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Most intense trip of my life on 3g APEs
The night started when I hit up my friend and we decided to take a trip on some shrooms. I had done shrooms a couple times before this but I hadn't really felt any visuals while doing them. I decided to not eat anything and have an empty stomach for when I ate the mushrooms. My friend and I each ate 3 grams each and the trip had begun.
We decided to go on a walk and see if the effects of the shrooms were starting to kick in. We went on the walk but nothing really happened. I felt a very small sensation but nothing really crazy yet(this was only about 30 minutes after we ate the shrooms.) After we finished our walk we decided to go back to my friends house. At this point I was really hungry but my friend didnt really have that much food at his house. This is when we decided to go on a walk again, but this time to go to the store and buy some food. We set off and this is when I really started feeling the effects. As we were walking I had felt amazing and the visuals were starting to kick in. My body felt loose and I was starting to trip. The sidewalk felt like a conveyor belt and as if I was walking by myself.
We finally get to the supermarket, and my friend and I decide to get some rice. We go in the rice aisle and are just overwhelmed with everything. The food smells amazing, everything is so bright and colorful, and this point I had really started to come up. Buying the rice was the most difficult task ever. It felt like I was in a gta mission and my only objective was to buy this rice. However my friend and I just started laughing about the rice since we couldnt decide which to buy. We stood in the same aisle for damn near 10 min just laughing about the rice. At this point the trip was going great. We eventually mustered up the strength to stop laughing and go and buy the rice.
On the walk back to my friends house after the supermarket, I had started to only feel positive energy and never felt so much euphoria before. I had the most confidence ever and was walking without a care in the world. We make it back to my friends house and at this point I still wasn't peaking and we were about a hour and a half into the trip. As my friend was cooking the rice, I went to lay down and listen to Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard. I had never felt so much joy and happiness before and I just started dancing and singing. My friend also was having a good time and while the rice was cooking, he decided to play guitar. He isnt very good but he can play decently. However we were just focused on the guitar and he started playing some masterful tunes. It was so amazing and I was so encapsulated and proud of my friend because it deadass felt like some masterful music. However, the moment was short lived and my friend couldn't do the tune anymore. He started to get frustrated and continued to play the guitar and try and force the tune to come back. I thought nothing off it but I believe this is the point where everything changed.
The rice was finally ready and we sat down to eat. I felt like a child and was just doing random movements, dancing, and starting to see some nice visuals. The walls had this pattern on them and they felt like they were breathing. We were watching the office, and everybody's face was extremely funny to look at. However even though I had finally felt at peace and not have a care in the world I saw my friend look down into the desk grabbing his hair with both his hands. I tried to ask him whats going on. He then started talking about some existential shit and wasnt calming down. He started over analyzing everything he did and was tripping absolute balls. I was also tripping the most I had ever been on mushrooms and it was hard for me to try and calm him down. No matter what I did he kept on thinking about his life and how he isnt good enough. At this point the sun had already set, and the atmosphere just made it worse as all my happiness and joy started to wear off as I no longer enjoyed my trip but worried about my friend. At this point the visuals were absolute insanity. Everything was moving, everything had a pattern and I started to see eyes everywhere. Watching the office was insane. I also had some crazy closed eye visuals. It felt like I was watching trippy videos and optical illusions in my mind.
This is the point where everything had gone off the rails and shit started to get crazy. We finished the rice and I suggested to watch something on TV. My friend was still sitting in the kitchen thinking about whatever, but my efforts for him to try and enjoy the trip with me were useless. I eventually just put something on TV and my friend decides to get up. However he just kept repeating "I feel cold". This started to freak me out because I was no longer sober enough to be able to trip sit him and enjoy my trip. At this point all of my happiness and joy had basically gone away and I started to feel paranoid. He came over and sat down and we just watched linus tech tips because I was so paranoid I had just wanted to put something on. He kept saying he was cold and I didnt know what to do. After watching for a bit, HE LOOKS OVER TO ME WITH THIS FACE THAT HE IS ABOUT TO KILL ME. His jaw is clenched and he is looking at me smiling ear to ear. This shit genuinely freaked me the fuck out. I asked him what was wrong and he just kept doing it. He then said "stop acting so weird" to me. At this point I started to lose my shit and the trip was only getting stronger. At this point I decided that I had to leave or else I wouldn't be able to handle it any longer. I vowed to never drive when on any substance but my friend tripped me out so fucking hard that I left and left about 5 things at his house. I got in my car and I could already tell that it was gonna be hard as shit to drive.
I get in the car and immediately go into drive while parked instead of reversing. I knew that this shit was gonna be hard but I focused so hard on trying to drive. I called my friend up and I told him what happened and he was helping calm me down through the entire drive. On the way home I had to drive on the highway, and I had never been so focused on something in my entire life. Weirdly the trip was still peaking and it felt like it was only getting stronger. The amount of flashing lights from the cars was crazy and it was hard to see at some points. My vision became blurry and if I wasn't on the phone with my friend I think I would have completely hallucinated and crashed. It felt like reality was slipping away from me but I used every inch of my consciousness to stay normal and continue driving. After driving 40 mph on the highway I finally made it home after 30 minutes and had never felt so relieved in my life.
This was honestly the craziest day of my life and I just wanted to share the experience as it was absolutely bonkers for me