Give them a few more days before you freak out... it sounds like you did everything ok.Your temps sound just fine. They do not have to be "cold shocked" with the exception of some very exotic strains from the Pacific Northwest. A help in some instances is to make a little more moisture available by doing the double ended casing tek found at if they seem to be stalled. Quite often, when doing PF-Cakes using the PF-TEK, moisture content can be low in the cake itself. All the humidity in the air can not change the fact that your cake is a desert in the middle if you didn't use enough water when mixing the substrate
I am a PF-Cake fanatic (I'm too lazy to case) and I just use the Perlite Humid TEK for my humidity needs and set the cakes directly on the perlite. They never starve for water this way and have been known to send out mycelium throughout the perlite!
Give them a few more daze and then, if they still havn.t done anything, try the double-ended casing tek to get them going again
"Cut the head in half using a bandsaw and scoop the brain out... Blast the brain out with water or air... Suck the brain out through a hole in the head..."
[This message has been edited by Wasted Spores (edited April 26, 2000).]