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Registered: 07/21/99
Posts: 13,774
Loc: gone with my shrooms
Mr. G Continues his BS
    #620306 - 04/27/02 09:59 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Here again is another letter from Mr. G. Who tells me he has blocked my mail because he doesn't like to here what I write to him. First I must say that I never flamed him but only responded to his misinformation. He sent me about six letters, of which I also can print. I never flamed him once. But once I informed him that his staements were full of errors he has flown off the wall with his idiotic trite. And then It is not really a flame to point out someones inconsistencies and errors in judgement and what he thinks occured in the world of magic shrooms. I only responded with factual data and I am able to back up everything I say. But then he is the one with the bs problem and he does not apparently want to learn anything except what he alone believes to be true.

I have posted here below this sentence several comments made by Mr. G in in letter below. and I have placed my answers to his false inaccurate statements. below before his letter.

Mr. G. Says "We have first hand accounts of the Native Americans, and even the original locals settlers, using these mushrooms as early as the 1810's."

John: Thats impossible because no cattle were in Hawaii until 1793--1794 and no horses until 1804. And there were no Spanish ships in Hawaii in those years or thereafter. Thus making it impossible for Native Americans to use these mushrooms so that part is bullshit again.

Pineapples were not grown in Hawaii until the middle 1800s. Here is a quote:

"On January 21, 1823 a counselor to Hawaii's King Kamehameha The Great wrote in his diary... "This day I planted pineapples and an orange tree." The first attempts to grow pineapples commercially in Hawaii date back to the 1850's . (Just click on the search engines and write in 'Pineapples in Hawaii' History and one can find their history in the islands.

John: I would like to point out a statement he made about the cubensis and the pineapples. While it is true that the Spanish ships carried Pineapples on their ships, they did so because pineapples are a cure for 'scurvey" Pineapples were first brought to Hawaii by Capt Cook, yet no pineapple fields were laid until the middle 1800s.

Spanish ships laden with treasures were for returning to Spain. Not coming loaded with treasures or pineapples from Hawaii since they were not grown in Hawaii until the middle 1850s. The Spanish treasure ships had no cattle since they were returning to Spain and many sank (just a hundred or so, not thousands a as reported by Mr. G in his letter below. They sank because they were too heav, laden with stolen treasure and were unable to move in the storms after leaving the coastal regions of Florida and the Caribbean Islands they first conquored.

No Cattle were in the Hawaiian Islands until after 1793 and 1794 when Capt. George Vancouver brought cattle to the hawaiian Islands. These cattle did not appear in Hawaii so the Spanish did not bring any cattle to Florida whatsoever from Hawaii . The first cattle in Florida came originally from Africa. A country where no Panaeolus tripicalis occurs.

And panaeolus tropicalis has never has grown in association with Pineapple or from Horse manure. (extremely rare in horse dung) but they do grow in manure of Cattle and the Indians of Mesoamerica did not use p. cubensis at the time the Spanish arrived in Mexico.

Mr. G's story of ships coming to bring pineapples to Florida and at the same time laden with treausres. What treasures? Hawaii has no treasures for the Spanish. Or Hawaii would be a Spanish colony not American.

His story of Albert Hofmann Confirming for him that the mushrooms were in the Americas (Florida) has nothing to do to do with mushrooms in southern Mexico in the State of Oaxaca, nowhere near Florida.

The Spanish Chronicles referrred to in Albert Hofmann's Chapter Six of LSD: My Problem Child are fromthe Florentine Codex, Tombs I am sure Mr. G has never read, which recorded the Nuahual speaking Aztec use of the mushrooms during the 15th Century. There were no cattle at that time in Mexico except for horses and a few cows. The Indians of Mexico were using other Psilocybe mushroom of which there are more than 38 varieties used by the indians of mexico today, Of which P. cubensis is number one species least used by the Mazatecs and other indians of Oaxaca and other regions of Mexico. They do not like it because of its association with manure, although a few shamans use it today when other species are not fruiting.

Another statement by MR. G in his letter below to me says:

MR. G: "John "SELLS" many spore syringes to"

John: I have never sold anyone a spore syringe in my life.

And Panaeolus cyanescens is the least common mushroom species in Hawaii, having only been collected a total of six specimens since 1970. And they came from Kuaui. I only found one cluster on Oahu in 12 years.

Another of Mr. G's Statements Regarding Florida mushrooms:

Mr. G: "They are all native Florida Strains, found and/or isolated by Mr.G personally."

John: They are actually all introduced species into Florida, not Native.

Another Mr. G. Statement:

Mr. G: "Our Cubensis and a couple other South American Strains and Species came from the Spanish, and all of the mushrooms they came across in their travels and conquests."

John: Apparently Mr. G. had no knowledge of the Spanish eating habits. They were mycophobic and abhored mushrooms and anyone who had anythoing to do with mushrooms.

Regarding Mr. G's Staements by Stamet regarding Spore Dispersal:

John: According to Australian mycologist John Burton Cleland (1934), "fungi growing in cow or horse-dung and confined to such habitats, all belong to introduced species". It is believed to have been the South African dung beetle which may have actually spread the spores. According to English mycologist Roy Watling of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Glasgow, Scotland, "it must be remembered that fungi can change substrate preferences and there are coprophilous fungi on kangaroo droppings etc., although no psychoactive species have been reported on Kangaroo or even deer droppings. "

Spores are disperse in many manners. by wind, blowing by biirds and by cattle who eat shrooms and walk along trails and in fields with spores on their hooves. By bugs, etc. While Paul stamets mentions that spores travel on peoples feet, this is true, but let me asked each and every person who reads this retort. Have you picked magic shrooms in lawns, fields, etc for hours and then walked ion other lawns which had no shrooms. Did you ever see them growing on other lawns anyone has ever walked on or in other gardens wehre you walk after picking some and then find mushroms growing where you walked.

Think about that. You walk along a grassway by a sidewalk. You are walking in the grass where millions of P. stunbztii's are growing. See image below:

Now afer tracveloing through this lawn, one of twenty lawns around the condos, and then walk across the street in other lawns. Still no shrooms will grow in those other lawns without the same grasses and fertilizers so they do not reproduce as simple as Mr. G tries to imply. Maybe one lawn in a million you walk on after trampling through on your hands and knees might produce a few mushrooms.

But that method is extrememly rare.

The lawn mushrooms come from the fertilizers and soils brom the pastures and when made into sod, reproduce the mushrooms the way one migh have a field of corn. Each swuare of sod is eqal in shrooms to a pasture sometimes. Meaning you would have wall to wall mushrooms in your lawns. This is how P. stuntzii reproduces. The same can be said for P. cyanescens and P. stunztii in the woodchips and soil.

And anotehr statement from Mr. G regarding Copelandia cyanescens:
"Coplandia Cyanescen
Florida Strain
$25.00 (out of stock until 5/11. (This is different from the Pan Cyan)
This mushroom has a red stem, and bruises blue only at the base. It looks like a "LBM"."

No Copelandia cyanescens mushroom has ever had a red stem with a blue base. Again this is pure BS. A hallucination at the least."

There are many more but I really tire of this.

But accuracy is important and he does not have it.

And still Mr. G rants and raves.

Again, I repeat this man has distorted knowledge and memory loss as far as his knowledge of mushroom goes and I am not afraid to back up my statements with facts not delusions.

Here below is his latest letter to me as written by him.



Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 04:05:16 -0400

From: "Mr.G" | Block Address | Add to Address Book

Reply-to: mastergrower@fmfarms.com

Organization: Foggy Mountain Farms

To: mjshroomer@yage.net

Subject: Surprise Just for you!

Enjoy, you are Dumb if you don't really see how this could have happened. i am going to expose you for the fraud you are! Don't bother e-mailing back. You are blocked!

We carry Mushroom ID kits. We isolated the following, and have the Masters that ALL vendors sell of these strains. They are all native Florida Strains, found and/or isolated by Mr.G personally. The ONLY wxception is the the B+, which was purchased originally from "JLF", as an Azurescen for $40.00 US. When we mention any of these strains or
their history, unless the B+ is mentioned we are talking about the Florida isolations only. The B+ was isolated in Florida, but by accident. "It found me" Mr.G says. If other vendors have the "Real McCoy", they got it here! Mr. G's strains are some of the most popular and best in the world. They are carried by most major vendors, and few acknowledge the true isolator or creator. The following strains were all found and or isolated by OUR Mr.G and all came from US. We are the
"Brand Name" vendor! We isolated it, and sell the Brand Name. We also know the best way to grow and produce each. We have the purest forms of all "OUR" strains, for ID purposes. If your spores match the ones we sell, you have the "real thing". These strains are considered a
benchmark for identification of the listed species and isolations. Our Cubensis and a couple other South American Strains and Species came from the Spanish, and all of the mushrooms they came across in their travels and conquests. The rest came from Hawaii (mostly Pans). The spores
hitchhiked here on the thousands of sunken Treasure Ships, by the livestock that swam ashore and survived, on people, in bed clothes, etc.

You name it! If they can stick or lie on it they are gone! Mr.G thinks the Psilocybes all originated from a single "Eve". This "Eve" followed Mankind where ever they went in their travels, and would they not have mutated and spread into so many species and strains if not for Man. It ended up in the South American or Mexican Region, and that is the birth
place of the Cubensis, not Vietnam where it was supposedly first cataloged and classified (according to Mushroom John in a flaming scorch even though this has been stolen and placed on "his buddy" the Hawkseye's page). These are two entirely different issues. If John is so worried about accuracy, and not just out to "get" or slander us, why
pick on us. You have your theories, Mr.G has his, right? If a theory can't be proved it isn't worth a damn, right John? Why doesn't he correct his buddy Hawk? "The ones that Stain Blue", have a wonderful page. It tells of how mushrooms are spread naturally, and is very informative. Much more informative and accurate then MJ's page. He is screaming and crazed, he is ranting about soil being acidic? Working
himself up about this, till he is foaming at the mouth? What is the big deal? We believe (Cubensis) it arrived in the South East Asias (i.e. Vietnam), second hand from other places. It came with the Spanish, French, who knows? The Spanish used Cuba as a resupply and recreation area, and would wait until large groups of ships were ready to return
to Spain. They depended on safety in numbers from Pirates, etc. They would sail the Florida Straits to Key Largo, then follow the East Coast of Florida, keeping land in sight at all times. When they reached Cape Hatteras, N. Carolina, they would turn for Spain. They made two fatal mistakes. They did not sound the area, or do surveys to establish where the reefs were (map), and did not realize there was a Hurricane Season.
They realized it very quickly when they got the bottom's knocked out of their ships on the Reefs, and had to sink or swim! The livestock did well if it was released prior to sinking. The men unfortunately, did not do as well. They were scared to take baths, let alone learn how to swim.
There were still quite a few survivors, and there have been recent discoveries of recovery operations they (the Spanish) conducted in Ft. Pierce, Sebastian, and Melbourne, Florida. They would set up a base and use free divers to try and recover what they could, based on the testimony of the survivors. This was occurring before the founding of St. Augustine. These ship's manifests and records are all on display in Seville, Spain. Mr.G has had extensive conversations and correspondence with the late Mel Fisher and learned a lot from him.

Our Panaeolus came from Hawaii during the trade and commerce that occurred, when Martin Co,. Florida, was the Pineapple Capitol of the US.

"John Allen" SCREAMS! "This is impossible"! He says "the soil around the pineapple roots would have been to acidic to carry the spores"? He knows
little about pineapple cultivation for someone who is a "self
proclaimed" expert. We personally think he couldn't tell a pile of Goose Shit from Tapioca Pudding, lol! That is pretty obvious since he is selling one mushroom for Pan Cyan and his buddies are selling an ENTIRELY different one for Pan Cyans. These "experts" (lol) didn't notice?
Pineapple slips are simply the "Pineapple Crown" with the lower leaves stripped off so it has a stub about 3/4 of an inch long on the bottom. There is no "acidic soil!" This is allowed to dry in a cool, dark, dry place for at least 3 days, and then it will keep for a long time. You simply stick it in the ground, and push soil down around it to start or activate it, Mr. G grows BIG ones. They grow very easily, and will
produce 3 fruitings. They take 18-22 months to bear the first Pineapplein Florida weather. Anyone can start a Pineapple from the grocery store by this same method. What does that have to do with what we said, John?

No one said anything about "soil" but you! That would be a stupid way
for spores to travel, we agree! Is that your "BEST" idea? If John Allen a is a good example of a Mycologist, we don't want to BE associated with Mycologists!
Now the good Mycologists know how to think for hemselves. Example:
Stamets, in "Psilocybes of the World", mentions a good example, that with the corresponding link at our page bottom, from Dr. Albert Hoffman (Thanks Big AL!) helps PROVE Mr. G's theory. Where is your proof,
Is it because YOU say? lol. Stamets mentions a story of being called out WEST (maybe Montana, we don't remember read and see) to identify a strange, unknown mushroom. He arrives, and discovers the Panaeolous Cyanescen. He discovered the farmer had just bought horses from
Florida, and knew what had happened, read his books, it is a good story. Stamets knew the spores had hitch-hiked in the bellies of the Horses. We also know that Stamets has "forgotten" more then MJ will ever know! We have
too! So has about anyone out there, who has even read ANYTHING about Psilocybes. Don't let John Allen bully you, his ship is sinking. Case, CLOSED! Your turn John, prove ANYTHING! We would love to point out the
flaws in your theories. Lay them on us. How do you think the mushrooms got to Florida? You are quick to scream, slander and bad mouth people,
what is your idea? Do you have any?
We have first hand accounts of the Native Americans, and even the original locals settlers, using these mushrooms as early as the 1810's. So they were discovered long before "Vietnam". "Vietnam" was wrong anyway, "John", according to the "Stain Blue" page. Stain Blue does not
know we mentioned them, and would probably be horrified. Sorry! We do think they have a wonderful page, one of the BEST! We think the spores were on the leaves of Pineapple Slips, and in the bellies of the cattle, horses and other livestock. We think it would have been impossible to
STOP! Since a "stolen" version of this exists on the Hawkseye site, whom John "SELLS" many spore syringes to, maybe he wanted to persuade us
into taking it down before people discovered the truth about Hawk's theft!
"Bully" would better describe his (John Allen's) behavior. We have all his e-mails for everyone to see if you don't believe us. We think this tells us all about Mushroom John, and his greed, honesty and expertise! We also believe that Hawkseye and Sporeworks have conspired to control The Shroomery, and the things available on it. "Vendors" who
can advertise or sell, and control who else does, changed captions on pictures, bribed people, etc. Their own little club to use Mr. G's free gifts to rape the public? Some friends they are! Who needs enemies?!

We offer the following kits in 12cc solutions of spores, delivered
through a sterile, 1", 16 gauge needle. This is enough for many
microscope slides:

Psilocybe Azurescen,
Mr. G's B+ Strain
$15.00 each

B Strain, smaller version
$15.00 each

Psilocybe Mexicana:
$15.00 each. FMF Strain or we have heard it called "Mexicana B" by the
public. There were rumors (from their own literature, join FMRC and
see!) that FMRC had found a Mexicana growing wild in Florida. We even
heard that Peele may have thought it was a Mexicana/Cubensis hybrid
found on the Gulf Coast near Pensacola, but Steve denies (vigorously)
has ever found one. We guess that means ours may have been the only strain ever found in Florida, we know of. If you know of them, let us know and we will log and record them. Ours grows easily, and stains a strong blue, much more then Cubensis. It has a extreme point on the Cap and you will get a lot of strange mutants from them. Some mushrooms
grow sideways, the cap seems to mutate very readily, until gills are on top of cap, etc. This is one of the first species ever grown in the Lab we know of, and it is documented on the link at the bottom of our page by
Albert Hoffman (this is where someone we know of got his method folks, the brown rice flour and vermiculite).
"We think he (Stamets) may know a little more then Steve Peele", says Mr.G "and certainly more then John Allen!" We have nothing against Steve
or FMRC, despite rumors to the contrary. We just wish that when he sold a print, it was bigger then a piece of "blotter". We wonder if he has been eating and tripping on edibles again. Bad habit that it appears to be, OK! "Next! No soup for you, John, Steven!" Thanks Jerry! We are
going to become Mushroom Nazi's. Heil Hitler!

Psilocybe Cubensis Strains:

Treasure Coast Cubensis
$15.00 each. If you want albinos, chill when ready to pin, and grow in
drier conditions (hint).

$20.00 parent to TC, throws albinos in wild and indoors with no
manipulation necessary. The TC does produce more (albinos).

AR-15, excellent strain originating from St. Lucie County, Near Adam's
Ranch, a historical landmark.
$15.00 each, large and potent. Reminds us of the Ecuadorian.

Panaeolous Tropicalis
Florida Strain
$25.00 "out of spores till 5/11"

P. Tropicalis info:
We know of no other Florida Strains or Isolations, this is it folks.
Tropicalis is the only one we have seen other spore vendors sell. We found it and know the very small area where, and when (winter), it fruits. Mr.G was told to positively ID his "Tropicalis" from the
Hawkseye page by MJ (John Allen), when it was Mr.G who made the ID and gave to Hawk and others in the first place! When he isolated this exotic strain, everybody, especially Workman from Sporeworks, using his visual
ID method (like the one he used on the B+) said it was not really different from a Pan Cyan it was a small Pan Cyan. Now he sells it as Tropicalis. He also sells the B+, and even calls it a "false Azurescen".
We think it would be one hell of a lot easier to isolate a Azurescen that will fruit in warm temperatures with no casing, then to create a Cubensis which looks like a mutant grown indoors, and looks like a Ps. Azurescen and sometimes a Ps. Cyanescen when grown outdoors. It will'
fruit in Cold or Warm weather, etc. This mushroom does look like an Azurescen on natural substrates, like wood and straw. This is well documented on Hawk's page, and he also documents fruitings at temperatures of 45f in December! Cubensis? We wish! We wouldn't eat a mushroom dinner with Workman or Hawk (John or Steve either)! We have
seen "their" visual ID skills.
When we heard about MJ (John Allen) telling Mr.G to get a positive ID of the real Pan. Tropicalis using the "Hawkseye" site, We laughed like hell
because we know the truth.

Thank you again Mr.G! He gave freely as long as he was credited for
strains he isolated, or discovered, or created by accident, if they
marketed or sold. No one would have these highly active, vigorous
strains if it were not for Mr.G! Thanks You Sir!!!

Panaeolous Cyanescen/White can be almost translucent, with heavy blue

Florida Strain
out of stock/ETA May 1st

Coplandia Cyanescen
Florida Strain
$25.00 (out of stock until 5/11. (This is different from the Pan Cyan)
This mushroom has a red stem, and bruises blue only at the base. It
looks like a "LBM". The above are supposed to be the same type of
mushroom. They are completely different. Don't ask us, both highly
active. The latter looks like the one on Mushroom John's (John Allen's)
homepage, the former a much larger version of the Tropicalis, but the
cap expands to full plane in the wild and the Tropicalis remains
conical. The Tropicalis never grows on pure dung the other does. It
might grow beside it or even under it, but never, never in it. It likes
composted or rotten dung and rich dirt. It fruits in a different
and there are other different things that make it distinct, besides the
size and bluing strength and speed, which are incredible!

New Discovery!
Psilocybe Martinesis:
$40.00 each. New Species, highly potent, hard to grow. Mr. G tells a
hilarious story about the discovery to friends, he says "I didn't even
see the damned things" until he stepped on one, and it stuck to his
like a fresh cow pie. He said "I was trying to shake it off, trying to
figure when I stepped in shit, when I saw a mushroom smashed in the
Sand!" Then I thought my bag had a hole in it, and was wondering if I
had been smoking and end this business too long because "I couldn't
figure how that mushroom fell through the tiny pinhole." "I almost
didn't find them ,they found ME!" he says. " I noticed they were
everywhere!" (real high tech we know, "public's bag" STERILE LOL :-)
Let's have some fun for a change!
We believe this mushroom is like the Tampensis discovery, except Mr.G
did take spore prints. He believes it was a one time fruiting for many

Panaeolous Subbalteatus:
$20.00 each. Very potent strain, best we have ever seen!

B+ Dilemma:
The B+ is an Azurescen. Look at the top picture courtesy of "Hawkseye."
What a Cubensis, NOT! Is it possible to imagine or isolate a "Cubensis
Strain" able to fruit on pure wood! The B+ will and it has been done
many times. It is documented by Hawk as growing on pure wood and
fruiting at 45f, read his page! If we could do this to a Cubensis, we
would be Gods or Magicians, it is impossible! It will grow on most
things we have heard of people growing mushrooms on, except does poorly
on pure dung. It will grow in compost, but that is different. You can
stick colonized grain balls in manure, and they will fruit, but that is
different from growing in pure manure. Now that is wonderful, excellent
mushroom whatever it is!
It was purchased as a Azurescen from JLF originally for $40.00, then
suffered a over-heating accident and survived, then out grew some
Panaeolous spores (B strain). It was then exposed to a little chemical
manipulation (cholchicine) and Mr.G had the huge, potent B+. Cubensis
WILL NOT fruit on pure wood, it will grow but not fruit. The B+ will!
has gone wild in some areas. Please be careful with it! (Please!) It
will take over and kill the native mushroom population. It will spread
like fire! It lives in leaf litter and debris from the Sea Grape, Sea
Oats and Dune Grasses at the beach on Hutchinson, and Jupiter Islands
respectively. The real B+ does not look like a Cubensis, in our
and the best pictures that show the disappearing veil, the huge gnarled
stem and other Un-Cubensis like features, were originally taken by
Workman and Hawk, then posted on their website or the Shroomery
You can see the white specked background which was Workman's trademark
for a while. The picture of the giant B+, next to 4" tall TC Cubensis
was taken by Mr.G and posted by him originally. It read "B+ beside
regular 4" Cubensis". It was later changed to read "Herben's B+"? By
who? We wonder! NOT!!! We Know!!!
The real B+ has 3 unique markers or tags. It will sometimes develop
spots on the cap, and the spot will rot away to black liquid. The other
is on the stem, there is a stripe or a thick "vein" or difference in
stem surface, running vertical and about 1/8-1/4" in width on some
specimens in every fruiting. Sometimes it is the same color as the rest
of the stem, but the texture is different, sometimes in addition to the
texture difference the color of the stripe is dark or light brown. It
also has a complete coverage of vertical ridges on the stem from the
annual ring area connection, to the stem connection with cap. We have
seen fakes or mistakes being sold. The top picture is B+ grown in
outdoor natural conditions on straw and other natural medias. This
strain IS Workman's current Azurescen, (Hammond strain my ass, Doc
Hammond would like to have known Workman was stealing from HIM!) and he
had the gall to say it was a Cubensis with a visual ID? Now he sells it
for both, the B+ and Azurescen, charges more, and laughs at everyone
all the way to the Bank!
The second is Treasure Coast Cubensis, sold to anonymous vendor as B+
Hawkseye, guess he doesn't want the master strain out to the
competition. Why not give him a clone gene (dumb-ass) and watch him and
his customer's strains self destruct? He gives them to his customers,
why not? The TC contains a natural, recessive, Albino Gene. You will
get Albino's eventually. Dry conditions are what the gene likes best,
that and if your chilling he's willing. That means 72 hours or more in
the cold. It's that easy with real TC spores. The third is Mr. G's
Tropicalis fruiting indoors. The small cap problem can be fixed with a
calcium supplemented casing or substrate, contact Mr.G for details.

NEW PRODUCT/ Organic Fertilizer
1/2 Kilogram, $15.00
1 Kilogram, $25.00

This is organic fertilizer collected only from our BEST fields, with no
salt or mineral block, and no feed supplements. It is pasteurized, and
dried before shipping, so you don't pay for water weight. Use it under
all your shrubs and low trees and bushes in the shade. You can also
compost it for mushroom growing, by placing on damp vermiculite in a
plastic container with lid. Different types of Fertilizer comes from
different places. You pick which place you want yours to come from.
fertilizer will make anything you are wishing to grow kick ass or grow
better, and provide enough of a start to make you self sufficient with
that type of spore print. It will give you everything you need, for
whatever you are wishing to grow in your "magic garden". Seeds,
Bacteria, Spores, all killed. They will not germinate, because they
killed by the pasteurization and drying process. This protects the
fertilizer from decomposition during storage and shipment.
We include an ID kit with each organic fertilizer order.

You pick what field type:

P. Tropicalis Field

Treasure Coast Cubensis Field

SF-1/Albino Field

Ar-15 Field, this strain is very large and potent. Reminds us much of
the Ecuadorian.

Coplandia Cyanescens Field

P. Cyanescen Field (out of stock till 5/1, then 5/11 on Both)

To order and for payment instructions contact:
sales@fmfarms.com or mastergrower@fmfarms.com
For techs and a Gold mine of information freely given out by Mr.G and
more then welcomed to be linked or copied as long as you credit "Mr.G"
the author for for it, contact him and ask. He is building a website
all to see and use. It will have a folder for each of the 4 stooges.
Hawk, Sporeworks (Workman), John Allen and Steven Peele will have all
their e-mails to Mr.G from day one, listed and posted. Read the TRUTH
for yourself. LOL When we are tired or having a bad day, we read these
crazed rantings and we laugh like mad! It gives us a much needed break,
and relief from REAL mycology!

For problems or help contact

Shipping additional on Compost. We ship to you anyway you choose. We
take cash, certified checks and money orders (International) or
trades. To order contact:

If you are a Chronic Pain Patient, Handicapped or Disabled, a Poison
Control Center, Hospital or Educational Facility please contact
mastergrower@fmfarms.com or sales@fmfarms.com.
You will be given the Red Carpet Treatment at our site and you are
welcome to our strains! If you are thinking of doing business with
Self Proclaimed Experts (LOL) Mr.G would rather give you spores FREE!
would rather you got them from the horse's mouth, then get dumped on by
the Horse's asses! Try it, he will!

We are the best, and carry only originals. Thank you for your business
and support!
F.M. Farms Owners, and Mr.G Master Grower.

Organization: Foggy Mountain Farms

To: mjshroomer@yage.net

Subject: Surprise Just for you!

Enjoy, you are Dumb if you don't really see how this could have happened. i am going to expose you for the fraud you are! Don't bother e-mailing back. You are blocked!

We carry Mushroom ID kits. We isolated the following, and have the Masters that ALL vendors sell of these strains. They are all native Florida Strains, found and/or isolated by Mr.G personally. The ONLY wxception is the the B+, which was purchased originally from "JLF", as an Azurescen for $40.00 US. When we mention any of these strains or
their history, unless the B+ is mentioned we are talking about the Florida isolations only. The B+ was isolated in Florida, but by accident. "It found me" Mr.G says. If other vendors have the "Real McCoy", they got it here! Mr. G's strains are some of the most popular and best in the world. They are carried by most major vendors, and few acknowledge the true isolator or creator. The following strains were all found and or isolated by OUR Mr.G and all came from US. We are the
"Brand Name" vendor! We isolated it, and sell the Brand Name. We also know the best way to grow and produce each. We have the purest forms of all "OUR" strains, for ID purposes. If your spores match the ones we sell, you have the "real thing". These strains are considered a
benchmark for identification of the listed species and isolations. Our Cubensis and a couple other South American Strains and Species came from the Spanish, and all of the mushrooms they came across in their travels and conquests. The rest came from Hawaii (mostly Pans). The spores
hitchhiked here on the thousands of sunken Treasure Ships, by the livestock that swam ashore and survived, on people, in bed clothes, etc.

You name it! If they can stick or lie on it they are gone! Mr.G thinks the Psilocybes all originated from a single "Eve". This "Eve" followed Mankind where ever they went in their travels, and would they not have mutated and spread into so many species and strains if not for Man. It ended up in the South American or Mexican Region, and that is the birth
place of the Cubensis, not Vietnam where it was supposedly first cataloged and classified (according to Mushroom John in a flaming scorch even though this has been stolen and placed on "his buddy" the Hawkseye's page). These are two entirely different issues. If John is so worried about accuracy, and not just out to "get" or slander us, why
pick on us. You have your theories, Mr.G has his, right? If a theory can't be proved it isn't worth a damn, right John? Why doesn't he correct his buddy Hawk? "The ones that Stain Blue", have a wonderful page. It tells of how mushrooms are spread naturally, and is very informative. Much more informative and accurate then MJ's page. He is screaming and crazed, he is ranting about soil being acidic? Working
himself up about this, till he is foaming at the mouth? What is the big deal? We believe (Cubensis) it arrived in the South East Asias (i.e. Vietnam), second hand from other places. It came with the Spanish, French, who knows? The Spanish used Cuba as a resupply and recreation area, and would wait until large groups of ships were ready to return
to Spain. They depended on safety in numbers from Pirates, etc. They would sail the Florida Straits to Key Largo, then follow the East Coast of Florida, keeping land in sight at all times. When they reached Cape Hatteras, N. Carolina, they would turn for Spain. They made two fatal mistakes. They did not sound the area, or do surveys to establish where the reefs were (map), and did not realize there was a Hurricane Season.
They realized it very quickly when they got the bottom's knocked out of their ships on the Reefs, and had to sink or swim! The livestock did well if it was released prior to sinking. The men unfortunately, did not do as well. They were scared to take baths, let alone learn how to swim.
There were still quite a few survivors, and there have been recent discoveries of recovery operations they (the Spanish) conducted in Ft. Pierce, Sebastian, and Melbourne, Florida. They would set up a base and use free divers to try and recover what they could, based on the testimony of the survivors. This was occurring before the founding of St. Augustine. These ship's manifests and records are all on display in Seville, Spain. Mr.G has had extensive conversations and correspondence with the late Mel Fisher and learned a lot from him.

Our Panaeolus came from Hawaii during the trade and commerce that occurred, when Martin Co,. Florida, was the Pineapple Capitol of the US.

"John Allen" SCREAMS! "This is impossible"! He says "the soil around the pineapple roots would have been to acidic to carry the spores"? He knows
little about pineapple cultivation for someone who is a "self
proclaimed" expert. We personally think he couldn't tell a pile of Goose Shit from Tapioca Pudding, lol! That is pretty obvious since he is selling one mushroom for Pan Cyan and his buddies are selling an ENTIRELY different one for Pan Cyans. These "experts" (lol) didn't notice?
Pineapple slips are simply the "Pineapple Crown" with the lower leaves stripped off so it has a stub about 3/4 of an inch long on the bottom. There is no "acidic soil!" This is allowed to dry in a cool, dark, dry place for at least 3 days, and then it will keep for a long time. You simply stick it in the ground, and push soil down around it to start or activate it, Mr. G grows BIG ones. They grow very easily, and will
produce 3 fruitings. They take 18-22 months to bear the first Pineapplein Florida weather. Anyone can start a Pineapple from the grocery store by this same method. What does that have to do with what we said, John?

No one said anything about "soil" but you! That would be a stupid way
for spores to travel, we agree! Is that your "BEST" idea? If John Allen a is a good example of a Mycologist, we don't want to BE associated with Mycologists!
Now the good Mycologists know how to think for hemselves. Example:
Stamets, in "Psilocybes of the World", mentions a good example, that with the corresponding link at our page bottom, from Dr. Albert Hoffman (Thanks Big AL!) helps PROVE Mr. G's theory. Where is your proof,
Is it because YOU say? lol. Stamets mentions a story of being called out WEST (maybe Montana, we don't remember read and see) to identify a strange, unknown mushroom. He arrives, and discovers the Panaeolous Cyanescen. He discovered the farmer had just bought horses from
Florida, and knew what had happened, read his books, it is a good story. Stamets knew the spores had hitch-hiked in the bellies of the Horses. We also know that Stamets has "forgotten" more then MJ will ever know! We have
too! So has about anyone out there, who has even read ANYTHING about Psilocybes. Don't let John Allen bully you, his ship is sinking. Case, CLOSED! Your turn John, prove ANYTHING! We would love to point out the
flaws in your theories. Lay them on us. How do you think the mushrooms got to Florida? You are quick to scream, slander and bad mouth people,
what is your idea? Do you have any?
We have first hand accounts of the Native Americans, and even the original locals settlers, using these mushrooms as early as the 1810's. So they were discovered long before "Vietnam". "Vietnam" was wrong anyway, "John", according to the "Stain Blue" page. Stain Blue does not
know we mentioned them, and would probably be horrified. Sorry! We do think they have a wonderful page, one of the BEST! We think the spores were on the leaves of Pineapple Slips, and in the bellies of the cattle, horses and other livestock. We think it would have been impossible to
STOP! Since a "stolen" version of this exists on the Hawkseye site, whom John "SELLS" many spore syringes to, maybe he wanted to persuade us
into taking it down before people discovered the truth about Hawk's theft!
"Bully" would better describe his (John Allen's) behavior. We have all his e-mails for everyone to see if you don't believe us. We think this tells us all about Mushroom John, and his greed, honesty and expertise! We also believe that Hawkseye and Sporeworks have conspired to control The Shroomery, and the things available on it. "Vendors" who
can advertise or sell, and control who else does, changed captions on pictures, bribed people, etc. Their own little club to use Mr. G's free gifts to rape the public? Some friends they are! Who needs enemies?!

We offer the following kits in 12cc solutions of spores, delivered
through a sterile, 1", 16 gauge needle. This is enough for many
microscope slides:

Psilocybe Azurescen,
Mr. G's B+ Strain
$15.00 each

B Strain, smaller version
$15.00 each

Psilocybe Mexicana:
$15.00 each. FMF Strain or we have heard it called "Mexicana B" by the
public. There were rumors (from their own literature, join FMRC and
see!) that FMRC had found a Mexicana growing wild in Florida. We even
heard that Peele may have thought it was a Mexicana/Cubensis hybrid
found on the Gulf Coast near Pensacola, but Steve denies (vigorously)
has ever found one. We guess that means ours may have been the only strain ever found in Florida, we know of. If you know of them, let us know and we will log and record them. Ours grows easily, and stains a strong blue, much more then Cubensis. It has a extreme point on the Cap and you will get a lot of strange mutants from them. Some mushrooms
grow sideways, the cap seems to mutate very readily, until gills are on top of cap, etc. This is one of the first species ever grown in the Lab we know of, and it is documented on the link at the bottom of our page by
Albert Hoffman (this is where someone we know of got his method folks, the brown rice flour and vermiculite).
"We think he (Stamets) may know a little more then Steve Peele", says Mr.G "and certainly more then John Allen!" We have nothing against Steve
or FMRC, despite rumors to the contrary. We just wish that when he sold a print, it was bigger then a piece of "blotter". We wonder if he has been eating and tripping on edibles again. Bad habit that it appears to be, OK! "Next! No soup for you, John, Steven!" Thanks Jerry! We are
going to become Mushroom Nazi's. Heil Hitler!

Psilocybe Cubensis Strains:

Treasure Coast Cubensis
$15.00 each. If you want albinos, chill when ready to pin, and grow in
drier conditions (hint).

$20.00 parent to TC, throws albinos in wild and indoors with no
manipulation necessary. The TC does produce more (albinos).

AR-15, excellent strain originating from St. Lucie County, Near Adam's
Ranch, a historical landmark.
$15.00 each, large and potent. Reminds us of the Ecuadorian.

Panaeolous Tropicalis
Florida Strain
$25.00 "out of spores till 5/11"

P. Tropicalis info:
We know of no other Florida Strains or Isolations, this is it folks.
Tropicalis is the only one we have seen other spore vendors sell. We found it and know the very small area where, and when (winter), it fruits. Mr.G was told to positively ID his "Tropicalis" from the
Hawkseye page by MJ (John Allen), when it was Mr.G who made the ID and gave to Hawk and others in the first place! When he isolated this exotic strain, everybody, especially Workman from Sporeworks, using his visual
ID method (like the one he used on the B+) said it was not really different from a Pan Cyan it was a small Pan Cyan. Now he sells it as Tropicalis. He also sells the B+, and even calls it a "false Azurescen".
We think it would be one hell of a lot easier to isolate a Azurescen that will fruit in warm temperatures with no casing, then to create a Cubensis which looks like a mutant grown indoors, and looks like a Ps. Azurescen and sometimes a Ps. Cyanescen when grown outdoors. It will'
fruit in Cold or Warm weather, etc. This mushroom does look like an Azurescen on natural substrates, like wood and straw. This is well documented on Hawk's page, and he also documents fruitings at temperatures of 45f in December! Cubensis? We wish! We wouldn't eat a mushroom dinner with Workman or Hawk (John or Steve either)! We have
seen "their" visual ID skills.
When we heard about MJ (John Allen) telling Mr.G to get a positive ID of the real Pan. Tropicalis using the "Hawkseye" site, We laughed like hell
because we know the truth.

Thank you again Mr.G! He gave freely as long as he was credited for
strains he isolated, or discovered, or created by accident, if they
marketed or sold. No one would have these highly active, vigorous
strains if it were not for Mr.G! Thanks You Sir!!!

Panaeolous Cyanescen/White can be almost translucent, with heavy blue

Florida Strain
out of stock/ETA May 1st

Coplandia Cyanescen
Florida Strain
$25.00 (out of stock until 5/11. (This is different from the Pan Cyan)
This mushroom has a red stem, and bruises blue only at the base. It
looks like a "LBM". The above are supposed to be the same type of
mushroom. They are completely different. Don't ask us, both highly
active. The latter looks like the one on Mushroom John's (John Allen's)
homepage, the former a much larger version of the Tropicalis, but the
cap expands to full plane in the wild and the Tropicalis remains
conical. The Tropicalis never grows on pure dung the other does. It
might grow beside it or even under it, but never, never in it. It likes
composted or rotten dung and rich dirt. It fruits in a different
and there are other different things that make it distinct, besides the
size and bluing strength and speed, which are incredible!

New Discovery!
Psilocybe Martinesis:
$40.00 each. New Species, highly potent, hard to grow. Mr. G tells a
hilarious story about the discovery to friends, he says "I didn't even
see the damned things" until he stepped on one, and it stuck to his
like a fresh cow pie. He said "I was trying to shake it off, trying to
figure when I stepped in shit, when I saw a mushroom smashed in the
Sand!" Then I thought my bag had a hole in it, and was wondering if I
had been smoking and end this business too long because "I couldn't
figure how that mushroom fell through the tiny pinhole." "I almost
didn't find them ,they found ME!" he says. " I noticed they were
everywhere!" (real high tech we know, "public's bag" STERILE LOL :-)
Let's have some fun for a change!
We believe this mushroom is like the Tampensis discovery, except Mr.G
did take spore prints. He believes it was a one time fruiting for many

Panaeolous Subbalteatus:
$20.00 each. Very potent strain, best we have ever seen!

B+ Dilemma:
The B+ is an Azurescen. Look at the top picture courtesy of "Hawkseye."
What a Cubensis, NOT! Is it possible to imagine or isolate a "Cubensis
Strain" able to fruit on pure wood! The B+ will and it has been done
many times. It is documented by Hawk as growing on pure wood and
fruiting at 45f, read his page! If we could do this to a Cubensis, we
would be Gods or Magicians, it is impossible! It will grow on most
things we have heard of people growing mushrooms on, except does poorly
on pure dung. It will grow in compost, but that is different. You can
stick colonized grain balls in manure, and they will fruit, but that is
different from growing in pure manure. Now that is wonderful, excellent
mushroom whatever it is!
It was purchased as a Azurescen from JLF originally for $40.00, then
suffered a over-heating accident and survived, then out grew some
Panaeolous spores (B strain). It was then exposed to a little chemical
manipulation (cholchicine) and Mr.G had the huge, potent B+. Cubensis
WILL NOT fruit on pure wood, it will grow but not fruit. The B+ will!
has gone wild in some areas. Please be careful with it! (Please!) It
will take over and kill the native mushroom population. It will spread
like fire! It lives in leaf litter and debris from the Sea Grape, Sea
Oats and Dune Grasses at the beach on Hutchinson, and Jupiter Islands
respectively. The real B+ does not look like a Cubensis, in our
and the best pictures that show the disappearing veil, the huge gnarled
stem and other Un-Cubensis like features, were originally taken by
Workman and Hawk, then posted on their website or the Shroomery
You can see the white specked background which was Workman's trademark
for a while. The picture of the giant B+, next to 4" tall TC Cubensis
was taken by Mr.G and posted by him originally. It read "B+ beside
regular 4" Cubensis". It was later changed to read "Herben's B+"? By
who? We wonder! NOT!!! We Know!!!
The real B+ has 3 unique markers or tags. It will sometimes develop
spots on the cap, and the spot will rot away to black liquid. The other
is on the stem, there is a stripe or a thick "vein" or difference in
stem surface, running vertical and about 1/8-1/4" in width on some
specimens in every fruiting. Sometimes it is the same color as the rest
of the stem, but the texture is different, sometimes in addition to the
texture difference the color of the stripe is dark or light brown. It
also has a complete coverage of vertical ridges on the stem from the
annual ring area connection, to the stem connection with cap. We have
seen fakes or mistakes being sold. The top picture is B+ grown in
outdoor natural conditions on straw and other natural medias. This
strain IS Workman's current Azurescen, (Hammond strain my ass, Doc
Hammond would like to have known Workman was stealing from HIM!) and he
had the gall to say it was a Cubensis with a visual ID? Now he sells it
for both, the B+ and Azurescen, charges more, and laughs at everyone
all the way to the Bank!
The second is Treasure Coast Cubensis, sold to anonymous vendor as B+
Hawkseye, guess he doesn't want the master strain out to the
competition. Why not give him a clone gene (dumb-ass) and watch him and
his customer's strains self destruct? He gives them to his customers,
why not? The TC contains a natural, recessive, Albino Gene. You will
get Albino's eventually. Dry conditions are what the gene likes best,
that and if your chilling he's willing. That means 72 hours or more in
the cold. It's that easy with real TC spores. The third is Mr. G's
Tropicalis fruiting indoors. The small cap problem can be fixed with a
calcium supplemented casing or substrate, contact Mr.G for details.

NEW PRODUCT/ Organic Fertilizer
1/2 Kilogram, $15.00
1 Kilogram, $25.00

This is organic fertilizer collected only from our BEST fields, with no
salt or mineral block, and no feed supplements. It is pasteurized, and
dried before shipping, so you don't pay for water weight. Use it under
all your shrubs and low trees and bushes in the shade. You can also
compost it for mushroom growing, by placing on damp vermiculite in a
plastic container with lid. Different types of Fertilizer comes from
different places. You pick which place you want yours to come from.
fertilizer will make anything you are wishing to grow kick ass or grow
better, and provide enough of a start to make you self sufficient with
that type of spore print. It will give you everything you need, for
whatever you are wishing to grow in your "magic garden". Seeds,
Bacteria, Spores, all killed. They will not germinate, because they
killed by the pasteurization and drying process. This protects the
fertilizer from decomposition during storage and shipment.
We include an ID kit with each organic fertilizer order.

You pick what field type:

P. Tropicalis Field

Treasure Coast Cubensis Field

SF-1/Albino Field

Ar-15 Field, this strain is very large and potent. Reminds us much of
the Ecuadorian.

Coplandia Cyanescens Field

P. Cyanescen Field (out of stock till 5/1, then 5/11 on Both)

To order and for payment instructions contact:
sales@fmfarms.com or mastergrower@fmfarms.com
For techs and a Gold mine of information freely given out by Mr.G and
more then welcomed to be linked or copied as long as you credit "Mr.G"
the author for for it, contact him and ask. He is building a website
all to see and use. It will have a folder for each of the 4 stooges.
Hawk, Sporeworks (Workman), John Allen and Steven Peele will have all
their e-mails to Mr.G from day one, listed and posted. Read the TRUTH
for yourself. LOL When we are tired or having a bad day, we read these
crazed rantings and we laugh like mad! It gives us a much needed break,
and relief from REAL mycology!

For problems or help contact

Shipping additional on Compost. We ship to you anyway you choose. We
take cash, certified checks and money orders (International) or
trades. To order contact:

If you are a Chronic Pain Patient, Handicapped or Disabled, a Poison
Control Center, Hospital or Educational Facility please contact
mastergrower@fmfarms.com or mastergrower@fmfarms.com">mastergrower@fmfarms.com

Organization: Foggy Mountain Farms

To: mjshroomer@yage.net

Subject: Surprise Just for you!

Enjoy, you are Dumb if you don't really see how this could have happened. i am going to expose you for the fraud you are! Don't bother e-mailing back. You are blocked!

We carry Mushroom ID kits. We isolated the following, and have the Masters that ALL vendors sell of these strains. They are all native Florida Strains, found and/or isolated by Mr.G personally. The ONLY wxception is the the B+, which was purchased originally from "JLF", as an Azurescen for $40.00 US. When we mention any of these strains or
their history, unless the B+ is mentioned we are talking about the Florida isolations only. The B+ was isolated in Florida, but by accident. "It found me" Mr.G says. If other vendors have the "Real McCoy", they got it here! Mr. G's strains are some of the most popular and best in the world. They are carried by most major vendors, and few acknowledge the true isolator or creator. The following strains were all found and or isolated by OUR Mr.G and all came from US. We are the
"Brand Name" vendor! We isolated it, and sell the Brand Name. We also know the best way to grow and produce each. We have the purest forms of all "OUR" strains, for ID purposes. If your spores match the ones we sell, you have the "real thing". These strains are considered a
benchmark for identification of the listed species and isolations. Our Cubensis and a couple other South American Strains and Species came from the Spanish, and all of the mushrooms they came across in their travels and conquests. The rest came from Hawaii (mostly Pans). The spores
hitchhiked here on the thousands of sunken Treasure Ships, by the livestock that swam ashore and survived, on people, in bed clothes, etc.

You name it! If they can stick or lie on it they are gone! Mr.G thinks the Psilocybes all originated from a single "Eve". This "Eve" followed Mankind where ever they went in their travels, and would they not have mutated and spread into so many species and strains if not for Man. It ended up in the South American or Mexican Region, and that is the birth
place of the Cubensis, not Vietnam where it was supposedly first cataloged and classified (according to Mushroom John in a flaming scorch even though this has been stolen and placed on "his buddy" the Hawkseye's page). These are two entirely different issues. If John is so worried about accuracy, and not just out to "get" or slander us, why
pick on us. You have your theories, Mr.G has his, right? If a theory can't be proved it isn't worth a damn, right John? Why doesn't he correct his buddy Hawk? "The ones that Stain Blue", have a wonderful page. It tells of how mushrooms are spread naturally, and is very informative. Much more informative and accurate then MJ's page. He is screaming and crazed, he is ranting about soil being acidic? Working
himself up about this, till he is foaming at the mouth? What is the big deal? We believe (Cubensis) it arrived in the South East Asias (i.e. Vietnam), second hand from other places. It came with the Spanish, French, who knows? The Spanish used Cuba as a resupply and recreation area, and would wait until large groups of ships were ready to return
to Spain. They depended on safety in numbers from Pirates, etc. They would sail the Florida Straits to Key Largo, then follow the East Coast of Florida, keeping land in sight at all times. When they reached Cape Hatteras, N. Carolina, they would turn for Spain. They made two fatal mistakes. They did not sound the area, or do surveys to establish where the reefs were (map), and did not realize there was a Hurricane Season.
They realized it very quickly when they got the bottom's knocked out of their ships on the Reefs, and had to sink or swim! The livestock did well if it was released prior to sinking. The men unfortunately, did not do as well. They were scared to take baths, let alone learn how to swim.
There were still quite a few survivors, and there have been recent discoveries of recovery operations they (the Spanish) conducted in Ft. Pierce, Sebastian, and Melbourne, Florida. They would set up a base and use free divers to try and recover what they could, based on the testimony of the survivors. This was occurring before the founding of St. Augustine. These ship's manifests and records are all on display in Seville, Spain. Mr.G has had extensive conversations and correspondence with the late Mel Fisher and learned a lot from him.

Our Panaeolus came from Hawaii during the trade and commerce that occurred, when Martin Co,. Florida, was the Pineapple Capitol of the US.

"John Allen" SCREAMS! "This is impossible"! He says "the soil around the pineapple roots would have been to acidic to carry the spores"? He knows
little about pineapple cultivation for someone who is a "self
proclaimed" expert. We personally think he couldn't tell a pile of Goose Shit from Tapioca Pudding, lol! That is pretty obvious since he is selling one mushroom for Pan Cyan and his buddies are selling an ENTIRELY different one for Pan Cyans. These "experts" (lol) didn't notice?
Pineapple slips are simply the "Pineapple Crown" with the lower leaves stripped off so it has a stub about 3/4 of an inch long on the bottom. There is no "acidic soil!" This is allowed to dry in a cool, dark, dry place for at least 3 days, and then it will keep for a long time. You simply stick it in the ground, and push soil down around it to start or activate it, Mr. G grows BIG ones. They grow very easily, and will
produce 3 fruitings. They take 18-22 months to bear the first Pineapplein Florida weather. Anyone can start a Pineapple from the grocery store by this same method. What does that have to do with what we said, John?

No one said anything about "soil" but you! That would be a stupid way
for spores to travel, we agree! Is that your "BEST" idea? If John Allen a is a good example of a Mycologist, we don't want to BE associated with Mycologists!
Now the good Mycologists know how to think for hemselves. Example:
Stamets, in "Psilocybes of the World", mentions a good example, that with the corresponding link at our page bottom, from Dr. Albert Hoffman (Thanks Big AL!) helps PROVE Mr. G's theory. Where is your proof,
Is it because YOU say? lol. Stamets mentions a story of being called out WEST (maybe Montana, we don't remember read and see) to identify a strange, unknown mushroom. He arrives, and discovers the Panaeolous Cyanescen. He discovered the farmer had just bought horses from
Florida, and knew what had happened, read his books, it is a good story. Stamets knew the spores had hitch-hiked in the bellies of the Horses. We also know that Stamets has "forgotten" more then MJ will ever know! We have
too! So has about anyone out there, who has even read ANYTHING about Psilocybes. Don't let John Allen bully you, his ship is sinking. Case, CLOSED! Your turn John, prove ANYTHING! We would love to point out the
flaws in your theories. Lay them on us. How do you think the mushrooms got to Florida? You are quick to scream, slander and bad mouth people,
what is your idea? Do you have any?
We have first hand accounts of the Native Americans, and even the original locals settlers, using these mushrooms as early as the 1810's. So they were discovered long before "Vietnam". "Vietnam" was wrong anyway, "John", according to the "Stain Blue" page. Stain Blue does not
know we mentioned them, and would probably be horrified. Sorry! We do think they have a wonderful page, one of the BEST! We think the spores were on the leaves of Pineapple Slips, and in the bellies of the cattle, horses and other livestock. We think it would have been impossible to
STOP! Since a "stolen" version of this exists on the Hawkseye site, whom John "SELLS" many spore syringes to, maybe he wanted to persuade us
into taking it down before people discovered the truth about Hawk's theft!
"Bully" would better describe his (John Allen's) behavior. We have all his e-mails for everyone to see if you don't believe us. We think this tells us all about Mushroom John, and his greed, honesty and expertise! We also believe that Hawkseye and Sporeworks have conspired to control The Shroomery, and the things available on it. "Vendors" who
can advertise or sell, and control who else does, changed captions on pictures, bribed people, etc. Their own little club to use Mr. G's free gifts to rape the public? Some friends they are! Who needs enemies?!

We offer the following kits in 12cc solutions of spores, delivered
through a sterile, 1", 16 gauge needle. This is enough for many
microscope slides:

Psilocybe Azurescen,
Mr. G's B+ Strain
$15.00 each

B Strain, smaller version
$15.00 each

Psilocybe Mexicana:
$15.00 each. FMF Strain or we have heard it called "Mexicana B" by the
public. There were rumors (from their own literature, join FMRC and
see!) that FMRC had found a Mexicana growing wild in Florida. We even
heard that Peele may have thought it was a Mexicana/Cubensis hybrid
found on the Gulf Coast near Pensacola, but Steve denies (vigorously)
has ever found one. We guess that means ours may have been the only strain ever found in Florida, we know of. If you know of them, let us know and we will log and record them. Ours grows easily, and stains a strong blue, much more then Cubensis. It has a extreme point on the Cap and you will get a lot of strange mutants from them. Some mushrooms
grow sideways, the cap seems to mutate very readily, until gills are on top of cap, etc. This is one of the first species ever grown in the Lab we know of, and it is documented on the link at the bottom of our page by
Albert Hoffman (this is where someone we know of got his method folks, the brown rice flour and vermiculite).
"We think he (Stamets) may know a little more then Steve Peele", says Mr.G "and certainly more then John Allen!" We have nothing against Steve
or FMRC, despite rumors to the contrary. We just wish that when he sold a print, it was bigger then a piece of "blotter". We wonder if he has been eating and tripping on edibles again. Bad habit that it appears to be, OK! "Next! No soup for you, John, Steven!" Thanks Jerry! We are
going to become Mushroom Nazi's. Heil Hitler!

Psilocybe Cubensis Strains:

Treasure Coast Cubensis
$15.00 each. If you want albinos, chill when ready to pin, and grow in
drier conditions (hint).

$20.00 parent to TC, throws albinos in wild and indoors with no
manipulation necessary. The TC does produce more (albinos).

AR-15, excellent strain originating from St. Lucie County, Near Adam's
Ranch, a historical landmark.
$15.00 each, large and potent. Reminds us o

Edited by mjshroomer (04/27/02 10:45 AM)

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620342 - 04/27/02 10:59 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

lets stop the rediculous conflict..
Mr. G appears to be deluded, and he does not back up his statements with facts. MJ you appear to be attacking him, although a good portion of it is in defence of good information and against Mr. G's conjecture.
either way, it doesn't matter.. just ignore Mr. G until he can play nice.

If I made affront, I apologize.
If I made affirmation, I apologize.
I merely came to listen, came to say.

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: DinoMyc]
    #620349 - 04/27/02 11:12 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

^^^ I have to disagree... The more this gets out, the less people who will perpetuate his misinformation. I say, keep it up...

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620361 - 04/27/02 11:37 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Regarding Pineapples in Florida,

I have to place Mr. G in his BS Corner.

Pineapples are not from Hawaii Mr. G.

They originally are from Brazil. Duh! What school are you from.

Reference for original pineapple location:

here is where they come from:
"pineapples, cashews, and tobacco come from coastal Brazil."

John: "Very close to Florida."

While some people in Florida raised pineapples in the middle to late 1880s, the large plantations did not appear in Florida until around 1886 when the railroads were built and able to ship large shipments of pineapples to the rest of the North America. 1886 was the year most Florida started to grow pine apples. I went to several websites for this information.

here are the results.

1. I wrote in Pineapples in Martin County Florida into the search engines and here is what I found.

2. http://floridatreasures.com/stlucie.html/
" In 1800, pineapples became the leading industry and the region was soon known as America's Pineapple Belt. Henry Flagler brought his Florida East Coast Railway through Fort Pierce (1894) and on to Key West in 1912 and began importing pineapples direct from Cuba in bulk. This competition for the northern markets, combined with frequent freezes and persistent diseases soon caused the pineapple industry to collapse."

3. http://www.jensenchamber.com/pineapplefestival.asp#Pineapples/

Pineapples brought John Jensen, TOP^
who built the Al Fresco

It was in 1888 that John Jensen received the land grant that was the founding of Jensen Beach. He came here to develop the pineapple industry. Jensen Beach grew to be a pineapple center, shipping over one million crates of pineapples a year.

4. http://www.treasureguide.com/_martin/lookingback/pg141.shtml/

"Martin County: Named in honor of Florida Gov. John W. Martin, whose political blessing was seen as important in establishing the county in 1925.
Jensen Beach: Named for John L. Jensen, who arrived in 1882 to grow pineapples west of the Indian River"

5. http://www.palmcity.org/history.asp/

Garden crops of pineapples, oranges and grapefruit were grown at the "Demonstration Farm" on Martin Grade (now Martin Highway) to show customers what they could expect from farming in Palm City. PBCLC bought boats, mule-teams, comfortable covered wagons, and a surrey with a fringe on top (later replaced by a Model T Ford) to take the customers around the countryside. Charles Dirr was the official taxi guide, later purchasing his own taxi for hire. The Land Company also provided a ferry, which made 3 trips daily to Stuart from 1912 to 1919."

6. http://www.flausa.com/destinations/location.php/location=ci-jnb/

:In 1895, so many pineapples were grown in Jensen Beach that it was called the "Pineapple Capital of the World."


Where Did Stuart Get Its Name?
Stuart, Florida on the beautiful St. Lucie River was named in honor of Homer Hine Stuart Jr.
Homer Hine Stuart Jr.'s motive for coming to Florida in 1883 and settling on the St. Lucie River is not clear. Perhaps it was to purchase land for the family's future. Homer was not the only member of the family to acquire land in Florida. His mother, sister, brother in law, niece and nephew all owned land on the river. Homer built a bungalow on the north side of the St. Lucie River and commenced to grow pineapples as everyone else in the area was doing. "

8. http://www.ona1a.com/History/StLucie.html


Although the Spanish began visiting the Ft. Pierce and St. Lucie County region as far back as 1565, the first permanent settlement wasn't established until 1838.

St. Lucie and Indian River counties share much of the same history since Indian River was formed from part of St. Lucie County in 1905. Initially, citrus and cattle were the regions first important income producers. A major shift occurred in 1880, when Captain Thomas E. Richards began raising pineapples. Richard called his homestead "Eden," and for several years his land seemed truly blessed. He and other settlers were so successful at growing and exporting pineapples that the area became known as America's Pineapple Belt.

Unfortunately, frequent freezes and rampant diseases eventually wiped out the pineapple industry. Cattle and citrus became dominant once more. Some pineapple farmers, however, realized they could make good money from truck farming by raising out-of-season vegetables to be shipped north. Tomatoes and winter vegetables are still widely raised here today. "

10. http://www.rootsweb.com/~flstluci/slchistory.htm/


Captain Thomas E. Richards, a shipbuilder from New Jersey, started a pineapple plantation along the Indian River. He thought the area was so beautiful that he named it Eden after the Garden of Eden. The plantation at one time had it's own railway depot and a dock which extended 1,500 feet into the river. A wonderful collection of letters written by Lucie Richards between 1880 and 1888 and compiled by Raymond Richards Brown, titled "Memories of Eden" allows the reader to "see" early pioneer life along the Saint Lucie River. Available at the Saint Lucie County Historical Museum Gift Shop or write to Raymond R. Brown, 2373 Stone Haven Court East, Orange Park Florida 32065.

Edenlawn Plantation

This pineapple plantation was built in the late nineteenth century, by William Merwin, an oysterman from Milford, Connecticut. The pineapple industry collapsed at the end of World War I and the plantation was converted to a nursery and fernery.

11. http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/8428/hikeplans/fruitland_park/planfruitland.html

Rooks built his home on the shore of this lake in 1877. In it, their son Frederick was born in 1882, making him the first white child born in Fruitland Park.

Rooks was a horticulturalist, with a nursery covering several acres, the first one in Fruitland Park. He was successful with olives, pineapples and citrus. In 1887, he patented a preparation for the preservation of oranges.

Maybe now one will realize why I have posted these facts from the internet from reliable sources in Florida and elsewhere. to show how he fools people into believing his tales.


Hope this satisfies everyone.

I will make a spearate post about their origins.


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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620365 - 04/27/02 11:43 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

flashback .

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: gorgebush]
    #620381 - 04/27/02 12:15 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)


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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: nw2shroom]
    #620392 - 04/27/02 12:31 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Mr. nw2shroom.

You have 114 posts. I have 4264 posts. I know of what I am talking about and Mr. G does not. He spreads nothing but discontent here at these sites by postiung misinformation and false information. Maybe that is what you are interested in. Most of the shroomers here are not interested in false or misleading facts and I have we all have every right to correct these facts. He apparently is the one with a problem so don't b at me unless you know what you are talking about.

We are all here to learn and when someone bs's the purpose of this site with BS then anyone and everyone should respond with the facts which is all I have done.

Mr. G posts his bs on these pages and when I respond to correct his misinformation, many of you newbies come into the forum and post about the griping and complain that I am too hard on this man who takes credit for the B+ strain of P. cubensis.

I have not made any complaints about this B+ but everything else has been BS. WE do not want BS here.

As for flaming. That generally belongs in the off-topic forum.

This man sells spores of species he alleges are what he says and smany are not even real mushrooms. This has been gone over and over and over. If you want to buy from him he has Azurescens-cubensis strains Hybred so he says.

Go for it. Myybe you will grow some.

Thats just one example.

As for your complaining about my complaints. Have you yourself contributed any good information to these Pages.

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shroom deity
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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620456 - 04/27/02 01:57 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)


I am not defending MR.G , what I am saying is that you and everyone else that feels the need to relay this information , need to request that the Shroomery open a bitching forum, because when this type of thing starts, it takes forever to stop. I feel that you are 1) trying to prove your point, wich is valid but- 2) the eltist attitude you take by bringing up the amount of posts you have is, well,immiterial- should we all strive to have that many posts? should we be in awe, over the sheer magnitude of the posts? If one person only posted one thing and it was of immense value to the community as a whole, would that carry less stature than youre thousands of posts?-- I think not.

If you have a problem with someone post it once , use the same thread - dont make multiple threads so you may possibly make more people aware of the issues - they will see it or they wont, it is up to them.

You stated that you do not want BS here, I agree- but adding fact upon fact ,excerpts from letters, wich may or may not be true( I say that because it is the type of thing that can be fabricated , also if it is in the form of a PM it was meant to be exactly that,a PM, not to be posted for public veiwing), only will help to confuse the issues at hand.State your claim and people will follow or they won't-like I said it is up to them , and truthfully the more militant and detant themes , with a chronologicall cut and paste and retort to letters from someone, only turns people off . just last week there was issue between bluethumbs and MicronMagick, (I believe it was those two) both are great vendors and I buy from both , but they were sucked into defending themselves and the issue never got anywhere,.refer to a post -


and read my post in that thread.

you asked me if I have ever contributed anything good to the community, yes I have , one of those things that I have contributed to this community is that I try to keep a neutral stance when someone has something to say about another , because really who says that one person is a 'expert' over another- usually that 'expert' title is self proclaimed,and is a fitting moniker to few , maybe a handfull, are you one of those in the handfull?

I have purchased spores/ products, from several vendors , including MR.G and have a very few problems from any of them, but since this post Is about MR.G, I'll say this, the spores I received have all been clean and viable, and I feel many will agree on this ,If we find a vendor with good clean prints, I am going to buy them from him/her no matter where THEIR theory says they came from, on a boat , on pineapple shit, or from a asteroid from uranis(no pun ,we all know diamonds come out from there) .

As for you feeling that my previous post was a flame- I apologize, for you feeling that way- sometimes we all burst out before thinking ,but we are all human , but not many of us are 'experts' so we make mistakes at times.
goodbye, and sally forth with the crusade , with youre mycology knowledge , against the scourge of the shroomerite world .

the experts are with you...

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620478 - 04/27/02 02:22 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

john dont i remember you selling 100 sryinges? those couldnt have been spore syringes could they? i wonder who bought them?
you keep dumping on MrG and hey, if thats what you wanna do fine. the only place ive heard the hybrid thing was on max mushrooms site if i remember corretly, i see you didnt shit down you leg on that one but none the less. there have been alot of shitty vendors and con aritists on the shroomery, yet this is the first guy i can remember you absolutly dumping all over. the sporechicks straight up fucked ppl outta cash, wheres the indignation? i dont see you opening 30 fucking thread over them. has MrG been anything but wrong, at least in your opinion? can you say hes fucked ppl outta money? cause thats the big one my friend. i could care less of his knowledge about this subject than his actually producing and being quick on top of that. ive exp that first hand, so thers no conjecture.
who bought the syringes? if they werent yours, how much did you make off it? cause i remeber you opening at least one thread, and im thinking more, about selling 100 syringes all in bulk. you wouldnt sell them individually, cause several ppl asked. am i wrong? am i wrong about you saying oyu never sold a syringe in your life? and since your righteousness isnt divied out evenly, whats your prob with MrG? you are making a huge deal about knowledge of a fucking fungi. inconsequential knowledg by the way. i know i dont gie a shit, and m willing to bet most others dont either, where pan cyans are from or how they got here. we give a fuck about the now with them. glad theyre here. and despite this post, im glad someone, namely you, has decided to find some psilos out there so we can be elitest about how many strains we have back here. theres som many legit different ones now. thats what matters. and trying to bury not only a guy but a biz on arcane knowledge is shitty. he has prints, they aint small, and hes quick. who wants to bitch? fmfarms.com

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620483 - 04/27/02 02:26 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

gorgebush, doesn't many post. becouse of my job , and security reasons, i change my user name often .. And i remeber the spore wars, and the rest of that bullshit from several years back... and you are coming up with the same shit.. what did you cut and paste his site here ?? Origin of shrooms ?? who gives a fuk ... it has nothing to do if growing them... And proof of the orgin of shrooms is non exsistant... as is the orgin of the false auz , or B+ or what ever you wish to call it .
perhaps some spore comparisons , or a 1 on 1 with Mr. G himself would be cool , but god damnit man look at yourself ... your out of controll , your post are like his... He is pissed off , maybee rightfully so? what is your deal ? maybee the TWO of you should post here .... but are you looking for symapthy?? maybee others to join you to talk shit about Mr. G ... i can tell you with out his presence you will get nothing accomplished , no one here is gonna speak up on his behalf .. why they can't .. not with your dick in there mouth ....

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: nw2shroom]
    #620489 - 04/27/02 02:31 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

The problem is that Mr. G insists on constantly posting all out lie's and misinformation on a public forum(usually the wrong forum), with no regard for the hundreds of people he has just mislead with his bullshit. If you want to open a bitching forum for mjshroomer than maybe we should open a misinformation forum for Mr. G and make that the only forum he is allowed to post in.

It is fuckers like mr. G going around mindlessly spreading misinformation that is responsible for all the nonsense urban legend about strychnine in lsd and heroin in extacy, mescalin in lsd microdots and all of the other crap that serves no other purpose than to make humanity evermore ignorant. The sad thing is that even with people pointing out all of his inconsistancies there are still ignorant retards out there who still read his nonsense and still believe it.

I am amazed that the moderators still allow Mr.G access to the forum. This forum "claims" to be about stopping the spread of misinformation yet the people running it allow him to constantly spread misinformation.

Yes opinions are opinions, however there is a difference between having an opinion on something and all out just making up lies and decieving people with them- no doubt just so that he can peddle his products to everybody too stupid to realize that all of his selling points are BS.

Notice that Mr.G never comes back to defend himself. Rather, he simply logs on under another name and backs up his own products. It is obvious when he does this because his poor grammer sticks out like none other. I will not mention names but anybody who is paying attention can tell instantly when he is backing his own products and service under another screen name.

So Mjshroomer- keep up the good work. I am glad that there is somebody here who cares enough about the truth to waste there own time trying to inform people oif the facts.

And Mr. G- please go away- or why don't you go peddle your shit to the dumbass on alt drugs who is looking for a cheaper way to get distilled water other then buying it at the store for like 89 cents per gallon. You guys would be perfect together.

"Catholic church molestation scandel- the lord works in mysterius ways indeed........"


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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: delysid_1]
    #620581 - 04/27/02 04:04 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

o yes im a sock. i got accused of that another time simply for sticking up for what i though was bullshit. well ok. im going to PM thor and ask hi to post my IP info. i remiind everyone that MrG lives in Florida. i cant fucking wait to blow you motherfuckers up.

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: Peyotl]
    #620589 - 04/27/02 04:16 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

he went all balistic on me... crazy mofo.
I already told him that the shroomery doesn't track IP's, and someone else already backed me up on that... i guess he just forgot this fact.
By the way, great idea posting your IP, you're just asking to be hacked by the masses.

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620592 - 04/27/02 04:21 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Fuck Mr.G. I'm new here and I've read his posts, he talks out his fucking ass and pulls his own chain acting like hes some big shit. I've seen some other people act elitest but Mr.G is full of himself. He spouts shit that doesn't make sense and hardly tries to back it up, and when he does its either a logical fallacy or just opinion. He's full of shit and it pisses me off because I came to these forums for information from people who KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT, not bullshit. If I wanted completely misconstrued opinion based "facts" about mycology I'd learn from the fucking media.
Fuck Mr. G, these forums are to STOP the spread of misinformation.. I say tell him to stop his bullshit or leave.

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: TheShroomHermit]
    #620598 - 04/27/02 04:27 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

ah but there is a method to my madness: im changing IPs soon. nuke away muthas, im gone soon!
and btw, in that thread you linked, theres a guy in there saying that my ip can be traced.
i emailed thor. if hes willing, orcan saying what this dods saying is true, he has my permission to post the @myip.com of my IP to prove im not MrG. or and im going out on a limb here with you fucks, thor can check it, and just vouch for my living in a different state. i hope 1100 miles is enough for you guys. as a matter of fact, where i emailed thor from eliminates me from being mr g: WEBTV!!! anyway, have fun. its been posted. im just hours away from being discovered as the liar i am. pull up some chairs.

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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: delysid_1]
    #620621 - 04/27/02 04:51 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Thanks for the support and for the critism.

However, delysid_1 is correct in his words that the Shroomery advertises itself as the site to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation concerning mushrooms and many people seem to let it go on and on and on.

AS for Mr. G, that letter I posted is not cut up and was posted exactly as it was mailed to me from the

at the top to the page

to the x XXXXXXXXxxxx

at the bottom of the page. Mr. G also posted the exact letter denounceing me at his site.


He also writes as he is Mr. G and then makes writes sentences in a third person mode by praising MR. G for doing this and doing that.

My complaint with him is that he wrote me many letters and asked real questions about mushrooms and when I replied he in turn posted a lot of shit about my replies to him on this site in a few other posts elsewhere. and after about three letters he started to make more and more stories up. Like Sean 1234 and a few other puppet names which came from Florida, including the infamous 21pounds of shrooms character who also wrote and spelled exactly like Mr. G.

Its a shame that people support that shit posts yet when their are real flame wars which dig into personalities then everyone eats that up and replies.

I lived in Hawaii for twelve years and had legal permission on every major cattle ranch in the islands, several of which are in the acknowledgements in my published papers thanking them for permission to go onto their property to study the various habtats and growth and develoopement of the Copelandia mushrooms, which I did almost ten months out of each year, for twelve years.

And I got paid for it on top of that.

I know the growng habitat of almost 86 of the more than 186 species of psilocybian mushrooms and I knew thatt he cattle in Florida do not come from Hawaii and I also knew the pineapples were also an introduced species in the island.

Mr. G advertises his spores from Florida as native species-A lie, he claims they originated in hawaii.

He also advetrtises a field of Panaeollus tropicalis, yet that is mycologically unsound since the primary species appears to be Copelandia cyanescens and only a few odd specimens of another species are ever present when one species dominates a field. Hence many cubies in one field and maybe a Copelandia or two but never many of both at the same time in the same field.

The P. antillarums come up and others will dominate a field while there are only a few of the antillarums and vicew-versa.

Someone said I posted bits and pieces or edited something.

Yes The pineapples production page showed that the pineapples werent produced in Florida 1880s. Those were excerted because they only related to pineapples in a few sentences on each webpage so no need to post the railroad infrmation or the settlements dates, yet each of the 11 paragrapshs were the only infor on pineapples on those web pages.

The letter from Mr. G is 100 percent the way he sent it to me.


And I do not controll anyone here at the shroomery or hold sway over their business.

As for shroom sporeprints, yes I sell hundreds of thousands of prints I get from growers in Amsterdam. I have been selling massive sporeprints for over 25 years.

To Peyotl,
I have never sold syringes to anyone ever and never would. It is not my bag. And yes I sell in lots of 100 sporeprints. I have sold them cheap so that others could make a living. I get very little for my prints.

One of my prints will make 7 to 10 syringes for a dealer. Get the idea. I do not make a lot because the prints belong to European growers. I get maybe ten percent for selling them

And as for spores, my only comments about mine sometimes are that i see someones pictures of certain strains I brought to the attention of the public (the shroomery) and I say things, like "wow, it is good to see my children spreading across the continent."

But then again, all of the Thailand, India, Malaysian, Koh Samui, Pink Buffalo and Cambodian strains of P. cubensis being sold here and elsewhere on the internet came from me. As did the Phuket, Koh Samui and Angkor Wat, Cambodia Copelandia cyanescens prints, were also first brought to this country by me.


No, I am sure that everyuone here who knows me knows that I do not ask others for credit for what i ahve done for the mushroom world. I do not ask for people to recognize credit for me doing that. IT was my pleasure to bring those treasures to everyone who has benifited from their cultivation efforts with those sporeprints.

Thats what I do. I supply spores and I am not ashamed of it.

I would say that about 75% of all spores sold on the internet come from spores I brought to America and then had friends in Europe and Amsterdam propogate.

And who I sell my spores to, just like who you buy your spores from is none of no one elses business.

I apologize to nw2shroom for sounding off at him about his complaint about this post.

have a shroomy day. IT was quite a run.


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Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: nw2shroom]
    #620642 - 04/27/02 05:34 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

For Mr. nw2shroom, you posted above the following quote:

"If someone spouts offr on how they have a certain strain , and it migrated from a pile of shit on a pineapple., or whatever, as long as the spores are clean, and the deal is good, and to the best of their knowledge it is what they say it is, im fookin' happy in the future when I can distinguish certain strains, and learn more about the true history and migration of the mushrooms, then maybe ill have something too bitch about, until then all this (refer to above about pineapple shit) ."

Mjshroomer: A lttle story of why I am who I am.

"In 1968, I was givin a half gram of what I was told were magic mushrooms.

Well I ate it and did not feel very much from it but it was rather light and things were shimmery.

And then I did not have any more shrooms until 1972.

I was living in Eugene, Oregon. I had a friend I had known for over ten years. He sold my wife and I a sealed unopened can of frozen mushrooms which he told me were magic mushrooms smuggled in from Mexico and that they were great and I would love them.

So for $75 dollars I purchased this can. The can looked exactly like a C-ration or K-ration can of which, being in the military years befoere, look like the military food cans.

Sealed to hide what was really in them. These mushrooms were consumed by my wife and I and one other couple. we were told there were sixteen doses in the can. So we left the can out over night and the next day we shared four doses amongst four of us.

Well the high was very electric and long, almost 14 hours. I though it was similar in effect to acid or mescaline because of the length of the trip. LAter some frineds drank some of the liquid and ended up going to the hospital to come down.

Now. In the 1970s, if you lived in either Lane County, Oregon and/or Humbolt County in California, then the University of Oregon would pay for any drug analyzation by individuals. These tests were conducted at Pharm Chem Labs in Palo Alto, California. and they were free.

In fact I have several sheets of analysis on shrooms in the 70s and 85% of the shrpooms analysed where the same ones I bought from my frineds. It turned out that I called into Phar Chem. They give me a secret number and then I mail in the samles with that number, the description of the drug and how much it cost and what it was suppose to be.

one week later, I called them back, gave them the number andit turned out that the canned frozen mushrooms which my friend claime came from Mexico, were actually Agaricus campestris mixed with LSD and then apparently sprayed and adulterated with PCP.

This accounted for the bad eperience my frineds had. All of the acid melted into the liqid at the bottom of the can so they had about four five or six doses of acid.

One ounce of these shrooms was equal to 250 micrograms of LSD. Thats how potent acid was in the early seventies. Most today is 65 mics.

I confronted my friend and he swore to me he got had bought the mushrooms in Mexico and smuggled them to the US.

Well those same mushrooms are still sold to people around the country. Someone recently had some for sale in Hawaii.

In Europe, they are also common, in similar GI tins, only the European ones analysed from Germany,apparently came from Asia. They were all shitake mushrooms in a can, fresh and frozen, not like dried ones in the store. And laced with LSD and PCP.

Well I began to wonder why someone would sell me something and tellme it was something other thanwhat it really was. Thus I began to look for the real shrooms.

My knowledge first came form scanning through hundreds of papers in University Libraries and at first that was rather difficult because College students were excising photos and articles from Journals and other books making it almost impossible to find any information about them. But I found them after seeing a photo by A.H. Smith in the Field Guide to Western Mushrooms and then went and found liberty caps from the photo. amd then later from Dr. Daniel Stuntz who identified several mushrooms for me.

YEs a lot of people can sell spores on the internet but again the lies behind them are bad kharma and people who are into shrooms are into good things. Not bullshit.

Again as was said above. The purpose of this site is to help stop the spread of dangerous misinformation.

You grow shrooms and you tell people it is a certain thing because you believe the person who sold it to you knows what he is saying and/or talking about. Then you tell someone else the story and it goes on and on like the domino effect.

Well many people BS to sell their products.

I do not. And I do not support people who burn other people in this manner.

In the last year, in my files, I have letters from over one hundred and forty-seven people who have asked me to put theirspore business website on my links page.

Only three of these people still have a web-site one year later.

If I put their company on my site and endorsed it and then people got ripped off, well then I feel liek a fool because people trust me and what I say. it would be very stupid of me to support people I do not know because three or four People reported that they were good business people.

That is my complaint here.

So I do not endorse anyone who asks this of me. And I do not support people who BS.

There is one company in Europe from Amsterdam that has changed the name of its site about twelve times in a few years.

They advertise Panaeolus cyanescens with a picture of Psilocybe cyanescens and call it a Hawaiian strain of P. cubensis.

Many of us older shroomerites posted this page of misinformation numerous times and then it disappears and reappears under a different name..

Now it is up again under another name by someone who has copied it but it has no emaill address and no offer of prints but misinformation. and one canot write this new person who is using the site.

I will see if I can find the post.

Another thing I constanly remind people of is that there are no Hawaiian strains of P. cubensis.. The ones sold by PESA and PF all orignated in someones basement or attic in the Hawaiian Islands and most likely came form a Mexican or PF strain developed by PF years ago. On the other hand I do not flame anyone selling those prints but I do post the facts presented above regarding the straoin of Hawaiian so theyknwo.. And I have never got flamed for letting people know about the Hawaiian strains.

I only offered Mr G. corrections and his true self shows in his posts.

Pf, Workman, Captain Max, major, mush-mush, B.I.O are all reliable vendors as is the Hawk, although he gets lazy sometimes with a few problems but he does replace orders if something happens.

Ralph is also one of the most honest of these spore vendors. He gives people the fairest prices of all on the internet. HE also deserves kind kudos for his free spore ring.

Mycot which is now Spores and Magic is also another like PF. They are very honest.

Yet there areI still many people here getting ripped off by new spore people all of the time. Usually their complaints are meaningless to those who did not get ripped off or have been ordering from reliable dealers.

I have never questioned Mr. G's B+ or his fast delivery service.

I will say that as a spore dealer, I have always mailed out peoples prints the same day I get their money or the morning after. not weks later.

And anyone here at the shroomery who has had dealings with me, whether it is art, t-shirts or books or spores can tell you their orders arrive very fast.

enough said.

I will post a little humor

Our Fearless President:


Edited by mjshroomer (04/27/02 05:53 PM)

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Registered: 03/06/02
Posts: 75
Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: mjshroomer]
    #620662 - 04/27/02 06:21 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

MJ, thank you as always!
I have tried to get some of Mr. G's "loaner/free" prints , but he has failed to send them.
I have no problems growing these out and getting you the results for all to see here.
It is sad to see that he seems so derranged...I think he might be the professor off of "The Simpsons"!!
Kudos to you MJ, and as always, I am SOOOOO confused. lol

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Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 59
Last seen: 22 years, 6 months
Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: feito]
    #620675 - 04/27/02 06:48 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Man that bush picture is some funny shiznit!!!

"Catholic church molestation scandel- the lord works in mysterius ways indeed........"


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Registered: 01/21/02
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Loc: A little North of Paradis...
Re: Mr. G Continues his BS [Re: delysid_1]
    #620688 - 04/27/02 07:02 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

IMHO, the best way to deal with BS, is to simply not step in it , turn away & ignore it. To do otherwise simply causes whoever is spewing fecal matter, to spew more. SixTango -- out

~whiskey river rafting, hot tubbing, dirty dancing & spending money on - wild women - having fun & just gonna waste the rest~

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