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Easy Oven Pasteurization

A pasteurization method for beginners

Here is a pasteurization method for all you beginners out there. I didn't invent it, actually got the method off of Major Millet's tek. Works like a charm. I just hear so many problems with ppl pasteurizing that I decided to post this for those of you who have trouble.

It is tried and tested and works with less contamination factor than most methods out there imho. until you get pasteurization down.

Now, we won't get into arguments about anything here. I know there are bigger and better ways of doing pasteurization. Such as steam with a steam/temp gauge or in a cooler. Many many methods. This is just one method.

I feel this is a fail safe way to pasteurize for even the easiest beginner. It worked so well I have never tried another method since then. This might be a different story if your doing about 20 bulk tubs worth of substrate. You might want a barrel then.

And I know many have the problems with doing it in the oven with smell and such. As long as your dung is dry and composted. The smell will not be anything. The mess is also minimal bc your using a mixing box to mix your substrate. you just rinse out the box when your done. The subs smell like dirt.

Easy Oven Pasteurization


1) a turkey tin from walmart or grocery store

2) some medium grade foil

3) your substrate and some water

4) a sterilite plastic bin for mixing or anything you can use to mix in. a big bucket


1) preheat oven to 170.  some ovens lowest setting are 200. this is ok. set it to 200. ive done it for years at that temp with no problems.

2)take your big bucket and mix up your substrate to just above field capacity. this means, instead of having one drip between your finger when you squeeze the sub in your hand, you have about two drips or a steady flow of water. you want just slightly above field capacity to account for water loss due to evaporation.

3) once you achieve moisture content. stick your sub into the turkey tin. you can compress it as much as you like to fit more subs into the tin. although light and fluffy is how i do it. i actually use these turkey tins as my measuring volume for substrates. its easy to judge that two turkey tins full is one of my single tubs filled to about 3" sub depth with 2 to 3 quarts spawn used. it may vary depending on the size of your fruiting chamber. now, the standard oven will fit 4 turkey tins stacked on top of each other. you may have to pull the metal racks out and leave the bottom rack in place to stack them that high. either way. you can do 2 tubs a day with this. if you want a rotation. get 8 turkey tins. when the first 4 are done. you can easily take those out to cool. then put in your 4 newly mixed subs into the oven for another pasteurizion. allowing you to total 4 bins per day at spawning.

you can hear arguments about this being a small amount of substrate. for personal use its fine. and a 4 tub a week rotation is plenty for yield.

4) cover the turkey tin in foil. then place it in the oven for 2.5 hours minimum. the 30 mins extra is to account for allowing the substrate inner temp to get to 170 degrees. once that happens. then you want to pasteurize for 2 hours solid. pasteurizing any longer has no negative effect other than allowing more evaporation. i used to do 4 hours. but its overkill. 2 works great.

5) once the 2.5 hours is up. allow your subs to cool. take your turkey tin out to your clean area for spawning.

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