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ℚṲℰϟ✞ЇѺℵ ℛ∃Åʟḯ†У
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Tripping With The Opposite Sex?
    #691104 - 06/20/02 04:49 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Okay, I found around 4 ounces (fresh) of cubensis mushrooms this morning...
I've been planning for awhile now to trip with my girlfriend of 1 1/2 year, but the opportunity never arose. Well, this morning also happened to be the start of her father's 4 day vacation.
I wanted to ask everyone what it's like tripping with someone you love intimately? How is the nature of the trip generally effected?
We plan on taking half each and wandering around the woods that surround her house.
Would making love be a good idea, or should I aim more towards somethine else? I can only imagine how intense it would be... I mean, this is someone who has morphed into a serpent-like creature several times during sex (completely sober, mind you)
I'm just wondering what other's experiences are in this matter...

:heartpump: { { { ṧ◎ηḯ¢ αʟ¢ℌ℮мƴ } } } :heartpump:

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #691192 - 06/20/02 05:26 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Whoa, you're going to eat 2 oz's each?! um... I don't know if that's a good plan...
Anyway, tripping with someone is likely to catapult your relationship to the level of a cosmic metaphor, but it's also just a likely to turn out to be an individual thing, where one partner may be ignored while the other goes on his/her own voyage. It can really blow me away to come back to being a single person, 'me' vs. the universal awareness of shrooming, and so the realization that a person that holds such emotional significance exists is awe inspiring.

The ultimate meaning of our being can only be fulfilled in the paradoxical leap beyond the tragic-demonic frustration. It is a leap from our side, but it is the self-surrendering presence of the Ground of Being from the other side.
- Paul Tillich

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #691205 - 06/20/02 05:33 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Well...back in the good ole days, 'round 1974, I remember marathon 14 hour love-making sessions on acid with no sleep. But in more recent decades, mushrooms initially may energize the body consciousness, with a concentration at the 'node' of the Svadhisthana Chakra (at the genitals). Usually, I am also feeling an uncomfortable 'pooling' of energy at the Manipura (solar plexus) Chakra, as does my lady, so we stretch into some Hatha Yoga asanas to move the energy upward to higher centers (we already have a good sex life). Once the energy is moving upward, the sexual domain seems far behind. Most psychedelic cultures insist upon abstinence from sex, mainly to focus on dimensions that are not usually so available.

However...all kinds of interesting merging and access to psychodynamic material, as described by Freud or Rank or Jung, sometimes becomes available if one chooses to concentrate on the 2nd Chakra. You may be one of those people (like myself) for whom the way to your Heart Chakra is NOT through your stomach. In that case, Eros can lead to Agape - selfless Love - the Hridayam (Heart Cave) - deeper even than the Anahata Chakra. Male and Female, Sun and Moon, Sulphur and Mercury, Blood and Water, Pingala and Ida, Yab-Yum, Shiva-Shakti, Conjunctio...Union...True Love...God. Sound Good to you?

γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Malachi]
    #691268 - 06/20/02 06:00 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

In reply to:

you're going to eat 2 oz's each?! um... I don't know if that's a good plan...

As I mentioned, they are fresh... so 2 ounces only amounts to 7-8 shrooms. From my understanding, this would be a medium to high level dosage?
In reply to:

the Hridayam (Heart Cave) - deeper even than the Anahata Chakra.

What's the different between the two? I usually use my heart as a "base point", if you will. I concentrate on energy flowing upwards into my heart, which causes it to spin and overflow with joy. Interestingly, I've noticed that after I do this and leave it in my chest area, it's like I'm electrically charged for a few days afterwards. I've had days where every metal thing I touched would shock me... it got so bad I was afraid to touch anything metal for awhile

:heartpump: { { { ṧ◎ηḯ¢ αʟ¢ℌ℮мƴ } } } :heartpump:

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #691459 - 06/20/02 07:21 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Wait until you start tripping to decide how to go about dealing with it. I've had times with my girl where we'de be very intimate (like only psychedelic drugs can induce in people =) and other times where the intricacies of m/f roles, love, etc, etc, got too much to handle so we decided to be just friends for the duration of the trip. Ya can't predict what's gonna happen, just flow with whatever you feel.

"I see!" said the blind man to his deaf wife.

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Chikhai]
    #691587 - 06/20/02 09:21 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Hey Chief-
My own personal experiences with tripsex are widely varying... I won't go into HOW varying.
But, it is worth it- no matter what. Just do it... uh, yeah. Also, if it comes up, try to remember that your girl is NOT a giant Mantis that is going to rip your legs off and eat you immediately after the sex.

Note: In desperate need of a cure...

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #691847 - 06/21/02 04:47 AM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Re: Hridayam (Heart Cave) or Paramatma (Hindu) or Sacred Heart in Catholicism;
Diamond Body (Dorje/Vajra) in Tibetan Buddhism; Tiphereth in Jewish Kabbalah

Q: "[I]s there really a centre, a place for this 'I' ?"
A: "There is. It is the center of the self to which the mind in sleep retires from its activity in the brain. It is the Heart, which is different from the blood vessel, so called, and is not the Anahata Chakra in the middle of the chest, one of the six centres spoken of in books on Yoga." p.xv

"The yogic chakras counting from the bottom to the top are various centres in the nervous system. They represent various steps manifesting different kinds of power or knowledge leading to the Sahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus, where is seated the supreme Shakti. But the Self that supposts the whole movement of Shakti is not placed there, but supports it from the Heart centre." p. xviii

"From the Heart, the Self-centre, there is a subtle passage leading to the Sahasrara, the Shakti Sthana. The ordinary man lives in the brain unaware of himself in the Heart. The Jnana Siddha [Jnan is Sanskrit equivalent of Greek Gnosis] lives in the Heart." p. xix

From 'Sat-Darshana Bhyasha and Talks With Maharishi with Forty Verses in Praise of Sri Ramana'

γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #692481 - 06/21/02 11:06 AM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Whoa, it does not matter how many shrooms you are eating!!!!

I can't even imagine eating 2 oz. You haven't tripped before, I assume?

35 grams fresh is equal to a 3.5 gram dried trip. Even then, be careful. My friend has shroomed many times and only had a bad trip on 35 grams fresh.

Eatting 56 grams of fresh mushrooms is just insane. Please be careful...

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #694046 - 06/22/02 10:26 AM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Hey bro, I would be careful with that much. That's a pretty good dose. Just make sure if you and your girlfriend are going to get down that you guys know what state of mind you are in and everyone out there knows reality and shrooms dont exactly mix. Just make sure you guys are both having good trips because the emotions and sensations are going to be like 100x more than you could ever imagine. Go for it though and let me know how it goes man good luck and have a fun trip! But just remember to be careful!!!

The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

~Confucius (551-479 B.C.) Confucian Analects

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: ReeferMan]
    #694286 - 06/22/02 12:34 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Okay I scaled down the dose to 1.5 ounces each, in juice (which always seems to make it mellower than eating them raw). Ingested around 4:20 AM, peaked around the time the sun came up
All in all it was much mellower than how it usually is by myself. I think she calmed down all my fears, brought me "down to earth". But nonetheless, it was very enjoyable. I felt like I had morphed into the earth, nothing troubled me... We didn't get sexual, didn't need to. It felt like our mother had come and was holding us in her arms the entire time.

A return to innocence, which is just what I needed.
Love and Light!

:heartpump: { { { ṧ◎ηḯ¢ αʟ¢ℌ℮мƴ } } } :heartpump:

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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #694517 - 06/22/02 02:59 PM (22 years, 7 months ago)

I had sex with my gf on some shrooms. Most intersting and delighftul and greatest sex in many sense I every had, weird and good for an experience I would say.

We both enjoyed it.heh

-Everything I write is fictional entertainment and should not be taken seriously-
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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #695886 - 06/23/02 08:49 AM (22 years, 7 months ago)

its a great idea to trip w/ your gf/bf because its best to trip with people you know and love, it will take a lot of anxiety out of the trip. sex can be fun too when trippin


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Re: Tripping With The Opposite Sex? [Re: Adamist]
    #697777 - 06/24/02 07:20 AM (22 years, 7 months ago)

Its great to do any and everything with someone you care.
Relax, let her fell confortable, and what ever SHE wants to. (of couse you can try to put her in a great mood ad screew!)

Life does not have to be necessarily long. It just has to be good. Be wise. Peace, Love, Flower Power.

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