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Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/11/99
Posts: 1,818
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics)
#80471 - 12/22/99 07:35 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Lizard King
King Lizard

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Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80473 - 12/23/99 02:50 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Hello pyslosymon, Those are definately Strophia/Cubensis. They look exactly like the Gulf Coast strain on Shroom Wizards page. Did you find them in B.C.??? I didn't think Cubensis exsisted in the Northwest. Were they fruiting from cow manure, I can't tell in the pics? Did you take prints? Nice shroomies  The Lizard, ------------------ ------------------------- Lizard Kings can do anything.
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/11/99
Posts: 1,818
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80474 - 12/23/99 03:27 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Wow, wouldn't that be a trip if wild Cubs are growing in BC!!!But that is unlikely, they grow in the forest,totall disturbed habitat.This spot was about 100 feet from my Cyan spot, and 100 feet the other way from a Stuntzi spot.No I didn't take prints,I really didn't think they were anything more than just a beautiful big mushroom.I am sure it is in the Stropharia family, but wether it is a Stropharia Cubensis is unknown.I guess its up to Mj to help us out.------------------ I love Oolar!!
Registered: 11/19/99
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Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80475 - 12/28/99 01:14 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
I found one that looks quite like these in the Seattle area. I took it home and spore printed it, it was dark purple. I figured some sort of stropharia also, I could not find one quite like it in my guide books though. In the same area I found one which I ID'ed as "questionable stropharia" (sorry, I have forgotten the Latin name). This has a lot of veil tissue over the gills and likes the cold. My unidentified one had no veil tissue though, could have fallen away in maturity? Anyway, cool shroom but still no cyans for me :-(
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/11/99
Posts: 1,818
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80476 - 12/28/99 07:01 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Wheres Mj,I would really like to know what these are!!!  ------------------ I love Oolar!!
Registered: 07/21/99
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Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80477 - 01/02/00 09:39 AM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Hi Psylosymon,[THIS IS A CORRECTION. I MISIDENTIFIED THE SPEICES AS STROPHARIA SWEMIGLOBATTA AND THEY ARE ACTUALLY STROPHARIA AMBIGUA KNOWN LOCALLY AS A "QUESTIONABLE STROPHARIA. I ACCIDENTLY HAD A BOOK PAGE OVER ANOTHER BOOK PAGE AND READ THE WRONG NAME WHILE TYPING> I APOLOGIZE AND I AM EQUALLY GLAD NO ONE ATE THE WRONG SHROOM AND DIED] They are Stropharia ambigua (not Stropharia semigloblatta). Of course they look macroscopically similar to Stropharia cubensis, but they are not; And they are not psychoactive so do not attempt to eat them. Hi Lizard King. Although Psilocybe cubensis does not grow naturally in the Pacific Northwest, Some individuals have seeded some fields in the early spring by feeding sporprints to dozens of cattle. Then in late August or September if it rains some shrooms will appear in the manure of the seeded field. However, the shrooms do not re-appear the following year unless the same process is again re-applied. I also found a large patch of Stropharia ambigua in the Arboretum this fall. Here is a picture of some specimens of this species taken last year near Northgate, Seattle, Washington. Mj
[This message has been edited by mjshroomer (edited January 02, 2000).]
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/11/99
Posts: 1,818
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80478 - 01/02/00 12:24 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
I am sorry Mj but I have to disagree on this one.I have found thousands of semiglobattas growing out of buffalo shit,they are a coprophilac mushroom arn't they, and they are so bloody slimy.And they always had white gills.They shared the same habitat as coprophilas. These are from the forest, and look nothing like the semiglobatas I have collected, and they are not slimy, and have brown gills. No I am not just quoting Stamets.Semiglobattas have to be the easiest mushroom ever to identify. But your probably right,your the mycologist!  ------------------ I love Oolar!!
Registered: 07/21/99
Posts: 13,774
Loc: gone with my shrooms
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80479 - 01/02/00 05:08 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Hi Psylosymon,You are right, it was a mistake. They are actually Stropharia ambigua. I had several books laying over each other and i read the bottom of one page the wrong one and it came out as above. Semiglobatta do grow on dung and do sometimes also resemble P. cubensis, however their caps dry to a silvery-copper white with age. The ambigua grows in the forests and in decayed and rotted wood rich in humus and linguin. Its a good thing that you have Skeletor guarding your colony of Stropharia's. Security is deep in the garden and I reciprocated by calling on my goodfriend He-Man to guard the colony I came across. I hear tell they are taking over the earth, all those mushrooms. We have to protect and care for them. He man will protect them.
MJ [This message has been edited by mjshroomer (edited January 02, 2000).]
Registered: 07/21/99
Posts: 13,774
Loc: gone with my shrooms
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80480 - 01/02/00 05:59 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
And here is a similar specimen being held by my son Corey in 1982.
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/11/99
Posts: 1,818
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80481 - 01/02/00 07:22 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
HAHAHAHA MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!Cool,thanks John! I knew they weren't semiglobattas,when I looked at your pics,they didn't seam like a semiglobatta either.So its a Stropharia Ambigua eh? I don't have all my mushroom handbooks around and I couldn't find them in the ones I have here.They are quite a beautiful mushroom eh!! The white veil remenants are awesome hanging off the cap.These grew about 100 feet from the highschool I pick wood loving Stunzis and in the forest right next to the school is one of my Cyan spots.And this is all 5 minutes from my house!!!It is awseome to just step out of my house and go to the park where a diverse collection of different mushrooms,active and inactive grow.In another part of the park the nice Aeruginosas grow also. Are these a common mushroom? ------------------ Listen to brother oDin,show us your tits!:D I love Oolar!!
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/11/99
Posts: 1,818
Re: Some sort of Stropharia I think(pics) [Re: Psylosymon]
#80482 - 01/02/00 07:26 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
What kind of mushroom is Corey holding there?