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just some guy
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lsd, 'shrooms and ocd
#793450 - 08/02/02 08:31 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
i was diagnosed with Obessive Compulsive Disorder about three years ago and i currently take Zoloft to help treat it. however, ssri antidepressants(even high doses) only provide me with some minimal relief. i've recently heard about the MAPS study using Psilocybin to treat ocd and i am very excited about it. my question is:does anybody that has ocd find that psilocbyin or lsd help their symptoms? i've dropped acid a few times and during the time i was trippin' i noticed my ocd symptoms almost completely disappeard. and also, does anybody that takes ssri's notice any similarities bewteen their medication and lsd/'shrooms? larger doses of antidepressants seem to give me a body load that feels like shitty acid (minus the euphoria, visuals, etc.) please respond. this is very important to me.
-------------------- He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.
-Dr. Johnson

Registered: 07/17/02
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Good question and I am glad you asked. I also have OCD and take Paxil (an ssri) for it.
These are the things I have noticed taking LSD and Shrooms. For some reeson I felt like LSD only made my OCD worse. I dont know why though. But on the other hand, ever time I have used shrooms my OCD symptoms virtually disapeared durring my trip, and also for at least 2 WEEKS following my trip!
I noticed this long before MAPS ever began their exciting study.
My thoughts are that Psilocybin has the unique ability to break your mind out its normal habits in a way that is non-anxiety producing. OCD is an anxiety disorder, and seritonin is one of the main brain chemicals that calm and relax you helping you to feel more at peace. And psilocybin is VERY closely related to seritonin in molecular structure. In fact it only differs by one or two carbon atoms (I think).
LSD always seemed to make me feel more anxious and on edge which always agrivated my OCD more, and I could never feel totally centered on LSD like I could on shrooms which also seemed to cause me to obsess on things more.
Also when I first went on Paxil, it felt a lot like a low level shroom trip. I could even make out some faint paterns when I looked at things like the mountains or the sky. Colors also seemed much brighter and the world looked more pretty again like a low level shroom trip. After a while I think I just got used to the medication enough to where I didnt notice those things anymore.
A good shroom trip to me is like.....well, say for instance getting on Paxil and noticing how how bright and vivid the world suddenly seemed, is like just barely dipping my toes in the ocean for a little taste of what the water feels like. Think of that and now think of shrooms being like jumping in that ocean and playing in the surf, fully emersed in the sheer beauty and ecstacy, as if you are part of it.
At least that is how I describe my better trips.
I hope I have been helpful to you. Please share any other thoughts you might have.
Edited by SurwinMaxawow (08/02/02 10:45 PM)
just some guy
Registered: 08/02/02
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Surwinmaxawow, does your ocd conist more of physical compulsions or mental obcessions? My meds make my few compulsions almost go completely away, but the obcessions seem as strong as ever. The obsessions I have are very complicated and very, very weird. I don't even think I can begin to explain them. They are so fucked up that the weird thoughts that alot of people get from acid seem to replace my more screwed up obsessions. That's why the acid probably worked so well. I have yet to try 'shrooms though. MDMA seemed to work well also but I didn't roll very hard since I was on Paxil at the time. Also, do you ever feel dizzy when you wake up from the Paxil? It made me really dizzy when I woke up in the morning, so I switched meds.
-------------------- He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.
-Dr. Johnson
just some guy
Registered: 08/02/02
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oh yeah, weed makes me worse, so I quit smoking. What's your experience with bud?
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-Dr. Johnson
Wisdom God
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I find this conversation very interesting because my mom hasa very extreme case of OCD, her medications seem to make everything worse. Maybe the psilocybin would help her some. im going to research this some more and update ya'll with anything I find out
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Re: lsd, 'shrooms and ocd [Re: mrMagik]
#794545 - 08/03/02 02:48 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
wow, this is really interesting!!!! Where could i read more about this research done on this?
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just some guy
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Re: lsd, 'shrooms and ocd [Re: NewHunter]
#794639 - 08/03/02 04:16 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
Good luck...there is suprisingly little info available on this topic. That's why I posted. If you bare with me all explain some of what I know. Be warned-the brain is probably one of the complicated things in the known universe and humans hardly know anything about it(yes-even neurologists and psychatrists.)
Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that is implicated the most in OCD, depression, and pyschedelics drugs(psilocybin,dmt,lsd,etc..not pcp,ketamine and other deleriants.) Serotonin is thought to be an inhibitory chemical in the brain, thus calming certain areas of the brain down. SSRI antidepressants are thought to act by inceasing serotonin in certain overactive brain areas in people with OCD. Serotonin seems to be a bit more complicated than other neurochemicals though. In certain areas it inhibits the brain, but in others it excites the brain.(Usually neurotransmitters are either excititory or inhibitory.) Serotonin receptors are referred to as "5-HT" receptors with seven different(possibly many more) receptors that we know about. 5-HT1 receptors are primarily inhibitory while 5HT-2 are primarlily exciittory. SSRI make the brain's own serotonin more available through what's called in technical language "blocking the serotonin reuptake pump". SSRI's often make people with OCD worse at first because the 5HT-2 receptors need time to sensitize.And also psilocybin and lsd are thought to work by plugging into certain subtypes of the 5-HT2 receptor(5-HT2a and 5-HT2c, I think) receptors. Thus we have a huge theoretical problem of why psilocybin helps people with OCD. We don't even really know why SSRI's seem to work on people with depression and OCD. For example, I've tried Paxil, Prozac, Celexa, and Zoloft(all SSRIs). Even though all do the exact same thing in the brain each has a distinct "feel" to me.(for me they don't work very well.) The only major relief I've gotten was through LSD and MDMA. I have yet to try 'shrooms though. One last thing before I'm done. A lot of Psychatrists think they know everything there is to know about the brain and behavior. Me and other people take these meds, not them, so as far as I'm concerned they don't know shit. If you want more info than what I told you read "Trips"(by a lady named Sharryl Pallerin, or something like that.)
-------------------- He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.
-Dr. Johnson

Registered: 07/17/02
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anonymous_dude: My OCD symptoms are mostly mental hang-ups, but also some physical compulsions too. I know what you mean about the mental obsessions being very strange and very complicated. I have actually been getting much better lately. What I have found that helps me a lot is just trying not to react to the those thoughts. Its as if the more you react to them and focus on them, the more amplified and stronger they get. I know it sounds simple and there is a lot more to it than that, but thats just something that has helped me out. I also see a therapist who has been helping me quite a bit. Medications and chemicals will only help so much. The real key to overcoming it comes from working at it in a conscious aware level, and doing it fearlessly. Pretty soon the brain learns to make new neuro pathways and begins to face life in a better way. These obsessions are often deep rooted thinking habits, and it takes a conscious effort to break out of them and form new ones. But I think that drugs like psilocybin can be very good tools for helping a person to break out of their normal thought paterns habits and therefor giving them an added boost in their treatment. No I never did feel dizzy on paxil, to answer your question. Its been a good med for me. About bud.....its been so long since I have smoked so I really dont remember how it effect my OCD, but I dont remember it helping it any.

Registered: 07/17/02
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Re: lsd, 'shrooms and ocd [Re: NewHunter]
#794896 - 08/03/02 09:54 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
NewHunter: If you want to find more info on MAPS new study, then I would recomend just doing a search on Google for "OCD Psilocybin study", and it will bring up a bunch of different web pages on it.
Registered: 04/04/02
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thanks a lot both of you, this is really interesting to me i am gonna go search now... Later
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