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Meditating with microdosing
I consider myself a newbie but an oldie, having meditated for something like 50 years but only finding these fascinating mushrooms this year. I've been using Lizard King and Golden Teacher, between .2 and .4 grams, and find that this helps me enter a light trance very easily. I'm not after enlightenment or nirvana just to put myself in a nice space to do my inner work.
My process is to slice up some mushroom, add a lemon, lime or some apple cider vinegar and let it soak for 10 minutes. I then add honey and some hot water for a lovely hot drink. It usually kicks in at around 45 mins and lasts for 1 to 3 hrs depending on how much I've taken.
I'm now in the habit of asking to be provided with the answer to a question I might have. Usually something comes up be it a bodily sensation, a surge of energy (chi) in a chakra or two, a dream-like image or set of images, or a voice that will relate the answer to me. Interestingly I might not remember this until a day or two later.
I took 1 gram once but it just made my head so busy inside that it annoyed the crap out of me, it nearly turned me off doing shrooms. Now that I am comfortable with the micro level I look forward to exploring higher doses sometime in the future - when I have grown and harvested enough to enjoy without worrying that I'll run out.
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