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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25655 - 07/26/00 08:55 AM (24 years, 6 months ago)

I have a friend of a friend that is currently using the Hawk Tank, ( stidied them all his is probably the best setup ) He doesnt use an air pump just fan it TWICE a day. As in take the lid off. Or an Air Pump is really for good, If you dont want too check up on them all the time.

well later.....


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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25657 - 07/26/00 08:58 AM (24 years, 6 months ago)

sorry a few grammer problems ! , hehe


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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25658 - 07/26/00 09:45 AM (24 years, 6 months ago)

Yea thats the thing, my freind really doesn't have time to fan them every day,but he can at least check up on them every day or so, he is tring to automate this as best he can with out spending loads of money on high tek eq.

So far he is thinking it will work, he just needs to figure out:
How long to run it for and how many times a day/week.
If he should run the pump while fresh air is being added via the other pump.

He is also thinking of adding a irrigation line running on the top of the perlite, and , when he sees that the perlite is getting dry turns on the pump, that will pump water to the irreigation line and spray a fine mist on them. He thinks that if he uses warm weater that it will make the hummity rise.

Just some thoughts.
Thanks for your reply

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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25659 - 07/26/00 02:03 PM (24 years, 6 months ago)

You could try shroomgod's tek in the humidification teks section in grow/find. Get a cool mist humidifier, block up the regular vent, push a 5/8 inch hose into the case through a drilled hole and run 24/7. It adds the required humidity as well as being an excellent air exchange system. Don't need to use perlite at all I think. Attach this whole setup to whatever terrarium you are using and include an exhaust vent somewhere. To vary the humidity, make the hose very bendy and winding to trap water particles. Just a thought. That's my only beef with the Hawk Tank, no where close to enough co2 removal.


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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25660 - 07/26/00 02:19 PM (24 years, 6 months ago)

From what i hear, Just wet the perlite ( 1/2 in. ) until you see it start too gather at the bottom. Then another tip I heard was when you dont see anymore condensation on the walls then go ahead and mist.

hope this helps...


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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25661 - 07/26/00 02:29 PM (24 years, 6 months ago)

Yea, just using wet perlite sounds GOOD, my freind really doesnt wanna use any humidifiers. He said he has heard a lot of bad things about contaimanation and over humidfication.

I still dont know how relible the small fish tank pump will work to push out all the co2/

The thing that gets me is, that the hawk tank doesn't make sence with out some way to rid the tank of co2.
I mean why would you have to worrie about providing the mushromms fresh air if you have to fan out the tank every once and awhile.

he is just looking for a way he automate most of the mundain tasks.

I would love to hear from "The man himself" (Hawk)

does he ever visit this board?

Thanks once again for all you help.

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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25662 - 07/26/00 02:32 PM (24 years, 6 months ago)

btw sorry for all the mispellings and typos.
I broke my arm resently and I have to use this weird headphone thing to talk and type, it pisses me off.


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InvisibleRyche HawkV
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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25663 - 07/26/00 03:50 PM (24 years, 6 months ago)

Heya Hebron,
you missed a couple things in the design of the hawk tank. You use the air pump, sealed in a box with a filter, so it sucks in clean air through the filter. I prefer filter discs from www.fungi.com ... they are cheap and work great. Next, you also need a couple of small holes, about 3/8" diameter drilled in the top plexi glass lid. Glue or tape a filter disc over these as well.

AS your pushing fresh air into the tank, it is also pushing out the expended air, CO2, through the filter, and any cracks in the seal.
Also with the filtered hole on top, it allows a small amount of air exchange there as well.

Personally, I always had great success with this method. Have your air pump on a timer, not having to fan it, which increases the chances of more contamination infecting your casings every time you open the lid.

Using perlite is key. Use about 2" on bottom, with about 1" to 1 1/2" of bottled mnt spring water, also use about 20 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide every couple of weeks to help the water from going stagnant.

With this setup, the humidity always stayed between 82%-92% , perfect for casings.

ONe last important note, dont use anything less then 3/8" thick plexi glass, drilled to a wood frame, or it will warp.

-peace- www.thehawkseye.com


High Quality MUSHROOM SPORES and CULTURES  for microscopy at www.muShrooms.com

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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25664 - 07/26/00 06:01 PM (24 years, 6 months ago)

mY FREIND got the part about using a pump to pump IN fresh air, but HE was wondering how to extange the air from inside the tank OUT.

He didnt think about the loss from the cracks in the tank.
(he was under the impression that you wanted a airtight seal, or at least the best you can do.)

So far the tank method looks the best, so he said he is going to give it try.

{(The thing that makes him want to grow, is the same that makes him want to try experimenting with the way he does it.
He has to learn to know wtf he is talking about before he opens his mouth, hehe.})

I quess he has a lot to learn.

Thanks alot, this has helped

Now back to theHAWKSEYE to re-read the the HAWK TANK.

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Re: The Hawk Tank question?
    #25665 - 07/26/00 07:06 PM (24 years, 6 months ago)

Since my old username has been taken for some reason, here is me :smile: Hawks tank works awesome, I have some info on my site too on the construction and usage. Check Hawks site, then take a looksee at mine, I have a few pics of it there. I have been using the tank for about a year with total success. Peace.

P.S. I run my pump 24/7 and also take the lid off twice a day to wipe off some condensation. I run my ozone generator during the lid off thing, so maybe thats not good for others.


Alien's Shroom Tek http://alientek.iwarp.com/

[This message has been edited by Shroom Alien (edited July 26, 2000).]

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