Bulk Mushroom Growing Method Using Millet v1.0
Overview and purpose of this document
This document was created because when I went searching on the Internet for detailed documentation on how to grow mushrooms using a bulk method, I failed to find any that gave specific directions with exact mixture ratios. This is my attempt to provide a step-by-step method with pictures to help you be successful at growing mushrooms. I would like to thank www.sporeworks.com for all their help, as I could not have created this document without their knowledge and expertise.
You have or know how to make a spore syringe
? Quart Canning Jars
? Pressure Cooker
? Aquarium
? Spore Syringe
? Peat Moss
? Crushed Oyster Shell
? Vermiculate
? Millet
? Industrial strength masking tape
? Aluminum foil
? Tupperware containers (at least 3 inches tall)
Optional Materials:
? Hammer
? Hole puncher
? Dust mask
? Latex gloves
Step One: Prepare the canning jars
Sterility is key. Every effort must be made to reduce sources of contamination. Make sure you wash your canning jars before use. That said; punch a hole in the center of your canning jar lids. This will be used later for inoculation. In quart jars, mix 250ml of millet with 130ml of water. Cap and pressure-cook at 15psi for 70mins. I always place a piece of masking tape over the hole in the lid to prevent water from entering. I also place aluminum foil around the top to further ensure that no water enters the jars during pressure-cooking.
Key Observations:
The direction of the sealing lid is important. If you place the seal down, the mycelium will take longer to colonize, however, you reduce your chances of contamination. It?s a trade off of time vs. success.
Step Two: Inculcate the canning jars
After you are finished pressure-cooking, allow the jars to completely cool. This is extremely important!!! I usually let them cool overnight. Remove the aluminum foil and inject about 3 CC?s of fluid into each jar. You can vary how much you inject. The more you inject, the faster the mycelium will grow. Place another piece of masking tape over the hole made by the spore syringe. Place the jars in a dark area and forget about them for a few weeks.
Figure 1: Fully Colonized Millet
Key Observations:
Rumor has it that a dust mask and surgical gloves reduce the chances of contamination. If you can spare a couple of bucks, this might be a worthwhile investment.
Step Three: Transfer the colonized millet into the Tupperware trays
After your canning jars turn completely white (see above), it is time to transfer them into your Tupperware trays. Fill the trays to about with about 2 to 3 inches of millet. Cover the trays with plastic wrap and place in the dark for about 3 or 4 days. This allows the mycelium network to recover. If your Tupperware trays are clear, you should wrap aluminum foil around the edges so that mushrooms do not grow on the sides.
Key Observations:
The dust mask and surgical gloves might help.
Step Four: Prepare the casing mixture
This basic mixture works well for me and usually produces enough casing material to cover one large sized tray to a thickness of 1 inch.
1 1/2 cups vermiculite
1 1/2 cups peat moss
1 cup crushed oyster shell
1 1/4 cup water
Mix these in a large mixing bowl and add to quart sized jars, and pressure cook for 30 minutes at 15psi. Allow the jars to completely cool and add about ? to 1 inch to each tray. Again, cover the trays and place them in a dark area. After about a week, if no mycelium is poking thru, gently mist. After a mycelium is uniformly distributed among on the top, it is time to move on to the last step.
Figure 2: Mycelium Poking Thru
Key Observations:
Don?t wait too long before to move onto the last step. The tray may become contaminated from the water misting.
Step Five: Fruiting
Add your trays to your terrarium. Try and keep the temperature in the low 70?s. Every day or so lightly mist the sides of your terrarium. Remember, exposure to natural light is necessary for the fruiting cycle to begin. After seven to ten days, you should start to see pins starting to grow. I have been told that too much heat in this stage is devastating to the development of the mushrooms; do not overheat your terrarium! I?ll say it again, DO NOT OVERHEAT YOUR TERRITURIUM. After your first flush, you may want to mist the oyster shell / peat moss mixture.
Figure 3: MUSHROOMS!!!
Key Observations:
Did you check your temperature??? J Make sure you keep the air fresh, let your terrarium get fresh air every day or two.
These five steps should have provided incite into the process of growing mushrooms. Hopefully your results will be successful! GOOD LUCK J
Revision History
1.0 ? Initial Draft
To Do
Add more pictures to every stage, anybody have a digital camera? J
You might want to try casings.
-------------------- "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that's your own self. So you have to begin there, not
outside, not on other people" - Aldous Huxley