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old hand
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: Lizard King]
    #428319 - 10/17/01 10:16 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

i understand mj very good....as far as i know JG was in contact with a few growshops in germany...this species seems to be very close to tampa/mex...also the taste is very similar...bluening occurs very fast and turns out to be more blackish...my only mislabeling happened with the socalled indoor azures...which i grew out from spores from JLF...they were actually Hypholoma spores...sorry for that .....


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Registered: 08/29/01
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: mjshroomer]
    #428322 - 10/17/01 10:24 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

mjshroomer, dude, you need to chill.

Growing anything is good for the soul

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Registered: 07/21/99
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: Lizard King]
    #428353 - 10/17/01 11:10 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Lizard King,
Gartz has sold mushroom postcard sets all over Europe with 11 of my photographs in a set of twenty-two pictures, 11 of them are mine yet I was credited with only five images., ALthough he gqave me credit for fifteen photos in his newest reprinting of Narrenschwamme.
He then Published a calendar with three of my images and listed him, Paul Stamets and Matrtin Hanslemeier as the publishers yet Paul Stamets knew nothing of this calendar until after he received a copy from Gartz, which also contained A picture of the Azurescens. Yet I was never sent a calendar or knew of their existence until Alan Shumaker, a yage shaman from Peru sent me a box of them asking me to help him sell them.

I have over thirty letters in my files from people who do not like Gartz because of some trouble he got into (Legal trouble invoving mushrooms culture sales in Europe). He never told me of these European busuiness ventures and as I said if I had not gone to lecture in Amsterdam and saw the sales of the postcards I would have never have known that they were being sold and that he was making money from them.

AS for my books, I would rather burrn them then publish them if I have to share half the writing of them with Gartz because he only controbuted less than ten pages to each of the three hundred page books I am have written then I would do just that. That is how piossed I am, besides a possible law suit with alska airlines for having the National Guard remove me from the plane in San Francisco on Friday after they broke a Sau Lao musical insstrument and I told the stweardess I would sue her for breaking this traditional culturally Cambodian instrument. Something which she took as a thread. so I am really already pissed off. The deal for Gartz as co-author arose from a courtesy between mycologists before I found out about these European publications.

I have every right to be pissed.

Maybe I should also stop posting here at the shroomery since people want to give me a hard time for my posts.
Anyway I will have my own forum this spring, and as things seem to be going not so good finantially for thor and others who run the shroomery, it too will probably start to disappear.
ALready Spiritplants has lied to me for almost a year about returning the mushroom hunting forum gallery with promise after promise which had one of the best shroom id sites, which Fire and Earth of erowid.org both complimented me on for building for spirit Plants.
Eddy and Kempton have told me over and over for months that every couple of months it would be back up and it hasn't.

Starting in January all of my pictures posted at my sites will have security and no one will be able to use them unless they go to the site.

And by the way LK, I am not pissed at you either and I was not pissed at BIO, Only some dude named Luser who hasposted in his profile that he hasno name and only one post.

Have a shroomy day,


ANd for those of you who are new here, do not mind my ramblings becasue I get that way sometime when Ia am jerked off by a few idiots.

Articles on P. samuiensis can be read entirely at:

A new Article with massive sem's is in the works in conjuction witht he Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, including two newly discovered species of Psilocybe, one of which I just posted at the mushroom hunting forum here at the shroomy.

mj http://mjshroomer.yage.net/articles.html

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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: mjshroomer]
    #428386 - 10/17/01 12:04 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Well I am glad to see that all the threats are continuing. Cop's, who said cop's. Can you patent Psilocybin mushrooms? This is the problem with having to go through legal channels to have your collections recognized. There are only a handful of people you can deal with, and apparently they are as insane as the rest of us.
Sounds like a total pile of shit, MJ, sorry it happened to you. But the old cop threatening routine, does not go well here. I don't care who or what you have done for this or any other community. THREATS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!!!! DO NOT CONTINUE TO THREATEN POLICE INTERVENTION ON THIS SITE!!!!
The irony continues to swell up like a maturing pin. Where are all the concerns about THREATS, now. You people are about as consistent as the Government. Who is running this site? Who is visiting this site. The only recognizable guy to say anything to MJ, was the Lizard King, and he was really nice about it.

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InvisibleWorld Spirit
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: ]
    #428402 - 10/17/01 12:19 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Deleted by admin

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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: B.I.O.]
    #428411 - 10/17/01 12:37 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

>...my only mislabeling happened with the socalled indoor
>azures...which i grew out from spores from JLF...they were
>actually Hypholoma spores...sorry for that .....

BIO, why are you still presenting those mushrooms as azures if you know they arent?


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old hand
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: Anno]
    #428522 - 10/17/01 03:04 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

mj...so i got the full info now.....hmmmm....choose your friends better!.....germany and itz crazy gov changed the laws...so it is not possible to spread this culture anymore...and i wont too...until i have your permission.....IF it is the strain....


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Registered: 07/21/99
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: B.I.O.]
    #428694 - 10/17/01 05:30 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)


as I noted earlier I have no complaints about you but For several years Since 1992 I have asked Gartz about cultures and spores and specimens which I gave to him for research which he told me were all gone ten years ago.

Well apparently he was dealing these with people in Amsterdam.

And apparently he got into some serious trouble there which he also failed to inform me about.

AS for it being my shroom, it is only in the sense that I first brought this speciew to the attention of the public and when you presesnt excellent cultivation phootos I was very curious as to how you came about them becasue I cannot even get specimens legally from any of the herbariums to which I made the porginal spore and specimen deposits becasue I no longer have a schedule one permit to handle them.

Even thouggh I still collect specimens for deposits in many herbariums and work through several Universoties where I can conduct research such as the up and coming SEM scans I did with My colleague in Thailand.

One reason I am not hassled over this is becasue I do not sell drugs or mushrooms for that matter.

The sdsale of a culture from a university to any public company without a permit is a violation of the law and since those spores and specimens came from me I am partiallab,y liable as to those very cultures if someone were to have anbad experience.

And AS I noted earlier I have nothing against yo but I do for the shit heads who bemoan me calling police. IF I feel a need to call police for anything, well that is what they are there for if one has need of them.

Selliong spores and growing a few shrooms soes not usually come to the attention of law enforcement agencies but the selling of Universoity cultures can close up doors of legal research in these fields for futures students.

Maybe if some of the people who freeequent the Shroomery would be in school then they woulkdn't be such assholes when someone has a legitimate complaint.

Furthermore I get at least ten emails a day from high schoolers who cannot even spell dude right. They ask me for drugs.
I block their mail. I also block anyone who now sends me any attachments to lok at since someone has now placed my shroom web-site on a whole list of porno siotes for spam, viagra, home morgage loans, contests, nude Brittany spears and Pamala Anderson and what ever. I had that site for two years with out a single spam and someone from one of these sites has a bad attitude towards me and has done this. If I ever find out who did this, I am an ex viet-nam vet with a lot of rage towards anyone who tries to fuck with me and on the other hand if one is honest with me I can be the best friend in the world.

I do not have to respond to this shit here or elsewhere.

ANd as I mentioned there are of course a few assholes with multiple names who constanly email me with colored inks which cannot be read and qwestions which I can tell are from the same person using different names.

Everyone have a shroomy day.


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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: mjshroomer]
    #428952 - 10/17/01 10:00 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Some of us have already been to school. So woopdi doooo!!
Some of us had the misfortune of being busted by the cops for simple possesion, not cultivation or distribution. In the eyes of the government this is still a felony arrest. This felony arrest is enough to completely block any and all attempts at ever legally handeling Psilocybin containing mushrooms. I would say by your own statements you are closer to a drug dealer than I will ever be. After all it is your specimen that is being illegaly marketed, NOT MINE. Anywho, I doubt you could be held liable for someone else distributing it. You just deposited them for taxonomic reasons, which is not a crime. Are you pissed he is making money on them, or that he violated any schedule one rules? The majority of experience with these mushrooms takes place in the non legal environment. How many schedule one's are given out for Psilocybin mushrooms? Do they even have these permits in Germany or the Netherlands?
You wanna call the cops go ahead, you wanna beat someone up go ahead, you are posting information about illicit substances in a public forum without an age requirement to enter. Who the fuck do you think is gonna be here for the most part, ADULTS? You do so under some Snobby EDUCATIONAL / RESEARCH perspective. DUDE, you are researching PSILOCYBIN MUSHROOMS!!!! Stop and think about that!! What got you into these mushrooms, what keeps you in them? Is your ego being satisfied or your Soul? Is it your wallet or your spirit?
Your statements would lead me to believe you are more concerned with the money, name recognition, and some delusional perception that because you don't sell the DRUG, you are somehow above or superior to those that do. Most people aren't dumb enough to grow them, so they illegaly pick them, or illegaly buy them. Somebody has to supply them!!! I don't feel superior to that person. I don't feel superior to anyone.
I just like this place a whole bunch, Like minded people in all!!!!!! That is what keeps me coming back, and the only thing I know for sure is the last thing I like to hear about is the POLICE. I just don't like them. They are detached souls. Mindlessly enforcing a neverending, constantly changing beast called the LAW. If the law was truley something that protected individual rights, I would love each and every COP, POLITICIAN, and LAWYER. But unfortunately this is not what the LAW is. So do what you must, threaten who you will, hate all that is not like you, call us ignorant or DRUGGIES, or what ever you will. School good, drugs are bad, mmkay.

Maybe someday I can be like you? I could travel the world, collect DRUG PRODUCING MUSHROOMS, give the specimens to people who are in the LEGAL position to identify and publish, and then piss and moan when they rob me, lie to me, and exclude me. All the while selling spores of the specimens to finance my adventures. I guess the spore selling would be a substitue for a Research grant, depositing at a University for the formal recognition a substitute for a PHD, and the ass fuck by the PEOPLE involved, TYPICAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR.
I tell you what, I will personally kick Gartz's arse if I ever see the guy, WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Maybe we can dress him up like Brittany Spears and drop him in Afghanastan.

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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: ]
    #429335 - 10/18/01 12:24 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

I am sorry for the above post, but it is not very reassuring to see one of about thirty names in the ethnomycology field threatening police intervention against one of the other thirty names in the field. This does not look good for anyone possibly contemplating going into such a field. However it is equally scary to see what has happened to you. Sorry!!!!!
Peace Teonan
You are an exceptional contribution to this and any other related site!!!

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Registered: 06/29/01
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: ]
    #429410 - 10/18/01 01:53 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

I think this is more a matter of business ethics and edicate. Stealing others work is not something to be taken lightly, and I haven't seen you attacking others who were threatening legal action against scam sites that stole pics from ryche, sporeworks, ralph, etc. If anything this is much more in the legal realm, and if someone someone who is supposedly a respected mycologist/author/whatever is doing things that are clearly wrong as well as stealing MJ's intellectual properties, he has every right to take any action against him. It's not a threat, nor is it narcing. There is a clear and distinct difference in a case such as this. I mean no ill will towards anyone on this board, and I wish MJ the best in his endeavors. I for one hopes he keeps posting here, as he is an invaluable part of the community.

- Bill Goat

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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: un0r]
    #429506 - 10/18/01 03:57 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

That is what lawyers are for not COPS!!!

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Ipsa scientiapotestas est
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Re: psi. samuiensis [Re: mjshroomer]
    #429571 - 10/18/01 05:12 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

I do not want to get into a long post, but I have a few things that I feel need to be said:
MJ.. anger, while justified, is not a benificial response.. Try to find another alternative solution.. perhaps forgo sending cultures to dr Gartz if he is not properly handling them..
I do agree that the general culture of the shroomery has vastly changed since their ads in hightimes, which is most unfortunate as it gives people who are into MJ a bad rap by association. Childish behavior is rarely helpfull with such serious topics, and in this light I feel your pain MJ; although, im sure, to a far lesser extent.
regardless, making the situation fuzzy will likely only complicate it, and potentially cause severe damage to the community. Please reconsider.
With regards to your books, perhaps reconsider.. remove his contribution and continue with publication or at the very least preservation. A waste of knowledge is a shame indeed.

relax.. sit down and meditate, or just let the world go for a little while..

If I made affront, I apologize.
If I made affirmation, I apologize.
I merely came to listen, came to say.

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