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    #1337855 - 02/26/03 11:58 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

Are you going to be telling us anymore tales about the good old days with the dead? I love those stories.
And some more stuff about acid too!!!(My favorite part)
Do one on making Microdots this time! :grin: 

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eyes of theworld
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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: moorhsum] * 3
    #1337927 - 02/26/03 12:30 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

I never made any microdot's or gel's(neather one is hard to do).
On tour paper was far better for a number of reason's.
1st it's alot easier to conceal and doesn't crumble like microdots do.
Secondly and most importantly is when i was on tour they had the manditory minimum law's. These law's decided the penalty for LSD distribution on weight not the number of doses. Meaning the carrier was included in the weight. So if you had 3 suger cubes you could get a stiffer sentance than somebody who had a sheet or two. 100 gel's weighs about as much as 10 sheet's of blotter. Paper is by far the lightest carrier so it was obviously the prefered choice.
These law's were eventualy changed by an organization called FAMM(family's agianst maditory minimum's). This was a group of family's(biological) of people from tour that were serving huge federal prison sentances because of these law's. They were allowed to set up a booth at dead show's and gained enough support and money to bring this to the attention of the goverment and after intense pressure the law's were changed. Any law against LSD is still bullshit but at least now you don't get a 10 year sentance for 20 suger cubes.

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: chinacat72]
    #1338044 - 02/26/03 01:25 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

I could read what you say all night...
Like I said, I love these stories... :grin:
How is microdots made? what do they mix up? I've been wondering this for a long time, and this seems to be the place to find out...

The laws on most drugs are shit...I hope one day people will put forth the energy to legalize acid as much as marijuana(once thats legalized)...
Was was the best experience you ever had, touring with the dead? :wink: 

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: moorhsum]
    #1338771 - 02/26/03 07:02 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

yo, i don't mean to bust in on your post but i wanted to ask china too since i know he's taken alot of acid.

i've seen the tao and i've gone to what we've dubbed the other dimension (where you're not really tripping, you're just seeing how things are)

like is there anything i should know else? because i keep spreading it to friends and now my brother too(!)

like i can only assume poeple have known about it for years, why haven't i heard anything about it before? or did i and just didn't know it? about the sads and the pretending and all that...

You can check the last post in my journal for contact info.

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: truekimbo2]
    #1338801 - 02/26/03 07:15 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

it's called satori englightenments and can be obtained without drugs through very experienced meditation from what i hear.  its a point of complete enlightenment and tranqulity. google it :smile: oh yea howdy china :wink:  :laugh: hope schools goin well.

Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.
- Abraham Lincoln: Speech in the Illinois House of Representatives, Dec 18, 1840.

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: moorhsum]
    #1339295 - 02/27/03 02:44 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

i'm reading a book about the Grateful Dead right now (something like "20 Years on the Bus with The Grateful Dead"). i just read the part where Owsley is living with the Dead and making tons of lsd. they had a pill-making machine in the house to make microdots. the machine would run and run but while it ran it would constantly poof out clouds of lsd dust. lsd dust was everywhere in the house. if you were in the house you were constantly dosed. sounds like a nice place to visit.....  :grin:

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: Bilge] * 2
    #1339312 - 02/27/03 02:58 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

If your refering to Living with the Dead by Rock Sckully burn that book.
I read it to and it's a great story. But most of it is just a story. Bear,Phil Lesh and Robert Hunter are very outspoken opponant's of that book. The dead family hates it and say's it's full of inacuracies. Specifically there wasn't a pill press. Rock Sckully is one of the few people that have been kicked out of the dead family.
This book was his revenge. It portray's the band as just another deranged band of junkie's. There no magic or substanence to it. Rock was a junkie and stole money from the band  was told to never come around them again. It's a facinating story but he made alot of shit up to make it more exiting. This is what the band and family say.
If you want a good book on the dead get Dennis McKnally's Long Strange Trip :grin:
Dennis was hired by Jerry to be the historian and publicist for the band. He has a PhD. in history and was an exallent choice. His book is full of fact's and it also has plenty of crazy tales that are true. The band gives this book it's full endorsement.
There's a complete history of the band from when they all met and started taking acid till the day Jerry died. It's a long read 'but well worth it if you want the real deal. :grin:

I wish i had known all this stuff before i bought rocks book. I got it as soon as it came out and read it in 2 day's. Then I read what the band had to say about it.
It was a good read though and it was interesting I just hope that people don't take it all to serouslly.

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Edited by chinacat72 (02/27/03 03:03 AM)

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: chinacat72]
    #1339352 - 02/27/03 03:25 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

yes burn it there are so many other great books out there!

Chinacat whats up...PM me

The bus came by and I got on that's when it all began!

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: Ripple]
    #1339439 - 02/27/03 04:11 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

bummer. it was a gift that had been sitting around so i began reading it. i'm halfway now, so i'll finish and then pick up a better book to get the "real" story.

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eyes of theworld
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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: moorhsum] * 5
    #1339573 - 02/27/03 05:07 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)


Was was the best experience you ever had, touring with the dead? :wink: 

That's impossible to figure out. There were so many. So many special show's,special people and special places. My brain goes into meltdown just trying to pick one :smile:
So it''s a story ya want hey.  Your just like Learyfan :grin:

Alright this one's not really a a great experiance ,but it involves being saved in the strangest of ways. I said in an earlier thread that i felt as though the work we were doing involved an otherworldly protection. Like sometimes thing's happened that averted us from disaster and they happen so regulary that they can't be chalked up to coincedence. Below is one such incident.

This story find's us at the LA sport's arena in 94. It's a nasty venue and the cops are out in force. People are getting busted left and right for stupid shit like smoking weed. And there taking them to jail!!!!!This is a Dead show for christ sakes what did they expect. There everywhere, the only other venue i had seen with such a strong police presence was St. Loius. Any body that even look's like there selling drug's are getting shook down and busted. We spred the word out quick that nobody should sell quanity on the lot. That's fine and dandy, cus i got a couple of gram's in paper(20,000doses) and other asorted drugs in my backpack. I tell my old lady let's head back to the van and put this pack in there so i'm not so fuckin paranoid. Were walking down shakedown and on the way to the parking lot where our van is and here come's my friend i'll call Al. Well the show before LA we were in oakland and Al had gotten busted for something small and I bailed him out of jail. No big deal i only had to shell out like a few hundred buck's and he said he would pay it back and i was like whenever ,take your time. Well here comes Al and as he see's me he reaches in his pocket pull's out some cash and hand's it to me. I'm like cool bro you got a ticket and were talkin and 3 cops walk up and say what you selling? I'm like nothin , and they say we just saw him give you money. I'm like shittttttttttt. They grab me and start pattin me down and tell me there going to search my backpack. I knew i was fucked and was probably going to prison for this.They unzip my pack and are getting ready to seach it Then some drunk guy come's up just like he's sent from the mothership.
He start's tellin the cops there asshole's and they shouldn't be fuckin with deadhead's. He's gettin all worked up and he's very drunk. He start's screamin at them and a croud has gathered by this time and my old lady's crying cuz she think's i'm going to jail. This guy must have been crazy because he is screamin and then he takes a beer bottle and smashes it on the ground. This made them stop searching me and start yelling at him to get the fuck out of there or he's going to jail. He scream's something like fuck you pigs and spit's on one of them. They were all three on top of him quicker than shit. I calmly walk off with my pack and my girlfriend as there wrestling with this guy, who's giving them quite a fight. I tell a friend to find out who he is so i can bail him out of jail. I go put my pack in my van and go into the show. It was one of the best show's of my life. Musically it wasn't very good and the band wasn't on cue ,but I still had my freedom. :grin: 

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: chinacat72]
    #1339599 - 02/27/03 05:23 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

oh so lucky!

i saw a guy getting busted at a show and someone tossed a full beer bottle into the cops, hitting them, busting glass everywhere. the dude ran, a cop dropped a gun on the pavement (oops!) and had to stop to go retrieve it, and the dude got away. the cops commenced trying to find out who threw the bottle. they never found out. another lucky one.

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: chinacat72]
    #1340803 - 02/27/03 12:45 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

Deadheads and other generally "friendly" people have a protective aura around them...And when you're on lsd you can see these auras...
That was a fantastic story...

One summer, I was in Niagara Falls, helping 2 friends dispense various "herbs"...
We had unloaded around 1/4 pound in around 2 hours, when 4 cruisers boxed us in...
we all had approx 10 grams each on us, and couldn't go ANYWAHERE...we weren't really sweatin' anyways because, well...THIS IS CANADA!!!!!
Anyways, they took my info, patted me down TWICE, didn't find anything but my wallet (had money from profits) and some papers.
Patted friend #1 down and found a bottle of zanax (he had a prescription) and didn't bother continuing his search, so they didn't find his stuff.
They patted friend #2 down and found a dime bag containg roaches, and his 10-14 grams...they put him in the cruiser, and left the door open while they talked to me and friend #1..
Just then, some drunk american kids sped out of the parking lot where they pulled us over at, and almost hit one of the cops!!! They pulled friend #2 out of the car, and told a nearby security guard, to give us all minimum trespassing fines...
We all gave hime fake names and decided to leave town in a hurry!!!
That night was truely some sort of devine intervention... :grin:


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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: chinacat72]
    #1341513 - 02/27/03 07:25 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

i love the stories from the road, man.
check your PMs

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: PeachMan]
    #1341774 - 02/28/03 12:03 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

more, please
very fun to read  :smile:

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: Grav]
    #1342529 - 02/28/03 08:20 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

Man I wish the dead, we'ren't dead....
But stories from people that experienced those times are sometimes better...
Chinacat rocks!

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: moorhsum]
    #1342536 - 02/28/03 08:23 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

They are not dead, they touched our lives and love on in our hearts

The bus came by and I got on that's when it all began!

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: moorhsum] * 4
    #1342973 - 02/28/03 11:52 AM (21 years, 11 months ago)

All right you want another hey :smile:

This concert wasn't the best musically for the dead,but it was absolutaly one of the most important I attended. The dead were just finishing up there fall tour in 91 and we were headed for Oakland coliseum. Word spread around Bill Graham died in a helicopter crash. Bill was a legend since he helped promote alot of the concert's of the sixties and seventies .He was the owner of the filmores and was considered an enemy by alot of hippie's because he was greedy. None the less he had a special place in the dead family, Jerry loved him and he no doubt helped the band through alot of hard times. Any way so the Oakland run goes as scedualed. On the last night Ken Kesey comes out during Dark Star :grin: He lay's out this heart felt rap about Bill being there for him whem Ken's son died. Also through in some poetry . There's not a dry eye in the house. This isn't even the special show yet. Thinking we had a couple months off before the winter tour we head home to San Francisco. Like a day or to after the tour we hear the Dead are going to be doing a free concert in Golden Gate Park!!!! I was like no fuckin way. Golden Gate Park is ground zero for the psychedelic movement. In the sixties the Dead and Janis and the Airplane would play free concert's there all the time. More people have gotten turned on in that park than anywhere on earth. Sure enough it was true and not only the Dead were going to be there ,but also Santana and CSNY and a bunch of other San Francisco band's that Bill helped promote. The day came and as I awoke I knew that it would be one of the most special day's of our lives. It wasn't even a question if we were going to dose :grin: Since tour had ended our tolerence was quite high. A thumbprint was in order. As we head down to the park we run into the our fluff friend. He's got 5 grams of crystal and he's dosing every body who want's(and can handle it) for free. I get very very high. Turn's out about a half a million people show up and all the old school family is there. Ken kesey, Chet Helm's and everybody from the sixties that's still alive. Leary is there with his groupies. The energy is incredible. Here I am with the people from the original movement in the original place with the original music :grin: I won't try to describe the rest of the show since it wouldn't do it justice. Afterward's we decide to walk to the ocean through the park like we read they did at the Be-in in 67. We wern't the only ones with this idea, as lots of people headed that way. As I walked through the park It really hit me. Like a Muslim who visit's Mecca or a Buddhist who visit's Bohdi or a christain who visit's Jerusalem, I was now in the holy land. Everywhere i looked I saw the original pure energy that was the summer of love. I nelt down and cried and so did my friends. I sobed tear's of pure joy as I realized how privaleged I was to be there.
For that day we were allowed to go back and feel that powerful pure energy that was there at the begining of the revolution. That energy was at every Dead show But that day it was alot more powerful .That day is imbedded in my heart forever.

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: chinacat72]
    #1343139 - 02/28/03 01:32 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

Very cool story Chinacat.....gave me goose bumps just reading it!

The bus came by and I got on that's when it all began!

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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: Ripple]
    #1345064 - 03/01/03 01:04 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

That kind of shared emontion will come again...soon.
Thanx for all the stories China cat, they provide a great read, and some great inspiration! :smirk:
  I'd like to hear some of your experiences as well!!! :grin: 

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Pursuer ofWisdom
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Re: FOR CHINACAT: [Re: moorhsum]
    #1345210 - 03/01/03 02:40 PM (21 years, 11 months ago)

damn i can read your shit all night...you should write a book man. I might just have to go see the dead at bonneroo and take my first dose =0) shit nowhere here.

just out of curiosity...you guys werent paranoid driving around with all that shit in the vehicle...i swear to god i never drive with more than can fit under my nuts. The cops around here will search to fuck out of your car for no reason. I got a paraphanelia charge for papers becuase there was a peice of a bag that looked like it could have previously contained marijuana.

Work like you dont need the money.

Love like you never been hurt.

Dance like nobody is watching.

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