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Registered: 02/22/02
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spore purchase information
#561892 - 02/24/02 08:07 PM (23 years, 19 hours ago) |
i am planning on getting a print from the net but a few of my friends and family tell me to use a p. o. box cause the police monitor the sell of psychedellic mushroom spores, but i dont have money to get one.is it good to have the print sent to the place i'm growing them?
has anyone ever sent them to thier house and they were fine?

Registered: 01/22/02
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Re: spore purchase information [Re: crashper]
#561900 - 02/24/02 08:15 PM (23 years, 19 hours ago) |
The canines in my area all use P.O. boxes because they are so paranoid but...to my knowledge...many people get prints and syringes shipped to their houses because they are for RESEARCH ONLY, right? NOBODY here EVER actually grows them...what the fuck?
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Re: spore purchase information [Re: crashper]
#561903 - 02/24/02 08:18 PM (23 years, 19 hours ago) |
-------------------- Cultivation Laws Of America Suck
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Re: spore purchase information [Re: GaNjAShRooM]
#561908 - 02/24/02 08:24 PM (23 years, 19 hours ago) |
thanks for the information. my friends are very parinoid which in turns me makes me parinoid.
where would be a good site to purchase a print or syringe?
i have a few in mind but i'm always looking for good deals and more information for my book.
Re: spore purchase information [Re: crashper]
#561931 - 02/24/02 08:44 PM (23 years, 18 hours ago) |
You might feel safer ordering from out of country. But not Europe, many of those packages are checked closely because many contain legally (in country of origin) shipped drugs.
Try the SporeLab in Canada.
Zen Peddler

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Re: spore purchase information [Re: crashper]
#562103 - 02/25/02 01:07 AM (23 years, 14 hours ago) |
If your worried, youd be far safer buying from inisde your own country to make sure that the package does not have to go throught customs/quarantine.
Edited by Zen Peddler (02/25/02 01:08 AM)
Re: spore purchase information [Re: Zen Peddler]
#562362 - 02/25/02 09:23 AM (23 years, 6 hours ago) |
I've sent countless packages over the US/Canada border. Not once has anyone mentioned that their package looked as if it had been opened and inspected.
I've even had a few returned because of wrong addys. These crossed the border BOTH ways without being opened!

Registered: 01/03/01
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Re: spore purchase information [Re: Zen Peddler]
#562365 - 02/25/02 09:25 AM (23 years, 5 hours ago) |
Post deleted by administrator.
-------------------- www.RalphstersSpores.com
For your safety and security, we have a Secure Website.
Also for your security, we will not take your credit card number.
Your security and safety is of utmost importance to us.
Registered: 01/12/02
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Re: spore purchase information [Re: ralphster44]
#562374 - 02/25/02 09:31 AM (23 years, 5 hours ago) |
You mean Canada isnt part of New York? LOL
They dont check shit in or out of Canada. Canadian mail is treated exactly like US mail.

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Re: spore purchase information [Re: SouthernGent]
#562683 - 02/25/02 02:25 PM (23 years, 59 minutes ago) |
Canada is definately NOT part of New York....
It's a completely different State. Heheheh
old hand

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Re: spore purchase information [Re: crashper]
#562690 - 02/25/02 02:34 PM (23 years, 50 minutes ago) |
>>the police monitor the sell of psychedellic mushroom spores
oh shit people crack me up. if youre that worried to believe any of that crap go ahead and NOT grow shrooms; youll prolly end up freaking out or something from severe paranoia.
so the 'police' (not even the DEA or something national or international) monitor EVERY sale and mail trade of mushroom spores so that means they all know at least most of us grow shrooms but sit there and dont do anything about it? theyre probably waiting for me to have a REALLY big flush so hey can get a good bust huh. hahaha
Edited by Thor (02/26/02 01:53 AM)
Re: Another ridiculous statement! [Re: ]
#562703 - 02/25/02 02:42 PM (23 years, 43 minutes ago) |
"You might feel safer ordering from out of country" LOL! Max, you never cease to amaze me.
Edited by boxtop703 (02/25/02 02:44 PM)
Re: An ignorant remark by a newbie wannabee vendor [Re: ]
#563067 - 02/25/02 09:05 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Here in Canada, esp. in BC and the greater Vandsterdam, er, Vancouver area, we are not so involved in the 'War Against Drugs' as in the US. Many people are scared that thier US vendor might get busted and their name traced. Call it paranoia if you want, I know I do but nevertheless, that worry is not so strong when ordering from out of country where the drugs may be legal or not so closely scrutinized by police.
What would you know anyways boxtop, you're a total newbie who willl say anything to display your sig. You contribute absolutely nothing to the shroomery other than your spam. You're typical response to a cult question is 'I agree with the last guy..'

Registered: 11/09/01
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Re: An ignorant remark by a newbie wannabee vendor [Re: ]
#563074 - 02/25/02 09:19 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Oooooooooooooooooh! That's gotta hurt!

Freedom defined is freedom denied.
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Re: Max's self serving post [Re: ]
#563083 - 02/25/02 09:31 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Max, to give advice to someone to have their package pass through customs unnecessarily is just ridiculous. Very self serving on your part don't you think? When someone receives mail from within their own country the only people to handle it are the post office employees. To send it over the border is to subject the package to SCRUTINY. Which is safer?
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Re: Max's self serving post [Re: ]
#563093 - 02/25/02 09:55 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
You all got into a vendor fight didn't you? well, I'd like everyone to know that I live in the US, ordered from Captain Max Mushroom, the package got here just fine, hadn't been tampered with....and Cap'n Max was feeling generous to say the least! THANKS MAX

Registered: 11/09/01
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Re: Max's self serving post [Re: MichShroom]
#563102 - 02/25/02 10:09 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Agree with you. Max gave me an INSANE deal. I guarantee no other vendor would have done for me what he did. It's nice to know that there's atleast one person who's not in it for the cash.

Freedom defined is freedom denied.
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Re: Max's self serving post [Re: Nighted]
#563165 - 02/25/02 11:05 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Lil shop of spores, just send them an order form and quit worrying
If you worry about all the hype about the fuzz you will probably die of
anxiety for nothing. Like the one post above, I believe they are waiting
for that big flush of mine too.roflmfao
TheTruth from Captn Max [Re: ]
#563174 - 02/25/02 11:20 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
You're a total newbie at growing shrooms even boxtop and you have no idea of what you speak.
I've sent countless packages around the world in the past 5 years. Not one person even mentioned that thier package looked as if it had been inspected. I even had a few US orders returned because of wrong addys and these packages crossed the border in both directions without being opened.
Which is safer? Why buying from a vendor who isn't being hunted down by a 'War on Drugs' of course!
Edited by CaptainMaxMushroom (02/25/02 11:22 PM)
Re: ???? [Re: ]
#563187 - 02/25/02 11:29 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Max, I'm not questioning wether or not your customers get what they order. Of course they do. My comments were directed toward your idea that it is "SAFER" to order from outside the country. That is just ludicrous. Btw, either way the USPS is involved. Many more hands touch the package when ordering outside of the country.
Edited by boxtop703 (02/25/02 11:30 PM)