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test your chakra's
#583689 - 03/19/02 08:28 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
i will give you some quick directions to test the natural strength of your chakra's. stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground. try to draw the energy from the core, centre of the world into your body, if you are a natural at this like me you will feel it right away, if not, this process as far as i know is inherint to every human ,so you must practice it. it will feel like pulses of energy coming from the ground, through your feet and up from there collecting throughout your body in energy storers called chakra's. when i read and exercised this process iimmediatly felt tapped to an energy source unknown to my ego before. i felt euphoria stronger than a damn good hit of ecstacy. i started to cry, i then walked downstairs and relaxed, all of a sudden it was like i knew the answer to every question in the world. these chakra's can be opened-energized during intense hynagogic meditation with the subtle body's arms which are powered by your oxygen inflow. with the proper chakra opening you can become astral, or travel to any of the other planes of exsistance.
-------------------- <+> wOrLd PhIlOsOpHy CaN OnLy bE UnDeRsToOd ThRoUgH aStRaL aWaKeNiNg<+>
Just make sure you are aware of how to close them and regulate energies through each or you will become "out of sync" so to speak. You can become very unbalanced if they are left open and unprotected.
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Re: test your chakra's [Re: ]
#584265 - 03/20/02 01:19 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
could you give me some advice on this cause you kinda freaked me out.
-------------------- <+> wOrLd PhIlOsOpHy CaN OnLy bE UnDeRsToOd ThRoUgH aStRaL aWaKeNiNg<+>
Registered: 12/13/01
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I think he is refering to having the outer energy field "defended".....the chakras stay open but you are not subject to "outside attacks" or emotional exhaustion.......
Just my guess.....
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Re: test your chakra's [Re: Tannis]
#584311 - 03/20/02 02:06 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
i did not close them at all last night, i knew i shoulda read more before i tried this, thats probably why my spleen hurts like a bitch today. its weird i think i am really gifted at this and for some reason now i can see purple halo's on everything, colorful explosions, and living color tracers, its almost as if i can see energy!!!!!! if you have any tips on closing chakra's let me know, i tried using my subtle arms to push most of the energy outa me and i have been eating and exercising alot today.
-------------------- <+> wOrLd PhIlOsOpHy CaN OnLy bE UnDeRsToOd ThRoUgH aStRaL aWaKeNiNg<+>
Registered: 12/13/01
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The outer edge of the human field is cobalt blue in color and the field is shaped like an egg with you inside. Just imagining this surrounding you at about 5-10 feet from the body is usually enough to "shield you" from outside energies. Unless you are under spiritual or psychic attacks......these posts are not sufficient to cover those topics....read books.....

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TO OPEN: picture your chackras as tiny round loaves of bread. Now take your astral arms and imagine yourself ripping open each loaf of bread. Do this three or more times to each chakra, and you will feel the kundalini rising.
TO CLOSE: Reverse the opening exercise.
This sounds stupid but it focuses energy on your astral body and really works.
And YES i did mean closing the chakras..you can't just run around with everything all "unzipped". That's just asking for trouble. Of course..this is all a personal thing and you may do as you wish.
But here's a good way to do it if you'd like. MentalHygene's idea sounds good too...and pretty simple Simplicity is a GOOD THING!!
Opening The Chakras: Sit in a quiet room. Relax and clear your mind. Once you are fully relaxed take a moment to center yourself then visualize each chakra spot starting at the crown of your head slowly opening like a flower. So you would start at the crown or top of your head visualize it slowly opening like a flower of the appropriate color then move to your 3rd eye, throat charka, heart, solar plexus etc. When doing this exercise it is ok if the charkas don't open fully on your first try, in fact don't force them to open. If one doesn't wish to open skip it and go to the next then try again tomorow.
One reason for this is because they have been dorment if you force them to open you can actually experience psychic shock. Which means because they were in a dorment stage and you open them fully you go form feeling virtually nothing to full use which your body/soul and chakras aren't used to. They pick up all the different types of energy which causes an over load. If it helps, you can think of it as being in a dead silent room all your life and then all of a sudden music with the volume all the way up comes on. It would hurt your sensitive ears and shock you that's for sure. Some people experience psychic shock as a stabbing in there 3rd eye, bad head aches, dizzines, acting drunk among other things. This is usually followed by your charka's shut down and you
literally have to let them rest and recover which can take anywhere from a week to a month to a year depending on how bad they are. They have not been used so you want to slowly work up to them being open.Once you start this techniques you might start noticing certain chakra's tingling when you get near things. This is from your chakras sensing objects energies. You'll also notice that when your chakra's are opened you recieve psychic information easier, your energy flow is increased etc.
If the flower technique is not to your liking or you would like to add a safety feature you can change the visualization a little and see a white light focusing on each charka center until they glow slightly. Each time you do this they should glow a little brighter. I recommend doing either exercise no more than twice a day and it should take at least a month before they are fully open.
Crown - Top of the head - White
Third Eye - Middle of Forehead - Purple
Throat - Throat - Blue
Heart - Chest - Green
Solar Plexus - Solar Plexus - Yellow
Sacral - Right below your belly button - Orange
Root - Base of Spine - Red
Hand/Feet - Palms - White
Closing The Chakras: Do the same thing you did to open them except this time do it in reverse. See them closing instead of opening.

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Please be advised that the psychic centers operate on different levels, and those levels transcend the psychophysical domain (i.e., Kundalini, or Elemental Energy) to become vehicles for psychocosmic processes (Lama Govinda, 1960). In addition to the 7 center Hindu model, the Kargyutpa Tibetan Buddhist 5-center model (as in 5 prongs on the Dorje/Vajra) conceives of 'Buddha Energies' or specific states of mind, represented by the 5 Dhyani Buddhas with their different gestures (mudras).
The Kundalini model is kinda like electricity passing upward through a series of transformers (more petals, more windings analogy) increasing the voltage on the way up, and ending with the experience symbolized by the seed syllable OM.
The Buddhist model is more like raw water power (Root Center, 1&2), which enters a boiler (3rd) creating steam energy that turns a turbine (4th) transforming the kinetic and then steam energies to electric, which rises yet further to create radiant energy (5th) which can be sublimated into, say, cool fluorescent light (Head). The analogy is in the transformation of a qualitative type.
In 'Foundations of Tibetan Buddhism,' Lama Govinda compared the systems and described and diagrammed the paths of Ascending (to Head Center and OM) AND Descending Path (Head to Heart - HUM), wherein the Infinite (OM) descends to dwell in the finite human center (HUM). This passage transforms the elemental (Kundalini) dimension of the chakras into vehicles for higher level states (represented by those meditating Buddhas which he illustrates).
The Astral dimension thereby gives way to yet another dimension of experience.
I've studied the book since 1973, and based a doctoral dissertatuion on it. It is worth having if you are truly interested in chakras.
-------------------- γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself

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Re: test your chakra's [Re: ]
#585371 - 03/21/02 02:35 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
This is a very good point that I for got to mention. I guess I just figured everyone would have previous chackra work under their belt. So definately dont force it!!!!
Registered: 03/14/02
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ah ha, I have reaped what i have sown
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Registered: 09/25/01
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where were you reading aboout this i would love to read the article
Edited by MuShi_KiNg (03/25/02 01:04 PM)
Registered: 03/28/02
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Don't Even Think Of Fucking Doing This Unless You Know What You're Doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried doing this last night after eating 2 grams of P. cubensis, my spirit guide did not like this at all. He pretty much said your life should be ended for trying to do this when you don't even have a fucking clue what you're dealing with. I got a very bad nosebleed (which has happend one time before when I was tripping on acid, coincidentally making me relatively egoless at that point). So sitting on the toilet gushing blood trying to keep up with putting tissue up to my nose, trying to breath deeply, I didn't care that this was happening because I felt that this wasn't my time to die, but the possibility of death was there, so total egolessness kicked in. So I examined my life from an egoless stand point, ended up making some strong life decisions, but my guide wanted one more thing, which I realized was the only thing keeping me from the universal egoless state was my addiction to powders. I did meth for a while last summer, but I was already done with that. But coke was something that I would do about once every 4 or 5 months, keeping my body relatively addicted. I was sitting on that toilet for over 25 minutes , just gushing blood, when I said I will never do powders again, immediately my nosebleed stopped, and I mean immediately. I realized that the coke addiction was the only thing keeping me from the state of mind where I could safely interact with that realm. But I also realized I am not even close to ready to enter that realm. I think the spirits have a safeguard against that realm that keeps people who have not achieved total egolessness out ... because the power associated with and within this is #! too much for the ego to handle, but #2 moreimportantly an ego has desires, and if the spiritual energies were controled by desire, choas of the universe would occur. When this occured, it was as if my body energy was split in to 2 equal halves, the line of symetry being vertical through my chakras, and the energy was split until the nosebleed stopped, which then afterwards I was placed almost perfectly back in sync with the world, except I've been getting dull headaches since about 2 hours after the end of death mode.
I realize that I need to learn more before I try to interact with this spiritual world in the psychic manner. I have gained a very intense respect for the spiritual realm, and the psychedelic experience.
Registered: 03/25/02
Posts: 55
Re: test your chakra's [Re: ]
#592343 - 03/28/02 10:20 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I know this is old, but I felt compelled to reply here: the third eye, in the middle of your brow, is not the same as your ajna, the brow chakra, which is like the control center. This is an important distinction.
Otherwise, right on. This is something every person in the world should experience and know.
Re: test your chakra's [Re: Freewired]
#592396 - 03/28/02 11:23 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
With all due respect, I'm not sure WHERE exactly you saw anyone mention the Ajna...but The Ajna is the centre between the eyebrows and is found in the region of the head just above the two eyes, where it "acts as a screen for the radiant beauty and the glory of the spiritual man." NOT mentioned anywhere as the 'third eye'. ???
1. The head centre
The ajna centre
The throat centre
2. The third eye
The right eye
The left eye
3. The pineal gland
The pituitary body
The carotid gland
It is related to the personality by the creative thread of life, and is therefore closely connected with the throat centre (the centre of creative activity), just as the head centre is related to the centre at the base of the spine. An active interplay, once established between the ajna centre and the throat centre, produces a creative life and a manifested expression of the divine idea on the part of the initiate. In the same way, the active interplay between the head centre and the centre at the base of the spine produces the manifestation of the divine will or purpose. The forces of the ajna and the throat centres, when combined, produce the highest manifestation of "fire by friction," just as the energies of the head centre and the basic centre produce the individual "electric fire" which, when fully expressing itself, we call the kundalini fire.
It is the centre through which the fourth Creative Hierarchy on its own plane finds expression, and here also this Hierarchy the Fifth Buddhaic kingdom and fourth Human kingdom in nature, the human family are fused and blended. The head centre relates the monad and the personality. The ajna centre relates the Spiritual Triad (the expression of the monad in the formless worlds) to the personality. Ponder on this statement, because you have here?in the symbolism of the head centre, physically considered?the reflection of the spiritual will, atma, and spiritual love, buddhi. Here also comes in the teaching on the place of the eyes in the development of conscious expression, creatively carrying forward the divine purpose."
All quoted from http://www.buddhamaitreya.org/ajnaCenter.htm\
Love and Light to all~
Registered: 03/25/02
Posts: 55
Re: test your chakra's [Re: ]
#592413 - 03/28/02 11:54 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Crown - Top of the head - White
Third Eye - Middle of Forehead - Purple
Throat - Throat - Blue
Heart - Chest - Green
Solar Plexus - Solar Plexus - Yellow
Sacral - Right below your belly button - Orange
Root - Base of Spine - Red
Hand/Feet - Palms - White
This is what got me thinking. I'm relying on my teacher's words; she made the distinction early on that the third eye was not one of the major chakras. That's all.
Edited by Freewired (03/28/02 11:56 PM)
Re: test your chakra's [Re: Freewired]
#592460 - 03/29/02 12:55 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
AHH..I understand...:)
There are MANY schools of thought on these things and are open (somewhat) to interpretation and differing opinions. Your teacher instructs you one way, the monks instructed me differently. To each their own understanding. It's all relative to your own personal path anyway, right? So what will work for me may not work for others.That is understood.
I appreciate you bringing such differences to light, especially in such a discussion as this. It serves to show how many ways there are to find and follow, as well as showing there can be many different yet similar paths we may choose. And some of us will cross paths, some of us won't.
May your path be easily tread, but full of good lessons.
Registered: 03/25/02
Posts: 55
Re: test your chakra's [Re: ]
#592655 - 03/29/02 08:29 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Glad you didn't see that as some sort of war declaration. This place seems to be full of trigger-happy types just waiting to let the flame fly. I'm not interested in any of that.
I'd like to know about what you've learned; I'm somewhat new at this as a practice, but it's all much more like reminders than instructions. It's all very natural and flowing nicely. I'm studying from a shaman, who has also studied under Stan Grof over the last ten years.
Be well.