Hi, I have Pernell's book. I also have over three books on drugs and mushroomms and three filing cabinets filled with articles photographs and papers of other shroomers.Those books there are ones I usually refer to when answering simple questions.
I also have a complete set of High Times from the first issue until 1986. and various mushrooms 8ssues published after 1986.
I also have the foloowing drug magazines, High-Life, Head, HomeGrown, Flash, Paraphenalia and Dealer and several other drug orientated magazines which only lasted a few years and many journals.
Here is a suggested reading list of books pertaining to the sacred mushrooms.
High, here are some excellent books on Entheogenic Mushrooms.
Many are available through RaverBooks.com, Amazon.com and/or Mind Books.
SUGGESTED READING LIST Allen, J. W. 1997 [1976]. Magic Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. Psilly Publications and RaverBooks, Seattle, Washington. 12 color photos.(This is the longest sellin book on magic mushrooms)
Allen, J. W. 1998. Magic Mushrooms of the Hawaiian Islands. Psilly Publications and RaverBooks. Seattle, Washington. Color Photos.
Allen, J. W. 1997. Mar?a Sabina: Saint Mother of the Mushrooms. Psilly Publications and RaverBooks. Seattle, Washington. (Soon a new enlarged revised edition. Fall 1999)
Allen, J. W. 1997. Teonan?catl: Ancient and Shamanic Mushroom Names of Mesoamerica and Other Regions of the World. Psilly Publications and RaverBooks. Seattle, Washington.
Allen, J. W. 1999. Magic Mushrooms of Australia and New Zealand. Www.erowid.org/library/books_online/magic_mushrooms_aunz.shtml. Copyright 1999 by John W. Allen and Erowid. (Online Hard Copy at erowid.org)
Allen, J. W. 2000 [1979-1981]. Safe-Pik Mushroom Identification Guide. Publishers: Frank and Cheeri Rinaldo. Reprionted 2000 by John W. Allen and Erowid. Introduction by Andrew Weil. 80 Colored photographs. (Online hard copy at erowid.org).
Allen, J. W. 2000. Mushroom Pioneers: R. Gordon Wasson, Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hofmann, Timothy Francis Leary and Others. Psilly Publications and RaverBooks. Seattle, Washington. Over 50 Photographs. Edited by Jonathan Ott with a forewoard by David Tatelman of Homestead Book Co.(IN PRESS, Summer-fall 2000).
Allen, J. W. and J. Gartz. 1997. Magic Mushrooms in Some Third World Countries. Psilly Publications and RaverBooks. Seattle, Washington. Available soon in German language edition.
Allen, J. W. and J. Gartz. 2000. Psilocybian Mushroom Cultivation: A Brief History Regarding the Contemporary Cultivation, Marketing and Use of Psilocybian Fungi. Psilly Publications and RaverBooks. Seattle, Washington. With 75 photographs. Winter-Spring year 2000-2001 (Edited by Jonathan Ott.
Allen, J. W., M. D. Merlin and J. Gartz. 2000. Teonanac?tl: A Bibliography of Entheogenic Mushrooms. (In preparation)with a forward by Jonathan Ott.
Enos, L. 1973. A Key to the North American Psilocybe Mushroom. Youniverse Press. Lemon Grove California.
Estrada, A. 1976. Maria Sabina: Her Life, Her Chants. An Autobiography. Ross-Erikson. California.
Friedman, S. A. 1987. Celebrating the Wild Mushroom. Dodd, Mead and Co. New York.
Furst, P. T. 1986. Psychedelic Fungi. Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs. Chelsea House Publishing. New York.
Gartz, J. 1997-98. Magic Mushrooms Around the World: A Scientific Journey Across Cultures and Time. The case for Challenging Research and Value Systems. Translated from the German language masterpiece "Narremschwammer" by C. Taake.
Guzm?n, G., Allen, J. W. and J. Gartz. 2000. A Worldwide Geographical Distribution of the Neurotropic Fungi, An Analysis and Discussion. And. Civ. Musei. Di, Rovereto, Italy. (In press).
Hofmann, A. 1980. LSD My Problem Child. McGraw-Hill. New York.
LaBarre, Weston. 1970. The Ghost Dance: The Origins of Religion. Doubleday. Garden City.
Leary, T. 1968 High Priest. University Press. World. New York.
Leary, T. 1983. Flashbacks: A Personal and Cultural History of an Era. J. P. Tarcher Inc. Los Angeles.
Lincoff, G. and D. H. Mitchell (Eds.). 1980. Toxic and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York.
McKenna, T. 1993. Food of the Gods: The Search for The Original Tree of Life. Bantam Books. New York.
Menser, G. 1977 [1991]. Hallucinogenic and Poisonous Mushroom Field Guide. And/or Press. Berkeley, California. Re-issued as Magikal Mushroom Handbook. Homestead Book Co. Seattle, Washington.
Ott, J. 1976 [1979]. Hallucinogenic Plants of North America. Wingbow press. Berkeley, California.
Ott, J. 1993. Pharmacotheon: Entheogenic Drugs, Their Plant Sources and History. (see pp273-319. Natural Products Co. Kennewick, Washington.
Ott, J. and J. Bigwood (Eds.). 1978. Teonanacatl: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms of North America. Madrona Press. Seattle, Washington.
Reidlinger, T. J. (ed.). 1990. The Sacred Mushroom Seeker: Essays for R. Gordon Wasson. Dioscorides Press. Portland, Oregon.
Rumack, B. and E. Saltzman (Eds.). 1978. Mushroom Poisoning: Diagnosis and Treatment. CRC Press. West Palm Beach, Florida.
Sanford, J. 1966. In Search of the Magic Mushroom. Clarkson N. Porter. New York.
Schultes, R. E. 1978. Hallucinogenic Plants. A Golden Garden Guide. Golden Press. New York.
Schultes, R. E. and A. Hofmann. Plants of the Gods. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.
Stafford, P. 1992. Psychedelic Encyclopedia. J. P. Tarcher, Inc. Los Angeles.
Stamets, P. 1978. Psilocybe Mushrooms and Their Allies. Homestead Book Co. Seattle, Washington.
Stamets, P. 1996. A Field Guide to Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World. Ten Speed Press. Berkeley, California.
Wasson, R. G. May 13, 1957. Life magazine. Seeking the MAgic Mushroom.
Wasson, R. G. 1980. The Wondrous Mushroom: Mycolatry in Mesoamerica. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.
Weil, A. 1972. The Natural Mind: A New Way of Looking at Drugs and the Higher Consciousness. Houghton Mifflin. Boston, Ma.
Weil, A. 1980. Marriage of the Sun and Moon. Houghton Mifflin. Boston, Ma.
Have a good day.
[This message has been edited by mjshroomer (edited July 07, 2000).]