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Cope Cyans (PICS)
#877097 - 09/11/02 07:03 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Wild Copelandia Cyanescens. All were found in cow dung. The hot weather and sudden down pours really seem to beat up the mushrooms.
So ...heres the pics!! still workin with the new camera so excuse the blurry pics.

Just for a size reference the cap on the mushroom at the left hand corner is 2 inches across.

If anyone wants to trade for a print just PM me.
Registered: 04/04/02
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Re: Cope Cyans (PICS) [Re: cxz]
#877175 - 09/11/02 07:34 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Nice mushrooms man
-------------------- RAIN^^^RAIN^^^RAIN^^^RAIN^^^RAIN

Registered: 06/13/01
Posts: 26,656
Re: Cope Cyans (PICS) [Re: cxz]
#877187 - 09/11/02 07:38 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Erm.... Those ones in the bottom pic don't look much like Copes to me. They look more like Pan. antillarium, look how thick those stems are. Did they briuse blue?
Photography tip: Check the lense before taking pictures, that blury halo around the white mushrooms is due to condensation on the lense(must have been really humid).
Edited by GumbyDude (09/11/02 07:39 AM)
Registered: 12/23/99
Posts: 8,946
Re: Cope Cyans (PICS) [Re: cxz]
#877578 - 09/11/02 09:51 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Hello cxz, Welcome to the Shroomery's Mushroom Hunting Forum..
I hope that mjshroomer can put a fine eye under these photos, For us and give us a reply,
JJust to get everyone up to speed, cxz is a Shroomer picking the Hawaiian Island's. Could you please specify which island.?
There are several different species of Copelandia mushrooms that have been recorded to grow wild in Hawaii. -Interesting find... i am seeing a mixed collection in your photographs -Some Panaeolus antillarum mushrooms in your photos, I am also seeing a type of Copelandia, most likely Copelandia cyaenscens.
Now, mjshroomer has once stung me pretty hard about stating the "every blue meanie stains blue", and he described the Copelandia cyanescens in Hawaii being picked "oh so carefully" that they do not stain blue (or something). -I say that the meanies here in the state of Florida "all stain blue after picked".
Here is a listing of the psychoactive mushrooms in Hawaii from Mapping the Mycelial Network, Notice that John W. Allen is credited for each mushroom listed!~ ;
Hawaii Copelandia cyanesens (Bk. & Br.) Singer. (Merlin & Allen, 1993). Copelandia tropicalis (Ola?h) Singer & Weeks. (Merlin & Allen, 1993). Copelandia cambodginiensis (Ola?h et Heim) Singer & Weeks. (Merlin & Allen, 1993). Copelandia bispora Male?on & Bertault. (Merlin & Allen, 1993). Copelandia anomala Murrill. (Merlin & Allen, 1993). Panaeolus subbalteatus (Bk. & Br.) Sacc. (Merlin & Allen, 1993).
Keep on shroomin, GG
Registered: 12/23/99
Posts: 8,946
Also you may want to dig around mj's website and look for a mushroom poisoning article from Hawaii, about a guy whom had harvested blue meanies (also known as gold caps in hawaii) for many years, and then one day he must have harvested the wrong ones and some people ended up in the hospital.

Registered: 06/13/01
Posts: 26,656
Did you read the end result of that article GG? They found out that the kid had ODed on heroin =\... Wasn't mushrooms after all.
Registered: 01/10/01
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Re: Cope Cyans (PICS) [Re: cxz]
#877913 - 09/11/02 11:50 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Every mushroom did stain blue/black.
The type in the bottom photo usually grow when the temps are up and theres little rain. I think the white ones just got bleached by the sun. You can't tell on the bottom pick but some of the mushroom caps have a faded yellowish/orange center. The white ones are also alot more thick and crunchy.
I think most of them in the pictures are Cop Cyans. The other varieties usually pop up when it rains alot or when the temps drop. I have found mushroooms macroscopically resembling Copelandia cyanesens, Copelandia tropicalis, Copelandia cambodginiensis, Copelandia bispora, and Panaeolus subbalteatus. If anyone wants a print to check them out just PM me.
Straight from the island of Oahu.
Edited by cxz (09/11/02 11:52 AM)

Registered: 08/26/01
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Re: Cope Cyans (PICS) [Re: cxz]
#879186 - 09/11/02 10:29 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
great find! and good photos to!
Registered: 01/10/01
Posts: 191
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Re: Cope Cyans (PICS) [Re: cxz]
#881808 - 09/13/02 09:44 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
If anyone wants free prints just PM me.
Zen Peddler

Registered: 06/18/01
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wicked pics Cxz and thanks heaps for the print (or prints if your feeling generous enough to send more ) It is pretty hard to get a good id on Copelandia Cyanescens from pictures alone, and i wouldnt be surprised if they all were Copelandia Cyanescens simply because there are 11 binomials of bluemeanies and ive seen some majorly strange looking mushrooms that have turned out to be copes - darkish capped ones with reddish stems that resembled Pan Cambo. but were identified definitively as Cope Cyans. MJ: 'about stating the "every blue meanie stains blue", and he described the Copelandia cyanescens in Hawaii being picked "oh so carefully" that they do not stain blue (or something).' Come on - we all know that if damaged, copelandia cyanescens will stain blue. I meant to pm MJshroomer about Ps.Australiana being a misnomer. We have found Ps.Subaeruginosa specimens that vary in p.cystidia from ventricose and rostrate to lageniform.
Edited by Zen Peddler (09/13/02 03:14 PM)