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Amanita phalloides
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- Cap
- Gills
- Stipe
- Spores
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- Systematics
olive green to olive brown, paler towards margin, usually with dark radial fibrils; 5-20 cm; flesh white - greenish yellow beneatch cuticle. Odor neutral - to slightly pungent. Taste mild.
white or slightly yellowish, quite crowded, free.
8-20 x 1-2cm, tapering toward top, hollow when mature, white speckled with greenish gray stripes; white membraneous ring, striate at top; base bulbous with large white membraneous volva. The base of the stipe and volva are often buried in the soil.
Spore print white. Spores white, ovoid to nearly round, smooth, 8-11 x 7-9 µm, amyloid.
Late spring - late autumn; mycorrhizal with broadleaved trees, especially oak, but also under pine and spruce.
Deadly poisonous - contains both phallotoxins and amanitins that
inhibit the production of specific proteins within liver and kidney
cells. Without these proteins, cells cease to function.
The symptoms are nausea, abdominal pain & diarrhea that start from
5 to 24h (up to 3 days according to some sources) after ingestion. These
initial symptoms are followed by a brief period of apparent improvement,
but without treatment, severe liver damage and kidney failure often
result in coma and death that occurs in 10-15% of poisoning cases 7-10
days after ingestion. Lethal dose is approximately 30-50g of fresh
The Death Cap - The World's Most Dangerous Mushroom
Kingdom: fungi; Phylum: Basidiomycota; Subphylum: Basidiomycotina; Class: Homobasidiomycetes; Order: Tricholomatales; Family: Amanitaceae; Genus: Amanita