the world break down and tell me he was an alcholic was quite shocking. He didn't hit bottom and was still a great father, but he drank everynight, I thought it was normal when I was a kid, but now I realize how it can control your life. He went to a halfway house and now regularly goes to AA meetings, hes been sober for a couple years. I'm very proud of him and I think he can make the long haul. He says that AA is a lifesaver and helps him out more than anything. Luckily for me, I won't be touching alcohol for the purpose of getting drunk. I drink socially at parties but I really hate the stuff. Good luck to you and stay strong.
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: sir tripsalot]
#1111756 - 12/04/02 09:51 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I DO see your point. But people that are NOT alcoholic seem to want to stick to their view that "you can just give it up", or that you're weak and can't do it......That all you need is will power. But that ain't the case. I won't argue with you, because, God bless, you do not understand or have alcoholism..... I hope you never do..... Just as I hope you never become ill with diabetes. Plain and simple. i appreciate your input.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111773 - 12/04/02 09:55 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
....AND You truly can not understand alcoholism unless you are and alcoholic.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111785 - 12/04/02 10:01 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I believe that I am what people refer to as a "weekend alcoholic" which means I drink to the max on the weekends and rarely drink during the week....and I crave to get drunk big time on the weekends, and I do excess. I drink and don't stop. It runs in my family. My uncle died last year of liver failure, diabetes and a whole bunch of other shit that has to do with alcohol. My step father was an alcoholic but he agreed not to drink or my mother would divorce him, so he stopped drinking.
Do you guys think I'm an alcoholic?
-------------------- ________________________________________
If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please *DELETED* [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111813 - 12/04/02 10:10 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Post deleted by immaculate
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111822 - 12/04/02 10:13 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
-------------------- ________________________________________
If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
Edited by Senor_Doobie (12/05/02 03:03 PM)
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111828 - 12/04/02 10:15 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
This shit is serious, man. Please don't act like an idiot. This ain't OTD!!!
-------------------- I want to live in Northern Exposure. Ed Chigliak would be my pal.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111830 - 12/04/02 10:15 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Oops. I apologize for that, I didnt even realize where I was posting.
Lol, my bad.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111865 - 12/04/02 10:26 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
It's ok. I'll take that comment in OTD lol, but I'm trying to see what's going on with me in here
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If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111894 - 12/04/02 10:32 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I, personally, am ignoring my alcoholism.
I think its time to drink a beer.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1111934 - 12/04/02 10:45 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I craved a nice rye and pepsi tonight because my friend got me into the drinking mood....that's so bad. I don't even drink very often during the week.
And beer is nasty lol
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If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Trip_Out_7]
#1111947 - 12/04/02 10:50 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
If you're trying to be a little shit-head, then go do it in OTD!!!
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1111984 - 12/04/02 11:00 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
what makes you think I"m trying to be a shit head? I'm being serious with my posts.
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If you don't relax and suck it in, everyone's gonna hate you and then you'll hate you, and then the mushies will hate you....in two words...RELAX DAMMIT!!
sir tripsalot

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1112294 - 12/05/02 12:35 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
It's cool We can disagree on this small issue cause I think for the most part we're on the same page. Tripout 7: what you are describing is a binge drinker.
"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1112803 - 12/05/02 06:13 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
crazy I'm a chronic alcoholic but have to agree with sir t. I choose to drink.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: reshroomED] 1
#1114363 - 12/05/02 03:10 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Interesting thread.
Crazyman, hope you calm yourself a little bit.. I think Trip_Out is being serious.
I have absolutely no problem handling my drink. I drink more than most, but am in no way addicted.
I'm not sure what alcoholism is, but I perceive it as regularly getting drunk to the point that you are out of control, black-out drunk.
I think some impressionable people can be tricked into thinking they have an addiction when they don't. T_O I think may be one of those. If you can go 5 days without drinking, routinely, it's probably just a habit, and not a physical addiction. If you are worried, stop. If you can't, get help.
I hear that AA is pretty Jesus oriented. Is that the case or am I wrong?
-------------------- "America: Fuck yeah!" -- Alexthegreat
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Senor_Doobie]
#1114634 - 12/05/02 04:30 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
No Senor... You're quite off.... AA IS NOT JESUS orriented..... Far from that. It DOES insist that, one does persue spirituallity, and ask for help from "A power greater than yourself". It actually stresses that it is in no way a "religious" orginization. That you only believe in God, however you may conceive him/her/it. As for the rest that you wrote... Well you obviousyly don't understand alcoholism, no offence. Like I stressed in my posts... It's NOT an addiction. It's an illness.... The trick isn't stopping for a month and then proclaiming, "I'm cured!".... It dosen't work that way. And as for Trip_Out, I appologize for jumping your shit.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1114653 - 12/05/02 04:36 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Thanks for straightening that out.
I realize you take this issue very seriously and don't want to insult you or your problem.
Good luck.
-------------------- "America: Fuck yeah!" -- Alexthegreat
“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.” -- Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Senor_Doobie]
#1114673 - 12/05/02 04:44 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Wish more people were as understanding...... Oh how I'd love a scotch right now... But if I had one, I'd end up awaking tomorrow morning with an empty fifth of liquor I didn't remember buying and a hangover that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. And then I'd have to track down my car, where ever the hell it was.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1114697 - 12/05/02 04:52 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
One day at a time, eh?
-------------------- "America: Fuck yeah!" -- Alexthegreat
“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.” -- Thomas Jefferson
The greatest sin of mankind is ignorance.
The press takes [Trump] literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally. --Salena Zeto (9/23/16)
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1114702 - 12/05/02 04:53 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
My father was an alcoholic for fifteen years. My step father still is.
I dont know about how my dad was, he quit drinking when I was about 3, I think.. My step father on the other hand drinks nightly, and it causes alot of issues. He doesnt get completely tore, though. Not anymore.. But even when he doesn't hes still an abusive fuckhead.
I'm wondering if I'm headed down the same path, myself.. I drink alot, its caused some problems, but nothing of any severity. I dont get shitfaced often, either.
Did you ever find problems arising from when you drank 'steadily' as opposed to 'heavily'?
Dont hesitate to ignore the question if its too personal to go into on a messageboard..
Brass or Steel

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1114722 - 12/05/02 05:02 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
"Did you ever find problems arising from when you drank 'steadily' as opposed to 'heavily'?"
That's a tough question. One I can't answer for you. There's a fine line between a heavy drinker and an alcoholic....But there IS a line........It's a question only you can answer yourself. Try the "controlled drinking" experiment..... Go to a bar, order two drinks. Drink one, and then walk out. See what happens.
-------------------- I want to live in Northern Exposure. Ed Chigliak would be my pal.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1114744 - 12/05/02 05:10 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I have a clue as to what happens, I think I know what youre getting at.
My dad always told me there were alot less people that could control their drinking than couldn't. I dont know if hes right..
I dont really know what I'm trying to get at, here. I guess I'm just afraid to end up like my father.

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1114765 - 12/05/02 05:18 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
nice thread man
i think a lot of people at the shroomery have had their share of fuckups and addictions... i know i have. shits crazy. especially with X. my god is shit crazy with X.... Love it and hate it :-)
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1115141 - 12/05/02 07:02 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I've just about decide that I'm immune to alcoholism. I been drinking now for about ten years, and I've all but lost interest in it. I don't enjoy getting smashed, a decent buzz is fine for me.
If I do drink alot one night, I have no desire to for at least two days. Even if it's free.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Baby_Hitler]
#1115171 - 12/05/02 07:08 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
...What I'd give to be able to drink like that....And what I have given to NOT drink.... Either way, I'm happy......Sobreity really is pretty fucking cool!
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1115610 - 12/05/02 09:53 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I can't stand having any alcohol in me. I went binge drinking with vodka for a couple months, then it just started making me depressed, now if i even drink a beer i feel shitty.. like 'damn what a stupid drug to do, what am i thinking' i doubt ill ever drink again
sucks that its how people socialize
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Grav]
#1115930 - 12/05/02 11:33 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
You CAN order a soda you know.
-------------------- "America: Fuck yeah!" -- Alexthegreat
“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.” -- Thomas Jefferson
The greatest sin of mankind is ignorance.
The press takes [Trump] literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally. --Salena Zeto (9/23/16)
Mr Wobblehead
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1116853 - 12/06/02 10:32 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I can agree with what you are saying. It is an illness. People should realise that alcohol is one of the few drugs that can kill just from trying to withdraw from it.
Add to that that everytime i turn on my television i get adverts telling me i can only be cool and stuff if i drink this shit or that shit. There is no escape from my illness. At least if i said i had cancer people would give me some sympathy and the world wouldn't be shoving my face into it with cruel adverts every fucking day.
My father was an alcoholic, my mother ate benzodiazapines like they were smarties, both of them used to beat the crap out of me because they couldn't deal with their problems. I ended up drinking regularly at fifteen, by eighteen i was an alcoholic.
I finally had my moment of clarity (on acid - bad trip from beyond hell) when i was thirty one, when i realised that there was nothing left of me, my life, or anything else, and i realised that alcohol was the cause of it all.
Luckily i had access to a good continuous suppply of LSD, and from that evening on every time i wanted to drink i took some acid instead. Needless to say I ended up tripping for two and a half years (and most of those trips were not pleasant) just to get it out of my system, but it worked. I haven't drank now for over seven years, and i never will again. How any society can allow that filth to be openly advertised and sold is beyond my comprehension.
I have no idea what shrooms would be like to use for getting off booze, i know the acid worked well. I hope it goes well for anyone fighting to get off any addiction, especially alcohol. Like the guy says, you can't know unless you've been there, then it's too fucking late.
I honestly think that climbing Mount Everest would be easier than quitting alcohol for someone that's addicted. It's certainly a much bigger mountain.

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1118703 - 12/06/02 10:07 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Oh yeah i think im drunk.
-------------------- This is the only time I really feel alive.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman] 1
#1119275 - 12/07/02 02:00 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I don't see how alcoholism is really a disease. If it truly is, than that means any chemical dependancy also is. And I honestly think giving up drug addictions is a matter of willpower.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1119354 - 12/07/02 03:19 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I'd end up awaking tomorrow morning with an empty fifth of liquor I didn't remember buying and a hangover that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. And then I'd have to track down my car, where ever the hell it was.
 Doing that enough times made me consider quitting. Time is a big factor. I don't have the time to drink anymore. Drinking always takes more time than it should. Sometimes A LOT more. Quote:
Try the "controlled drinking" experiment..... Go to a bar, order two drinks. Drink one, and then walk out. See what happens.
I would probably end up buying a six-pack or even a forty on the way home. I like to imagine all the trouble that doesn't find me because I'm not drunk.  Fortunately, I think I detest alcohol more than I enjoy it so quitting was fairly easy. It was gradual. I've been sober for several months now. Mr. Wobblehead Quote:
Luckily i had access to a good continuous suppply of LSD, and from that evening on every time i wanted to drink i took some acid instead. Needless to say I ended up tripping for two and a half years (and most of those trips were not pleasant) just to get it out of my system, but it worked.
You were lucky. I think shrooms can be of help in this. The person has to want to quit though. And cigarettes are another matter altogether. Strange thing is I have put on like 30 pounds since quitting drinking beer. I guess I've been eating more since I quit smoking.
Mr Wobblehead
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: frogsheath]
#1119466 - 12/07/02 06:26 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
In reply to:
And cigarettes are another matter altogether.
Once i quit the booze i did the same thing to tobacco but using pot. Everytime i wanted to smoke i'd just smoke a bowl of nice buds instead of a joint or cigarette. I just kept on smoking ganja till i couldn't physically smoke another thing, hence i couldn't smoke any tobacco.
Man, i was fucked for ages. I never did tobacco again either. I haven't smoked any ganja for over six months now. Just shrooms these days. Not that i mind smoking ganja, it's just that i'm doing a maths course and i can't concentrate if i'm getting stoned.
I've had quite an amazing journey these last seven years. From being totally pissed, homeless and deeply in debt, I now have a lovely flat, no debts, and i'm totally free of drugs, unless i'm doing a few shrooms in cocoa.
Halucinogens, whether it be acid, shrooms, dmt, etc., have the effect of identifying the problems in one's life, and greatly amplifying them. This allows the tripper to see the faults in his/her life much more clearly and therefore to do something about it much more effectively.
I think a lot of the time addiction is so difficult to deal with because the problems build up into a mountain of crap that the person cannot face. Halucinogens, taken in that situation, takes the person's face and shoves in straight into that mountain of crap, and they have no choice but to face their truths and smell their crap. It is then up to that person to keep facing those truths in order to deal with them.
I'm not sure if taking all the acid i took would be a good idea for everyone, but my life was over anyway so it didn't matter if it was a good idea at the time, it was my only possible escape.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1122455 - 12/08/02 04:24 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
In reply to:
As for the rest that you wrote... Well you obviousyly don't understand alcoholism, no offence. Like I stressed in my posts... It's NOT an addiction. It's an illness.... The trick isn't stopping for a month and then proclaiming, "I'm cured!".... It dosen't work that way.
As I said before, and no one has responded to:
Alcoholism is an addiction. Maybe an illness too. But still, it is an addiction. And there is nothing "special" about alcohol. It has no more significance as an intoxicating molecule than THC, LSD, morphine, or anything else. They are all just chemicals that you put in your body that physiologically affect you. So if being an alcoholic is a disease, that means being physically addicted to any other substance is also a disease. So is that what you are saying? Either way, being addicted to any substance is an addiction!
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1122465 - 12/08/02 04:31 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
You think theres no difference? The fact that alcohol has very little stigma, is not demonized and can be bought down the street is a difference. I promise.
People tend to feel shameful for being junkies, dopeheads, whatever due to the social programming that these substances are illegal, bad, deviant, etc. But not with alcohol.
That makes a huge difference, I PROMISE.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1123525 - 12/08/02 11:35 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
There's one thing I never understood and I hope someone clears it up for me. Is alcoholism something that can happen to anyone that drinks too much or is it genetic? Because I've only been drunk a dozen or so times in my life but I still have no idea if I could ever develop alcoholism. Or does it have to run in the family? Are there some people just more prone to it? I RARELY drink but when I do l like to get blasted. I don't know if I get to the point of "blacking out" because I always remember everything (no matter what drug I'm on). I really like to get really drunk. I think it's euphoric but last time I got drunk I still felt bored and like I wanted to take more but I ended up finishing the whole bottle. But I think I was just craving weed.
Mr Wobblehead
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1123904 - 12/09/02 02:17 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I'm not sure if there is a genetic factor to drug addiction. I think it's more nurture than nature.
Like for me, I grew up with an alcoholic father and a benzo addict mother. To me that was normality, so when i grew up to be normal means to do drugs until i'm blitzed.
Also the levels of abuse that i suffered from my parents provided the fuel for repression which addiction needs. If you've got nothing to repress then you won't have a need for addiction. However if you keep doing addictive drugs then you'll create problems which you'll then feel the need to repress thus creating addiction. Although i would think that an addiction of this type is easier to deal with and withdraw from.
For the person above who says that alcohol is the same as other drugs, it isn't. You can't get physically addicted to LSD. You can't die withdrawing from canabis. Every street You walk down doesn't have a bill board advertising heroin. Every shop doesn't have a window full of special offers for cocaine. Every bar hasn't got happy hour for E's. Every other TV advert isn't telling you your inadequate and stupid if you don't do meth.
In short, we are considered freaks for not drinking alcohol, while we are equally considered freaks for using less addictive drugs.
There is also the fact of toxin quantity to consider. When I was drinking, i would consume over 120 ounces of pure alcohol every week. That is 120 ounces of pure toxin. No other drug has anywhere near this quantity of toxic shit to deal with, and the body is radically altered by this. This is one of the reasons that alcohol is so addictive, because the change from using to non use is so extreme - so extreme it can kill!
Edited by Mr Wobblehead (12/09/02 02:19 AM)
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Mr Wobblehead]
#1124027 - 12/09/02 04:47 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Excellent points Mr. Wobblehead and Immaculate. We would be better off as a society if weed and shrooms were embraced and alcohol stygmatized. Babytripster, good question. I don't know, I would guess that you're not because you're asking it in the first place. Be careful though. It sounds like you have a tendency to overconsume. NEVER a good idea. Trust me. I use to think it was funny to stagger around and shit. The novelty has worn thin. I've been drinking for over 20 years. I've observed alcohol's effects for probably less than half that time. (Not proud of that last statement but it's pretty true.) I've seen what it can do. It's dangerous. Be careful. Like I said, I quit.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ] 1
#1125244 - 12/09/02 02:43 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I disagree with it being a disease.
By saying it is a disease is just a way to gain pitty for what you did to yourself.
You are the one who choose to drink everyday, now you have to deal with the consequences. I choose to do oxycontin and a whole slew of other pain killers daily. Now I have to dea with the ramifications of my actions. I don't go around saying I have a "disease" though. It's an addiction, that YOU put yourself in. No one else. Plain and simple.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: frogsheath]
#1126630 - 12/09/02 08:50 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I use to think getting plastered was the bomb. I didn't want to admit the fact that I couldn't really handle how fucking obliviated I got. Why? Because it's socially okay to get like that. I gladly paid the physical and mental price in deference of a "good time". Granted, if you're with the right people at the right place it can be fun. The more I did though I realized just how incapacitated one becomes under the influence. Let me tell you a few stories: One friend was a heavy drinker. Used to put away lots of beer. Cases by hisself. But he never got obnoxious. Was always cool to everyone. A big dude. He was great to have over. Well, he had a few dui's. Eventually his license was revoked. He knew he had a problem. He didn't stop though. One day he was getting ripped, sitting on a third floor porch railing. The next thing he knew he was paralyzed from the legs down --yeah he fell. I would say drinking had something to do with that. It happens like that.
sir tripsalot

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: frogsheath]
#1126765 - 12/09/02 09:18 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
That's a horribly sad story, but I think that has as much to do with safety precaution as drinking too much. Reminds me of the drug commericial that blames weed for the kid shooting his friend in the face.
Personally I don't think you can call something a disease if the cure can be administered by locking you up in a room.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: sir tripsalot]
#1127001 - 12/09/02 10:20 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I agree. It had as much to do with just being careful as with being drunk. Tell that to a drunk. I disagree about it being a disease though. Even if you're "cured" you still have to live in this society which promotes drinking, so you have to live with abstinence. I'm not saying there aren't much worse diseases though. Alcohol can kill directly and indirectly. I don't know why I'm getting so worked up about it. I guess it's cuz I drive a cab and I regularly deal with drunks who are trying to get home. I often get stuck with some real winners. No offence to people who drink and take cabs. I heartily recommend that you do. It's just that with the volume of fares I have I do get some doozies in there. The majority are fine. The few nuts are really something else. I've had to literally throw people out. I've had countless episodes with vomit. Hell, I've taken cabs drunk myself and acted like an idiot --I've never vomited though. And working nights I've seen some scary looking accidents which could only have been someone completely obliterated behind the wheel. I've seen minivans doing 50 mph down the street with the horn blaring cuz the guy's head is on the wheel -cuz he's passed out. Shit like that.
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ] 1
#1130894 - 12/11/02 12:21 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I think it is a ridiculous claim to say that the lack of stigma attached to alcohol as opposed to drugs is the difference between a disease and an addiction.
Edited by Fiend (12/11/02 12:22 AM)
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1131071 - 12/11/02 03:07 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
To be honest I'm not clear on the difference. I think crazyman said it well -that you can't just quit and you're "cured" -as in addiction. So, you will always have it in you even after you quit. I presumed the term 'disease' was applied in this case by society as a way of not stigmatizing what it otherwise condoned --if that makes sense. But that's probably wrong. I'm just enthusiastic about staying sober.

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#1132302 - 12/11/02 10:29 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Great Post!
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: frogsheath]
#1132308 - 12/11/02 10:32 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I think that genetics have something to do with it.
For example, I drink fairly regularly, but for the most part I haven't been black out drunk for a few years. For me, it was never the least bit difficult, and I think it is because of the fact that alcohol is accepted, in my case.
I learned how to drink from my dad, who was always there with advice and shit and let me know when I was out of hand, and he was just there as an example.
But, with other substances, he was very opposed to them and told me in no uncertain times not to do them. I was left to make my own mistakes, without guidance, and as a result I'm now addicted to nicotine and had a pretty bad mental addiction with pot. Seriously, it took me a long time to be able to give up weed, which is something I simply had to do because it became a detroment to me.
I don't buy the attitude that it's socially acceptable to be out of your head fucked up on alcohol. Nobody likes a loud and obnoxious drunk, and those types of people have long been demonized by the media.
A beer commercial in which someone is simply drinking a beer and having a good time is not a license to get hammered.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Senor_Doobie]
#1132326 - 12/11/02 10:38 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Genetics definately have something to do with it. I saw a documentary on TV where they were talking about monkies that live on some tropical touristy island. Apparently these monkies come and steal drinks all the time, they love drinking. Scientists have been studying them, and noticed some interesting patterns. They grouped them into several catagories depending on their drinking habits, ie. heavily alcoholic, moderately alcoholic, drink occasionally, don't drink at all, etc... and the percentages of monkies that fit into each group matched the percentages for humans almost identically. It would appear that your appreciation of alcohol, and your self control is determined at birth.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Phluck]
#1132410 - 12/11/02 11:09 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Pretty wacky stuff. No monkey better try to take my beer.
-------------------- "America: Fuck yeah!" -- Alexthegreat
“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.” -- Thomas Jefferson
The greatest sin of mankind is ignorance.
The press takes [Trump] literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally. --Salena Zeto (9/23/16)
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Phluck]
#1132421 - 12/11/02 11:11 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I kind of went off on a seperate tangent in that last post, saying that I think it is genetic and then going on to describe why it's environmental....
O well. Just ignore me.
And keep the monkies away from my beer.
-------------------- "America: Fuck yeah!" -- Alexthegreat
“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.” -- Thomas Jefferson
The greatest sin of mankind is ignorance.
The press takes [Trump] literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally. --Salena Zeto (9/23/16)
Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: frogsheath]
#1133894 - 12/11/02 11:25 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Naw, if not drinking doesn't mean you're cured of alcoholism than not using a drug you were totally addicted to doesn't mean you're cured of that addiction. If you're a person who drinks everyday because it makes you feel better and than you quit, and are still an alcoholic, than that is to say that if you're a heroin addict who shoots smack to feel better and quit you still have that monkey on your back. Either way, the fact is that some people for whatever reasons, be it psychology, genetics, or whatever, have the propensity to use drugs as an escape from something. And once you develop that kind of relationship with any substance, that's it, you can't ever be a casual user of it again. And at the root of this behaviour is an addiction. I realize that alcoholism is classified as a disease and somehow fits into the criterea for that classification. That doesn't negate the fact that everyone has a choice whether they drink or not. Alcoholics included. There are countless people who suffer from the affliction who haven't drank in 5, 10, 20 years. They choose not to. So while alcoholism may be called a disease these days (I think that has more to do with insurance, health care, and political reasons than anything else), it is an addiction at it's root and to say otherwise is ridiculous. And if substance abuse of other types is not considered a disease, that would obviously be a paradox due to the war on some drugs mentality. Why am I writing all this? I don't know if I'm an alcoholic, but I've definitely had alcohol issues, 6 related arrests, countless arguments and fist fights, lost friendships, broken things, wasted money, poor decisions. Let's just say that when I have one drink, the next twelve hours are desicively shot. I've also had drug issues. To blame my behavior on a disease seems like a real lack of responsibility on my part. Because that's what all the shit was - my behavior. I did it. A disease didn't do it to me. And I can choose not to do it, just as anyone else can.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: ]
#1133906 - 12/11/02 11:50 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Well said Fiend. As I write this I'm listening to the ex-Husband's tune "I Have a Ball Each Time I Fall (off the Wagon)" followed by "Honky Tonk Heaven". This thread is great. I will reread it a few times as I reflect on the coming temptations to have just one Leff Beer (abbey ale from France) outta my Lady's fridge this holiday. Your track record seems about equal to mine.

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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: frogsheath]
#12899270 - 07/14/10 05:44 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
i wonder if this dude died???
Awebig Faggot said " Nice fucking question, shivers blood.
Seriously, go." ahahah A prime example of getting mad through a computer
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: morrowasted]
#12899297 - 07/14/10 05:47 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
ripple still gets on here??? don't he
Awebig Faggot said " Nice fucking question, shivers blood.
Seriously, go." ahahah A prime example of getting mad through a computer
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: sir tripsalot] 1
#12900391 - 07/14/10 09:18 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
sir tripsalot said: I agree with all of what you say. BUT I do not agree you should compare it to diabetes or cancer.
GL arguing with someone that is in AA. They basically convince you that alcoholism is a disease like any other, not an addiction like the rest of us know it to be.
You can't put down that drink through will power? 
Edit: woops, didnt realize how old this was wtf
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Edited by Etherealslimshady (07/14/10 09:21 PM)
Epilson Lyrae
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OP, I didn't read this whole thread but I want just want to say that I feel for you and what you are dealing with. Life is short as it is and when it's cut even shorter by our own hands, then it hurts all the more. I don't know you. I probably never will; but from what I read of your Original Post I can tell that you are well meaning and hurting too. I am grateful that you find what you need in AA. It has helped and still helps millions of people. What really matters to me is the condition of your heart. Although, I'm a relative noob at this forum, I have a few years on you and I've learned the hard way that alcohol is a major hurdle to some.
What I want to do is encourage you to stay on the right path. It may have taken you a minute to find it but you found it. It's post's like this that make this a great place. A place where broken people can come to find like minds and kindred spirits. We may be a bunch of 'lost souls' to the mainstream; but I'd take one of us over one of them any day.
My heart goes out to you OP. I pray only peace for you and that you will realize that you are still 'fresh' on this journey we call life. You are young and the whole world is waiting for you. AA isn't the end. Sobriety can be the beginning.
There is one thing, and that is love.
-------------------- "Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." H.T.
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Epilson Lyrae
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Epilson Lyrae]
#12900930 - 07/14/10 11:32 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
I didn't realize that this thread was so old. 
Still, I stand behind my post. 
And hey you, thread revival guy; unless it involves you, leave these old threads alone. 
Only love in the end.
-------------------- "Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." H.T.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: Epilson Lyrae]
#12900932 - 07/14/10 11:33 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
are u a mod?? i wanted to so i did
Awebig Faggot said " Nice fucking question, shivers blood.
Seriously, go." ahahah A prime example of getting mad through a computer

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Nothing wrong with bringing back old threads.
Far more knowledge than most new ones.
Look how respectful people were to one another!


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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: crazyman]
#25057418 - 03/11/18 11:13 PM (6 years, 10 months ago) |
Listen... I have been an alcoholic for many years. I am a rock guitarist so drugs and booze go hand in hand. It took me a long time to get it under control. I had 2 DWI's and a hit and run that I spent 14 days in jail over. Not to mention the fines the dents and scratches on your cars. And let's not forget the fines... I paid over $20,000. 2 years of AA was real fun (not), All of these people praying to God that they won't drink. I would have been fine with it except for that higher power bullshit, but you do see how it happens.
Rule 1. For alcoholics... never drive! Rule 2. Never ride with someone who is drunk. Rule 3. Do not frequent a public place while drinking. Rule 4. Never try to walk home from the bar drunk. You will end up with a public intoxication.
All of these carry a minimum of a $275.00 fine and at least one night in jail.
OK: Here's how I handle it. I drink 4 beers every day and one double Vodka and cranberry.Yes it does give you a nice buzz. If there is any weed I have some of that as well. I drink the beers and the vodka over a 6 hour period. And yes I get a pretty good buzz.
If for some stupid reason I am staggering around or just a little out of hand I go to my studio and work on something else.
I'm a believer that there are some people who just cannot handle it. To those I say... you should smoke pot and lay off the shit. It only leads to trouble.
DWI's really mess shit up. What if you ran over a kid, or killed a young family? How much therapy would you need then? Do you really think you would ever be OK?
I've told you how I handle it and it may be different for you, but if you are going to continue to drink find a way to do it where you are not hurting yourself or others.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: oldhippytrips]
#25057429 - 03/11/18 11:26 PM (6 years, 10 months ago) |
Rule 5. Bumping a 7 year old thread; time to put down the drink.
-------------------- Oxygen. Water. Neil Young
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: O_Dweeds]
#25058164 - 03/12/18 11:39 AM (6 years, 10 months ago) |
Oops? I didn't realize that thread was so old. I still stand by what I said.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: oldhippytrips]
#25058243 - 03/12/18 12:29 PM (6 years, 10 months ago) |
Only joking mate.
Luckily I got my drinking out of my system after a couple years of binge drinking in my 2nd/3rd year of middle school. Literally "in" school half the time as a handful of us (lived in a very rural area those years with class range of 20-40 kids). Between cheap vodka & a general feeling the high was in no way worth the hangover. First recreational drug was cannabis & quickly went back to that as my DOC throughout high school.
Now if I want to get down I have a pod or two and I've got a nice high for almost 24 hours of thebaine, morphine, codeine, & a whole bunch of opiate alkaloids grown in a state as natural as my cannabis flowers. For my brain the high is much more enjoyable (opiates give me a strong euphoric , want to get after whatever I'm doing effect) If not taken in the morning it will keep me up late.
Alcohol now will just make me sleepy very quickly, with the only exception jack/coke as the caffeine keeps me from wanting to take a nap.
-------------------- Oxygen. Water. Neil Young
Our word "planet" comes from the Greek word planetes, meaning "wanderer."
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: O_Dweeds]
#25058359 - 03/12/18 01:43 PM (6 years, 10 months ago) |
I think that one has to become alcoholic to truly appreciate alcohol. The disinhibition eroding away the wall one has built for hirself until one is balancing on its apex, the winds ov life itself endlessly swaying the body as it simultaneously embraces the fury and craves that it cast one off the teeter unto the death that is obsessed over. Lost at sea until awoken in the desert, the dry storm yet again reminding ov the vital concretion that desire has amassed and striving for its annihilation amongst the waves. To appreciate the floridity ov life one has to realize its fragility.
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: lavod]
#25060529 - 03/13/18 01:08 PM (6 years, 10 months ago) |
lavod said: I think that one has to become alcoholic to truly appreciate alcohol. The disinhibition eroding away the wall one has built for hirself until one is balancing on its apex, the winds ov life itself endlessly swaying the body as it simultaneously embraces the fury and craves that it cast one off the teeter unto the death that is obsessed over. Lost at sea until awoken in the desert, the dry storm yet again reminding ov the vital concretion that desire has amassed and striving for its annihilation amongst the waves. To appreciate the floridity ov life one has to realize its fragility.

I strongly disagree that one needs to become an alcoholic to appreciate it. The act of an alcoholic in and of itself is unappreciative to alcohol. I love a jack n coke every now and again, but having a basic understanding of drugs/pharmaceuticals in general, as being my previous study, combined with how my body physically reacts to it just doesn't make sense to be putting in my body on a frequent basis. Let alone in large daily quantities. But hey if it works for you go with it. "What might be right for you, may not be right for some."
The rest of that post is way to specific, and factually inapplicable to blanket just anyone with. Too much individual uniqueness in the way one has the ability & choice to perceive.
In my experience most understand the only guarantee in life is death.
Edited by O_Dweeds (03/13/18 01:16 PM)
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Re: Alcoholic??? Serious inquries only please [Re: O_Dweeds]
#25060835 - 03/13/18 03:16 PM (6 years, 10 months ago) |
i am always amazed when i take a step away from the bottle i realize wow this is a highly corrosive powerful substance that really affects my life beyond the drink i am currently having/had.
when i used to be drinking it was like a lab rat hitting the lever for another with not a thought of what comes next. then it builds into today being affected by the drinks of yesterday.