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4 grams of Steel Magnolia in a Chocolate Bar
Level 3. Went to happy space but kept feet on the ground.
I had never heard of Steel Magnolias. Per shroomery they come from a wild Mississippi strain discovered in 2011.
I was gifted a choco bar. Could not even taste the fungus. Which is great. No nausea at all, no other digestive issues neither. Took around 45 minutes to really feel the trip begin. I did notice some visuals coming in around 20 to 30 minutes in.
Before things got cranking, I downloaded Family Vacation to have a nice laugh inducing movie. It worked. I did not have hysterical, uncontrolled laughter, but def. found the movie hilarious. About an hour into the movie the neighbor kids came knocking. I did not want them to know I was trippin obviously. I felt totally in control and able to communicate for the most part, just some slight anxiety and attention deficit with racing thought and inability to focus on what the kids were saying. I attribute the anxiety solely to the fact I was not expecting any company that night. Went over to their dads who DEF did not need to know I was tripping. This is now about 1.5 hours after chow down. We talked about snow boarding and every thing was groovy. I dont think he noticed a thing. I left when I was just over 2 hours in.
I headed back home and laid down. I opened up the laptop and watched some 4K visuals with some Pink Floyd for sound. Thats when I hit my groove and things really took off. Hours 3 to 5 I had very fond memories of past girlfriends. I realized how much more I loved one in particular than I ever realized. I have reason to be very sad in life and those reasons never manifested. Only good memories. These thoughts were sprinkled in between traveling through the trippy graphics. I was literally in the graphic, the slow moving patterns was my realm. I was there and wanted to stay there. tI was so peaceful. I started to imagine this is what heaven must be like. I lost track of time, yet still had a sense of time. I had to get up too pee twice and leaving the screen was not like a jolt back to reality nor did it interrupt the experience.
After hour 6 come down was rapid, and very smooth. No headaches nor nausea nor tiredness. Just very relaxed.
The trip was a little more mellow than I was hoping for w 4 grams and was more mental than sensory. A textbook level 3 trip. I prefer a solid level 4 trip, again, always with my feet on the ground if I need to "come back home" quickly for the dogs or something that needs attended to.
Id recommend this strain and dosage to folks fighting depression. Or those with social anxiety, and to those who want to be able to communicate well with fellow psychonauts or other non trippers during the journey. If I had it all to do over again I would eat 5 or maybe even 6 grams and hope for a solid 4 to 4.5 experience. I hope this helps.