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Re: To increase potency
#276722 - 03/22/01 06:54 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
yes I did case them with verm and I got pretty good 2nd 3rd and 4th flushes. I tend to shy away from 50/50+ because, (and I know I'll get some flak for this) it tends to be more contaminet pron. but that has just been my experiences. Casing with verm is the safest way to avoild contams but one must becareful not to over wet it.
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Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#276974 - 03/22/01 08:01 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
casing with straight verm is much easier, and the contams do tend to stay away alot longer. what i usualy do is pre mix my 50/50+ and put it in a ziplock bag with a water/h202 solution and let it sit. then right after i case i use this same solution and spray the casing layer a good twenty times or so. i have never had a prob with contams with 50/50+ from then on out.
oh im not trying to give you flak, im just trying to help you be able to take advantage of growing on 50/50+ much easier.
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-------------------- "One toke you poor fool...wait til you see those god damned bats."

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Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#277019 - 03/22/01 08:55 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
these type of threads are garbage, you cannot measure potency. there are too many uncontrolable variables to take intro account, but i guess such a experienced mycologist would know that.
plus dosen't PS use rye grains only as spawn, then transfers them to a compost mixture. I really don't remmeber seeing anything about brf/verm spawn there, so i guess rye gr should not be used as substrate but spawn. Although it's been a while since i read the book, so i could be wrong.
"Casing with verm is the safest way to avoild contams" if you don't use a much better casing mix just because you get contams, well i guess we see your experience here. Usually people who grow for 17+yrs would have already mastered the contam. problem.
If anyone is actualy interested in increasing "potency" do a search, i believe there have been a few studies done.
oh yeh and i really have no intentions of making a journal of growing parameters and resulting yields, mainly because this is more like a hobby to me, since potency cannot be directly measured at home and i have never had a problem with yield i really don't see any benifits from making a journal.
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Registered: 03/18/01
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Re: To increase potency [Re: hubertd8]
#277121 - 03/22/01 11:44 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
dude, what is your problem? do you have nothing better to do but hang around and flame everybody who posts on here? If this is such a hobby for you growing that is then doing a little experiment should be up your alley. And what I said about the 50/50+ I meant was...that it is more pron to contams. what I do is look for eaiser ways of doing things with the less hassle. I never said it didn't work, just that I would rather not deal with it because it is more of a pain. Now if you said you tried something and it worked for you I wouldn't come on here and call it garbage and cut you down. I would go and try it for my self to see if it worked for me. And there is away to measure potency in a rough manner, if you had read Paul Stamets book like you claimed you have then you would also know this. And just because I have been growing 17 years plus, I never said I was an expert, you just assumed that. After working with soooo many different things I prefer to stick with BRF and a verm casing. after awhile a person can get totally burnt out jumping from one tek to the other. I never said nobody's else's tek didn't work. But, if you have been growing for any length of time YOU should know this as well. so next time before you flame someone, why don't you go and do alittle experiment yourself before you claim what works and what doesn't. All things have room for improvement. what may work for me real well may not work for you, but it doesn't mean it won't are don't work. And I think most people here will agree. OK so go bother some one else for awhile and stop worry about what I'm saying. If ya don't like it don't read it duhh! And another thing if your so smart then how come you never post anything to help people on feed back and stuff? maybe because all you can do is run around here bugging people!
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Registered: 03/18/01
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Re: To increase potency [Re: WhereAbouts]
#277122 - 03/22/01 11:46 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
whereabouts, thanks for the info. it sounds like agood one to try out.
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Re: To increase potency [Re: hubertd8]
#277123 - 03/22/01 11:48 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
one more thing herbertd8, I offered you a challenge to prove me wrong, I thought you would be man enough to take me up on it. but I guess I was wrong. or are you just to lazy to go see for yourself??
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Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#277129 - 03/23/01 12:07 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
ok mr herbertd8, i'll make it a little easier for you. go find your book "Psilocybin mushrooms of the world" by Paul Stamets and read these excerpts chapter 5 page 35 paragraph 2, page 37 paragraph 4, page 38 paragraph 3, page 41 paragraph 4 and if you pay real close attention you will see that P. cubensis can achieve a base line psilocybin content of 1% (similar to psilocybe semilanceata). but this entirely depends on what the mushroom is grown on (brown rice), it's age at maturity (young), it's sporulation cycle (pre-sporulation), and the way it is harvested and preserved (cool dried). SO BEFORE YOU TELL ME I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. GO TRY IT FOR YOURSELF!
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Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#277140 - 03/23/01 01:22 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
actually it was you who claimed to be an expert, remember that other thread about your site?
"what I do is look for eaiser ways of doing things with the less hassle"
well if you don't want a better product then i guess this is the way to go, 50/50+ has been proven by many more experienced growers then myself to be superior to straigh verm.
"And another thing if your so smart then how come you never post anything to help people on feed back and stuff? maybe because all you can do is run around here bugging people!"
well i won't comment on this too much since your new here, but i try to help out as much as i can, i really can't see how you can claim i just bug people if you just registered here. this thing with you is just a side project, usually i try to help people out, and unlike you i don't post repetative crap. Why not check out that great search function on your screen, this topic has been covered numerous times, by people who are a great deal more intelligent then you.
"one more thing herbertd8, I offered you a challenge to prove me wrong, I thought you would be man enough to take me up on it. but I guess I was wrong. or are you just to lazy to go see for yourself??"
"man enough" lol, thats about the funniest shit i heard all day. First you bitch that i bother you and now you want me to try and prove you wrong, i'm so confused.
Plus everyone is still waiting for those pics of indoor grown liberty caps, when can we expect those taz?
-------------------- "There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."
Bertrand Russell
Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#277141 - 03/23/01 01:27 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Yes taz, I agree with you after awhile you get burnt out on all different teks and substrates, this is true..... in my experience birdseed has proven to put out the most potent shrooms and best flushes, but it often has bacterial problems,, in my enviroment,, but I have found a good variation which includes birdseed and brown rice + flax... this is all I really use nowadays, it is a great substrate and more people should try it out.. it has the nutrition of the 'hawk magic', and the ease of the 'pf formula', try it and tell me what you think.......
mix well-
2 parts brown rice flour
2 parts finch seed flour (ground finchseed)
1 part ground flax seed (meal)
mix with regular PF-TEK verm/water ratio
we'll call it the PF+ j/k
Re: To increase potency [Re: Anonymous]
#277145 - 03/23/01 01:38 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Oh, another cool thing about birdseed (straight birdseed), is that when your substrate is spent and flushes no longer, you can make TEA out of it that actually tastes GOOD, unlike vermiculite containing substrate >yhaaack<. And very potent too might I add.

Registered: 02/13/01
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Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#277147 - 03/23/01 01:47 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
I am going to read those books, but what's the main purpose for psylocibin in the shroom? According your sayings it can be an extra molecule besides cellulose, and I suppose also chitin. But when producing more psylicibin isn't that causing more cellulose to be formed?? And would give bigger shrooms?
If psylocibin is formed by a process on it's own.....than you might be right!
Rolling, smoking!!!
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Re: To increase potency [Re: paddoholland]
#277163 - 03/23/01 02:39 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Registered: 03/18/01
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Re: To increase potency [Re: hubertd8]
#277302 - 03/23/01 10:44 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
the only thing i'm going to say herbert is that I've been coming to the schroomery and surfing around along time. just because I just signed up to post stuff doesn't mean I'm new to the post boards. And I know how hard lib caps are tp grow. I know it well. but it can be done, and I agree it is alot more work than it's worth, but being a hobbiest, I find it a challenge, and acutally, people who grow have either 2 goals in mind either more potent are more schrooms. And if a person is looking to grow more potent mushrooms any experienced grower will tell you not to use a casing at all. All a casing does is introduce more water into the cakes, if that casing gets any kind of mold are bact. some are mostly invisible, the schrooms will drink the tokin and make a person sick. but I guess you already knew this right? the power is in the substrate and not the casing, but you should also now this as well, don't you? Once again all casing works to achieve the main purpose which is reintroducing water back into the substrate.
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Re: To increase potency [Re: Anonymous]
#277304 - 03/23/01 10:50 AM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
ok Pavlov's dog, I admit I have never tried that tek, but I will write that down and go try it. of course it will be awhile before I see the result but I'll do the experiment anyway. And if what you say is true (and I'm not say it is not) then I'll come on here and say so. I have heard alot about bird seed but never tried it. but I'll try it out and see for myself. I'll run it right next with the BRF and try it out. thanks
-------------------- "Most of the world's problems are caused by people taking things that do not belong to them..."
Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#277341 - 03/23/01 12:14 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
Gee wiz, all a casing does is introduce more water into the substrate!!!!! Gee wiz, I've been wasting all my time then.
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Re: To increase potency [Re: ]
#277392 - 03/23/01 02:15 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
no you haven't, if your trying to increase yield cassing is the way to go .
-------------------- "Most of the world's problems are caused by people taking things that do not belong to them..."
Re: To increase potency [Re: Taz]
#277423 - 03/23/01 03:03 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
That was a joke!!!!!
Registered: 03/21/01
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Re: To increase potency
#277460 - 03/23/01 03:46 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
I agree.
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 16
Re: To increase potency [Re: Anonymous]
#277463 - 03/23/01 03:49 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
I'm going to try that!
old hand
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Re: To increase potency [Re: wiggy]
#277471 - 03/23/01 04:00 PM (23 years, 10 months ago) |
In reply to:
I am going to read those books, but what's the main purpose for psylocibin in the shroom? According your sayings it can be an extra molecule besides cellulose, and I suppose also chitin. But when producing more psylicibin isn't that causing more cellulose to be formed?? And would give bigger shrooms? !
there is so little psilocybin in the mushrooms if looked at on the larger scale. Increasing psilocybin cannot be done naturally, because as of yet, we don't know what the hell it does for the mushroom. I believe it's there because evolution knows that psilocybin = species success. Why? Because we cultivate them. We're attracted to psilocybin, thus psilocybe cubensis has become one of the most abundant mushrooms throughout the planet.