What about SOS???? I have a set up I think is about as close to cheap and easy to conseal as well here it is.Find a good sized box.....one that could hold 6-12 1/2 pint jars is good....make sure its about a good foot high though, cut all the flaps off and use plastic wrap as the cover. Line the inside of the box with a heavy duty garbage bag. Fill an aluminum baking pan (the really cheap ones in grocery stores or dollar stores) with about 2 inches of perlite wet to the right amount(since you cant see the water through the aluminum just make sure the perlite is damp not soaked)place inside the box.....
Now you will need 2 liter bottles and 1 liter bottles (24oz ones will do)
take the 2 liter bottles and wack the bottoms off with a sharp knife (make sure to remove all the paper on the outside and sterilize with 99% or close to.....rubbing alcohol)
leave the bottle caps on the 2 liters on....take cottom balls and stick 1 or 2 in the very top of the 2 litter bottle. (see Im turning the 2 liter into a greenhouse basically)
now, take you 1 liter bottles or 24oz bottles and measure about oh 4-6 inches from the bottom and wack the tops off. This is where you colonized cakes will go when there ready to be birthed. Now once you put them in there new home I suggest casing but you dont HAVE too.
All you need to do now is place you colonized cakes in the 1 liter or 24oz bottle bottoms place them on the perlite and then place the 2 liter bottle tops over the 1 liter or 24oz bottle bottoms.
the 2 liter tops will help keep it humid and allows the condensation to run down the side of the bottle back into the perlite without drips falling on your cakes.(Hense the reason for the cottom balls) without using a drip sheild which reduces your grow space.
Now add a fish tank thermometer(the type thats glass and floats) to check the temp and see if a heat source will be needed to reach the proper temp...if you do need a heat source heres what you could do.....
You will need a heating pad, a towel or 2 and another box bigger than the one your useing as your grow chamber.
Take the bigger box and place a towel on the inside bottom (this is done to prevent overheating) place the heating pad cord and all inside the box, cut a hole in one of the sides as close to the bottom as you can. Feed the heating pads power cord out of the hole. Place another towel over the heating pad place the entire box thats your grow chamber on top of the heating pad and towels.
You will have to play with the towels and the heating pad to see what will reach your needed temp.
Close the flaps on the bigger outter box and volia!!!! Instant hide a set-up!!!!
Just make sure you have the cord comming out the box with that side facing the wall so mom and dad dont wonder why you have a cord hanggin out the box....
Now all you would need to do is pull the box out and check you shoom buddies, temp and add water to the perlite as needed to maintain humidity...you can guage your humidity by the condesation on the walls insides the grow ("box") chamber.....if the walls are streaking with water you have 90-100% humidity if its just condestation build up with ocasional streaks of water then you at about 70-80% humidity....If I remember that right....Damn these type of nites...sorry...you could always just get a humidity guage but get one from a cigar shop if you can.
With this setup you will need to fan unless you want this to get more complicated then need be.
Okay, well its way to damn late but there is my 0.0............well more like 0.50 cents.
Mycofile, what ya think? Okay, YEAH! or.....you need to sleep more?
Anyway I hope I helped.
"My mind dont work if my spine dont jerk"
-Quote from Eminem-