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Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20425 - 06/14/00 01:04 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Well fancy this. You're an exact duplicate of ME 2 months ago.I was posting the same question exactly. I went through the same process as you did exactly, substrate, method, tape and foil, everything. I was shitting because when I took my jars out they were darker in colour (indicating wetness), there appeared to be condensation inside and the bits of substrate had clumped together and were pressing against the inside of the glass. It all happened to me just like that. Anyways, the good news is that you're fine. I gave my jars a day to cool, then innoculated them anyways. I now have mushrooms. So don't worry about it. My colonization was normal, all jars germinated with no contams at all, everything went just fine. So I'd say you're good to go. If I could give you a tip though, I'd say alternate the jars from upside-down to rightside-up for the first few days. Just so that bits of BRF don't sink to the bottom and everything. It happened with a couple of my jars cause I left them rightside-up. Good luck. ------------------ -`~Psilo Cyber-`~ You only have 1 life. Don't piss it away on a career. *Make $60 a month at my site. Check it out.* Visit my site
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20427 - 06/14/00 01:05 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Well fancy this. You're an exact duplicate of ME 2 months ago.I was posting the same question exactly. I went through the same process as you did exactly, substrate, method, tape and foil, everything. I was shitting because when I took my jars out they were darker in colour (indicating wetness), there appeared to be condensation inside and the bits of substrate had clumped together and were pressing against the inside of the glass. It all happened to me just like that. Anyways, the good news is that you're fine. I gave my jars a day to cool, then innoculated them anyways. I now have mushrooms. So don't worry about it. My colonization was normal, all jars germinated with no contams at all, everything went just fine. So I'd say you're good to go. If I could give you a tip though, I'd say alternate the jars from upside-down to rightside-up for the first few days. Just so that bits of BRF don't sink to the bottom and everything. It happened with a couple of my jars cause I left them rightside-up. Good luck. ------------------ -`~Psilo Cyber-`~ You only have 1 life. Don't piss it away on a career. *Make $60 a month at my site. Check it out.* Visit my site
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20428 - 06/14/00 01:06 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Well fancy this. You're an exact duplicate of ME 2 months ago.I was posting the same question exactly. I went through the same process as you did exactly, substrate, method, tape and foil, everything. I was shitting because when I took my jars out they were darker in colour (indicating wetness), there appeared to be condensation inside and the bits of substrate had clumped together and were pressing against the inside of the glass. It all happened to me just like that. Anyways, the good news is that you're fine. I gave my jars a day to cool, then innoculated them anyways. I now have mushrooms. So don't worry about it. My colonization was normal, all jars germinated with no contams at all, everything went just fine. So I'd say you're good to go. If I could give you a tip though, I'd say alternate the jars from upside-down to rightside-up for the first few days. Just so that bits of BRF don't sink to the bottom and everything. It happened with a couple of my jars cause I left them rightside-up. Good luck. ------------------ -`~Psilo Cyber-`~ You only have 1 life. Don't piss it away on a career. *Make $60 a month at my site. Check it out.* Visit my site
Registered: 05/15/00
Posts: 179
Last seen: 16 years, 7 months
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20429 - 06/14/00 03:07 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
In referance to the pressure cooker, there should have been plenty of water left in the bottom of the pressure cooker after cooking. My buddy cooks his jars for 45 mins. to an hour and still has at LEAST half of the water that he started with left in the cooker after each batch.(He does add water after each batch.) Are your seals ok? How much water did you put in the cooker? Did you add water for the second batch? The reason I ask is you risk your jars cracking or breaking if you run out of water in the cooker. I was suprized they didn't break when you mentioned the absence of water in the cooker.

Registered: 05/26/00
Posts: 584
Last seen: 14 years, 7 months
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20430 - 06/14/00 08:52 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
To Psilo Cyber I have to say thank you very much, I am gretly relieved top read what you have wrote. To hitterg about the absence of water in the pressure cooker: I put enough whater in it to come about half way up the jars with them sitting on the towel and i did refill it after the second batch. My only guess with what happened with the water could be the towel obsorbed most of it or while cooling my friend removed the weight from the pressure cooker so it would "cool faster" as she said. Mucho steam came shooting out when she did this so i figured most of it came out throgh there. Also after letting the pressure cooker sit for about 30-45 mins we ran cold water over the lid and let the sink fill up with it to cool the whole thing down. Is a cool down method liek this ok to do?
Registered: 05/15/00
Posts: 179
Last seen: 16 years, 7 months
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20431 - 06/14/00 04:26 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Muffin- From what I have heard, releasing the pressure from the pressure cooker may cause the moisture in the jars to boil out, obviously this did not happen in your case, but keep it in mind the next time you cook. I think your right, releasing the pressure made the water boil out of the cooker, thus no water left when you opened the cooker. The way a pressure cooker works is the pressure keeps the water from boiling and therefore you can attain a higher temp. than 212 degrees F. This is why a pressure cooker is so crucial if you want to kill ALL contams in your jars. This keeps the risk of getting contams in your jars later on much lower. Please don't think that I am bashing the way you are going about your cultivation, I'm just trying to give some pointers on what I know or what I have read. There are many other people out there that know way more than I, but they have not replied, so here is my two cents worth. I hope it helps! Let me know how you do!!

Registered: 05/26/00
Posts: 584
Last seen: 14 years, 7 months
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20432 - 06/15/00 10:37 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
hitterg - I don't think your bashing me at all, I apreciate you taking the time to respond and attempt to help me. I have also read that releasing the pressure too soon can cause the substrate to loose moisture. Anyways today my friend and I sterilized four more jars, onlt this time i left the lids on tight, didn't cover the holes with tape, and covered the top with tin foil. It made a very big difference, the substrate looked liek it had the exact same amount of moisture as when I put them in the pressure cooker. To cool it all down i ran warm water over the pressure cooker and then removed the weight. Nothing came out the hole and when I removed the lid there was still next to no water left in the pot. Which leaves me clueless as to how the hell I lost all the water. The other jars (the wet ones) appear to be free of contams and we are going to inculate tommorrow. Hopefully everything turns out ok.
Registered: 05/15/00
Posts: 179
Last seen: 16 years, 7 months
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20433 - 06/15/00 02:40 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Registered: 05/15/00
Posts: 179
Last seen: 16 years, 7 months
Re: Pressurizing over wet substraite, now what?
#20434 - 06/15/00 02:51 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Why do these replies keep repeating??[This message has been edited by hitterg (edited June 15, 2000).]