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Registered: 06/23/01
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im in south florida (ft.lauderdale)
#347493 - 06/23/01 04:28 PM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
all my friends are too scared too trip and iv tried acid like 4 times but i heard shrooms is alot mellower and i want to try them iv drove up to north florida and looked for 6 hours iv looked down here in south florida and can't find any so if anyone knows a good field and wants to go hunting with me and then we can trip the rest of the day and have a really good time email me at evilacid@mediaone.net or instanst msg me with AIm name EvilAcd187
Lizard King
King Lizard

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Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#347499 - 06/23/01 04:42 PM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
Just gotta look more, and harder, they are out there right now. Shrooms are by no means more mellow, infact they can be quite the opposite. Acid is stronger as far as potency, meaning it takes alot less by weight than mushrooms to acheive desired effects. But the intensity that shrooms can reach is in my opinion more intense than acid. Either way, shrooms can be very intense, so be prepared and don't underestimate what they can do.
Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#347517 - 06/23/01 05:21 PM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
Don't go North go West.
Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 16
Last seen: 23 years, 6 months
Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: Lizard King]
#347708 - 06/23/01 11:46 PM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
its 1:45 were about to head up to west palm beach when u say head west where west maybe we could meet up anyway the place were going is supposed to have garbage bags full ill let u guys know l8tr
Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 16
Last seen: 23 years, 6 months
Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#347762 - 06/24/01 04:07 AM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
well its 6am im home i think God did not want us to go 1st i get the spot where we meeting and i forget the directions and gotta drive 10 min back to my house when i get back my friend locked his keys in his car so we had to drive 30 min to his house to get his keys and back now while we go to get his keys our 2 other friends try to open it with a coat hanger on both doors and fuck them up so they don't open even with the key so we wait a hour for tripple a they get it open so now it was just me and my 1 friend who was gonna go in the beginging and were on our way up and my car starts to over heat so i check it and im total out of oil and raditor fluid so i buy both and the car is fine and thats when we deciced that something was telling us not go so we went home and well here i am ... im gonna smoke some weed and go to sleep... ill find shrooms one day.. i hope :(
Registered: 06/11/01
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Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#347846 - 06/24/01 10:27 AM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
holy shit man
-------------------- peace, happiness, love, girls, joy, euphoria, warmth, fuzzy, girls, touch, feeling, girls.
Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 16
Last seen: 23 years, 6 months
Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#348329 - 06/25/01 12:59 AM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
freaking if anyone lives near me in the ft.lauderdale area like south or north or west the farest i can drive is like a hour to a hour and a half but if anyone wants to go shroom hunting and find some and trip and have a good time email me at evilacid@mediaone.net and ill come to you and we can go to your fields cause everyone i go to i never find any and we will have mad fun l8tr
Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#348742 - 06/25/01 04:15 PM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
By west I mean not on the Atlantic Ocean. The shrooms are in fields closer to the Gulf down this far south. I live south of you and nothing grows in any of the fields down here. The closest fields that have them here are in the Glades and You don't want to hop their fences. The farmers are Assholes. You have to explore!!! Go on a drive one weekend during the day, and search for possible fields. Wait till after it has been raining a bunch, like now. Do drive by's, Don't bother with fields that have no tall grass in them. Sometimes if it has been raining enough and no-one picks the field, you can see them from the car, growing out in the open. Most of the time you have to search the taller groups of grass. Once you find one shroom, you will always be able to find more. The first find is hardest.
Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 16
Last seen: 23 years, 6 months
Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#349724 - 06/27/01 12:36 AM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
Registered: 12/23/99
Posts: 8,946
Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#352548 - 07/01/01 03:56 PM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
hey stoner,
floridas shroom season down-right sucks this year.
im in a online coffee cafe in seattle right now and theres some fine looking women in this place man.. the women in florida suck too this year. Im thinking about asking this girl working the counter out for dinner tonight lol.. heh, theres a couple more fine honeys walking through the door now.
Anyways, im gunna go look for some blue ringers today. ::checking that girl out at the counter:: damn is she a cutie.

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Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: GGreatOne234]
#354067 - 07/13/01 07:17 AM (23 years, 7 months ago) |
bumpidy bump
copidy cop
"Ha ha" -- Nelson
"Never trade or buy from DXMHEAD420... he ripped me off and was an ass about it too" -- Myself
-------------------- "It must be your stamps girl... cause it aint your face" -- Juvenile
"Only in America does someone order a cheese burger, large fries, and a diet Coke" -- ?
"DXMHEAD420 ripped me off and was an ass about it too" -- Myself

Registered: 09/03/11
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Loc: coconut creek florida
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Re: im in south florida (ft.lauderdale) [Re: StonerKid]
#15029820 - 09/04/11 08:18 PM (13 years, 5 months ago) |
StonerKid said: freaking if anyone lives near me in the ft.lauderdale area like south or north or west the farest i can drive is like a hour to a hour and a half but if anyone wants to go shroom hunting and find some and trip and have a good time email me at evilacid@mediaone.net and ill come to you and we can go to your fields cause everyone i go to i never find any and we will have mad fun l8tr<br><br>
you sound like a cop dude