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Registered: 01/27/03
Posts: 350
Loc: KY
uneven pinset?
#1344634 - 03/01/03 08:09 AM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
so my buddy's cake has been pinning and he told me that some of the pins are about an inch long and then some of them are still a few millimeters. obviously, there are all lengths in between as well. so, would this mean that he is having an uneven pinset? and if so, is this a bad thing? how should he go about harvesting?
Sensitive StonedRebel

Registered: 12/12/02
Posts: 383
Last seen: 12 years, 11 months
I belive even n uneven pin sets refers to casings n bluk substrates and not really to cakes.
-------------------- "~Dream as if you'll live forever....live as if you'll die today~ James Dean"
Registered: 01/27/03
Posts: 350
Loc: KY
Re: uneven pinset? [Re: Bavet]
#1344692 - 03/01/03 09:16 AM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
what i mean is that the pins are not all going to mature at the same time. i heard you are supposed to harvest all at once. if this is the case, there would be a bunch of not-mature mushrooms that would be harvested. is that what one is supposed to do, or should he harvest over the period of days (as each matures individually)?
straw dog

Registered: 06/20/02
Posts: 2,790
Loc: Route 66
Harvest them as they mature.
Fascism (fash'izem) n. A governmental system marked by a centralized dictatorship, stringent socioeconomic controls, and often belligerent nationalism. see also: the Bush Administration.
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
Posts: 66,015
Loc: 9th Dimension
Harvest as they mature.. but try to harvest the whole thing within 3 or 4 days. You need to clear the casing for the next flush so it has time to absorb water and such.
Registered: 01/27/03
Posts: 350
Loc: KY
Re: uneven pinset? [Re: Shroomism]
#1344727 - 03/01/03 09:41 AM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
what exactly do you mean by clearing the casing? i am unsure about this. is it just cleaning the area where the mushrooms was pulled - the substrate gets disturbed from the harvesting?

Registered: 03/02/02
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He meant that uneven pinsets usually don't matter that much when it comes to cakes.
Casings, on the other hand, are a different matterr and you don't need to worry about that in your case  Just clear them out over a short span of time (perhaps the most mature shrooms will be a little past prime maturity, but that will give the least mature ones to get a little bigger, then you pick them all within that few-day-timespan.
-------------------- "Remember, son,
I didn't sell out-
I bought in."

Registered: 08/13/02
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Loc: The Richest County
Just harvest as you go, keeping them in the fridge if they are only a couple days off. If longer then, i'd say harvest and dry as you go. has you pick the fruits off, replace the harvest sites with casing material and lightly mist. Uneven pinsets aren't that bad of a thing.
-------------------- Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim'rous beastie,
O, what panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi' bickering brattle!
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
Posts: 66,015
Loc: 9th Dimension
Oh it's a cake..nevermind I thought you were doing a casing. I haven't done cakes in years but I don't think it matters at all if it's an uneven pinset.
Registered: 01/27/03
Posts: 350
Loc: KY
Re: uneven pinset? [Re: soochi]
#1344770 - 03/01/03 10:00 AM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
i dont have any casing material though. what should i do in that case? how should i reapair the cake?

Registered: 03/02/02
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You don't need to repair the cake. However, if you have vermiculite, you have casing material.
-------------------- "Remember, son,
I didn't sell out-
I bought in."
Registered: 01/27/03
Posts: 350
Loc: KY
Re: uneven pinset? [Re: valour]
#1344834 - 03/01/03 10:35 AM (21 years, 11 months ago) |
he doesnt have any verm... its just the cake taken out of a mycobag and put in a terrarium. thanks for the information everyone. you've helped him out a bunch. thanks! peace
anti FOB

Registered: 01/09/03
Posts: 87
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Last seen: 19 years, 4 months
u should be able to get an 8 quart bag of verm for 4 bux at any garden store near you... or check out walmart