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Registered: 12/18/00
Posts: 73
contams / horse dung
#434159 - 10/23/01 12:10 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
currently a friend is having great difficulty with green/cobweb mold when spawning dung. he just wants to spawn dung until 100% colonized--then fruit--- with no casing.
he is spawning with colonized grain..that has been shaken a few days before in a qt jars, lets recover, then mixes with pasteurized dung ( 160-180deg. for 1.5 hrs) then covers with foil and pokes holes, then places in dark area to let colonization begin.
when he mixes the grain and dung toghther should it just be mixed or should you have layers? example: grain/dung/grain/dung? he says he thought that grain should be on the bottom then mix grain and dung in the middle and top off with straight dung?
also, he's not sure if he should be fanning twice a day or not?
usually right about at 90% colonization (approx 10 days) he either starts seeing green or sometimes cobweb mold.
also, he is trying to spawn about 5lbs. of manure with 2 qt jars of grain---is this enough grain?
please help!!
Edited by skyler (10/23/01 12:18 PM)
Registered: 07/17/00
Posts: 345
Re: contams / horse dung [Re: skyler]
#434176 - 10/23/01 12:23 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Wetness and under-sterilization are two big wecome mats for competitors. If you're seeing contams at 90% colonization, it's a safe bet that the genesis is in the middle of the substrate. The fact that it took so long to see it is the indicator.
The dung needs to be kept in a clean environment while it colonizes. You can't have it in an open tray or one with a cover with holes. It needs to be kept out of the air and light. Any open exposure will contaminate the dung.
My best guesses: The pasteurization process is not complete, the pre-spawned bulk substrate is too moist, or the grain master is not fully colonized or is contaminated.
Also, you should case the bulk when colonized.
-------------------- "If you believe in things you do not understand, you will suffer." ? Stevie Wonder
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Re: contams / horse dung [Re: Insomnia]
#434579 - 10/23/01 08:08 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Make the dung sterile. PC it.
Be very careful when you add the spawn and you should have no problems.
Registered: 12/18/00
Posts: 73
Re: contams / horse dung [Re: Insomnia]
#436201 - 10/25/01 05:00 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
if my friend covers and doesn't poke holes won't co2 levels be too high??
if pc'ing dung how long and at what psi? right now he uses the pillow case method on top of the his stove.
thanx again!!
Registered: 07/17/00
Posts: 345
Re: contams / horse dung [Re: skyler]
#436214 - 10/25/01 06:17 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Use autoclavable spawn bags with filter patches. Or half gallon jars with lids fitted with filter discs.
The pillow case method is fine. Just make sure to keep in the hot bath longer than you have been. If you want to PC vs. pillow case, I'd say at last 30 mins. at 15 psi. The goal behind pastuerization is to kill compteitors while preserving other microbials to keep the medium enriched. PCing might kill beneficial organisms.
In any case, covered trays should be for the casing stage, not the vegetative one.
Good luck!
-------------------- "If you believe in things you do not understand, you will suffer." ? Stevie Wonder
The Psilocybinsolution
Registered: 05/23/01
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Re: contams / horse dung [Re: skyler]
#436220 - 10/25/01 06:26 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Pasturise the dung for 1.5 hrs.Break up cake, mix well with dung...
put it in a clean bag [plastic] poke some holes in it with a needle[to get some air exchange, not to many!]..put in a paperbag, fold carefully..dont touch for 10days...check..[if 100% collonised]..case...fan..harvest!
That?s pretty much it...
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