This is my first post.
SWIM has jars of PF MR that are reaching or have reached 100% colonization. There are little areas in the mycelia on the sides that are thicker than others, like little bumps, but nothing like the pre-birthday pic at pf's site. Is this primordia? What is the benefit of waiting for in vitro pinning? Are you guys more patient than my friend and wait or do you just birth a day or so after complete colonization?
SWIM already birthed one 100% colonized MR jar and has it in a sterilite terrarium with perlite. The digital thermo/hygrometer shows a temp of 75-77F with a humidity of 99%. There are little mycelial protrusions, approximately 1mm-3mm long.. one of them is rather fat, slightly larger than a BB. Are these primordia? :) Is the temperature adequate (cold enough?) to initiate fruiting? The terrarium is receiving indirect light and some direct light approximately 12-14 hours a day. How long should SWIM expect it to take to see the first fruit bodies if these are primordia?
Finally, SWIM has 12 jars of PF hawaiian/golden teacher that have all reached 100% colonization after only 12 days (he thinks thanks to looser and drier substrate). SWIM hasn't seen any reports of colonization this quickly but thinks because of the 77-89F incubation temperatures, the growth was accelerated.
At any rate, the PF museum states that Hawaiian/Golden Teacher do not pin in vitro. When should these cakes be birthed? The PF museum also suggests the cakes should be cased. Is there any real benefit to doing this and what technique would one recommend for a first timer?
ok, those pf classics are MR should be left in jar till invitro startsup. you will get a better and faster 1st flush, just wait till tou see them. they will look just like the pic on pf"s site. temp is just right. humidity is a little high, try to lower it.
I have had several peshawaiians invitro, but it does better after birth. here's what U do. after cakes is 100% wait another 7 days befoe you birth, I would recomend waiting until they are 21 days old. this will help the myce. to grow stronger, never birth as soon as they are 100% this can cause U problems down the road. trust me, ok, after U birth the hawaiian dab the cake with tissue and remove any beads of water. then get a jar cap, I like to use the old peanut butter jar lids large kind, try to use plastic. metal will rust. then place some dry verm in lid cap about half way. soak it with the water U use to water the cakes with thru misting, drain real good press down on it with your hands to remove all excess water then place just a vary little sprinkle of dry verm on the top. the bottom wet layer will soak into this real thin dry layer making the water content for even and slower to dispens into the cake.
when you take the hawaiian out of jar and after dabbing it with tissue, take the cake and now place in the center on top of the verm in lid press down lightly but firmly. now with your hand put some more dry verm on top to cover about an 1/8 of an inch even smaller would be a little better. mist this top layer a few times till verm is wet but not soaked. then place in teriuam fan 3 to 4 times a day and mist the top verm layer everyday till you see pins, when pins pop up stop misting. if U do it like this I can almost gaurentee you'll bet from 10 to 12 shrooms first flush, then after the 1st flush just repeat the precedure with new verm in lid and all and flip the cake opposite from way it was before 1st flush, like that back and forth do that and you will get 5 good flushes from those cakes.
hope this helps, feel free to pm should U have more questions.
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-------------------- "Most of the world's problems are caused by people taking things that do not belong to them..."