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Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11962 - 04/11/00 12:13 AM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Here's some pix of the first flush harvest.Here's the Cambodians (with cig pack for size comparison): And the motherload of Ecuadors: Now I can take over the world!!! Muahahahhaha! Seriously though, I'm really happy cause new pins are already starting for both strains. Hope they keep em coming  [This message has been edited by another_dimension (edited April 11, 2000).]
Registered: 12/14/99
Posts: 248
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11965 - 04/11/00 05:07 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Another Dimension..... Do me a favor and give us an honest non biased report down the road about the comparisons between the two strains in looks , potency etc... Whats the difference??? How different are the trips on the two of them??? Do they look much different when growing them side by side?? But anyway nice pics bro!Peace
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians 1
#11966 - 04/11/00 06:16 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Well here's what I can say now, I haven't tripped on either one yet (Cambodians at all, and not this batch of Ecuadors), so all that info will come later.As far as growing, with identical conditions, (PF tek, perlite humidification, 10 gallon aquariams, 5 cakes per terrarium, exposed to 4-6 hours light a day from above), the Ecuadors were way ahead pinning and fruiting, but I believe the Cambodians have now caught up in first flush yield. I don't have the dry grammage yet, as they are in the process of drying. Yield seems about the same, the Cambodian fruits are smaller though, some of the first bunch that grew had very spindly stems, and they grew in loops and swirls (maybe due to light reflecting off of perlite, although the Ecuadors grew straight). I also had a bunch of 'miniature' Cambodians, these fruits matured and the cap opened, etc, but the cap was only a cm in diameter, if that. I did get larger Cambodian fruits too, but not to rival the Ecuadors. So, in summary, the Cambodians grew a few days behind the Ecuadors (could be due to 'weak' syringe, as was from Ryche's first batch). They also grew smaller fruits, some with very thin and windy stems. Overall yields from the first flush were roughly equal. Both look great, and I can't wait to report on their effects.
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11967 - 04/11/00 06:33 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
oh... as a side note, i was flipping through some pictures, and those 'miniature Cambodians' look damn similar to the pics I saw of Pan Cyanescens. Obviously they're not, but if you wanna see what these looks like, check out the pics on www.thehawkseye.com
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11968 - 04/12/00 12:43 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Well as a pseudo-update:I believe (can't know for sure till after the weighing) that the Cambodians first flush has overtaken the Ecuadors yield wise. The Ecuadors second flush seems to be producing fewer, larger shrooms than the first flush. P.S. The jars were incubated at 86 degrees Fah, and fruited at 70 degrees.
Registered: 12/14/99
Posts: 248
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11969 - 04/12/00 05:07 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Now its time for that potency report... Got any spare time this weekend? I think you should chomp 5 grams of those cambodians!
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11970 - 04/12/00 05:38 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
another_dimension, did you keep the cakes on the perlite during the fruiting stage, or did you keep them off the surface with a lid or something?------------------ http://www.angelfire.com/md/artie
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Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11971 - 04/13/00 03:42 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Fried Brains
Registered: 12/21/98
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Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11972 - 04/13/00 04:16 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Hey WAY TO GO ! Next time try casing, your shrooms will be even bigger.Mix your cakes with cow manure and you will get giants.------------------ Close your Eyes and look deep within yourself, Listen to the voice of your heart. In this calm place, you know what magic is.
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11973 - 04/13/00 04:19 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
>>Now its time for that potency report... >>Got any spare time this weekend? I think >>you should chomp 5 grams of those >>cambodians! That was the plan (this weekend that is, not 5 g's), but unfortunately i'm getting fucked hard by most everything, so plans are delayed until next weekend. Only the Equadors are ready for consumption, so they'll be going first most likely, although the Cambodians might if they hurry up drying. My dessicant chamber seems to be drying extremely slowly, it takes like a week to thoroughly dry the shrooms out (not quite even cracker dry), so is it necessary to dry them out by some other method somewhat before throwing them in the dessicant chamber? >>another_dimension, did you keep the cakes >>on the perlite during the fruiting stage, >>or did you keep them off the surface with >>a lid or something? directly on the perlite, perlite is extremely wet, but no fatasses have resulted. >>Next time try casing, your shrooms will be >>even bigger.Mix your cakes with cow manure >>and you will get giants. last time i tried casing nothing grew for weeks and was finally lost to contamination... i think the mycelium went into hybernation or something. anyway... i decided to get much more experience growing before i tackle casing again.
[This message has been edited by another_dimension (edited April 13, 2000).]
Registered: 12/14/99
Posts: 248
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11974 - 04/13/00 04:42 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Another Dimension you should ad more dessicant to your drying chamber it will speed things up..... just add a shit load in a big kitty litter pan with a screen wrapped around it in a see through plastic bag tied up... it should only take a few days bro.Peace
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11975 - 04/13/00 05:52 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
If I could interject a few comments. I've been growing for a while, just small scale for myself and with PF's amazonian fatass strain. The Cambodians that I picked up seemed spindly compared to these on cakes, but this is my second attempt with them (I was too lazy this time b/c I was sick and didn't feel like casing). My first attempt with cambodians I colonized a straw 8x8" tray about 2.5" deep and the cambodians grew nicely, about 6-7", 3/4" stems and 1.5" caps (veil not broken). 2.5 grams each for a friend of mine gave us both very energetic trip, not introspective at all. A bowl of KB between us kicked the visuals in a little (3-D mother-of-pearl surfaces/ faces on a wall and on wood) but there were no flowing wood grains that I've experienced on 3.5 grams of amazonians. On the growing, 3 cakes took the tray in about a week, and then the first flush was had about 2 weeks after that, no casing, just straight straw. they were grown in a sterlite container w/ pearlite, gas exchange via a fish tank bubbler and a blacklight for growing direction. I did notice that even the larger cambodians did twist and curve pretty much, but it might be due to the pearlite, as a-d said before. -my 2 centz
Ryche Hawk
A Messenger

Registered: 03/01/01
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Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11976 - 04/13/00 09:23 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Seems like everyone I've talked to or read about that has tried the cambodians all agree on one thing.. they are very energetic, wirey but in a real nice smooth way. Very nice trip, seems like a mushroom high that can be controlled rather easy because they keep you so awake and in tune with the surroundings, well in tune as one can be on shrooms  The cambodians make me want to tune into some techno music and dance!The ecuadors on the other hand are the complete opposite for me and others I've talked with, there a very relaxed.. lazy, almost dreamy high. Couch potatoe mushrooms  -peace-
-------------------- -Peace-
High Quality MUSHROOM SPORES and CULTURES for microscopy at www.muShrooms.com
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Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11977 - 04/14/00 01:26 AM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
"potatoe", Mr Quayle? (yes, that is the correct spelling of our former VP's last name.. maybe that's where he picked up his little "E" problem... sorry, Ryche.. but "potatoe" was too amusing not to mentionagent orange ________________________________ "May the Chowder be with you"
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11978 - 04/15/00 01:23 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Alrighty: here is the dry grammage results of my first flush of mushies.Off of 5 Cambodian cakes: 11.9 g Off of 5 Equadorian cakes: 15.8 g ------------------------------------------- Funny that Dan gets so much crap for that, considering the fact that potatoe is also a correct spelling of potato (they are both in the dictionary!).
Registered: 12/14/99
Posts: 248
Re: Pics of Ecuadors and Cambodians
#11979 - 04/15/00 05:56 PM (24 years, 10 months ago) |
Trip Report! Trip Report!