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Registered: 05/26/00
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Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing
#21464 - 06/21/00 10:00 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
How thick is your top layer of casing? I've read of it being up to 1 inch but I think that would really take a while for the mycelial to grow through it.
Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21465 - 06/22/00 08:20 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
My friend is having the exact same problem. In fact, I was getting ready to post the same question. I was wondering if my friend's moisture level in the casing was too dry. I am at a loss of ideas. I hope someone out there can help us out. On a side note, for those of you using Jiffy Mix, are you pressure cooking it or preparing it in any way, or are you just mixing it with lime and laying it on top of the cakes? Good luck Skep.------------------ I get by with a little help from my friends....
Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21466 - 06/22/00 08:47 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
dont know if this'll help but. i use jiffy-mix. its ok. i usually wet it down with h2o2 and nuke it for 6 mins or so. let cool and case. ima now try pc'n it b/c i have had contams with the microwave but not with my pc'r. from my experence you gotta case,cover with foil and let it re-colonize for like 48hrs, then give light and lower hum. and increase o2. but after they sit for the two days i give them 6 or 7 hrs of sun light thru a window keepin an eye to make sure it doesnt dry out. this "sun day" seems to cause even fruits, but you gotta WATCH THAT IT DOESNT COOKED ya know. your post sounds light you need more light. and caseing your cakes is so you dont need 90% humidity.

Registered: 02/16/00
Posts: 131
Loc: Toronto, Canada
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Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21468 - 06/22/00 02:21 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Got the same problem. Have a casing that has mycelium poking through in a couple spots, but is not done yet. Then this thin rogue shroom on the edge decides to start growing! So I picked it, then tried for a second flush. Another rogue shroom is now growing in the same spot! Enthusiastic little guy. I tried adding more casing layer, cold shocking, more light etc. but this casing insists on being difficult.However I have another casing tray that is working much better (not great, but at least it grows a couple once in awhile). Don't know why one is working and the other is stalling...
Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21469 - 06/22/00 05:17 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Thanks for the replies.. Last night I tried giving the casings more light, and I lowered the temp since it's been unusually hot the last few days. As for what I did with the casing mix before putting it in the containers, I did what goodiebag said, I moistened it with water/peroxide and microwaved it for a few minutes. One thing I didnt' do was keep the casings covered for a couple days before putting them into the terrarium. I just threw them in there immeidately and gave them moderate humidity and good gas exchange. After a few days, I saw on the surface of the casings what I thought was cobweb mold, so I sprayed with a peroxide solution, but now I'm thinking that what I thought was cobweb was actually mycelium (this is my first time growing). I've read that peroxide isn't as bad for mycelium as it is for spores, but can peroxide slow down mycelial growth this much?
Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21470 - 06/22/00 07:21 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Refer to Stamets "The Mushroom Cultivator" .... If you dont have it BUY IT!. Step by step instructions and ingredients for the essential casing. Stamets is a mushroom genius!
old hand
Registered: 01/12/00
Posts: 347
Last seen: 21 years, 2 months
Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21471 - 06/22/00 07:52 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I can't beleive no one sugested scratching. Try scratching the casing layer with a sterilized knife, it will often induce fruiting.
Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21472 - 06/24/00 09:59 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I've got an update for you. Fried Brains suggested in another thread to cover 80% of the casings with foil or plastic wrap to conserve moisture levels. I took his advice and ta-da, I have mycelium growth popping up everywhere. I hope this helps skep.------------------ I get by with a little help from my friends....

Registered: 02/16/00
Posts: 131
Loc: Toronto, Canada
Last seen: 21 years, 2 months
Re: Problem with growth of mycelium in casing [Re: MuffinBear]
#21473 - 06/26/00 04:03 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Since we're talking mycelium n' casing... was it Lizard King that posted those awesome pics about his casing success? Anyway, I was inspired and I went and got a small plastic bucket with a screw lid and cased an old (3 flushes already) cake directly in it. It's been about 4 days, and mycelium is already starting to take over the casing layer! I'll be super pleased if mushrooms actually start growing... Never thought an old cake would still have so much vigor left.I agree that casing may not be as hard as I imagined it... just a few tricks to learn.
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