light isn't big factor you actually need very little but i just wanted to make sure they were getting some light to initiate pinning (usually the rule is if you can see them than there is enough light)it might be to late to case, im not exactly sure on that question (try starting a new topic on that)
yes you should turn it right side up that will make them grow the right way
your temp sounds a little high for that strain try lowering the temp to apox 68-72 deg.(approx room temp) it may help initiate pinning then once you have pinns try uping the temp a bit
you souldn't have to rehydrate the cake isn't very old and if you do case the casing material should be moist enough where that is not a problem
a good way to tell your humidity it to look at the water collecting on the side of terr. if there is almost no water or a very lite misting your hum. is to low and if there is water running down the sides every few seconds then it is to high, proper humidification usually has water collected on the side of there terr. with a few drips every couple minutes or so
"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see"
Sir. Twinkus