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Coffeeshops in the UK
    #383240 - 09/01/01 10:38 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

I'm not too sure what to make of this. It'll be interesting to see how this develops.

Take care


Cannabis Culture is proud to be the first news organization to report that United Kingdom marijuana activist Colin Davies and Dutch coffee shop guru Nol Van Schaik will be opening the first marijuana coffee shop in England in September.

Davies and Van Schaik were already allies in the European medical marijuana movement. When major British politicians and officials began openly calling for cannabis decriminalization earlier this year, the pair decided that the UK was ready for a cannabis retail system modeled on the Dutch approach to cannabis sales.

Davies is already famous for giving marijuana to the Queen Mother and Prince Charles, and for twice being acquitted of marijuana cultivation charges. He founded and manages the British Medical Marijuana Cooperative, which provides medpot to a growing number of patients.

Now, Davies is poised to make history.

"Nol and I feel that the time is right to be open and honest about the need for cannabis in England," the soft-spoken Davies said. "We'll be opening the country's first public marijuana shop in mid-September, near Manchester. We're calling it 'The Dutch Experience.' We're going to provide low-cost marijuana to medical users, subsidized by sales to recreational users."

Van Schaik owns and manages three renowned coffee shops in Haarlem, Holland, 20 minutes from Amsterdam.

"I'm helping Colin make this an authentic Dutch experience," Van Schaik explained. "He's got so much heart, and so much good sense, and we're setting up his shop so customers can enjoy the place and get the best marijuana possible for the best prices."

Local authorities where Davies intends to open his shop have given mixed signals concerning cannabis cultivation and sales, but Davies says he isn't worried about government interference.

"We're going to have a grand opening ceremony attended by Wernard Bruining, who created the first Dutch coffee shop, Mellow Yellow. We'll have cannabis activists and patients from across Europe. The police know that juries don't want to find me guilty for cannabis offenses, and that public opinion is solidly against the war on marijuana. Europe is fast moving toward a rational marijuana policy. I'm grateful for Nol's help in bringing the Dutch experience here to England. We're going to have a great time helping a lot of people get the healing herb," he said.

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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Phyl]
    #383886 - 09/02/01 10:13 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)



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OfflineEllis Dee
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Phyl]
    #384525 - 09/03/01 08:43 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Hmm. Opening a coffee shop in the UK seems like a huge waste of money to me. To rent or buy the storefront, stock it, bring in a lot of dope and hash. And then get all the dope confiscated and spend a lot of money on attorneys before being hopfully acquited by jury nullification. Doesn't sound too bright to me. Kind of risky too.

But He sounds like a political activist that would spend all that money and risk jail time just to make a point. And I can't even figure out what point that would be other than that he's not too bright and has a box full of money to waste.

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old hand
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Ellis Dee]
    #384537 - 09/03/01 09:11 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

I don't know if you've been following the recent developments in the UK, but if there was ever a chance of opening a coffeeshop in the UK and getting away with it, it is now.

Cannabis has been officially decriminalised in areas of London, and this has unofficially stretched over much of the UK. This was originally poposed by the police, and they openly support the scheme. A large majority of the population also supports decriminalisation or full legalisation. The police understand that for cannabis decriminalisation to be effective, supplies of the drug have to be available to those who choose to use it from somewhere other than dealers.

I think it's very feasable that the police will turn a blind eye to the shop as there are already many unofficial coffeeshops around the country (unofficial meaning they allow people to smoke in there, but do not sell the cannabis themselves - there are on site dealers who do that), and this shop will be removing profits from the criminals and re-routing them into medical marijuhana operations, which many people support. Because of this, I think there would be a slim chance of any convictions being brought against the owner. He has already been found not guilt of marijuhana cultivation twice for his medical marijuhana operations.

It's mostly intersting from a people vs the government standpoint. There has recently been a HUGE political debate about the legaisation of drugs, especially cannabis, and although the government hasn't officially changed it's party-line on the issue, many individuals from all parties have recently 'come out' as having used cannabis recrationally, and openly given their support to leaglisation. If the government were to force the closure of this shop, they would risk upsetting a huge majority of their voters, and I'm really not sure they would be willing to risk that.

After all in Holland, someone originally had to take the initiative to open a coffeeshop. It's not something you can apply for permission to do, as even in Holland they are officially illegal.

Take Care

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OfflineEllis Dee
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Phyl] * 1
    #384581 - 09/03/01 10:40 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Wow. It would be really neat if he gets away with it. I know that about a year or two ago someone opened a coffeeshop that served 'spacecake' that operated for 14 minutes before it was raided by British authorities. The activists that ran it claimed it made history and said 'maybe the next one could stay open for 20 minutes'. I'm aware that a certain parts of London cannabis posession was decriminalized as an experiment. It has resulted in people smoking out in the open and flaunting marijuana in front of authorities and some youths having the nerve to actually ask the cops to light their bowl for them. But I was under the impression that smoking in the open and selling were widely frowned upon. It's an interisting experiment, I hope it goes favorably for the pro-cannabis folks over there. I wish the USA and Canada would reconsider drug prohibition, maybe they will if western europe and the UK decriminalize or legalize, like the domino effect, sort of.

Take care, RG

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do."-King Solomon

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Ellis Dee]
    #385388 - 09/04/01 09:40 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Smoking in publick is frowned upon. Whenever I see someone smoking in public I give them a huge frown and then a middle finger. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA; the kids ask the cops for a light. I have always wanted to blow a huge cloud of smoke into a pigs face and laugh once cannabis becomes legalized.... going down to the circle K to get a pack of NL's.

And canada is on the brim of legalization. I think they have a coffe shop somewhere in BC but that could just be a medical club like in california.

I sure hope the shop stays open and runs those evil drug dealers out of biz.

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OfflineEllis Dee
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: tom]
    #387598 - 09/07/01 12:03 AM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Looks like the coffee shop will be opening September 15th, 2001 in the city of Stockport, a suburb of Manchester. Go here for the story: http://www.overgrow.com/articles/11 . The queen has vowed to attend too, for medical purposes, of course...

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do."-King Solomon

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Phyl]
    #390212 - 09/10/01 12:35 PM (23 years, 4 months ago)

Just to clarify for anyone interested - this new cafe is not the first of it's kind in the UK, as there was a cannabis cafe opened down my way in Brighton in 1993.  Needless to say it was immediately shut down by the pigs...

I agree that this guy is a political activist... I mean handing the Queen a bouguet of weed... :smile:  80lb balls... !!

- Ev.
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Ellis Dee]
    #16819414 - 09/09/12 07:57 PM (12 years, 4 months ago)


Rail_Gun said:

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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: MEEZIE]
    #27334706 - 06/04/21 03:26 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)

This thread sucks.

Is weed legal in the uk?


Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Psalm 12:6
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Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
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Humble Student

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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Shiithead]
    #27334707 - 06/04/21 03:29 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)


Shiithead said:
Is weed legal in the uk?

If you even have to ask that question, you have no place asking it, IMO. It shows a person to be a complete ignoramus to come onto a forum about drugs and say something like that IMO.

I mean seriously, how lazy can you get?


Let it be seen that you are nothing. And in knowing that you are nothing... there is nothing to lose, there is nothing to gain. What can happen to you? Something can happen to the body, but it will either heal or it won't. What's the big deal? Let life knock you to bits. Let life take you apart. Let life destroy you. It will only destroy what you are not.
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Jokeshopbeard]
    #27334712 - 06/04/21 03:33 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)

Hey man, I don't know. It's a yes or no question.


Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Psalm 12:6
The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Revelation 3:11
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

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InvisibleOle Field Trashe
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Jokeshopbeard] * 3
    #27334713 - 06/04/21 03:33 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)

who pissed in your cheerios, mate?


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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Ole Field Trashe]
    #27334717 - 06/04/21 03:39 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)


Ahab McBathsalts said:
who pissed in your cheerios, mate?

That numpty above you, mate.

I mean come on, all laughing and jokes aside, can you really excuse that laziness?

Let it be seen that you are nothing. And in knowing that you are nothing... there is nothing to lose, there is nothing to gain. What can happen to you? Something can happen to the body, but it will either heal or it won't. What's the big deal? Let life knock you to bits. Let life take you apart. Let life destroy you. It will only destroy what you are not.
--Jac O'keeffe

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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Jokeshopbeard]
    #27334924 - 06/04/21 07:41 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)

I pray every day that it becomes legalized  before I move there.....I've spoiled myself by going to the dispensaries  :/

I think, therefore.....I'm still thinking.....(this account is automated, all posts related to illegal activities or advice thereof are strictly from numerous online sites and are for informational purposes only)- Circa 2011
Ban lotto

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InvisibleTexas Honey Babger
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Ole Field Trashe]
    #27334946 - 06/04/21 07:54 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)


Ahab McBathsalts said:
who pissed in your cheerios, mate?


Shiithead had a question, and took the opportunity to interact with the community.  Wtf...


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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: Texas Honey Babger]
    #27334984 - 06/04/21 08:40 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)

this thread is 19 years old, as if it's still illegal :judyfacepalm:

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Strange R
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: druqs]
    #27335033 - 06/04/21 09:43 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)

That's the beauty of it.


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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: tyrannicalrex]
    #27335049 - 06/04/21 09:50 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)


tyrannicalrex said:
That's the beauty of it.

like a bag of minge flavoured crisps?

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Strange R
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Re: Coffeeshops in the UK [Re: druqs]
    #27335060 - 06/04/21 09:59 AM (3 years, 7 months ago)


I'd rather have crisp flavoured minge.


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