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Registered: 04/23/02
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Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation
    #632569 - 05/16/02 04:40 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Lying back in my beach chair, with the cool sand covering my naked feet, i look to the moon on this clear night. Suddenly it enlarges - becoming a "tunnel" of beautiful bright, white light. Clouds, swirling in a perfect spiral 'round this amazing "light" from which my eyes will not stray, become dolphins - and continue to take the spiraled path to eternity(?)

yup, my last shroom trip - gulf of mexico - 5g - most memorable visual ive ever had. Of course it was my last trip so maybe its just the one that i remember the most ;-)

so, whats urs?

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The ReverendToke DBK
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #632694 - 05/16/02 06:36 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Wow thats a hard question to answer there are so many cool one's
by myself-- laying on my stomach in the floor in my room listening to the orb I had my head laying on the floor looking at my arm I saw my skin get old and wrinkled, liver spots and the such, then my skin and muscles distetegrate to bone, the bone crack and crumble to dust and the dust blow away.
with friends-- about 10 of us were out camping in a national forest we built a big fire and were all sitting around it in lawn chairs and the fire has become all coals at the bottom I started seeing the coals melt out of the fire like lava and and run down by my feet I raised my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs to keep them up in the air, I looked over at my frind who i noticed was doing the same thing He loooked at me and said"Do you see it too!"

"A politician is like a baby's diaper, it should be changed often and for the same reason"-Coy Turner Sr.

"what is a weed, a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered"--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I'm sippin Hennessy, riding on my muthafucking enemies" -Meek Mill.

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #632706 - 05/16/02 06:45 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

It is so hard to answer, because all are memorable, but one that comes to mind, is looking at my friends Persian rug, with all it's geometrical patterns changing forms to all come a part, and form a black bottomless pit, in the moment I could swear that If I step on it I will fall, quite beautiful


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Registered: 12/02/01
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #632807 - 05/16/02 07:56 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

this was on 2 good hits of acid mind you (twice what i normaly take cause i have such a low ass tolerance)

I was sitting on my couch staring up at some purple x-mess lights that were directly above my head...i saw the reflection of them in the window and thought to myself oh wow! its snowing purple lights. before i knew it I had an OEV that i was laying on my driveway with somebody i had never met before and we were watching it snow thease tiney purple lights. I mean, this was like a total environment change without leaving my seat.. oooohfun.. they piled up to about 10 inches around us in what seemed like 3 seconds...the cd player must have switched songs or somthing..but i got snapped out of it just as i stood up to explore in my hallucination..damn..but it was quite memorable

heheh the fiancee cant get OEV's that strong on 8 hits..(he's quite the big guy with quite the large tolerance)

"I could do without the snot"
"Mabey the dingo ate your baby"

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Invisiblesir tripsalot

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #632831 - 05/16/02 08:10 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I was tripping on E smoked weed and had been very drunk when I ate the shrooms but the most memorable and definate visual was when I was sitting on my couch. I looked at my hand and it shriveld perfectly into a skeletons hand, I just said to my non tripping buddy"I'm fucked". Was very cool.


"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.

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Registered: 05/15/02
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #632981 - 05/16/02 09:55 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I and my best friend D were Laying on her bed. I believe we took a heavy dose of vicodin, some dxm, and some liquid Codien. We were just laying there in The warm blanket of Opiate goodness passing in and out of contiouseness in a half dream state. I went under for a minute or two and i was inside a sowing kit. With the spools pincushins and all. That night is one of my best memorys.
Oh snap i just rememberd: My very first trip. 1 hit of samarai given to me by a friend of my bros after his first rave. It was a school night and i dropped it and thought mabey i could just sleep it off. I spent the entire night staring at my posters with no music. While i was staring at a Joker Card on the wall it suddenly became 3dementional and started coming out of the wall. Then it turned into florestent devils locked together in a geometric pattern. Very cool.

Normally psyko78626

Edited by psyko7862sex (05/18/02 08:57 AM)

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Oh shit i realydid it this time
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #633035 - 05/16/02 10:35 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

My most memorable hallucination was on a big party, i have eaten 3,5 grams of shrooms.
I was walking around the club watching and guessing what al the people where thinking.
And then i saw a filled garbagebag standing on top of a table with a black cat sleeping on top of the garbagebag, i was thinking about how the cat came in ,i walked to wards it to discover that it wasnt a garbagebag and a cat on a the table but some fat girl with a black bomberjacket with here hair all messed up..

I had more of these kind of trips but this one is my most memorable on.


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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: paddo]
    #633066 - 05/16/02 10:55 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Hehe, one time walken around the block. I must of plucked a half picked a half grown pine cone and put it in my pocket for some reason.

I got back was sitting on the porch i pulled it out of my pocket and i sware it was a nug of dank weed. I even smelled it and i sware it smelled like dank weed. I was like hmm my weed doesnt look like this. i went to go ask my sister about it and i tried to squeeze it a bit and it was fucken hard. Look in the light and its a fucken pine cone. then i vaguely remember picking it. My sister asked me what was up and i couldnt tell her cause i was laughing about it for 15 min. 4 grams of tc had me in a confused laughing psychadelic mess.

This is the only time I really feel alive.

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #633123 - 05/16/02 11:42 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

why don't I ever have these kinda hallucinations
even on 7g Cubensis I just have mild visuals :/

the hallucinations that I remember most are from my first trip on 3grams. The best hallucinations I had as well ever since. I saw this friendly looking old fellow in the sky made from clouds that would dissapear and reappear from time to time. And the stones on my driveway started to dance around each other. But those were the only real hallucinations on mushrooms I've ever had. All I ever saw since then were just some patterns in my carpet, bubbling surfaces and intenser colors.

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: PsyFlux]
    #633197 - 05/16/02 12:29 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

My visuals on acid changed constantly, always growing like vines and getting deeper and deeper every second ... I could never pick one out as the MOST memorable, but one that comes to mind is when we were out on my ranch, at night, and i looked at the sky and saw this beautiful arrangement of red green and blue cheschire cats arranged in a kaleidoscope all over my vision ... quite intense ...

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: HB]
    #633285 - 05/16/02 02:13 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Mine would have to be on acid, and involving the moon. Happens pretty much every decent trip, the clouds swirl with the moon, it's so beautiful. But once on 2 tabs (my first big dose) I was walking aimlessly around a huge field near my camping site, and the moon was out doing it's usual thing with the clouds, but I notice something really cool. The other paddocks look llike a huge river of white light. I even walked towards it to see what the hell was up. I looked over the fence and I still couldn't tell if it was grass. The paddock was practically glimmering white from the full moon And then I just kept wandering around doing a little dance to my music while enjoying all the other-worldy feel Then I went and looked into a paddock full of sheep and shone my torch on them *cackle* I thought they were goats, and their eyes glowed a strange colour hehe.

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: Sheepish]
    #633326 - 05/16/02 02:52 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I only had one trip. But me and my trip buddies were saying that 2 of us were peter pan rabbirs, and one of s was a rat. I trurn around for a minute and look back at my buddy and he had what looked like rat whiskers on his face

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Beats so hard itrequiresprotection
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: NiGGy]
    #633725 - 05/16/02 08:39 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Im tripiin of some cambo's right now and i don't see sheeeeit

I keep my posts like a bikini bottom, long enough to cover the subject... short enough to keep it interesting.

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InvisibleZen Peddler
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: DaMigraine]
    #633773 - 05/16/02 11:08 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

i once saw silver objects dart around in the brightning sky above the rising sun, then looked up above me to see the clouds suddenly change direction as if the wind had changed.
Then i went to bed with my girl and her naked butt had blue flower patterns all over it...


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Oh shit i realydid it this time
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: Zen Peddler]
    #633975 - 05/17/02 05:40 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

In reply to:

Then i went to bed with my girl and her naked butt had blue flower patterns all over it...

LOL ,so you acted like you where a bee and sting here right in here flower

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The ReverendToke DBK
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: PsyFlux]
    #633980 - 05/17/02 05:50 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Mine were on LSD, not mushies

"A politician is like a baby's diaper, it should be changed often and for the same reason"-Coy Turner Sr.

"what is a weed, a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered"--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I'm sippin Hennessy, riding on my muthafucking enemies" -Meek Mill.

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #634097 - 05/17/02 07:52 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

That must be my first shoom trip. I guess it was a level 3, especially since it was my first time. Anyway, I was looking at the moon and for a moment it felt like I was being sucked into it. Nice!!
Afterwards, when I went to bed (it was my first trip, so I didn't know sleeping while still tripping is almost impossible) I had all the lights turned off. But because I couldn't get to sleep I decided to get out of bed to see how hard I was tripping. I put on my little desk light, and it seemed as if it was a sunrise (a very fast one) Neat.

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: TwistedRedneck]
    #634348 - 05/17/02 10:58 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I love trippin in the rain a real nice steady rainfall that lasts awhile, its also cool if the rain creates some fog too!!

the spore haven has all there syringes on sale now for $5.00 bucks!!!! you can get 6 for $20.00 no shit

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InvisibleZen Peddler
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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: paddo]
    #634929 - 05/17/02 11:16 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Lol!! funny stuff paddo!!! bzzzzzzzzz


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War's boring,change thechannel!

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Re: Most memorable/favorite visual hallucenation [Re: Zen Peddler]
    #635017 - 05/18/02 02:58 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I was in my room peaking from a tea I made with 80 fresh libs, all the lights were off and there was no music. I could hear clanging and clanking of metal, the sound was loud and it reverberated and echoed through my entire being. For some reason my eyes were shut tight, I think? (mabye I couldn't open them or mabye I didn't want to). I thought I had somehow managed to find my way into my radiator and that was why I could here this metalic banging, but then I thought that didn't make any sense because there's no water. After a while the clanging stopped and after a time was replaced by voices. (They were coming from down the hall although at the time I didn't think that) I felt like I was unconscious (with my eyes not being able to open and all), I knew I was tripping but that knowledge wasn't enough to bring me back to physical reality I knew I just had to wait it out. I realised that these voices must be coming from my neighbours (who had just found and taken my unconscious body to the hospital) and the doctors who were now watching over me. I remember thinking "shit don't they realise I'm just tripping!?! "Why didn't they leave my where I was?"

We are the music makers, We are the dreamers of dreams...

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