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Chain Ringer
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Pretty!! ID?
#890624 - 09/18/02 07:47 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Anyone gotta clue?? 
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It's an Amanita. We need to see the base of the stem to ID accurately. Make sure you dig up the base so none of it is left behind.
-------------------- Happy mushrooming!
Chain Ringer
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: ToxicMan]
#890698 - 09/18/02 08:32 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: ToxicMan]
#890727 - 09/18/02 08:44 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Do all Aminitaas have that same look? I.e. where they still have white patches on them where they have bust through the growing thingys (sacs?)?
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Most Amanitas you found will have the little "warts" which are remnants of the universal veil.
Canadian SnowAngel

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Nice pic!
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“Arrrrrrg says the Pirate, it’s drivin me nutz”

Registered: 06/13/01
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I put my votes on A. muscaria var. formosa.
Chain Ringer
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: Gumby]
#890994 - 09/18/02 10:58 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Is this active?
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A. muscaria var. formosa.
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i agree, am. muscaria var formosa. this is the am. muscaria normally found in the north-east. it is active, but also contains toxins. apparently this variety of am. musc. is more toxic and less entheogenic than the varietis in syberia, traditionally used by the shamans there. there is all the info you need on this site, check out to start the amanitas section
-------------------- comario
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: Remy]
#891045 - 09/18/02 11:28 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Ah cheers for that matey, that's what I thought but couldn't express it very well, and wanted verification before I went out hunting for Aminitas over here in Northern Ireland in the next few weeks
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: comario2]
#891048 - 09/18/02 11:29 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Damn beat me to it...but you never can have two many correct ID's Amanita Muscaria var Formosa...wins the prize. Nice find, great photos.
-------------------- "...I found dozens of single specimens. That's what I call hunting. There are only a few "good" hunters here, even now. You're certainly in that group. I would imagine if we hunted together we'd find our styles are similar."
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Chain Ringer
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: comario2]
#891051 - 09/18/02 11:30 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Thanks they sure are pretty I'm in the NE USA. There is another just like it i'm going to let it open and take a pic.
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I've tried those before. All they did was make me sleepy. Don't bother eating it. Very nice pic though.
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Im sure that is A. muscaria var. formosa. Did you find it near any pine trees? I ate a 1/2 cup of fresh or a little more, and cooked it in some spagetti sauce then about 3 or 4 hours later i was puking my brains out and had the most intense (unenjoyable) body high i have evere experienced . I felt like i almost had to go to the hospital. i do not recomend trying this mushroom, but if you do be very cautious........................peace
GSAfarmer Joshua
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Wow. You posted right back with a great photo (to go with your earlier great photo) and everyone responded before I got back here.
They're correct - that volval tissue is exactly characteristic for Amanita muscaria var. formosa. As far as being "active", a few people seem to like it, the vast majority don't. You should read up on it at erowid or anyplace with trip reports and decide for yourself. If you decide to try it, eat a small amount the first time so you can decide if you like it or not, and if you don't it won't be too awful.
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: GSAfarmer]
#898860 - 09/22/02 06:57 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Wow! Finally!! I knew if I read posts here long enough, I'd come accross someone who had the same experience I had with this species.
I ate about 30 grams of these fresh and didn't puke, but laid on the couch for 2 hours wishing the mushrooms had been fatal. Very unpleasant experience.
Found 'em in the woods in central VT.
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Re: Pretty!! ID? [Re: TM]
#899082 - 09/22/02 10:41 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Then get the information out there, and maybe you can help prevent some other poor bastard from making the same mistake. Erowid has a trip reports section you can post to. And it wouldn't hurt to hang around here from time to time and let people know that eating them isn't fun.
There are so many references that make it sound like another way to get high that people do and almost all of them seem to get sick like you did.
Hope you're feeling better now, though.
-------------------- Happy mushrooming!