I just spent one friggin hour revising the above list and what happens, my computer turns itself off while aI am working on line.I have had this happen many times when in the shroomery forum reply boxes. By the tiume I finish writing something in their, especially if it is long, the computer stops working and I just lost the correct list. so here goes again.
Aaron published a long list of known Psilocybe species.
Since his list appeared much revision and rewriting of the Psilocybe genus has taken place.
His list only contains 89 of the 116 known species of Psilocybe in the genus Psilocybe and is only about two/thirds of the 170 known species of mushrooms spread around the entire world.
Here below is the correct list of his 89 species without all the non-psychoactive species included. This way you are not confused. I am sorry though that because of publishing commitments with an Italian Journal, I cannot provide at this time a complete list of the 170 species and the other ones which contain other chenmicals than psilocine and psilocybine.
Psilocybe acutipilea - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe antioquiensis - Index of Fungi 6: 504
Psilocybe argentipes - Index of Fungi 4: 515
Psilocybe armandii - Index of Fungi 5: 23
Psilocybe aucklandii - Index of Fungi 6: 161
Psilocybe australiana - Index of Fungi 4:543
Psilocybe aztecorum - Index of Fungi 2: 399
Psilocybe aztecorum var. bonetii - Index of Fungi 4: 543
Psilocybe baeocystis - Index of Fungi 2: 445
Psilocybe banderillensis - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe barrerae - Index of Fungi 5: 173
Psilocybe bohemica - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe brasiliensis - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe brunneocystidiata - Index of Fungi 4: 636
Psilocybe caeruleoannulata - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe caerulescens - Petrak's Lists volume 3
Psilocybe caerulescens var. ombrophila - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe caerulipes var. gastonii - Index of Fungi 2: 518
Psilocybe carbonaria - Index of Fungi 3: 365
Psilocybe collybioides - Index of Fungi 2: 445
Psilocybe columbiana - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe cordispora - Index of Fungi 2: 559
Psilocybe cubensis - Index of Fungi 1: 268
Psilocybe cubensis var. cyanescens - Index of Fungi 2: 482
Psilocybe cyanescens - Index of Fungi 1: 170
Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa - Index of Fungi 5: 59
Psilocybe dumontii - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe eucalypta - Index of Fungi 4: 543
Psilocybe fagicola - Index of Fungi 3: 17
Psilocybe fagicola var. mesocystidiata - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe farinacea - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe fimetaria - Index of Fungi 3: 493
Psilocybe fuliginosa - Index of Fungi 1: 268
Psilocybe furtadoana - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe galindoi - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe goniospora - Index of Fungi 3: 196
Psilocybe guatapensis - Index of Fungi 6:504
Psilocybe heimii - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe heliconiae - Index of Fungi 6: 504
Psilocybe herrerae - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe hoogshagenii - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe hoogshagenii var. convexa - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe inconspicua - Index of Fungi 4:636
Psilocybe indica - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe jacobsii - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe kumaenorum - Index of Fungi 3: 470
Psilocybe lazoi - Index of Fungi 3: 564
Psilocybe liniformans - Index of Fungi 4:515
Psilocybe liniformans var. americana - Index of Fungi 5: 59
Psilocybe mairei - Index of Fungi 4: 287
Psilocybe mammillata - Index of Fungi 1: 268
Psilocybe mexicana - Index of Fungi 2: 399
Psilocybe muliercula - Index of Fungi 2: 445
Psilocybe ochreata - Index of Fungi 5: 262
Psilocybe papuana - Index of Fungi 4: 636
Psilocybe paupera - Index of Fungi 2: 288
Psilocybe pelliculosa - Index of Fungi 2:482
Psilocybe pintonii - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe pseudoaztecorum - Index of Fungi 5: 450
Psilocybe quebecensis - Index of Fungi 3:444, 493
Psilocybe rostrata - Index of Fungi 5: 555
Psilocybe rzedowskii - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe samuiensis - Index of Fungi 6: 350
Psilocybe sanctorum - Index of Fungi 5: 309
Psilocybe schultesii - Index of Fungi 5: 23
Psilocybe semilanceata - Index of Fungi 3: 564
Psilocybe serbica - Index of Fungi 4: 18
Psilocybe sierrae - Index of Fungi 3: 564
Psilocybe silvatica - Index of Fungi 2: 482
Psilocybe singeri - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe strictipes - Index of Fungi 2: 445
Psilocybe stuntzii - Index of Fungi 4: 482
Psilocybe subacutipilea - Index of Fungi 6: 504
Psilocybe subaeruginosa - Petrak's Lists volume 3
Psilocybe subcaerulipes - Index of Fungi 2: 482
Psilocybe subcubensis - Index of Fungi 4:573
Psilocybe subfimetaria - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe subyungensis - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe tampanensis - Index of Fungi 4:573
Psilocybe tasmaniana - Index of Fungi 4: 543
Psilocybe uruguayensis - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe uxpanapensis - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe venenata - Index of Fungi 2: 399
Psilocybe veraecrucis - Index of Fungi 4:604
Psilocybe wassoniorum - Index of Fungi 5: 23
Psilocybe weldenii - Index of Fungi 4: 604
Psilocybe wrightii - Index of Fungi 4: 573
Psilocybe xalapensis - Index of Fungi 5: 23
Psilocybe yugensis - Index of Fungi 2: 445
Psilocybe zapotecorum - Index of Fungi 2:399
[This message has been edited by mjshroomer (edited January 27, 2000).]