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Stoned_Myconaut's Outdoor Grow Tek (Southern Style)

This Tek is predominantly a revision to the grammatically incorrect Moe's Outdoor Growing Tek.

This Tek is predominantly a revision to the grammatically incorrect Moe's Outdoor Growing Tek, sorry Moe, but articulation isn't your strong suit. Regardless, with this Tek you'll be able to construct your own 4x8' outdoor fungi garden. This Tek is wrote and recommended for southern mycologists, as the weather is more conducive.

Some preliminary notes:

Outdoor fungi growing is best achieved when the weather is between 50 and 90 degrees, with relatively high humidity.

Let's begin the Tek:

  • A large trash can
  • Circular Saw
  • Composted Cow Manure
  • Four fully colonized 1 Quart  Jars
  • Hammer
  • Hay
  • Nails
  • One roll of black plastic wrap
  • Peat Moss
  • Plywood, 2 sheets 4x8'
  • Staple Gun
  • Tape Measure
Assuming that you have obtained all of the above mentioned supplies, begin this project by choosing an ideal location for the fungi bed. Shaded areas are preferable, as long as the suns rays reach the area somewhat during the day.

O.k., so now you've chosen the area for the fungi bed, let's build your garden.

Lie the first sheet of plywood on a surface suitable for cutting, measure 6" in towards the center of the wood on all sides. Draw a straight line inside of your measurements, if done correctly, you should have a perfect rectangle 6" from the base all the way around.

Now use your circular saw to cut your line, lengthwise, and widthwise. You should now have 4 pieces of plywood measuring at 6" width each. Take the remaining piece of plywood and cut it lengthwise and in 2" width increments. Set the plywood you just cut to the side.

Now take the whole piece of plywood and lie it flat on the ground. Place two of the 4' strips of plywood directly on the width edges of the whole piece. Nail them down spacing the nails around 3" apart. Now take the 8' strips and do likewise with the length.

After you have done this step, nail the 6" width pieces you cut to the strips, nail at an angle of course. Now you should have a rectangle box, measuring 4'x8'x 6" H.

Now staple the black plastic to the grow box in which you just constructed, this mainly serves to help preserve the box from weathering.

Take your trashcan and fill it half way with water, then place the hay inside of it, allow to soak for 24 hours.

Now we're ready to do the fun part, I'll illustrate in steps:

  1. Take two of your colonized quart jars and crumble the substrate/spawn in an even layer across the bottom of your grow box.
  2. Now take some of the presoaked hay and cover the substrate generously.
  3. Make a layer of composted cow manure on top of the hay, approximately one inch.
  4. Lightly layer some more hay on top of the composted cow manure.
  5. Now crumble the remaining two colonized quart jars on top of the hay in an even layer.
  6. Now place a layer of peat moss over the substrate layer.

Clean out your trash can and refill it with water.

Now water the grow box, but don't drown it.

Your well on your way to a good outdoor grow.

*As an additional note, one can also use a large rubbermaid, bury it, and use that as the outdoor terrarium. Use some ingenuity and you'll do fine.

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