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Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66728 - 11/26/99 06:06 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
I tried to submerge the hose into the water and there just wasn't enough output to "bubble" the water. Your idea with the perlite sounds GREAT! Have you tried it???? Keep in touch.....I'm always up for inventions!Later, Tor PS- I think I'll try and set the perlite soda bottle up today in one of my aquariums.
tha mad pRopHet
Registered: 01/30/99
Posts: 41
Last seen: 22 years, 10 months
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66729 - 11/26/99 10:32 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
sounds good n stuffz but im kinda confuzed- im assuming you put this setup into your terrarium right? okay, so if you place the hoses into the container w/water, do the ends bubble up through the water or remain above the water level? w/my cool mist experiences, i wouldnt think there's enough pressure to force the outputs through water like that... would it just be easier to make an un-spillable in-line vaporizer if you were to pack an uncapped soda bottle w/H202 soaked perlite and place the outputs in a hole @ the bottom? this would acheive your "blow-by vapor-action" w/superior results because of the increased surface area over which the air flows...
mega propz& maaaaad mahaloz fer your innovation! letz keep the ideas comming!
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66731 - 11/26/99 06:13 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
Prophet,One more thing about my original setup. I didn't have a hose output from the quart container....I simply set it inside the aquarium. So I guess I DID have the hose technically going into the aquarium. So.....hose from cool mist into top of quart container which was sitting inside the aquarium....then cut hole in quart container above water line. Oh yeah...tape the hose into place. Quart container with water about 1/2 to 3/4 full. Hope this helps Later, Tor
tha mad pRopHet
Registered: 01/30/99
Posts: 41
Last seen: 22 years, 10 months
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66732 - 11/26/99 04:28 PM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
mush thanx torsades!!! im trying both ideas as of now... ill keep you informed as to how it goes- alohaz, tha m@d~pRopHet...
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66733 - 11/27/99 09:07 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
Ok..... I tried the perlite soda bottle idea and it didn't work real well when the soda bottle was completely full of perlite. I guess there just wasn't enough air holes througout the bottle...or, I tried to put too much water in the perlite. However, when I took out some of the perlite, the airflow was pretty darn good. I'll have to keep checking the humidity though. Keep in touch. Tor

Registered: 01/18/99
Posts: 2,336
Loc: Uranus
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66734 - 11/28/99 11:13 PM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
Tor, I love it. Keep the updates coming.------------------ -From a registered Mad Scientist "From a certain point of view" -Jedi Master Obiwan Kenobi (also a Mad Scientist tm)
-------------------- "From a certain point of view"
-Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi
PM me with any cultivation questions.
I just looked at my profile and realized I had a website at one point in time on geocities, it's not there anymore and I have no idea what I had on it. Anybody remember my website from several years aga? PM if so please.
tha mad pRopHet
Registered: 01/30/99
Posts: 41
Last seen: 22 years, 10 months
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66735 - 11/29/99 04:14 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
torsades- soundz like your added space idea wurx! im getting krazy kine humidity&airflow from the perlite setup... but instead of using it "in-line" im just using it w/holes poked in the base of the bottle and placed inside the terrarium!!! howz your shtuffz doin? just harvested about 8 from a 1-cake casing!!! (i cheated and used polymers underneath though...) anywayz, much thanx again for the inspiring idea!!! maybe if yourz does well, we can add to shroomgodz tek? dunno though, just a thought...
shaka braddah!!! -tha m@d~pRopHet...

Registered: 01/18/99
Posts: 2,336
Loc: Uranus
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66736 - 11/30/99 01:18 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
How about a new thread with specifics on your use of polymers. They have great potential for our hobby, but need more attention. I plan on trying that in-line perlite thing too.------------------ -From a registered Mad Scientist "From a certain point of view" -Jedi Master Obiwan Kenobi (also a Mad Scientist tm)
-------------------- "From a certain point of view"
-Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi
PM me with any cultivation questions.
I just looked at my profile and realized I had a website at one point in time on geocities, it's not there anymore and I have no idea what I had on it. Anybody remember my website from several years aga? PM if so please.
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66737 - 11/30/99 05:26 PM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
what happens when h2o2 is exposed to light?light + 2H2O2---> 2H2O + O2 i think basicly that is water and and oxygen. that would kill only anaerobic bacteria. Ever wondered why peroxide is keeped in a Brown bottel. look it up. maybe cover the bottel with tape or add new peroxide every few hours.
tha mad pRopHet
Registered: 01/30/99
Posts: 41
Last seen: 22 years, 10 months
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66738 - 11/30/99 05:38 PM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
fishman, first of all, h2o2 does decomp in light and heat... moreso in HIGH UV light... im usin an infrared lamp though. h20o2 decompz everytime you see it fizzle, every spore it touches... lalala... anywayz, i think it isnt absolutely necessary to replace the hp cuz you just want it there to keep the nasties out. tape and foil are good ideas but i dont think the hp will decomp @ such a rate th@ it will really matter a whole lot... afterall, we're just usin 3%. whateverz... the important part is the function of the humidifier... doesnt the cool mist have a filter that is easily replaced w/a hepa screen? mycofile- my post on "polymers to aid fruiting" got ousted... a big ph@ "0" replies... but ill repost er somthin...but, uh, yeah, POLYMERS PHREAKIN RULE... but dont use too much H2O2- they turn to slimey goop.
Registered: 04/11/99
Posts: 190
Last seen: 23 years, 8 months
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66739 - 12/01/99 10:02 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
I've been using the perlite and water in a bottle setup for about 6 months or so. I fill a 1-3 liter plastic bottle with perlite and a few cups of water, lay it on its side and attach hoses to each end (or both through the lid, with one running to the far end). I haven't had any problems with it at all, it stays nice and clean using distilled water (I don't bother with h2o2). I usually cut a hole in the side of the bottle and cover it with a piece of packing tape. Makes it easy to add new water.
tha mad pRopHet
Registered: 01/30/99
Posts: 41
Last seen: 22 years, 10 months
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66740 - 12/01/99 01:05 AM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
right on!... do you case or PF? peace, tha m@d~pRopHet...
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66741 - 12/03/99 04:03 PM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
UPDATE-Just harvest a over an ounce of dry B+'s from my 3 aquariums. A couple of the caps were about 4 inces in diameter....WWOOOOHOOO. I think the perlite/cool mist bottle thing will do the trick. :-) Later, Tor
tha mad pRopHet
Registered: 01/30/99
Posts: 41
Last seen: 22 years, 10 months
Re: A Vaporizer? MUST READ if you use a cool mist!!
#66742 - 12/03/99 11:26 PM (25 years, 2 months ago) |
th@'s phreakin ruff tor! hope people can help to make this prototype better though huh... mine workin pretty good but all i have as of now is pins... the next real test is to see if they fully mature!thanx for the update! -pRopHet...