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psilly gurl
Registered: 05/05/03
Posts: 249
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BladeLSD]
#1558194 - 05/18/03 05:02 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
I hope nobody ever gives you anymore advice or bothers to answer your posts.
1. the question is positively retarded, EVERYTHING is a potential source of contamination. ESPECIALLY carelessly prepared prints and syringes.
2. insulting or otherwise belittling people who have attempted to address your question over things as superfluous and generally irrelevant as registration date is idiotic.
look at your reg date...2000...and you asked a question as remedial as this? based on your logic, you should be an expert by now, right?
the very first reply not only answered the question but also sought more information in an attempt to help you narrow things down.
may a wave of contamination infect your crop, ingrate.
Registered: 03/17/03
Posts: 142
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BladeLSD]
#1559410 - 05/19/03 03:53 AM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
You have been getting some good and clear answers to your questions and being a total ass about it. And yes, spores can become infected. Bacteria can breach the cell walls and migrate inside to munch on the goodies. Spores rot like everything else organic but the bacteria must first come from a source outside the spores. This outside source could be the print itself or the spore suspension or any number of sources. If spores are contaminated with bacteria on the inside you can bet they are also contaminated on the outside. When your girl friend said she thought the "spores" were contaminated with bacteria she was obviously not referring to the intracellular integrity of the spores themselves but to their collective environment both internal and/or external. Spore prints, spore syringes, and even spores themselves can become contaminated with bacteria, yeasts, molds, and even viruses. Whether the contam is intracellular or extracellular doesn't make a hoot of difference. The result is the same...contam, contam, contam.
stranger thanever
Registered: 05/19/03
Posts: 4
Loc: Gate of Hell
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BladeLSD]
#1561767 - 05/19/03 10:06 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
Dear Squirrely Blade,
I am not new to this hobby by any means, but I am a new member, so no doubt you would demean any advice I give you. In this thread, and many others where you posted, I noticed that you do not show very much respect to your fellow Shroomerites (unless you are kissing up to a senior member), and many of them have remarked, even in this thread, how assholic you are when they try to help you. Since this is your thread, I don't feel I must restrain myself in providing a mirror for you to look at yourself. Your motto in your sig, shown below, is perfect. You are completely subjective to the point of being squirrely, IMO, so YOU ARE the "Squirrel Master". Please read a history of your own posts below, nothing taken out of context, just a nice little history of you, for you to think about the next time you decide to crap on somebody as a Newbie, Mr. Squirrel. Make up your mind...are YOU a newbie too, or do you really know what you're talking about FROM EXPERIENCE in all your posts quoted below, where YOU have provided advice ? Happy READING !!!!
YOUR SIG: "We might get glimpse's of objectivity every now, and then, but we're so inherently locked in our temporal and corporeal selves that we're irrevocably locked into subjectivity"
....yeah, right.
APRIL 8, 2003, YOU ADMIT THAT YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A PRESSURE COOKER: "No can do...I dont have a PC...I was thinking of boiling some poo & water together letting it cool then using the water in the jars before i boil the jars is this a bad idea?"
MAY 19 YOUR THANK-YOU FOR AN ANSWER (IN THIS THREAD) IS THIS, WHERE YOU TOTALLY "DIS" NEWBIES: "I was looking for someone whos been here for say more than 30 days to answer this question... I'd just rather have more experienced mycologist posters, give me my cultivation information, thats all...nothing about high and mightyness its about getting information from a reputable source You didnt even answer the question i asked, dont waste my time...I just think there is an over abundance of bs advice on these boards coming from people who havnt been here very long, dont know what their talking about, and answering questions which were not asked."
MAY 15, YOU ARE SUDDENLY A TOTAL NEWBIE JUST IN TIME FOR THE CONTEST: "Well am I newbie, I must say I've been around the community for quite some time, and on certain occasions which seem to be decades away I have been blessed with mushrooms. Unfortunatly all attempts minus my first two have been horrible failures. I'll start with my first grow after a 3 month waiting period begginning with the ending of my last successful grow. Using 1syringe of the
PF classic strain I innoculated 10 jars of BRF/Verm boil sterilized for 1 hour, well needless to say most of the jars stalled, and contamned and the others didnt germinate, and then contamned. Well needless to say this sucked, but i wasnt discouraged I quickly cleaned the jars sterilized the enviroments and set out again. then innoculating 8 pf jars with strophoria strain from pf, well again the jars failed, and contamned, So thats pretty much my experience in mycology"
MAY 13 YET, TWO DAYS EARLIER, YOU ARE AN EXPERT ON PRINTS: "Well it depends, If the print is contamned but the un-wanted contamn only occupies one section of the print, and you put it all into one syringe, your screwed, you literally just put all your eggs into one basket, and it turned out for the worse. on the other hand, if you are sterile, and it works out for you, and you have the prints to spare, why not"
MAY 13, your helpful answer to a question on coir: "Read the Tek..."
MAY 13, TWO DAYS EARLIER THAN THE CONTEST,YOU ARE AN EXPERT ON CLONES AND ISOLATES: "They are pretty similiar the partially attached veil is still noticeable, I would say the one kush posted are isolates, and clones, and the ones in my picture are the result of multi-spore innoculation..."
MAY 12: A POST BY ANOTHER SHROOMER WHERE HE ACTUALLY QUOTES A SHROOMERY FAQ: " Well... if your humidity gauge only shows 60, mabe you didn't put enough water in the perlite, in about an inch of perlite, at least 1/2 an inch should be water, make sure you maintain that 1/2 inch of water in 1 inch of perlite... just some info from the perlite FAQS around here."
MAY 12: YOUR ANSWER TO THE ABOVE POST (HIS QUOTE OF A FAQ), CRAPPING ON HIM: "1/2 inch of water is NOT neccessary in 1in of perlite, I know people who dont have any standing water, they soak the perlite in water, and then put that wet perlite in the bottom of their terrarium, This keeps the terrariums plenty humid, It doesnt matter how much water is in with the perlite aslong as the perlite is not fully submerged, and can wick the moisture into the air. so once again we have a NEWBIE GIVING BS ADVICE..."
MAY 12 A LITTLE CONFUSING ADVICE FROM YOU: "but remember these casing layers are non-nutritous so the smaller you get the less nutrients available for your fruits."
May 12: YOU ADVISE AGAINST GIVING ADVICE... "one question why are you giving direction to others especially information which can be found in the sticky..."
May 10:, TODAY, YOU ARE NOW AN EXPERT on POO, IN CONTRAST TO HOW YOU PRESENT YOUR FAILURES, ABOVE, FOR THE CONTEST: "Keeping jars sterile is an issue, but Colonized poo would not introduce any un-wanted organism's as long as sterile conditions are kept during the process, and especially if H2O2 is used. Also I gave two example's one other than the poo to poo, and that is using colonized poo in a casing."
MAY 10, YOU TOTALLY UNDERSTAND EXTRACTIONS: "As far as using 100% colonized jar to extract psilocybin, well it's highly recognized that mycellium has very little psilocybin prior to pinning, so eventhough everclear can be used to extract psilocybin, you will end up with none or very little, and that jar of crushed up BR well, most everything else just doesnt add up too well"
May 8: YOU ASK A REAL NEWBIE QUESTION: "afoaf sterilized jars and made spore syringes at the same time, he innoculated jars when they were cool about 10hrs later, did the spores have time to rehydrate, and can this slow the germination"
Apr 29: IN CONTRAST TO HOW YOU TREAT NEWBIES, YOU ARE ASS-KISSING NICE TO A SENIOR SHROOMERY MEMBER: "Good Lord man those are some AMAZING fruits my hat goes off to you Joshua."
Apr 3: YOU ASK ANOTHER REAL NEWBIE QUESTION: "when mixing the water from the syringe to the spores into a shot glass, how much water should i expell from the syring into the glass, the entire syringe worth isn't neccessary is it?, also how long should i wait after flame sterilzizing the blade for scraping the spores off the print, and flaming the syring needle?"
So, are you just another NEWBIE who SHOULDN'T BE GIVING ADVICE, like the ones you keep crapping on ?
Squirrel. Hypocrite.
Edited by BlueDemon (05/19/03 10:27 PM)
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 234
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BladeLSD]
#1561949 - 05/19/03 11:14 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
3 syringes for 6 jars is wayyy too much moisture. cause of stalling or bac. infection. right?? seen it. someone back me up. peace, zero
-------------------- sk8 or die
stranger thanever
Registered: 05/19/03
Posts: 4
Loc: Gate of Hell
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BlueDemon]
#1562403 - 05/20/03 05:53 AM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
ALSO, for all NEWBIES reading this who have been crapped on by Mr. Squirrel, apparently when you disagree with him or critique him in any way (even though he thinks he can freely critique YOU) , he immediately goes in and RATES you with "one mushroom".....looks like that's what he did to me.
SO, just remember that YOU CAN RATE BLADELSD TOO! Just simply click on his name next to his avatar, and it will take you to a screen where you can rate him AS YOU BELIEVE HE DESERVES!. DON'T FORGET.....ONE is the LOWEST RATING !!!!
Registered: 04/12/03
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Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BladeLSD]
#1562415 - 05/20/03 06:23 AM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
I never really liked BladeLSD, he's always assuming crap.
-------------------- "I tried marijuana once. I did not inhale." -William Clinton.
Registered: 06/17/99
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Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BlueDemon]
#1562535 - 05/20/03 08:25 AM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
5 shrooms for you.
stranger thanever
Registered: 05/19/03
Posts: 4
Loc: Gate of Hell
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: Anno]
#1563850 - 05/20/03 07:15 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
Anno and Dank420......Thanks.
The Shroomery is a wonderful place...... for great sharing, learning, camaraderie, and fun.
If we all act with integrity and treat fellow Shroomerites - including "newbies" - with genuine respect, it can only get better and better.
Edited by BlueDemon (05/20/03 07:30 PM)
Registered: 03/31/03
Posts: 333
Last seen: 21 years, 10 days
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BlueDemon]
#1563905 - 05/20/03 07:44 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
Ha friggin ha..you did your homework didn't you?
Registered: 11/08/02
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Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BlueDemon]
#1563986 - 05/20/03 08:10 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
phenomenal work!
/me wipes a tear from my eye.
I think you might just be DBK material...
-------------------- All I know is The Growery is a place where losers who get banned here go.
psilly gurl
Registered: 05/05/03
Posts: 249
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BlueDemon]
#1564016 - 05/20/03 08:21 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
thank you so much for doing that...
you would not believe the private messages this asshole sent to me after I made my post above.
I tried to talk reason with him, but he continued to call me a whore bag and that I should be gang raped and that I was a fucking bitch.
funny enough, I pointed out a couple of those very same posts to him, most notably the contest one and he flipped his lid...
I strongly urge that people boycott this guy, don't reply to his threads, don't trade with him, don't take his advice. I know the shroomery well enough that this is not the norm and that people like this need to be taught a lesson.
I'm a bitch, but I ain't a whorebag! LOL!
please feel free to send him a PM expressing your feelings about his behavior!
stranger thanever
Registered: 05/19/03
Posts: 4
Loc: Gate of Hell
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: shroomQT]
#1564326 - 05/20/03 10:02 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
Thanks for speaking out !!!!!
and.... ShroomQT,
Sorry you had to put up with that PM crap from asshole BladeLSD. But thanks for standing up, stating your case, and helping to bring the truth out into the open. BladeLSD SHOULD be boycotted.....you simply don't treat other people that way, especially when they are trying to help you. And quite frankly, the kinds of things he was writing to you in the PMs sound a little psycho and sicko.
I noticed that a couple of "The Blade Squirrel's" posts, even in this thread, have already been edited and deleted by him......they are now blank. Maybe he intends to go back and try to find every instance where he shat on somebody and wipe out history. But enough people have spoken out now that everybody now knows the truth, and it won't matter..... but also,
HEY BLADE !!!! Don't bother. I downloaded enough of your crap to fill a BOOK while I was doing my "research", and if you abuse anyone else, I'll just post it again, so everyone can again see the "real you", and how poorly you regularly treat other people and misrepresent your level of experience and knowledge.
Again, folks, don't forget, you can RATE BladeLSD !!!!! Give him what he has earned !!!
Edited by BlueDemon (05/20/03 10:19 PM)
Squirrel Master
Registered: 08/24/00
Posts: 809
Last seen: 9 months, 15 days
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BlueDemon]
#1565169 - 05/21/03 08:02 AM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
I thought I would let it have a rest, but oviously you couldnt do the same, and there is no way I will let you make these statements which have been completly taken out of context, and miscontrued to your liking Blue. First you start with a yeah right of my sig, is this because you don't understand it ?, anyways thats not a big deal. So now to your exaggerations... ahh April 8th where I admit I dont have a pressure cooker, woohoo good for you found I dont have a pressure cooker, ok...I dont, never found it neccesary to move onto grains yet, Yes my thank you for an answer in this thread which did not answer my question, but did in fact answer a question which was not asked, but had you took the time to read further you would have discovered this. Also I entered a newbie contest, ok whats your point so did lots of other people who have been here for awhile. Now here is where you go for a long shot.
TWO DAYS EARLIER THAN THE CONTEST,YOU ARE AN EXPERT ON CLONES AND ISOLATES: "They are pretty similiar the partially attached veil is still noticeable, I would say the one kush posted are isolates, and clones, and the ones in my picture are the result of multi-spore innoculation..."
I claim to be an expert???? umm ya, sure if you think so...not...when talking about the malabar I said that one, was obviously due Multi spore innoculation, and the other to isolation and cloning, I devised this remark after talking to a friend who had grown malabar (he even sent me a print), and I think you will see I was backed up in that post smart guy.
Then there is the perlite post, ahh well I dont know what it says in the FAQ, and im sure not gonna take a gander cause you told me too, but It still stands 1/2in of water is not necessary in 1in of perlite, as long as the perlite is not fully submerged it is fine. so again we have an exaggeration by you.
Maybe the information was confusing for you, but if you took the time to see the question it answered you would notice its not so confusing. I answered a question asking How small can a casing be, and my answer was simple, casing is adding a non-nutrtious layer so the smaller you get the less nutrients available for fruiting, that may be confusing for you to understand, but If that member had a problem with it, I would have no problem clarifying for him in a pm, or subsequent post, I guess it wasnt a problem for that member Mr. exaggeration. Ohh so now to give information about something you are automatically an expert, well it seems like you are asking a bit more than even me, All I asked was they be here longer than 30 days by your own post, but Now by giving information that is claim to expertise, Well never have I claimed to be an expert, ever, so your just chock full of bullshit I have experience with colonized pasturized poo, thats why I gave up my advice because I have in fact used colonized pasturized poo, to innoculate jars, plain and simple I had experience with so I offered up my experience, that is all I do, and that is all I ask for... As for your final 3 exagerations, I needed helped so I asked a question. Joshua is an amazing mycologist, we had just become aquanted, and I found it fitting to congradulate his amazing fruits, so I did. So I think you will find I never claim to be an expert, but I do think I am qualified to give advice on certain topics which I do, and will continue to do regardless of what you think, and as for shroomqt, well I asked her many times to discontinue her pm messages to me, and only recently did they stop, She has said many things aswell, about me, about my mother, about me being dead, and frankly I think she got what she deserved since she harrassed me just as much as I to her, So have fun with your research blue, glad you have found a way to fill your days, With Crap, not to mention the fact that I stated in this post, and in others that I have no problem with new members at all, just new members who give bullshit advice, it sucks, and it has been cause for failure, but that isnt the point of this post, come to think of it neither is any of the second page to this post...
-------------------- We might get glimpse's of objectivity every now, and then, but we're so inherently locked in our temporal and corporeal selves that we're irrevocably locked into subjectivity
Edited by BladeLSD (05/21/03 08:10 AM)
psilly gurl
Registered: 05/05/03
Posts: 249
Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BladeLSD]
#1566146 - 05/21/03 01:49 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
couterinsults were fired only after multiple messages attempting to make things right with you.
and I never wished you dead...now who's exaggerating?
the fact that you edited all your posts is enough of a concession of your guilt so I won't hold my breath waiting for any overt apologies from you regarding the way you treated me and the other members on the board.
best wishes and good luck with all your future endeavors...
Registered: 10/14/99
Posts: 1,396
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Re: Spore Bacterial infection? [Re: BladeLSD]
#1566441 - 05/21/03 03:30 PM (21 years, 8 months ago) |
This thread is getting out of hand and way off the original mark. The original question was answered [semantics aside].
Please go to PM for all things slander-related.