Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
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We are spiritual beings having a human experience 1
#1083205 - 11/24/02 11:23 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
[note: all opinions stated within are strictly that of the author's and do not reflect the opinion of The Shroomery}
We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not some weak, shameful lot of creatures who are here to be punished. We are just a part of the extension that is All-That-Is/Creation/Unconditionally loving, ALL powerful, Great spirit/God force/Goddes energy.
Earth is not a prison. It is not a place that we have been sentenced to suffer and feel pain and be cheated... the Earth is a boarding school with a state-of-the-art learning program (If you know how to use it to your advantage)
All lessons that you need to gain wisdom are available right in front of you. You do not need to travel to distant lands to seek the wisdom of gurus. Your chosen life lessons will present themsevles naturally to you, oftentimes in the form of challenges, hardships, negativity. It is up to you to make the best of these situations, and not to be dragged down into ther negativity, but too overcome it, learn from it. Of course, sometimes the lesson will involve you going into extreme negativity..that is ok... as long as you can pull out in the end and look back and say you learned something from it.
After all that is why we are here....to learn and gain wisdom remember?
I come from the light. Giving up the divine oneness of eternity for a subjective experience in the material world. You did this too. Why did we do this? Because through our subjective experiences and subsequent wisdom gained from them, we return to that oneness....that creation which gains from our subjective experiences. Through this way Creation is constantly seeking to improve itself....constantly evolving. All things in the universe come from the same essence...that life force...that consciousness...that Creation that binds us all.
Make no mistake about it, this Creation is divine, unconditional love. It encompasses all things and gives only one requirement to the incarnated... free will.
Currently, on Earth, in the third dimension... we experience mostly a polarized state of reality. Right and wrong, good and evil, believer and skeptic... with this comes the full range of human experience...pain..suffering...hardships...love...joy...happiness... we will experience extreme ups and downs as that is the nature of a polarized reality. This is all a part of the lesson. When we are able to transcend this polarized state we will see that there is no right or wrong, just two aspects or perceptions of the same thing. Say you are on a planet and you look to the east and say that is a mountain, and you look to the west and say that is a sea. This new perception would be akin to leaving the planet and looking at it from above and saying, "That is a planet, with mountains and seas." Not the best metaphor but you catch my drift.
We do not reach a state of being that is "happily ever after".. at least not in the material plane. We are constantly changing and growing. We are continuously being faced with new challenges and lessons/opportunities for growth. This can be a real pain sometimes, but it is better than forever stagnating/no growth! Challenges that present themselves to you in life, and are ignored, will not go away. They will return in varying forms of potency and intensity until you recognize and learn from them!
Truth is an emotional energy, a vibration if you will, which resonates with us on a deep level. It is that "AHA!" feeling you get, that "Oh I get it" feeling in the pit of your stomach. It's that feeling in your heart resonating with you. That flash of insight where you suddenly have a deeper understanding of yourself or the world around you. Everyone knows this feeling. That is truth.
"We are involved in a process, a journey, on multiple levels. One level is, of course, the individual level. Another much higher level is the level of the Collective Human Soul: the ONE Soul of which we are all extensions, of which we are all manifestations.
We are all experiencing a Spiritual evolutionary process which is unfolding perfectly and always has been. Everything is unfolding perfectly according to Divine plan, in alignment with precise, mathematically, musically attuned laws of energy interaction." ~ Robert Burney
The central code of this spiritual dance is Love. Centered in love, your challenges will be overcome with ease, and your needs will be simply fulfilled. By sensing the divine connection and uncondtional love that comes with your connection with Creation and all living things, you can begin to spread the love... and subsequently blast your lessons into warp speed. Learning through love is the fastest way to grow.
Not alone... All one.
Defender of theGnomes

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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Shroomism]
#1083225 - 11/24/02 11:31 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
-------------------- Namaste: "I honour that place in you where the whole Universe resides. And when I am in that place in me and you are in that place in you,
there is only one of us."
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
Posts: 66,015
Loc: 9th Dimension
Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: Spiffy]
#1083240 - 11/24/02 11:42 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
A Cosmic Perspective - the Kinder, Gentler Way - Robert Burney
"Codependence causes us to have a distorted and repressed emotional process, and the only way out is through the feelings. Codependence gives us a scrambled mind, a reversed dysfunctional way of looking at ourselves and the world, and we have to be able to use the wonderful tool that is our mind while changing our attitudes and reprogramming our thinking.
It seems awfully complicated, doesn't it?
That is because it is!
On another level it is also very simple. It is a Spiritual Dis-ease. It can only be healed through a Spiritual Cure. It cannot be healed by only looking at the symptoms. That is backwards.
The cure is available through surrendering control to a Higher Power. We cannot do this healing by ourselves. We need a Loving Higher Power in our lives. We need other Recovering people in our lives." *** "Everything is unfolding perfectly from a Cosmic Perspective! There are no accidents, no coincidences, no mistakes! You are perfectly where you are supposed to be on your Path. You always have been and always will be!
The God-Force is powerful enough to get us to where we are supposed to be with or without our help! We do not have the power to screw up the Great Spirits plan.
What we do have is the option of making it easier on ourselves. The goal in Recovery is not to become perfect. The goal is to make life an easier, more enjoyable experience.
The way I think of it is that my Higher Power works with the carrot and stick approach: like a mule driver trying to get a mule moving, he can either dangle a carrot in front of the mule and get the mule moving after the carrot, or he can take a stick and beat him until he gets moving.
It is a lot easier on me to follow the carrots that my Higher Power dangles in front of me than to force the Universe to use a stick to get me moving. Either way I am going to get to where the Universe wants me - but the carrot method is a lot easier on me.
The more that I do my healing, the clearer I get on receiving the messages - the more I get to follow the carrots instead of experiencing the stick. The dance of Recovery is a process of starting to Love ourselves enough to start changing life into an easier, more enjoyable experience." *** "So what I am saying is not that you are doing something wrong if you are not happy with your life. I am saying, "Hey, this is the reason that doing life the way we were taught doesn't work - it is not our fault!" I am saying, "Hey, there are answers, there is hope. We have new tools now - and they work! Isn't that great news?"
This healing process works. It works miraculously because in aligning with Truth we come into harmony with the universal laws of energy interaction. We learn to go with the natural healthy flow instead of being at war with it. We learn to Love and accept ourselves instead of being at war within." *** "Part of the reason for being here was to experience being human. We have all lived multiple lifetimes. We have all experienced every facet of being human. We are now, not just healing our wounds from this lifetime, we are doing Karmic settlement - on a massive scale, at a very accelerated rate." *** "Karma is the Loving, wonderful law of energy interaction which governs human interaction. Like the other levels of Universal Law, it is about cause and effect. In this case, "what you sow, you reap. Karmic Law dictates that every action of cause on the Physical Plane is paid for with a consequence of effect on the Physical Plane. In other words, no one can end up in the hole, or in some hell in an afterlife. (Hell is here on earth, and we have all experienced it already.)" *** "This is not home. This is also not a prison. This is boarding school and we are getting ready for graduation. And it is all a perfect part of the Divine Script.
We are here to experience this human evolutionary process. The more we awaken to the Truth of who we are (Spiritual beings) and why we are here (to experience being human), and stop giving power to the false gods of money, property and prestige; people, places and things; the more we can celebrate being here!
Buddha had it half right: We need to let go of our attachment to the illusions of this Illusion. But as we stop giving power to the illusions, we can begin to celebrate being here, we can begin to enjoy our human experience.
This is a playground, this is a wonderful summer camp. It is full of beautiful colors and wondrous sights, animals and birds and plants, mountains and oceans and meadows, whales and butterflies. It is full of tastes and smells and sounds and sensations." *** "A "state of Grace" is the condition of being Loved unconditionally by our Creator without having to earn that Love. We are Loved unconditionally by the Great Spirit. What we need to do is to learn to accept that state of Grace. The way we do that is to change the attitudes and beliefs within us that tell us that we are not Lovable." *** "One of the ironies of this whole business is something that physicists have learned from quantum physics. They have learned that the physical world is made up of energy fields that are temporary manifestations of energy interactions. All of the energy fields of the physical world are temporary. Some last for fractions of a second, some last for billions of years - but they are all temporary illusions.
This means that the Truest reality in the physical world is in the interaction. It is in our interactions that we can access Truth and Joy and Love. In other words it is in our relationships.
The most real thing here, the place where the highest Truth exists, is in the interactions: in our relationships. Our relationship with ourselves is a reflection of our relationship with our Creator, with the Great Spirit. And our relationship with ourselves is reflected out into our relationship with everyone and everything in our environment.
Spirituality is about relationships. God exists in the quality of our relationships.
When I look at a beautiful sunset - I am a temporary illusion and the sunset is also a temporary illusion - the most real, God-like quality is the energy of Beauty and Joy that I allow myself to access by being open and willing to experience the sunset. If I am caught up in one of my ego's "trauma dramas," then I will not be conscious of the sunset or open to experiencing the Joy and Beauty of the moment.
A very important part of this healing process is taking time to smell the flowers. Our job is to be here in the now and to do this healing.
I spent most of my life trying to become - perfect, loved, accepted, respected, etc., etc. It did not work because I was looking outside for something that can only be found within.
Now I know that I am not in control of this process and that what I am becoming is in the hands of a Loving (although somewhat slow-working) Great Spirit. I do not have to worry anymore about becoming - all I have to do is be. I just have to suit up and show up for life today and do what is in front of me. And everything will work out better than I could ever have planned it.
There are no accidents, no coincidences - everything is unfolding perfectly."
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
Posts: 66,015
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: Shroomism]
#1083244 - 11/24/02 11:46 PM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Here are the "Rules for Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience":
Listen up, recruit: your body is your vehicle for exploring this Earth. You are only issued one for each lifetime. You may love your body or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire time you are here this time around. Your body is operated by your mind and they have their own set of rules (see Rules #2: How Body-Mind Works).
Listen up, recruit: your mind is your vehicle for understanding this Earth. You are only issued one for each lifetime. Your mind will try to be your master but it is supposed to be your servant. So, recruit, master your mind by controlling your thoughts for it is these same thought that create your life obstacle course.
Congratulations, you have now entered the jungle called Earth. Your mission - whether you accept it or not - is to get through Basic Training and advance as far in the ranks as you can. Each day you are in this boot camp, recruit, you will learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them. You may get along with the drill instructors or spend all your time on report. You may think the lessons are stupid, useless, pointless, trivial? but you signed on. So suck it up, recruit!
That's right, recruit. There is no way that you can avoid the obstacle course. Your commanding officer, your Spirit, has laid booby traps hidden all along the obstacle course. You might know them better as "emotions" (energy in motion) and "illness" (body and mind diseases and disorders).
You will screw up your training, recruit. Nobody gets it right the first time, or the second time, or the third. Just keep at it. You will learn as much from your "snafus" as from your successes. And all obstacles will eventually be overcome.
Our drill instructors here on Earth will show you no mercy. You will repeat your lessons again and again in various forms until you have learned them. Our drill instructors are tough but they are fair (and they love giving out push ups).
Face it, recruit. You will move onto tougher and tougher lesson and instructors. Those are the "rules of engagement". And this is not a drill!
Our drill instructors have been through the program too. They have heard every excuse, know every dodge, and have memorized every trick in the book. Right now, they have put you where you need to be: even if it is cleaning latrines!
What you love or hate about your officers, drill instructors, and fellow recruits is really what you love or hate about yourself. Here's a tip, recruit: try loving yourself more and you will avoid lots of booby traps!
We have issued you all the gear you will need for this boot camp. Everyone gets the same gear so no grousing. What you do with it is totally up to you.
Your officers and drill instructors are here to help you (really!). They may be from the government but they are here to help you. No "trivial" requests please.
Well recruit, you signed the paperwork before you came. No use complaining now - you agreed to everything. So suck it up, really hard!
Credits: adapted from "Rules for Being Human" by Anonymous and channeled information
Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Shroomism]
#1083324 - 11/25/02 12:15 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
I had to laugh at your disclaimer. 
Yes, love is pretty hard to argue against but the expressions of it are found in hard cold reality that is best often described by....science. 
Without love no one can be content. We aren't made that way. But science has given us the technology to make life comfortable and less painless for some. For that we owe it a debt of gratitude.
We are here now, philosophy tells us that and it is right. We are using these computers to communicate with, science tells us how, and I am grateful. Love is the greatest gift and any man's life deprived of it is a poorer life than he could have, spirituality tells that and it is true beyond measure.
I love you.
human alien

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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Shroomism]
#1083342 - 11/25/02 12:20 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Seriously good post man!!! Thank you for taking the time to help all of us understand and grow.
Love and Light.
-------------------- "It's not until we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything." TDFC
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: postanaldrip]
#1083366 - 11/25/02 12:29 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
No problem brother, that is my job... I do it out of love.
All I want to do is to hopefully inspire someone, help them in some way... that they may find a different way of looking at things...at themselves... and gain a better understanding of the nature of reality. When I write these things I am also writing them for myself, as even I learn from the things I write. There is a fine line between knowing the path and walking it.
That being said I would love to hear any insights or understandings anyone may have into the nature of love, spiritual existance and divine oneness that you may have. All opinions are valid.
Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Shroomism]
#1083398 - 11/25/02 12:39 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
We are spiritual beings having a human experience
And you base this idea on what? A book, an experience, a feeling...?
The proof is in the pudding.

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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Shroomism]
#1083411 - 11/25/02 12:43 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Beautifull! How I feel to a T. It brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for continuing to improve and inspire. Lets all get together and make a change in mass consciousness!!
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: Swami]
#1083414 - 11/25/02 12:44 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
A book, an experience, and a feeling. The culmination of all my life experiences leading up to this point. Why do you ask?

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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Swami]
#1083428 - 11/25/02 12:50 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
"And you base this idea on what? A book, an experience, a feeling...?"
Hmmmmm, let me think, sounds like a opinion based on feeling to me. What a novel idea this " Feeling " is! Maybe you should try it sometime!
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Shroomism]
#1083430 - 11/25/02 12:51 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Preech on! We are all very lucky
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE
Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: MentalHygene]
#1083475 - 11/25/02 01:08 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
What a novel idea this " Feeling " is! Maybe you should try it sometime!
How does one try a feeling? You either have it or not.
The proof is in the pudding.
Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experience [Re: Swami]
#1083484 - 11/25/02 01:11 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Do not thoughts lead to feelings?
Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: Shroomism]
#1083490 - 11/25/02 01:14 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Hardly. You choose from a very limited menu most of the time, a large menu some of the time and have zero choice at other times.
The proof is in the pudding.
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
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Loc: 9th Dimension
Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: Swami]
#1083497 - 11/25/02 01:18 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
You are only as limited as you allow yourself to be. The lesson is not in how it is presented to you, but how you choose to learn from it and make the best out of any given situation.
human alien

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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: Swami]
#1083506 - 11/25/02 01:23 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Can you not appreciate the fact that Shroomism is trying to instill positive changes in other human biengs?
-------------------- "It's not until we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything." TDFC
Edited by postanaldrip (11/25/02 02:11 AM)
Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: Swami]
#1083507 - 11/25/02 01:23 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
Now whose ignorance is showing?
Try and think of other ways to interpret # 10. Your interpretation does not fit.
Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: postanaldrip]
#1083511 - 11/25/02 01:28 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
"Can you not appreciate the fact that Shroomism is trying to instill positive changes in other human biengs? If you dont like his opinions then shut up. Nobody wants to here your pesimistic skepticism."
You are incorrect in two assumptions.
1. Telling people to "shut up" fits the "Be nice" policy.
2. You may not want to hear Swami but others do.
Please try to take Shroomism's words to heart.
Eggshell Walker

Registered: 01/18/00
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Re: We are spiritual beings having a human experie [Re: ]
#1083513 - 11/25/02 01:29 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
*Tucks ignorance back in pants*
Explain to me, oh sage one, how it can be total control when one is killed by a drunk driver? Is this yet another escape clause that says "You choose everything on a sub-conscious or soul level? "
The proof is in the pudding.